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Etherboot -  BOOTP/TFTP Bootstrap Program
TLAN driver for Etherboot

 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
 * your option) any later version.

/* to get some global routines like printf */
#include "etherboot.h"
/* to get the interface to the body of the program */
#include "nic.h"
/* to get the PCI support functions, if this is a PCI NIC */
#include "pci.h"
/* to get our own prototype */
#include "cards.h"

	 * TLan Definitions

#define TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE	1600

#define TLAN_NUM_RX_LISTS	32
#define TLAN_NUM_TX_LISTS	64

#define TLAN_IGNORE		0
#define TLAN_RECORD		1

#define TLAN_DBG(lvl, format, args...)	if (debug&lvl) printf("TLAN: " format, ##args );
#define TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL		0x0001
#define TLAN_DEBUG_TX		0x0002
#define TLAN_DEBUG_RX		0x0004 
#define TLAN_DEBUG_LIST		0x0008
#define TLAN_DEBUG_PROBE	0x0010

#define MAX_TLAN_BOARDS		8	 /* Max number of boards installed at a time */

	 * Device Identification Definitions
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_NETELLIGENT_10_T2			0xB012
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_NETELLIGENT_10_100_WS_5100	0xB030
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_OLICOM_OC2183			0x0013
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_OLICOM_OC2325			0x0012
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_OLICOM_OC2326			0x0014
#define TLAN_ADAPTER_NONE		0x00000000
#define TLAN_ADAPTER_BIT_RATE_PHY	0x00000002
#define TLAN_ADAPTER_USE_INTERN_10	0x00000004
#define TLAN_ADAPTER_ACTIVITY_LED	0x00000008
#define TLAN_SPEED_10		10
#define TLAN_SPEED_100		100
#define TLAN_LAST_BUFFER	0x80000000
#define TLAN_CSTAT_UNUSED	0x8000
#define TLAN_CSTAT_FRM_CMP	0x4000
#define TLAN_CSTAT_READY	0x3000
#define TLAN_CSTAT_EOC		0x0800
#define TLAN_CSTAT_RX_ERROR	0x0400
#define TLAN_CSTAT_PASS_CRC	0x0200
#define TLAN_CSTAT_DP_PR	0x0100

	 * PHY definitions

#define TLAN_PHY_MAX_ADDR	0x1F
#define TLAN_PHY_NONE		0x20

	 * TLan Driver Timer Definitions


	 * TLan Driver Eeprom Definitions

#define TLAN_EEPROM_ACK		0

	 * Host Register Offsets and Contents

#define TLAN_HOST_CMD			0x00
#define 	TLAN_HC_GO		0x80000000
#define		TLAN_HC_STOP		0x40000000
#define		TLAN_HC_ACK		0x20000000
#define		TLAN_HC_CS_MASK		0x1FE00000
#define		TLAN_HC_EOC		0x00100000
#define		TLAN_HC_RT		0x00080000
#define		TLAN_HC_NES		0x00040000
#define		TLAN_HC_AD_RST		0x00008000
#define		TLAN_HC_LD_TMR		0x00004000
#define		TLAN_HC_LD_THR		0x00002000
#define		TLAN_HC_REQ_INT		0x00001000
#define		TLAN_HC_INT_OFF		0x00000800
#define		TLAN_HC_INT_ON		0x00000400
#define		TLAN_HC_AC_MASK		0x000000FF
#define TLAN_CH_PARM			0x04
#define TLAN_DIO_ADR			0x08
#define		TLAN_DA_ADR_INC		0x8000
#define		TLAN_DA_RAM_ADR		0x4000
#define TLAN_HOST_INT			0x0A
#define		TLAN_HI_IV_MASK		0x1FE0
#define		TLAN_HI_IT_MASK		0x001C
#define TLAN_DIO_DATA			0x0C

/* ThunderLAN Internal Register DIO Offsets */

#define TLAN_NET_CMD			0x00
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_NRESET	0x80
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_NWRAP	0x40
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_CSF	0x20
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_CAF	0x10
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_NOBRX	0x08
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_DUPLEX	0x04
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_TRFRAM	0x02
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_TXPACE	0x01
#define TLAN_NET_SIO			0x01
#define 	TLAN_NET_SIO_MINTEN	0x80
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK	0x40
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_ETXEN	0x20
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA	0x10
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_NMRST	0x08
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK	0x04
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_MTXEN	0x02
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_MDATA	0x01
#define TLAN_NET_STS			0x02
#define		TLAN_NET_STS_MIRQ	0x80
#define		TLAN_NET_STS_HBEAT	0x40
#define		TLAN_NET_STS_TXSTOP	0x20
#define		TLAN_NET_STS_RXSTOP	0x10
#define		TLAN_NET_STS_RSRVD	0x0F
#define TLAN_NET_MASK			0x03
#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK7	0x80
#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK6	0x40
#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK5	0x20
#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK4	0x10
#define TLAN_NET_CONFIG			0x04
#define 	TLAN_NET_CFG_RCLK	0x8000
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_TCLK	0x4000
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_BIT	0x2000
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_RXCRC	0x1000
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_PEF	0x0800
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_1FRAG	0x0400
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_1CHAN	0x0200
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_MTEST	0x0100
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_PHY_EN	0x0080
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_MSMASK	0x007F
#define TLAN_MAN_TEST			0x06
#define TLAN_DEF_VENDOR_ID		0x08
#define TLAN_DEF_DEVICE_ID		0x0A
#define TLAN_DEF_MIN_LAT		0x0E
#define TLAN_DEF_MAX_LAT		0x0F
#define TLAN_AREG_0			0x10
#define TLAN_AREG_1			0x16
#define TLAN_AREG_2			0x1C
#define TLAN_AREG_3			0x22
#define TLAN_HASH_1			0x28
#define TLAN_HASH_2			0x2C
#define TLAN_GOOD_TX_FRMS		0x30
#define TLAN_TX_UNDERUNS		0x33
#define TLAN_GOOD_RX_FRMS		0x34
#define TLAN_RX_OVERRUNS		0x37
#define TLAN_DEFERRED_TX		0x38
#define TLAN_CRC_ERRORS			0x3A
#define TLAN_CODE_ERRORS		0x3B
#define TLAN_LATE_COLS			0x41
#define TLAN_CARRIER_LOSS		0x42
#define TLAN_ACOMMIT			0x43
#define TLAN_LED_REG			0x44
#define		TLAN_LED_ACT		0x10
#define		TLAN_LED_LINK		0x01
#define TLAN_BSIZE_REG			0x45
#define TLAN_MAX_RX			0x46
#define TLAN_INT_DIS			0x48
#define		TLAN_ID_TX_EOC		0x04
#define		TLAN_ID_RX_EOF		0x02
#define		TLAN_ID_RX_EOC		0x01

