## ## ## File lists and locations ## ## # # DK_ROOT must be set prior to including common.inc # DK_ROOT = ../../.. # # Includes common definitions and source file list # ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),) include $(M)/common.inc include $(M)/drv_sources.inc else include common.inc include drv_sources.inc endif # # Include directory for Odyssey supplicant files # ifeq ($(BUILD_SUPPL),y) ODD_INC = $(DK_ROOT)/CUDK/Supplicant/odyssey/odSupp/linux/inc else ODD_INC = endif # # OS include paths required for compilation. # OS_INCS = $(DK_ROOT)/platforms/os/linux/inc $(DK_ROOT)/platforms/os/common/inc #OS_INCS += $(DK_ROOT)/stad/src/core/EvHandler $(DK_ROOT)/Test $(DK_ROOT)/platforms/hw/host_platform_$(HOST_PLATFORM)/linux OS_INCS += $(DK_ROOT)/stad/src/core/EvHandler $(DK_ROOT)/Test $(DK_ROOT)/platforms/hw/linux # # Location and filename of the driver .lib file created by this makefile. # OUTPUT_DIR = $(DK_ROOT)/stad/build/linux OUTPUT_FILE = $(OUTPUT_DIR)/libestadrv.a ## ## ## Build process ## ## ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),) ## ## ## This is the kernel build phase - set the appropriate arguments ## ## # # Adds the current directory as a prefix to all include directories. # EXTRA_CFLAGS += $(addprefix -I$(M)/, $(DK_INCS) $(OS_INCS) $(ODD_INC)) # # Intermediate object name - this should be converted to the appropriate library file # after the kernel makefile finishes its work. # obj-m = tiwlan_drv.o # # List of object files the kernel makefile needs to compile. # tiwlan_drv-y = $(DK_OBJS) else # ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),) ## ## ## This is the regular build phase - act according to the make actions ## ## # # The location of the kernel makefile # KERNEL_DIR ?= # # Build the driver lib file # .PHONY: all all: .depend $(OUTPUT_FILE) # # Prints variables # .PHONY: help help: @echo Default Compilation: PLATFORM=$(PLATFORM) DEBUG=$(DEBUG) INTR=$(INTR) WSPI=$(WSPI) XCC=$(XCC) EXTRA CFLAGS: $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) # # Recursively cleans the driver files. # .PHONY: clean clean: $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_DIR) M=`pwd` ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$(CROSS_COMPILE) clean @rm -f *.o *.a .*.o.cmd *~ *.~* core .depend dep $(DK_OBJS) $(DEPS) # # Causes the library file to get rebuilt. # .depend: rm -f $(OUTPUT_FILE) # # Recursively builds the library file. # $(OUTPUT_FILE): $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_DIR) M=`pwd` ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$(CROSS_COMPILE) modules @$(CROSS_COMPILE)$(AR) rcs $@ $(DK_OBJS) endif # ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)