<html manifest="resources/subframes-3.manifest"> <body> <p>Test that a subframe with manifest that matches top frame manifest works correctly.</p> <p>In this case, the subframe resource is NOT listed in manifest explicitly.</p> <p>Should say SUCCESS:</p> <div id=result></div> <script> if (window.layoutTestController) { layoutTestController.dumpAsText(); layoutTestController.waitUntilDone(); } function log(message) { document.getElementById("result").innerHTML += message + "<br>"; } function test() { applicationCache.onnoupdate = null; applicationCache.oncached = null; // When a new main resource is associated with the cache, an update should be started. applicationCache.onchecking = function() { log("checking") } var ifr = document.createElement("iframe"); ifr.setAttribute("src", "resources/subframe-3.html"); document.body.appendChild(ifr); } function test2() { window.removeEventListener("message", test2, false); window.addEventListener("message", test3, false); // Add an identical frame, to test that loading its resources from appcache works. var ifr = document.createElement("iframe"); ifr.setAttribute("src", "resources/subframe-3.html"); document.body.appendChild(ifr); } function test3() { log("SUCCESS"); if (window.layoutTestController) layoutTestController.notifyDone(); } applicationCache.onnoupdate = function() { test() } applicationCache.oncached = function() { test() } applicationCache.onupdateready = function() { log("FAIL: received unexpected updateready event") } applicationCache.onerror = function() { log("FAIL: received unexpected error event") } window.addEventListener("message", test2, false); </script> </body> </html>