/* ThunderLAN Interrupt Codes */


#define TLAN_INT_NONE			0x0000
#define TLAN_INT_TX_EOF			0x0001
#define TLAN_INT_STAT_OVERFLOW		0x0002
#define TLAN_INT_RX_EOF			0x0003
#define TLAN_INT_DUMMY			0x0004
#define TLAN_INT_TX_EOC			0x0005
#define TLAN_INT_STATUS_CHECK		0x0006
#define TLAN_INT_RX_EOC			0x0007
#define TLAN_TLPHY_ID			0x10
#define TLAN_TLPHY_CTL			0x11
#define 	TLAN_TC_IGLINK		0x8000
#define		TLAN_TC_SWAPOL		0x4000
#define		TLAN_TC_AUISEL		0x2000
#define		TLAN_TC_SQEEN		0x1000
#define		TLAN_TC_MTEST		0x0800
#define		TLAN_TC_RESERVED	0x07F8
#define		TLAN_TC_NFEW		0x0004
#define		TLAN_TC_INTEN		0x0002
#define		TLAN_TC_TINT		0x0001
#define TLAN_TLPHY_STS			0x12
#define		TLAN_TS_MINT		0x8000
#define		TLAN_TS_PHOK		0x4000
#define		TLAN_TS_POLOK		0x2000
#define		TLAN_TS_TPENERGY	0x1000
#define TLAN_TLPHY_PAR			0x19
#define		TLAN_PHY_CIM_STAT	0x0020
#define		TLAN_PHY_SPEED_100	0x0040
#define		TLAN_PHY_DUPLEX_FULL	0x0080
#define		TLAN_PHY_AN_EN_STAT     0x0400

/* ThunderLAN MII Registers */

/* Generic MII/PHY Registers */

#define MII_GEN_CTL			0x00
#define 	MII_GC_RESET		0x8000
#define		MII_GC_LOOPBK		0x4000
#define		MII_GC_SPEEDSEL		0x2000
#define		MII_GC_AUTOENB		0x1000
#define		MII_GC_PDOWN		0x0800
#define		MII_GC_ISOLATE		0x0400
#define		MII_GC_AUTORSRT		0x0200
#define		MII_GC_DUPLEX		0x0100
#define		MII_GC_COLTEST		0x0080
#define		MII_GC_RESERVED		0x007F
#define MII_GEN_STS			0x01
#define		MII_GS_100BT4		0x8000
#define		MII_GS_100BTXFD		0x4000
#define		MII_GS_100BTXHD		0x2000
#define		MII_GS_10BTFD		0x1000
#define		MII_GS_10BTHD		0x0800
#define		MII_GS_RESERVED		0x07C0
#define		MII_GS_AUTOCMPLT	0x0020
#define		MII_GS_RFLT		0x0010
#define		MII_GS_AUTONEG		0x0008
#define		MII_GS_LINK		0x0004
#define		MII_GS_JABBER		0x0002
#define		MII_GS_EXTCAP		0x0001
#define MII_GEN_ID_HI			0x02
#define MII_GEN_ID_LO			0x03
#define 	MII_GIL_OUI		0xFC00
#define 	MII_GIL_MODEL		0x03F0
#define 	MII_GIL_REVISION	0x000F
#define MII_AN_ADV			0x04
#define MII_AN_LPA			0x05
#define MII_AN_EXP			0x06

/* ThunderLAN Specific MII/PHY Registers */

#define 	TLAN_TC_IGLINK		0x8000
#define		TLAN_TC_SWAPOL		0x4000
#define		TLAN_TC_AUISEL		0x2000
#define		TLAN_TC_SQEEN		0x1000
#define		TLAN_TC_MTEST		0x0800
#define		TLAN_TC_RESERVED	0x07F8
#define		TLAN_TC_NFEW		0x0004
#define		TLAN_TC_INTEN		0x0002
#define		TLAN_TC_TINT		0x0001
#define		TLAN_TS_MINT		0x8000
#define		TLAN_TS_PHOK		0x4000
#define		TLAN_TS_POLOK		0x2000
#define		TLAN_TS_TPENERGY	0x1000
#define		TLAN_PHY_CIM_STAT	0x0020
#define		TLAN_PHY_SPEED_100	0x0040
#define		TLAN_PHY_DUPLEX_FULL	0x0080
#define		TLAN_PHY_AN_EN_STAT     0x0400

/* National Sem. & Level1 PHY id's */
#define NAT_SEM_ID1			0x2000
#define NAT_SEM_ID2			0x5C01
#define LEVEL1_ID1			0x7810
#define LEVEL1_ID2			0x0000

#define TLan_ClearBit( bit, port )	outb_p(inb_p(port) & ~bit, port)
#define TLan_GetBit( bit, port )	((int) (inb_p(port) & bit))
#define TLan_SetBit( bit, port )	outb_p(inb_p(port) | bit, port)

typedef	unsigned int	u32;
typedef	unsigned short	u16;
typedef	unsigned char	u8;

/* Routines to access internal registers. */

inline u8 TLan_DioRead8(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr)
	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
	return (inb((base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA) + (internal_addr & 0x3)));
} /* TLan_DioRead8 */

inline u16 TLan_DioRead16(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr)
	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
	return (inw((base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA) + (internal_addr & 0x2)));

} /* TLan_DioRead16 */

inline u32 TLan_DioRead32(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr)
	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
	return (inl(base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA));

} /* TLan_DioRead32 */

inline void TLan_DioWrite8(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr, u8 data)
	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
	outb(data, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + (internal_addr & 0x3));


inline void TLan_DioWrite16(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr, u16 data)
	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
	outw(data, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + (internal_addr & 0x2));


inline void TLan_DioWrite32(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr, u32 data)
	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
	outl(data, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + (internal_addr & 0x2));


/* NIC specific static variables go here */


	ThunderLAN Driver Eeprom routines

	The Compaq Netelligent 10 and 10/100 cards use a Microchip 24C02A
	EEPROM.  These functions are based on information in Microchip's
	data sheet.  I don't know how well this functions will work with
	other EEPROMs.


	 *	TLan_EeSendStart
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:	
	 *		io_base		The IO port base address for the
	 *				TLAN device with the EEPROM to
	 *				use.
	 *	This function sends a start cycle to an EEPROM attached
	 *	to a TLAN chip.

static void TLan_EeSendStart( u16 io_base )
	u16	sio;

	outw( TLAN_NET_SIO, io_base + TLAN_DIO_ADR );
	sio = io_base + TLAN_DIO_DATA + TLAN_NET_SIO;

	TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
	TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio );
	TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ETXEN, sio );
	TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio );
	TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );

} /* TLan_EeSendStart */

	 *	TLan_EeSendByte
	 *	Returns:
	 *		If the correct ack was received, 0, otherwise 1
	 *	Parms:	io_base		The IO port base address for the
	 *				TLAN device with the EEPROM to
	 *				use.
	 *		data		The 8 bits of information to
	 *				send to the EEPROM.
	 *		stop		If TLAN_EEPROM_STOP is passed, a
	 *				stop cycle is sent after the
	 *				byte is sent after the ack is
	 *				read.
	 *	This function sends a byte on the serial EEPROM line,
	 *	driving the clock to send each bit. The function then
	 *	reverses transmission direction and reads an acknowledge
	 *	bit.

