#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # This script attempts to find the point at which a regression (or progression) # of behavior occurred by searching WebKit nightly builds. # To override the location where the nightly builds are downloaded or the path # to the Safari web browser, create a ~/.bisect-buildsrc file with one or more of # the following lines (use "~/" to specify a path from your home directory): # # $branch = "branch-name"; # $nightlyDownloadDirectory = "~/path/to/nightly/downloads"; # $safariPath = "/path/to/Safari.app"; use strict; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Spec; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use Getopt::Long; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); sub createTempFile($); sub downloadNightly($$$); sub findMacOSXVersion(); sub findNearestNightlyIndex(\@$$); sub findSafariVersion($); sub loadSettings(); sub makeNightlyList($$$$); sub max($$) { return $_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1]; } sub mountAndRunNightly($$$$); sub parseRevisions($$;$); sub printStatus($$$); sub promptForTest($); loadSettings(); my %validBranches = map { $_ => 1 } qw(feature-branch trunk); my $branch = $Settings::branch; my $nightlyDownloadDirectory = $Settings::nightlyDownloadDirectory; my $safariPath = $Settings::safariPath; my @nightlies; my $isProgression; my $localOnly; my @revisions; my $sanityCheck; my $showHelp; my $testURL; # Fix up -r switches in @ARGV @ARGV = map { /^(-r)(.+)$/ ? ($1, $2) : $_ } @ARGV; my $result = GetOptions( "b|branch=s" => \$branch, "d|download-directory=s" => \$nightlyDownloadDirectory, "h|help" => \$showHelp, "l|local!" => \$localOnly, "p|progression!" => \$isProgression, "r|revisions=s" => \&parseRevisions, "safari-path=s" => \$safariPath, "s|sanity-check!" => \$sanityCheck, ); $testURL = shift @ARGV; $branch = "feature-branch" if $branch eq "feature"; if (!exists $validBranches{$branch}) { print STDERR "ERROR: Invalid branch '$branch'\n"; $showHelp = 1; } if (!$result || $showHelp || scalar(@ARGV) > 0) { print STDERR "Search WebKit nightly builds for changes in behavior.\n"; print STDERR "Usage: " . basename($0) . " [options] [url]\n"; print STDERR <<END; [-b|--branch name] name of the nightly build branch (default: trunk) [-d|--download-directory dir] nightly build download directory (default: ~/Library/Caches/WebKit-Nightlies) [-h|--help] show this help message [-l|--local] only use local (already downloaded) nightlies [-p|--progression] searching for a progression, not a regression [-r|--revision M[:N]] specify starting (and optional ending) revisions to search [--safari-path path] path to Safari application bundle (default: /Applications/Safari.app) [-s|--sanity-check] verify both starting and ending revisions before bisecting END exit 1; } my $nightlyWebSite = "http://nightly.webkit.org"; my $nightlyBuildsURLBase = $nightlyWebSite . File::Spec->catdir("/builds", $branch, "mac"); my $nightlyFilesURLBase = $nightlyWebSite . File::Spec->catdir("/files", $branch, "mac"); $nightlyDownloadDirectory = glob($nightlyDownloadDirectory) if $nightlyDownloadDirectory =~ /^~/; $safariPath = glob($safariPath) if $safariPath =~ /^~/; $safariPath = File::Spec->catdir($safariPath, "Contents/MacOS/Safari") if $safariPath =~ m#\.app/*#; $nightlyDownloadDirectory = File::Spec->catdir($nightlyDownloadDirectory, $branch); if (! -d $nightlyDownloadDirectory) { mkpath($nightlyDownloadDirectory, 0, 0755) || die "Could not create $nightlyDownloadDirectory: $!"; } @nightlies = makeNightlyList($localOnly, $nightlyDownloadDirectory, findMacOSXVersion(), findSafariVersion($safariPath)); my $startIndex = $revisions[0] ? findNearestNightlyIndex(@nightlies, $revisions[0], 'ceil') : 0; my $endIndex = $revisions[1] ? findNearestNightlyIndex(@nightlies, $revisions[1], 'floor') : $#nightlies; my $tempFile = createTempFile($testURL); if ($sanityCheck) { my $didReproduceBug; do { printf "\nChecking starting revision r%s...\n", $nightlies[$startIndex]->{rev}; downloadNightly($nightlies[$startIndex]->{file}, $nightlyFilesURLBase, $nightlyDownloadDirectory); mountAndRunNightly($nightlies[$startIndex]->{file}, $nightlyDownloadDirectory, $safariPath, $tempFile); $didReproduceBug = promptForTest($nightlies[$startIndex]->{rev}); $startIndex-- if $didReproduceBug < 0; } while ($didReproduceBug < 0); die "ERROR: Bug reproduced in starting revision! Do you need to test an earlier revision or for a progression?" if $didReproduceBug && !