// symbol-table.cc // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // // \file // Classes to provide symbol-to-integer and integer-to-symbol mappings. #include "fst/lib/symbol-table.h" #include "fst/lib/util.h" #include <string.h> DEFINE_bool(fst_compat_symbols, true, "Require symbol tables to match when appropriate"); namespace fst { // Maximum line length in textual symbols file. const int kLineLen = 8096; // Identifies stream data as a symbol table (and its endianity) static const int32 kSymbolTableMagicNumber = 2125658996; SymbolTableImpl* SymbolTableImpl::ReadText(const string &filename) { ifstream strm(filename.c_str()); if (!strm) { LOG(ERROR) << "SymbolTable::ReadText: Can't open symbol file: " << filename; return 0; } SymbolTableImpl* impl = new SymbolTableImpl(filename); int64 nline = 0; char line[kLineLen]; while (strm.getline(line, kLineLen)) { ++nline; vector<char *> col; SplitToVector(line, "\n\t ", &col, true); if (col.size() == 0) // empty line continue; if (col.size() != 2) { LOG(ERROR) << "SymbolTable::ReadText: Bad number of columns (skipping), " << "file = " << filename << ", line = " << nline; continue; } const char *symbol = col[0]; const char *value = col[1]; char *p; int64 key = strtoll(value, &p, 10); if (p < value + strlen(value) || key < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "SymbolTable::ReadText: Bad non-negative integer \"" << value << "\" (skipping), " << "file = " << filename << ", line = " << nline; continue; } impl->AddSymbol(symbol, key); } return impl; } void SymbolTableImpl::RecomputeCheckSum() const { check_sum_.Reset(); for (size_t i = 0; i < symbols_.size(); ++i) { check_sum_.Update(symbols_[i], strlen(symbols_[i])+1); } check_sum_finalized_ = true; } int64 SymbolTableImpl::AddSymbol(const string& symbol, int64 key) { hash_map<string, int64>::const_iterator it = symbol_map_.find(symbol); if (it == symbol_map_.end()) { // only add if not in table check_sum_finalized_ = false; char *csymbol = new char[symbol.size() + 1]; strcpy(csymbol, symbol.c_str()); symbols_.push_back(csymbol); key_map_[key] = csymbol; symbol_map_[csymbol] = key; if (key >= available_key_) { available_key_ = key + 1; } } return key; } SymbolTableImpl* SymbolTableImpl::Read(istream &strm, const string &source) { int32 magic_number = 0; ReadType(strm, &magic_number); if (magic_number != kSymbolTableMagicNumber) { LOG(ERROR) << "SymbolTable::Read: read failed"; return 0; } string name; ReadType(strm, &name); SymbolTableImpl* impl = new SymbolTableImpl(name); ReadType(strm, &impl->available_key_); int64 size; ReadType(strm, &size); string symbol; int64 key = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ReadType(strm, &symbol); ReadType(strm, &key); impl->AddSymbol(symbol, key); } if (!strm) LOG(ERROR) << "SymbolTable::Read: read failed"; return impl; } bool SymbolTableImpl::Write(ostream &strm) const { WriteType(strm, kSymbolTableMagicNumber); WriteType(strm, name_); WriteType(strm, available_key_); int64 size = symbols_.size(); WriteType(strm, size); for (size_t i = 0; i < symbols_.size(); ++i) { const string symbol = symbols_[i]; WriteType(strm, symbol); hash_map<string, int64>::const_iterator it = symbol_map_.find(symbol); WriteType(strm, it->second); } strm.flush(); if (!strm) LOG(ERROR) << "SymbolTable::Write: write failed"; return strm; } bool SymbolTableImpl::WriteText(ostream &strm) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < symbols_.size(); ++i) { char line[kLineLen]; snprintf(line, kLineLen, "%s\t%lld\n", symbols_[i], Find(symbols_[i])); strm.write(line, strlen(line)); } strm.flush(); if (!strm) LOG(ERROR) << "SymbolTable::WriteText: write failed"; return strm; } } // namespace fst