static int TLan_EeSendByte( u16 io_base, u8 data, int stop )
	int	err;
	u8	place;
	u16	sio;

	outw( TLAN_NET_SIO, io_base + TLAN_DIO_ADR );
	sio = io_base + TLAN_DIO_DATA + TLAN_NET_SIO;

	/* Assume clock is low, tx is enabled; */
	for ( place = 0x80; place != 0; place >>= 1 ) {
		if ( place & data )
			TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio );
			TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio );
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
		TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
	TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ETXEN, sio );
	TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
	err = TLan_GetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio );
	TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
	TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ETXEN, sio );

	if ( ( ! err ) && stop ) {
		TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio );	/* STOP, raise data while clock is high */
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio );

	return ( err );

} /* TLan_EeSendByte */

	 *	TLan_EeReceiveByte
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		io_base		The IO port base address for the
	 *				TLAN device with the EEPROM to
	 *				use.
	 *		data		An address to a char to hold the
	 *				data sent from the EEPROM.
	 *		stop		If TLAN_EEPROM_STOP is passed, a
	 *				stop cycle is sent after the
	 *				byte is received, and no ack is
	 *				sent.
	 *	This function receives 8 bits of data from the EEPROM
	 *	over the serial link.  It then sends and ack bit, or no
	 *	ack and a stop bit.  This function is used to retrieve
	 *	data after the address of a byte in the EEPROM has been
	 *	sent.

static void TLan_EeReceiveByte( u16 io_base, u8 *data, int stop )
	u8  place;
	u16 sio;

	outw( TLAN_NET_SIO, io_base + TLAN_DIO_ADR );
	sio = io_base + TLAN_DIO_DATA + TLAN_NET_SIO;
	*data = 0;

	/* Assume clock is low, tx is enabled; */
	TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ETXEN, sio );
	for ( place = 0x80; place; place >>= 1 ) {
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
		if ( TLan_GetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio ) )
			*data |= place;
		TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );

	TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ETXEN, sio );
	if ( ! stop ) {
		TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio );	/* Ack = 0 */
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
		TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
	} else {
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio );		/* No ack = 1 (?) */
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
		TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
		TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio );	/* STOP, raise data while clock is high */
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK, sio );
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA, sio );

} /* TLan_EeReceiveByte */

	 *	TLan_EeReadByte
	 *	Returns:
	 *		No error = 0, else, the stage at which the error
	 *		occurred.
	 *	Parms:
	 *		io_base		The IO port base address for the
	 *				TLAN device with the EEPROM to
	 *				use.
	 *		ee_addr		The address of the byte in the
	 *				EEPROM whose contents are to be
	 *				retrieved.
	 *		data		An address to a char to hold the
	 *				data obtained from the EEPROM.
	 *	This function reads a byte of information from an byte
	 *	cell in the EEPROM.

static int TLan_EeReadByte( u16 io_base, u8 ee_addr, u8 *data )
	int err;
	unsigned long flags = 0;
	int ret=0;

	TLan_EeSendStart( io_base );
	err = TLan_EeSendByte( io_base, 0xA0, TLAN_EEPROM_ACK );
	if (err)
		goto fail;
	err = TLan_EeSendByte( io_base, ee_addr, TLAN_EEPROM_ACK );
	if (err)
		goto fail;
	TLan_EeSendStart( io_base );
	err = TLan_EeSendByte( io_base, 0xA1, TLAN_EEPROM_ACK );
	if (err)
		goto fail;
	TLan_EeReceiveByte( io_base, data, TLAN_EEPROM_STOP );

	return ret;

} /* TLan_EeReadByte */

#if	0
/* Not yet converted from Linux driver */

	ThunderLAN Driver PHY Layer Routines


	 *	TLan_PhyPrint
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev	A pointer to the device structure of the
	 *			TLAN device having the PHYs to be detailed.
	 *	This function prints the registers a PHY (aka tranceiver).

void TLan_PhyPrint( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv = dev->priv;
	u16 i, data0, data1, data2, data3, phy;

	phy = priv->phy[priv->phyNum];

	if ( priv->adapter->flags & TLAN_ADAPTER_UNMANAGED_PHY ) {
		printk( "TLAN:   Device %s, Unmanaged PHY.\n", dev->name );
	} else if ( phy <= TLAN_PHY_MAX_ADDR ) {
		printk( "TLAN:   Device %s, PHY 0x%02x.\n", dev->name, phy );
		printk( "TLAN:      Off.  +0     +1     +2     +3 \n" );
                for ( i = 0; i < 0x20; i+= 4 ) {
			printk( "TLAN:      0x%02x", i );
			TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, i, &data0 );
			printk( " 0x%04hx", data0 );
			TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, i + 1, &data1 );
			printk( " 0x%04hx", data1 );
			TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, i + 2, &data2 );
			printk( " 0x%04hx", data2 );
			TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, i + 3, &data3 );
			printk( " 0x%04hx\n", data3 );
	} else {
		printk( "TLAN:   Device %s, Invalid PHY.\n", dev->name );

} /* TLan_PhyPrint */

	 *	TLan_PhyDetect
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev	A pointer to the device structure of the adapter
	 *			for which the PHY needs determined.
	 *	So far I've found that adapters which have external PHYs
	 *	may also use the internal PHY for part of the functionality.
	 *	(eg, AUI/Thinnet).  This function finds out if this TLAN
	 *	chip has an internal PHY, and then finds the first external
	 *	PHY (starting from address 0) if it exists).

void TLan_PhyDetect( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv = dev->priv;
	u16		control;
	u16		hi;
	u16		lo;
	u32		phy;

	if ( priv->adapter->flags & TLAN_ADAPTER_UNMANAGED_PHY ) {
		priv->phyNum = 0xFFFF;

	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, TLAN_PHY_MAX_ADDR, MII_GEN_ID_HI, &hi );
	if ( hi != 0xFFFF ) {
		priv->phy[0] = TLAN_PHY_MAX_ADDR;
	} else {
		priv->phy[0] = TLAN_PHY_NONE;

	priv->phy[1] = TLAN_PHY_NONE;
	for ( phy = 0; phy <= TLAN_PHY_MAX_ADDR; phy++ ) {
		TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, &control );
		TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_ID_HI, &hi );
		TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_ID_LO, &lo );
		if ( ( control != 0xFFFF ) || ( hi != 0xFFFF ) || ( lo != 0xFFFF ) ) {
			TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL, "PHY found at %02x %04x %04x %04x\n", phy, control, hi, lo );
			if ( ( priv->phy[1] == TLAN_PHY_NONE ) && ( phy != TLAN_PHY_MAX_ADDR ) ) {
				priv->phy[1] = phy;

	if ( priv->phy[1] != TLAN_PHY_NONE ) {
		priv->phyNum = 1;
	} else if ( priv->phy[0] != TLAN_PHY_NONE ) {
		priv->phyNum = 0;
	} else {
		printk( "TLAN:  Cannot initialize device, no PHY was found!\n" );