$isProgression; die "ERROR: Bug not reproduced in starting revision! Do you need to test an earlier revision or for a regression?" if !$didReproduceBug && $isProgression; do { printf "\nChecking ending revision r%s...\n", $nightlies[$endIndex]->{rev}; downloadNightly($nightlies[$endIndex]->{file}, $nightlyFilesURLBase, $nightlyDownloadDirectory); mountAndRunNightly($nightlies[$endIndex]->{file}, $nightlyDownloadDirectory, $safariPath, $tempFile); $didReproduceBug = promptForTest($nightlies[$endIndex]->{rev}); $endIndex++ if $didReproduceBug < 0; } while ($didReproduceBug < 0); die "ERROR: Bug NOT reproduced in ending revision! Do you need to test a later revision or for a progression?" if !$didReproduceBug && !$isProgression; die "ERROR: Bug reproduced in ending revision! Do you need to test a later revision or for a regression?" if $didReproduceBug && $isProgression; } printStatus($nightlies[$startIndex]->{rev}, $nightlies[$endIndex]->{rev}, $isProgression); my %brokenRevisions = (); while (abs($endIndex - $startIndex) > 1) { my $index = $startIndex + int(($endIndex - $startIndex) / 2); my $didReproduceBug; do { if (exists $nightlies[$index]) { my $buildsLeft = max(max(0, $endIndex - $index - 1), max(0, $index - $startIndex - 1)); my $plural = $buildsLeft == 1 ? "" : "s"; printf "\nChecking revision r%s (%d build%s left to test after this)...\n", $nightlies[$index]->{rev}, $buildsLeft, $plural; downloadNightly($nightlies[$index]->{file}, $nightlyFilesURLBase, $nightlyDownloadDirectory); mountAndRunNightly($nightlies[$index]->{file}, $nightlyDownloadDirectory, $safariPath, $tempFile); $didReproduceBug = promptForTest($nightlies[$index]->{rev}); } if ($didReproduceBug < 0) { $brokenRevisions{$nightlies[$index]->{rev}} = $nightlies[$index]->{file}; delete $nightlies[$index]; $endIndex--; $index = $startIndex + int(($endIndex - $startIndex) / 2); } } while ($didReproduceBug < 0); if ($didReproduceBug && !$isProgression || !$didReproduceBug && $isProgression) { $endIndex = $index; } else { $startIndex = $index; } print "\nBroken revisions skipped: r" . join(", r", keys %brokenRevisions) . "\n" if scalar keys %brokenRevisions > 0; printStatus($nightlies[$startIndex]->{rev}, $nightlies[$endIndex]->{rev}, $isProgression); } unlink $tempFile if $tempFile; exit 0; sub createTempFile($) { my ($url) = @_; return undef if !$url; my ($fh, $tempFile) = tempfile( basename($0) . "-XXXXXXXX", DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir(), SUFFIX => ".html", UNLINK => 0, ); print $fh "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; $url\">\n"; close($fh); return $tempFile; } sub downloadNightly($$$) { my ($filename, $urlBase, $directory) = @_; my $path = File::Spec->catfile($directory, $filename); if (! -f $path) { print "Downloading $filename to $directory...\n"; `curl -# -o '$path' '$urlBase/$filename'`; } } sub findMacOSXVersion() { my $version; open(SW_VERS, "-|", "/usr/bin/sw_vers") || die; while (<SW_VERS>) { $version = $1 if /^ProductVersion:\s+([^\s]+)/; } close(SW_VERS); return $version; } sub findNearestNightlyIndex(\@$$) { my ($nightlies, $revision, $round) = @_; my $lowIndex = 0; my $highIndex = $#{$nightlies}; return $highIndex if uc($revision) eq 'HEAD' || $revision >= $nightlies->[$highIndex]->{rev}; return $lowIndex if $revision <= $nightlies->[$lowIndex]->{rev}; while (abs($highIndex - $lowIndex) > 1) { my $index = $lowIndex + int(($highIndex - $lowIndex) / 2); if ($revision < $nightlies->[$index]->{rev}) { $highIndex = $index; } elsif ($revision > $nightlies->[$index]->{rev}) { $lowIndex = $index; } else { return $index; } } return ($round eq "floor") ? $lowIndex : $highIndex; } sub findSafariVersion($) { my ($path) = @_; my $versionPlist = File::Spec->catdir(dirname(dirname($path)), "version.plist"); my $version; open(PLIST, "< $versionPlist") || die; while (<PLIST>) { if (m#^\s*<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>#) { $version = <PLIST>; $version =~ s#^\s*<string>([0-9.]