// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/host_resolver.h"
#include "net/base/load_states.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
namespace net {
class ClientSocket;
class ClientSocketHandle;
// A ClientSocketPool is used to restrict the number of sockets open at a time.
// It also maintains a list of idle persistent sockets.
class ClientSocketPool : public base::RefCounted<ClientSocketPool> {
// Requests a connected socket for a group_name.
// There are four possible results from calling this function:
// 1) RequestSocket returns OK and initializes |handle| with a reused socket.
// 2) RequestSocket returns OK with a newly connected socket.
// 3) RequestSocket returns ERR_IO_PENDING. The handle will be added to a
// wait list until a socket is available to reuse or a new socket finishes
// connecting. |priority| will determine the placement into the wait list.
// 4) An error occurred early on, so RequestSocket returns an error code.
// If this function returns OK, then |handle| is initialized upon return.
// The |handle|'s is_initialized method will return true in this case. If a
// ClientSocket was reused, then ClientSocketPool will call
// |handle|->set_reused(true). In either case, the socket will have been
// allocated and will be connected. A client might want to know whether or
// not the socket is reused in order to know whether or not he needs to
// perform SSL connection or tunnel setup or to request a new socket if he
// encounters an error with the reused socket.
// If ERR_IO_PENDING is returned, then the callback will be used to notify the
// client of completion.
// Profiling information for the request is saved to |load_log| if non-NULL.
virtual int RequestSocket(const std::string& group_name,
const void* params,
RequestPriority priority,
ClientSocketHandle* handle,
CompletionCallback* callback,
LoadLog* load_log) = 0;
// Called to cancel a RequestSocket call that returned ERR_IO_PENDING. The
// same handle parameter must be passed to this method as was passed to the
// RequestSocket call being cancelled. The associated CompletionCallback is
// not run.
virtual void CancelRequest(const std::string& group_name,
const ClientSocketHandle* handle) = 0;
// Called to release a socket once the socket is no longer needed. If the
// socket still has an established connection, then it will be added to the
// set of idle sockets to be used to satisfy future RequestSocket calls.
// Otherwise, the ClientSocket is destroyed.
virtual void ReleaseSocket(const std::string& group_name,
ClientSocket* socket) = 0;
// Called to close any idle connections held by the connection manager.
virtual void CloseIdleSockets() = 0;
// The total number of idle sockets in the pool.
virtual int IdleSocketCount() const = 0;
// The total number of idle sockets in a connection group.
virtual int IdleSocketCountInGroup(const std::string& group_name) const = 0;
// Determine the LoadState of a connecting ClientSocketHandle.
virtual LoadState GetLoadState(const std::string& group_name,
const ClientSocketHandle* handle) const = 0;
ClientSocketPool() {}
virtual ~ClientSocketPool() {}
friend class base::RefCounted<ClientSocketPool>;
// Declaration, but no definition. ClientSocketPool subclasses should indicate
// valid SocketParams via the REGISTER_SOCKET_PARAMS_FOR_POOL macro below, which
// will provide a definition of CheckIsValidSocketParamsForPool for the
// ClientSocketPool subtype and SocketParams pair. Trying to use a SocketParams
// type that has not been registered with the corresponding ClientSocketPool
// subtype will result in a link time error stating that
// CheckIsValidSocketParamsForPool with those template parameters is undefined.
template <typename PoolType, typename SocketParams>
void CheckIsValidSocketParamsForPool();
// Provides an empty definition for CheckIsValidSocketParamsForPool() which
// should be optimized out by the compiler.
#define REGISTER_SOCKET_PARAMS_FOR_POOL(pool_type, socket_params) \
template<> \
inline void CheckIsValidSocketParamsForPool<pool_type, socket_params>() {}
} // namespace net