} /* TLan_PhyDetect */

void TLan_PhyPowerDown( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	u16		value;

	TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL, "%s: Powering down PHY(s).\n", dev->name );
	TLan_MiiSync( dev->base_addr );
	TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, priv->phy[priv->phyNum], MII_GEN_CTL, value );
	if ( ( priv->phyNum == 0 ) && ( priv->phy[1] != TLAN_PHY_NONE ) && ( ! ( priv->adapter->flags & TLAN_ADAPTER_USE_INTERN_10 ) ) ) {
		TLan_MiiSync( dev->base_addr );
		TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, priv->phy[1], MII_GEN_CTL, value );

	/* Wait for 50 ms and powerup
	 * This is abitrary.  It is intended to make sure the
	 * tranceiver settles.
	TLan_SetTimer( dev, (HZ/20), TLAN_TIMER_PHY_PUP );

} /* TLan_PhyPowerDown */

void TLan_PhyPowerUp( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	u16		value;

	TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL, "%s: Powering up PHY.\n", dev->name );
	TLan_MiiSync( dev->base_addr );
	value = MII_GC_LOOPBK;
	TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, priv->phy[priv->phyNum], MII_GEN_CTL, value );
	/* Wait for 500 ms and reset the
	 * tranceiver.  The TLAN docs say both 50 ms and
	 * 500 ms, so do the longer, just in case.
	TLan_SetTimer( dev, (HZ/20), TLAN_TIMER_PHY_RESET );

} /* TLan_PhyPowerUp */

void TLan_PhyReset( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	u16		phy;
	u16		value;

	phy = priv->phy[priv->phyNum];

	TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL, "%s: Reseting PHY.\n", dev->name );
	TLan_MiiSync( dev->base_addr );
	TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, value );
	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, &value );
	while ( value & MII_GC_RESET ) {
		TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, &value );

	/* Wait for 500 ms and initialize.
	 * I don't remember why I wait this long.
	 * I've changed this to 50ms, as it seems long enough.
	TLan_SetTimer( dev, (HZ/20), TLAN_TIMER_PHY_START_LINK );

} /* TLan_PhyReset */

void TLan_PhyStartLink( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	u16		ability;
	u16		control;
	u16		data;
	u16		phy;
	u16		status;
	u16		tctl;

	phy = priv->phy[priv->phyNum];
	TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL, "%s: Trying to activate link.\n", dev->name );
	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_STS, &status );
	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_STS, &ability );

	if ( ( status & MII_GS_AUTONEG ) && 
	     ( ! priv->aui ) ) {
		ability = status >> 11;
		if ( priv->speed  == TLAN_SPEED_10 && 
		     priv->duplex == TLAN_DUPLEX_HALF) {
			TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, 0x0000);
		} else if ( priv->speed == TLAN_SPEED_10 &&
			    priv->duplex == TLAN_DUPLEX_FULL) {
			priv->tlanFullDuplex = TRUE;
			TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, 0x0100);
		} else if ( priv->speed == TLAN_SPEED_100 &&
			    priv->duplex == TLAN_DUPLEX_HALF) {
			TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, 0x2000);
		} else if ( priv->speed == TLAN_SPEED_100 &&
			    priv->duplex == TLAN_DUPLEX_FULL) {
			priv->tlanFullDuplex = TRUE;
			TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, 0x2100);
		} else {
			/* Set Auto-Neg advertisement */
			TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, MII_AN_ADV, (ability << 5) | 1);
			/* Enablee Auto-Neg */
			TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, 0x1000 );
			/* Restart Auto-Neg */
			TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, 0x1200 );
			/* Wait for 4 sec for autonegotiation
		 	* to complete.  The max spec time is less than this
		 	* but the card need additional time to start AN.
		 	* .5 sec should be plenty extra.
			printk( "TLAN: %s: Starting autonegotiation.\n", dev->name );
			TLan_SetTimer( dev, (2*HZ), TLAN_TIMER_PHY_FINISH_AN );
	if ( ( priv->aui ) && ( priv->phyNum != 0 ) ) {
		priv->phyNum = 0;
		TLan_DioWrite16( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_CONFIG, data );
		TLan_SetTimer( dev, (40*HZ/1000), TLAN_TIMER_PHY_PDOWN );
	}  else if ( priv->phyNum == 0 ) {
        	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, TLAN_TLPHY_CTL, &tctl );
		if ( priv->aui ) {
                	tctl |= TLAN_TC_AUISEL;
		} else { 
                	tctl &= ~TLAN_TC_AUISEL;
			control = 0;
			if ( priv->duplex == TLAN_DUPLEX_FULL ) {
				control |= MII_GC_DUPLEX;
				priv->tlanFullDuplex = TRUE;
			if ( priv->speed == TLAN_SPEED_100 ) {
				control |= MII_GC_SPEEDSEL;
       			TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, control );
        	TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, TLAN_TLPHY_CTL, tctl );

	/* Wait for 2 sec to give the tranceiver time
	 * to establish link.
	TLan_SetTimer( dev, (4*HZ), TLAN_TIMER_FINISH_RESET );

} /* TLan_PhyStartLink */

void TLan_PhyFinishAutoNeg( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	u16		an_adv;
	u16		an_lpa;
	u16		data;
	u16		mode;
	u16		phy;
	u16		status;
	phy = priv->phy[priv->phyNum];

	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_STS, &status );
	udelay( 1000 );
	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_STS, &status );

	if ( ! ( status & MII_GS_AUTOCMPLT ) ) {
		/* Wait for 8 sec to give the process
		 * more time.  Perhaps we should fail after a while.
		 if (!priv->neg_be_verbose++) {
			 printk(KERN_INFO "TLAN:  Giving autonegotiation more time.\n");
		 	 printk(KERN_INFO "TLAN:  Please check that your adapter has\n");
		 	 printk(KERN_INFO "TLAN:  been properly connected to a HUB or Switch.\n");
			 printk(KERN_INFO "TLAN:  Trying to establish link in the background...\n");
		TLan_SetTimer( dev, (8*HZ), TLAN_TIMER_PHY_FINISH_AN );

	printk( "TLAN: %s: Autonegotiation complete.\n", dev->name );
	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_AN_ADV, &an_adv );
	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_AN_LPA, &an_lpa );
	mode = an_adv & an_lpa & 0x03E0;
	if ( mode & 0x0100 ) {
		priv->tlanFullDuplex = TRUE;
	} else if ( ! ( mode & 0x0080 ) && ( mode & 0x0040 ) ) {
		priv->tlanFullDuplex = TRUE;

	if ( ( ! ( mode & 0x0180 ) ) && ( priv->adapter->flags & TLAN_ADAPTER_USE_INTERN_10 ) && ( priv->phyNum != 0 ) ) {
		priv->phyNum = 0;
		TLan_DioWrite16( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_CONFIG, data );
		TLan_SetTimer( dev, (400*HZ/1000), TLAN_TIMER_PHY_PDOWN );

	if ( priv->phyNum == 0 ) {
		if ( ( priv->duplex == TLAN_DUPLEX_FULL ) || ( an_adv & an_lpa & 0x0040 ) ) {
			TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, MII_GC_AUTOENB | MII_GC_DUPLEX );
			printk( "TLAN:  Starting internal PHY with FULL-DUPLEX\n" );
		} else {
			TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_CTL, MII_GC_AUTOENB );
			printk( "TLAN:  Starting internal PHY with HALF-DUPLEX\n" );