+)[^<]*</string>\s*[\r\n]*#$1#; } } close(PLIST); return $version; } sub loadSettings() { package Settings; our $branch = "trunk"; our $nightlyDownloadDirectory = File::Spec->catdir($ENV{HOME}, "Library/Caches/WebKit-Nightlies"); our $safariPath = "/Applications/Safari.app"; my $rcfile = File::Spec->catdir($ENV{HOME}, ".bisect-buildsrc"); return if !-f $rcfile; my $result = do $rcfile; die "Could not parse $rcfile: $@" if $@; } sub makeNightlyList($$$$) { my ($useLocalFiles, $localDirectory, $macOSXVersion, $safariVersion) = @_; my @files; if ($useLocalFiles) { opendir(DIR, $localDirectory) || die "$!"; foreach my $file (readdir(DIR)) { if ($file =~ /^WebKit-SVN-r([0-9]+)\.dmg$/) { push(@files, +{ rev => $1, file => $file }); } } closedir(DIR); } else { open(NIGHTLIES, "curl -s $nightlyBuildsURLBase/all |") || die; while (my $line = <NIGHTLIES>) { chomp $line; my ($revision, $timestamp, $url) = split(/,/, $line); my $nightly = basename($url); push(@files, +{ rev => $revision, file => $nightly }); } close(NIGHTLIES); } if (eval "v$macOSXVersion" ge v10.5) { if ($safariVersion eq "4 Public Beta") { @files = grep { $_->{rev} >= 39682 } @files; } elsif (eval "v$safariVersion" ge v3.2) { @files = grep { $_->{rev} >= 37348 } @files; } elsif (eval "v$safariVersion" ge v3.1) { @files = grep { $_->{rev} >= 29711 } @files; } elsif (eval "v$safariVersion" ge v3.0) { @files = grep { $_->{rev} >= 25124 } @files; } elsif (eval "v$safariVersion" ge v2.0) { @files = grep { $_->{rev} >= 19594 } @files; } else { die "Requires Safari 2.0 or newer"; } } elsif (eval "v$macOSXVersion" ge v10.4) { if ($safariVersion eq "4 Public Beta") { @files = grep { $_->{rev} >= 39682 } @files; } elsif (eval "v$safariVersion" ge v3.2) { @files = grep { $_->{rev} >= 37348 } @files; } elsif (eval "v$safariVersion" ge v3.1) { @files = grep { $_->{rev} >= 29711 } @files; } elsif (eval "v$safariVersion" ge v3.0) { @files = grep { $_->{rev} >= 19992 } @files; } elsif (eval "v$safariVersion" ge v2.0) { @files = grep { $_->{rev} >= 11976 } @files; } else { die "Requires Safari 2.0 or newer"; } } else { die "Requires Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or 10.5 (Leopard)"; } my $nightlycmp = sub { return $a->{rev} <=> $b->{rev}; }; return sort $nightlycmp @files; } sub mountAndRunNightly($$$$) { my ($filename, $directory, $safari, $tempFile) = @_; my $mountPath = "/Volumes/WebKit"; my $webkitApp = File::Spec->catfile($mountPath, "WebKit.app"); my $diskImage = File::Spec->catfile($directory, $filename); my $devNull = File::Spec->devnull(); my $i = 0; while (-e $mountPath) { $i++; usleep 100 if $i > 1; `hdiutil detach '$mountPath' 2> $devNull`; die "Could not unmount $diskImage at $mountPath" if $i > 100; } die "Can't mount $diskImage: $mountPath already exists!" if -e $mountPath; print "Mounting disk image and running WebKit...\n"; `hdiutil attach '$diskImage'`; $i = 0; while (! -e $webkitApp) { usleep 100; $i++; die "Could not mount $diskImage at $mountPath" if $i > 100; } my $frameworkPath; if (-d "/Volumes/WebKit/WebKit.app/Contents/Frameworks") { my $osXVersion = join('.', (split(/\./, findMacOSXVersion()))[0..1]); $frameworkPath = "/Volumes/WebKit/WebKit.app/Contents/Frameworks/$osXVersion"; } else { $frameworkPath = "/Volumes/WebKit/WebKit.app/Contents/Resources"; } $tempFile ||= ""; `DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=$frameworkPath WEBKIT_UNSET_DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=YES $safari $tempFile`; `hdiutil detach '$mountPath' 2> $devNull`; } sub parseRevisions($$;$) { my ($optionName, $value, $ignored) = @_; if ($value =~ /^r?([0-9]+|HEAD):?$/i) { push(@revisions, $1); die "Too many revision arguments specified" if scalar @revisions > 2; } elsif ($value =~ /^r?([0-9]+):?r?([0-9]+|HEAD)$/i) { $revisions[0] = $1; $revisions[1] = $2; } else { die "Unknown revision '$value': expected 'M' or 'M:N'"; } } sub printStatus($$$) { my ($startRevision, $endRevision, $isProgression) = @_; printf "\n%s: r%s %s: r%s\n", $isProgression ? "Fails" : "Works", $startRevision, $isProgression ? "Works" : "Fails", $endRevision; } sub promptForTest($) { my ($revision) = @_; print "Did the bug reproduce in r$revision (yes/no/broken)? "; my $answer = <STDIN>; return 1 if $answer =~ /^(1|y.*)$/i; return -1 if $answer =~ /^(-1|b.*)$/i; # Broken return 0; }