
function writeMessageToLog(message)
    document.getElementById("console").innerText += message + "\n";

var setupStatements = [
    "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PrivateTest1 (randomData)",
    "INSERT INTO PrivateTest1 VALUES ('somedata')"

var privateBrowsingStatements = [
    "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PrivateTest2 (randomData)",
    "DELETE FROM PrivateTest1",
    "DROP TABLE PrivateTest1",
    "INSERT INTO PrivateTest1 VALUES ('somedata')"

var completed = 0;
var theTransaction;

function setupSuccessFunction(tx, result)
    writeMessageToLog("Setup statement " + completed + " completed successfully");

function setupErrorFunction(tx, error)
    writeMessageToLog("Setup statement " + completed + " completed with an error\n" + error.message);

function privateBrowsingSuccessFunction(tx, result)
    writeMessageToLog("Private browsing statement " + completed + " completed successfully");

function privateBrowsingErrorFunction(tx, error)
    writeMessageToLog("Private browsing statement " + completed + " completed with an error\n" + error.message);

function runSetup(transaction)
    theTransaction = transaction;
    for (i in setupStatements)
        theTransaction.executeSql(setupStatements[i], [], setupSuccessFunction, setupErrorFunction);

function checkSetupComplete()
    if (completed == setupStatements.length)

function runPrivateBrowsingTests()
    completed = 0;

    if (window.layoutTestController)
    for (i in privateBrowsingStatements)
        theTransaction.executeSql(privateBrowsingStatements[i], [], privateBrowsingSuccessFunction, privateBrowsingErrorFunction);

function endTest()
    writeMessageToLog("Test ended");
    if (window.layoutTestController)

function runTest()
    if (window.layoutTestController) {

    var database = openDatabase("PrivateBrowsingReadOnlyTest", "1.0", "Test private browsing read-only safety", 1);
    database.transaction(runSetup, endTest, endTest);

<body onload="runTest();">
This test makes sure that attempts to change the database during private browsing fail.<br>
<div id="console"></div>