	/* Wait for 100 ms.  No reason in partiticular.
	TLan_SetTimer( dev, (HZ/10), TLAN_TIMER_FINISH_RESET );
} /* TLan_PhyFinishAutoNeg */

#ifdef MONITOR

        *      TLan_phyMonitor
        *      Returns: 
        *              None
        *      Params:
        *              dev             The device structure of this device.
        *      This function monitors PHY condition by reading the status
        *      register via the MII bus. This can be used to give info
        *      about link changes (up/down), and possible switch to alternate
        *      media.
        * ******************************************************************/

void TLan_PhyMonitor( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv = dev->priv;
	u16     phy;
	u16     phy_status;

	phy = priv->phy[priv->phyNum];

        /* Get PHY status register */
        TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_STS, &phy_status );

        /* Check if link has been lost */
        if (!(phy_status & MII_GS_LINK)) { 
 	       if (priv->link) {
		      priv->link = 0;
	              printk(KERN_DEBUG "TLAN: %s has lost link\n", dev->name);
	              dev->flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING;
		      TLan_SetTimer( dev, (2*HZ), TLAN_TIMER_LINK_BEAT );

        /* Link restablished? */
        if ((phy_status & MII_GS_LINK) && !priv->link) {
 		priv->link = 1;
        	printk(KERN_DEBUG "TLAN: %s has reestablished link\n", dev->name);
        	dev->flags |= IFF_RUNNING;

	/* Setup a new monitor */
	TLan_SetTimer( dev, (2*HZ), TLAN_TIMER_LINK_BEAT );

#endif /* MONITOR */


	ThunderLAN Driver MII Routines

	These routines are based on the information in Chap. 2 of the
	"ThunderLAN Programmer's Guide", pp. 15-24.


	 *	TLan_MiiReadReg
	 *	Returns:
	 *		0	if ack received ok
	 *		1	otherwise.
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev		The device structure containing
	 *				The io address and interrupt count
	 *				for this device.
	 *		phy		The address of the PHY to be queried.
	 *		reg		The register whose contents are to be
	 *				retreived.
	 *		val		A pointer to a variable to store the
	 *				retrieved value.
	 *	This function uses the TLAN's MII bus to retreive the contents
	 *	of a given register on a PHY.  It sends the appropriate info
	 *	and then reads the 16-bit register value from the MII bus via
	 *	the TLAN SIO register.

int TLan_MiiReadReg( struct net_device *dev, u16 phy, u16 reg, u16 *val )
	u8	nack;
	u16	sio, tmp;
 	u32	i;
	int	err;
	int	minten;
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv = dev->priv;
	unsigned long flags = 0;

	err = FALSE;
	outw(TLAN_NET_SIO, dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
	sio = dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + TLAN_NET_SIO;
	if (!in_irq())
		spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);


	minten = TLan_GetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MINTEN, sio );
	if ( minten )
		TLan_ClearBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MINTEN, sio);

	TLan_MiiSendData( dev->base_addr, 0x1, 2 );	/* Start ( 01b ) */
	TLan_MiiSendData( dev->base_addr, 0x2, 2 );	/* Read  ( 10b ) */
	TLan_MiiSendData( dev->base_addr, phy, 5 );	/* Device #      */
	TLan_MiiSendData( dev->base_addr, reg, 5 );	/* Register #    */

	TLan_ClearBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MTXEN, sio);		/* Change direction */

	TLan_ClearBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio);		/* Clock Idle bit */
	TLan_SetBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio);
	TLan_ClearBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio);		/* Wait 300ns */

	nack = TLan_GetBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MDATA, sio);	/* Check for ACK */
	TLan_SetBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio);		/* Finish ACK */
	if (nack) {					/* No ACK, so fake it */
		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
			TLan_ClearBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio);
			TLan_SetBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio);
		tmp = 0xffff;
		err = TRUE;
	} else {					/* ACK, so read data */
		for (tmp = 0, i = 0x8000; i; i >>= 1) {
			TLan_ClearBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio);
			if (TLan_GetBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MDATA, sio))
				tmp |= i;
			TLan_SetBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio);

	TLan_ClearBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio);		/* Idle cycle */
	TLan_SetBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio);

	if ( minten )
		TLan_SetBit(TLAN_NET_SIO_MINTEN, sio);

	*val = tmp;
	if (!in_irq())
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);

	return err;

} /* TLan_MiiReadReg */

	 *	TLan_MiiSendData
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		base_port	The base IO port of the adapter	in
	 *				question.
	 *		dev		The address of the PHY to be queried.
	 *		data		The value to be placed on the MII bus.
	 *		num_bits	The number of bits in data that are to
	 *				be placed on the MII bus.
	 *	This function sends on sequence of bits on the MII
	 *	configuration bus.

void TLan_MiiSendData( u16 base_port, u32 data, unsigned num_bits )
	u16 sio;
	u32 i;

	if ( num_bits == 0 )

	outw( TLAN_NET_SIO, base_port + TLAN_DIO_ADR );
	sio = base_port + TLAN_DIO_DATA + TLAN_NET_SIO;
	TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MTXEN, sio );

	for ( i = ( 0x1 << ( num_bits - 1 ) ); i; i >>= 1 ) {
		TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio );
		(void) TLan_GetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio );
		if ( data & i )
			TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MDATA, sio );
			TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MDATA, sio );
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio );
		(void) TLan_GetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio );

} /* TLan_MiiSendData */

	 *	TLan_MiiSync
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		base_port	The base IO port of the adapter in
	 *				question.
	 *	This functions syncs all PHYs in terms of the MII configuration
	 *	bus.

void TLan_MiiSync( u16 base_port )
	int i;
	u16 sio;

	outw( TLAN_NET_SIO, base_port + TLAN_DIO_ADR );
	sio = base_port + TLAN_DIO_DATA + TLAN_NET_SIO;

	TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MTXEN, sio );
	for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) {
		TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio );
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio );

} /* TLan_MiiSync */

	 *	TLan_MiiWriteReg
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev		The device structure for the device
	 *				to write to.
	 *		phy		The address of the PHY to be written to.
	 *		reg		The register whose contents are to be
	 *				written.
	 *		val		The value to be written to the register.
	 *	This function uses the TLAN's MII bus to write the contents of a
	 *	given register on a PHY.  It sends the appropriate info and then
	 *	writes the 16-bit register value from the MII configuration bus
	 *	via the TLAN SIO register.

void TLan_MiiWriteReg( struct net_device *dev, u16 phy, u16 reg, u16 val )
	u16	sio;
	int	minten;
	unsigned long flags = 0;
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv = dev->priv;

	outw(TLAN_NET_SIO, dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
	sio = dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + TLAN_NET_SIO;
	if (!in_irq())
		spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);

	TLan_MiiSync( dev->base_addr );

	minten = TLan_GetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MINTEN, sio );
	if ( minten )
		TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MINTEN, sio );

	TLan_MiiSendData( dev->base_addr, 0x1, 2 );	/* Start ( 01b ) */
	TLan_MiiSendData( dev->base_addr, 0x1, 2 );	/* Write ( 01b ) */
	TLan_MiiSendData( dev->base_addr, phy, 5 );	/* Device #      */
	TLan_MiiSendData( dev->base_addr, reg, 5 );	/* Register #    */

	TLan_MiiSendData( dev->base_addr, 0x2, 2 );	/* Send ACK */
	TLan_MiiSendData( dev->base_addr, val, 16 );	/* Send Data */

	TLan_ClearBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio );	/* Idle cycle */
	TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK, sio );

	if ( minten )
		TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_MINTEN, sio );
	if (!in_irq())
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);

} /* TLan_MiiWriteReg */

RESET - Reset adapter
static void skel_reset(struct nic *nic)
	/* put the card in its initial state */

POLL - Wait for a frame
static int skel_poll(struct nic *nic)
	/* return true if there's an ethernet packet ready to read */
	/* nic->packet should contain data on return */
	/* nic->packetlen should contain length of data */
	return (0);	/* initially as this is called to flush the input */

TRANSMIT - Transmit a frame
static void skel_transmit(
	struct nic *nic,
	const char *d,			/* Destination */
	unsigned int t,			/* Type */
	unsigned int s,			/* size */
	const char *p)			/* Packet */
	/* send the packet to destination */

DISABLE - Turn off ethernet interface
static void skel_disable(struct nic *nic)

PROBE - Look for an adapter, this routine's visible to the outside
You should omit the last argument struct pci_device * for a non-PCI NIC
struct nic *tlan_probe(struct nic *nic, unsigned short *probe_addrs,
	struct pci_device *p)
	/* if probe_addrs is 0, then routine can use a hardwired default */
	/* if board found */
		/* point to NIC specific routines */
		nic->reset = skel_reset;
		nic->poll = skel_poll;
		nic->transmit = skel_transmit;
		nic->disable = skel_disable;
		return nic;
	/* else */
	return 0;

#if	0
#ifndef TLAN_H
#define TLAN_H
 *  Linux ThunderLAN Driver
 *  tlan.h
 *  by James Banks
 *  (C) 1997-1998 Caldera, Inc.
 *  (C) 1999-2001 Torben Mathiasen
 *  This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
 *  of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
 ** This file is best viewed/edited with tabstop=4, colums>=132
 *  Dec 10, 1999	Torben Mathiasen <torben.mathiasen@compaq.com>
 *			New Maintainer

#include <asm/io.h>
#include <asm/types.h>
#include <linux/netdevice.h>

#define FALSE			0
#define TRUE			1

#define TX_TIMEOUT		(10*HZ)	 /* We need time for auto-neg */

typedef struct tlan_adapter_entry {
	u16	vendorId;
	u16	deviceId;
	char	*deviceLabel;
	u32	flags;
	u16	addrOfs;
} TLanAdapterEntry;

	 * EISA Definitions

#define EISA_ID      0xc80   /* EISA ID Registers */ 
#define EISA_ID0     0xc80   /* EISA ID Register 0 */ 
#define EISA_ID1     0xc81   /* EISA ID Register 1 */ 
#define EISA_ID2     0xc82   /* EISA ID Register 2 */ 
#define EISA_ID3     0xc83   /* EISA ID Register 3 */ 
#define EISA_CR      0xc84   /* EISA Control Register */
#define EISA_REG0    0xc88   /* EISA Configuration Register 0 */
#define EISA_REG1    0xc89   /* EISA Configuration Register 1 */
#define EISA_REG2    0xc8a   /* EISA Configuration Register 2 */
#define EISA_REG3    0xc8f   /* EISA Configuration Register 3 */
#define EISA_APROM   0xc90   /* Ethernet Address PROM */

	 * Rx/Tx List Definitions

typedef struct tlan_buffer_ref_tag {
	u32	count;
	u32	address;
} TLanBufferRef;

typedef struct tlan_list_tag {
	u32		forward;
	u16		cStat;
	u16		frameSize;
	TLanBufferRef	buffer[TLAN_BUFFERS_PER_LIST];
} TLanList;

typedef u8 TLanBuffer[TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE];

	 * TLAN Private Information Structure

typedef struct tlan_private_tag {
	struct net_device       *nextDevice;
	void			*dmaStorage;
	u8			*padBuffer;
	TLanList                *rxList;
	u8			*rxBuffer;
	u32                     rxHead;
	u32                     rxTail;
	u32			rxEocCount;
	TLanList                *txList;
	u8			*txBuffer;
	u32                     txHead;
	u32                     txInProgress;
	u32                     txTail;
	u32			txBusyCount;
	u32                     phyOnline;
	u32			timerSetAt;
	u32			timerType;
	struct timer_list	timer;
	struct net_device_stats	stats;
	struct board		*adapter;
	u32			adapterRev;
	u32			aui;
	u32			debug;
	u32			duplex;
	u32			phy[2];
	u32			phyNum;
	u32			speed;
	u8			tlanRev;
	u8			tlanFullDuplex;
	char                    devName[8];
	spinlock_t		lock;
	u8			link;
	u8			is_eisa;
	struct tq_struct	tlan_tqueue;
	u8			neg_be_verbose;
} TLanPrivateInfo;

#define 	TLAN_HC_GO		0x80000000
#define		TLAN_HC_STOP		0x40000000
#define		TLAN_HC_ACK		0x20000000
#define		TLAN_HC_CS_MASK		0x1FE00000
#define		TLAN_HC_EOC		0x00100000
#define		TLAN_HC_RT		0x00080000
#define		TLAN_HC_NES		0x00040000
#define		TLAN_HC_AD_RST		0x00008000
#define		TLAN_HC_LD_TMR		0x00004000
#define		TLAN_HC_LD_THR		0x00002000
#define		TLAN_HC_REQ_INT		0x00001000
#define		TLAN_HC_INT_OFF		0x00000800
#define		TLAN_HC_INT_ON		0x00000400
#define		TLAN_HC_AC_MASK		0x000000FF
#define		TLAN_DA_ADR_INC		0x8000
#define		TLAN_DA_RAM_ADR		0x4000
#define		TLAN_HI_IV_MASK		0x1FE0
#define		TLAN_HI_IT_MASK		0x001C

#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_NRESET	0x80
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_NWRAP	0x40
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_CSF	0x20
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_CAF	0x10
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_NOBRX	0x08
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_DUPLEX	0x04
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_TRFRAM	0x02
#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_TXPACE	0x01
#define 	TLAN_NET_SIO_MINTEN	0x80
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK	0x40
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_ETXEN	0x20
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA	0x10
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_NMRST	0x08
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK	0x04
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_MTXEN	0x02
#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_MDATA	0x01
#define		TLAN_NET_STS_MIRQ	0x80
#define		TLAN_NET_STS_HBEAT	0x40
#define		TLAN_NET_STS_TXSTOP	0x20
#define		TLAN_NET_STS_RXSTOP	0x10
#define		TLAN_NET_STS_RSRVD	0x0F
#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK7	0x80
#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK6	0x40
#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK5	0x20
#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK4	0x10
#define 	TLAN_NET_CFG_RCLK	0x8000
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_TCLK	0x4000
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_BIT	0x2000
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_RXCRC	0x1000
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_PEF	0x0800
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_1FRAG	0x0400
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_1CHAN	0x0200
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_MTEST	0x0100
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_PHY_EN	0x0080
#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_MSMASK	0x007F
#define		TLAN_LED_ACT		0x10
#define		TLAN_LED_LINK		0x01
#define		TLAN_ID_TX_EOC		0x04
#define		TLAN_ID_RX_EOF		0x02
#define		TLAN_ID_RX_EOC		0x01

#define CIRC_INC( a, b ) if ( ++a >= b ) a = 0

/* given 6 bytes, view them as 8 6-bit numbers and return the XOR of those */
/* the code below is about seven times as fast as the original code */
inline u32 TLan_HashFunc( u8 *a )
        u8     hash;

        hash = (a[0]^a[3]);             /* & 077 */
        hash ^= ((a[0]^a[3])>>6);       /* & 003 */
        hash ^= ((a[1]^a[4])<<2);       /* & 074 */
        hash ^= ((a[1]^a[4])>>4);       /* & 017 */
        hash ^= ((a[2]^a[5])<<4);       /* & 060 */
        hash ^= ((a[2]^a[5])>>2);       /* & 077 */

        return (hash & 077);

#else /* original code */

inline	u32	xor( u32 a, u32 b )
	return ( ( a && ! b ) || ( ! a && b ) );
#define XOR8( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h )	xor( a, xor( b, xor( c, xor( d, xor( e, xor( f, xor( g, h ) ) ) ) ) ) )
#define DA( a, bit )					( ( (u8) a[bit/8] ) & ( (u8) ( 1 << bit%8 ) ) )

inline u32 TLan_HashFunc( u8 *a )
	u32	hash;

	hash  = XOR8( DA(a,0), DA(a, 6), DA(a,12), DA(a,18), DA(a,24), DA(a,30), DA(a,36), DA(a,42) );
	hash |= XOR8( DA(a,1), DA(a, 7), DA(a,13), DA(a,19), DA(a,25), DA(a,31), DA(a,37), DA(a,43) ) << 1;
	hash |= XOR8( DA(a,2), DA(a, 8), DA(a,14), DA(a,20), DA(a,26), DA(a,32), DA(a,38), DA(a,44) ) << 2;
	hash |= XOR8( DA(a,3), DA(a, 9), DA(a,15), DA(a,21), DA(a,27), DA(a,33), DA(a,39), DA(a,45) ) << 3;
	hash |= XOR8( DA(a,4), DA(a,10), DA(a,16), DA(a,22), DA(a,28), DA(a,34), DA(a,40), DA(a,46) ) << 4;
	hash |= XOR8( DA(a,5), DA(a,11), DA(a,17), DA(a,23), DA(a,29), DA(a,35), DA(a,41), DA(a,47) ) << 5;

	return hash;


 *  Linux ThunderLAN Driver
 *  tlan.c
 *  by James Banks
 *  (C) 1997-1998 Caldera, Inc.
 *  (C) 1998 James Banks
 *  (C) 1999-2001 Torben Mathiasen
 *  This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
 *  of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
 ** This file is best viewed/edited with columns>=132.
 ** Useful (if not required) reading:
 *		Texas Instruments, ThunderLAN Programmer's Guide,
 *			TI Literature Number SPWU013A
 *			available in PDF format from www.ti.com
 *		Level One, LXT901 and LXT970 Data Sheets
 *			available in PDF format from www.level1.com
 *		National Semiconductor, DP83840A Data Sheet
 *			available in PDF format from www.national.com
 *		Microchip Technology, 24C01A/02A/04A Data Sheet
 *			available in PDF format from www.microchip.com
 * Change History
 *	Tigran Aivazian <tigran@sco.com>:	TLan_PciProbe() now uses
 *						new PCI BIOS interface.
 *	Alan Cox	<alan@redhat.com>:	Fixed the out of memory
 *						handling.
 *	Torben Mathiasen <torben.mathiasen@compaq.com> New Maintainer!
 *	v1.1 Dec 20, 1999    - Removed linux version checking
 *			       Patch from Tigran Aivazian. 
 *			     - v1.1 includes Alan's SMP updates.
 *			     - We still have problems on SMP though,
 *			       but I'm looking into that. 
 *	v1.2 Jan 02, 2000    - Hopefully fixed the SMP deadlock.
 *			     - Removed dependency of HZ being 100.
 *			     - We now allow higher priority timers to 
 *			       overwrite timers like TLAN_TIMER_ACTIVITY
 *			       Patch from John Cagle <john.cagle@compaq.com>.
 *			     - Fixed a few compiler warnings.
 *	v1.3 Feb 04, 2000    - Fixed the remaining HZ issues.
 *			     - Removed call to pci_present(). 
 *			     - Removed SA_INTERRUPT flag from irq handler.
 *			     - Added __init and __initdata to reduce resisdent 
 *			       code size.
 *			     - Driver now uses module_init/module_exit.
 *			     - Rewrote init_module and tlan_probe to
 *			       share a lot more code. We now use tlan_probe
 *			       with builtin and module driver.
 *			     - Driver ported to new net API. 
 *			     - tlan.txt has been reworked to reflect current 
 *			       driver (almost)
 *			     - Other minor stuff
 *	v1.4 Feb 10, 2000    - Updated with more changes required after Dave's
 *	                       network cleanup in 2.3.43pre7 (Tigran & myself)
 *	                     - Minor stuff.
 *	v1.5 March 22, 2000  - Fixed another timer bug that would hang the driver
 *			       if no cable/link were present.
 *			     - Cosmetic changes.
 *			     - TODO: Port completely to new PCI/DMA API
 *			     	     Auto-Neg fallback.
 * 	v1.6 April 04, 2000  - Fixed driver support for kernel-parameters. Haven't
 * 			       tested it though, as the kernel support is currently 
 * 			       broken (2.3.99p4p3).
 * 			     - Updated tlan.txt accordingly.
 * 			     - Adjusted minimum/maximum frame length.
 * 			     - There is now a TLAN website up at 
 * 			       http://tlan.kernel.dk
 * 	v1.7 April 07, 2000  - Started to implement custom ioctls. Driver now
 * 			       reports PHY information when used with Donald
 * 			       Beckers userspace MII diagnostics utility.
 * 	v1.8 April 23, 2000  - Fixed support for forced speed/duplex settings.
 * 			     - Added link information to Auto-Neg and forced
 * 			       modes. When NIC operates with auto-neg the driver
 * 			       will report Link speed & duplex modes as well as
 * 			       link partner abilities. When forced link is used,
 * 			       the driver will report status of the established
 * 			       link.
 * 			       Please read tlan.txt for additional information. 
 * 			     - Removed call to check_region(), and used 
 * 			       return value of request_region() instead.
 *	v1.8a May 28, 2000   - Minor updates.
 *	v1.9 July 25, 2000   - Fixed a few remaining Full-Duplex issues.
 *	                     - Updated with timer fixes from Andrew Morton.
 *	                     - Fixed module race in TLan_Open.
 *	                     - Added routine to monitor PHY status.
 *	                     - Added activity led support for Proliant devices.
 *	v1.10 Aug 30, 2000   - Added support for EISA based tlan controllers 
 *			       like the Compaq NetFlex3/E. 
 *			     - Rewrote tlan_probe to better handle multiple
 *			       bus probes. Probing and device setup is now
 *			       done through TLan_Probe and TLan_init_one. Actual
 *			       hardware probe is done with kernel API and 
 *			       TLan_EisaProbe.
 *			     - Adjusted debug information for probing.
 *			     - Fixed bug that would cause general debug information 
 *			       to be printed after driver removal. 
 *			     - Added transmit timeout handling.
 *			     - Fixed OOM return values in tlan_probe. 
 *			     - Fixed possible mem leak in tlan_exit 
 *			       (now tlan_remove_one).
 *			     - Fixed timer bug in TLan_phyMonitor.
 *			     - This driver version is alpha quality, please
 *			       send me any bug issues you may encounter.
 *	v1.11 Aug 31, 2000   - Do not try to register irq 0 if no irq line was 
 *			       set for EISA cards.
 *			     - Added support for NetFlex3/E with nibble-rate
 *			       10Base-T PHY. This is untestet as I haven't got
 *			       one of these cards.
 *			     - Fixed timer being added twice.
 *			     - Disabled PhyMonitoring by default as this is
 *			       work in progress. Define MONITOR to enable it.
 *			     - Now we don't display link info with PHYs that
 *			       doesn't support it (level1).
 *			     - Incresed tx_timeout beacuse of auto-neg.
 *			     - Adjusted timers for forced speeds.
 *	v1.12 Oct 12, 2000   - Minor fixes (memleak, init, etc.)
 * 	v1.13 Nov 28, 2000   - Stop flooding console with auto-neg issues
 * 			       when link can't be established.
 *			     - Added the bbuf option as a kernel parameter.
 *			     - Fixed ioaddr probe bug.
 *			     - Fixed stupid deadlock with MII interrupts.
 *			     - Added support for speed/duplex selection with 
 *			       multiple nics.
 *			     - Added partly fix for TX Channel lockup with
 *			       TLAN v1.0 silicon. This needs to be investigated
 *			       further.
 * 	v1.14 Dec 16, 2000   - Added support for servicing multiple frames per.
 * 			       interrupt. Thanks goes to
 * 			       Adam Keys <adam@ti.com>
 * 			       Denis Beaudoin <dbeaudoin@ti.com>
 * 			       for providing the patch.
 * 			     - Fixed auto-neg output when using multiple
 * 			       adapters.
 * 			     - Converted to use new taskq interface.
 * 	v1.14a Jan 6, 2001   - Minor adjustments (spinlocks, etc.)

#include <linux/module.h>

#include "tlan.h"

#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/ioport.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <linux/mii.h>

typedef u32 (TLanIntVectorFunc)( struct net_device *, u16 );

/* For removing EISA devices */
static	struct net_device	*TLan_Eisa_Devices;

static	int		TLanDevicesInstalled;

/* Set speed, duplex and aui settings */
static  int aui[MAX_TLAN_BOARDS];
static  int duplex[MAX_TLAN_BOARDS];
static  int speed[MAX_TLAN_BOARDS];
static  int boards_found;

MODULE_AUTHOR("Maintainer: Torben Mathiasen <torben.mathiasen@compaq.com>");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Driver for TI ThunderLAN based ethernet PCI adapters");

MODULE_PARM(debug, "i");
MODULE_PARM(bbuf, "i");
MODULE_PARM_DESC(aui, "ThunderLAN use AUI port(s) (0-1)");
MODULE_PARM_DESC(duplex, "ThunderLAN duplex setting(s) (0-default, 1-half, 2-full)");
MODULE_PARM_DESC(speed, "ThunderLAN port speen setting(s) (0,10,100)");
MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "ThunderLAN debug mask");
MODULE_PARM_DESC(bbuf, "ThunderLAN use big buffer (0-1)");

/* Define this to enable Link beat monitoring */
#undef MONITOR

/* Turn on debugging. See linux/Documentation/networking/tlan.txt for details */
static  int		debug;

static	int		bbuf;
static	u8		*TLanPadBuffer;
static	char		TLanSignature[] = "TLAN";
static const char tlan_banner[] = "ThunderLAN driver v1.14a\n";
static int tlan_have_pci;
static int tlan_have_eisa;

const char *media[] = {
	"10BaseT-HD ", "10BaseT-FD ","100baseTx-HD ", 
	"100baseTx-FD", "100baseT4", 0

int media_map[] = { 0x0020, 0x0040, 0x0080, 0x0100, 0x0200,};

static struct board {
	const char	*deviceLabel;
	u32	   	flags;
	u16	   	addrOfs;
} board_info[] __devinitdata = {
	{ "Compaq Netelligent 10 T PCI UTP", TLAN_ADAPTER_ACTIVITY_LED, 0x83 },
	{ "Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX PCI UTP", TLAN_ADAPTER_ACTIVITY_LED, 0x83 },
	{ "Compaq Integrated NetFlex-3/P", TLAN_ADAPTER_NONE, 0x83 },
	{ "Compaq NetFlex-3/P", TLAN_ADAPTER_NONE, 0x83 },
	{ "Compaq Netelligent Integrated 10/100 TX UTP", TLAN_ADAPTER_ACTIVITY_LED, 0x83 },
	{ "Compaq Netelligent Dual 10/100 TX PCI UTP", TLAN_ADAPTER_NONE, 0x83 },
	{ "Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX Embedded UTP", TLAN_ADAPTER_NONE, 0x83 },
	{ "Olicom OC-2183/2185", TLAN_ADAPTER_USE_INTERN_10, 0x83 },
	{ "Olicom OC-2325", TLAN_ADAPTER_UNMANAGED_PHY, 0xF8 },
	{ "Olicom OC-2326", TLAN_ADAPTER_USE_INTERN_10, 0xF8 },
	{ "Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX UTP", TLAN_ADAPTER_ACTIVITY_LED, 0x83 },
	{ "Compaq Netelligent 10 T/2 PCI UTP/Coax", TLAN_ADAPTER_NONE, 0x83 },
	{ "Compaq NetFlex-3/E", TLAN_ADAPTER_ACTIVITY_LED | 	/* EISA card */
	                        TLAN_ADAPTER_UNMANAGED_PHY | TLAN_ADAPTER_BIT_RATE_PHY, 0x83 },	
	{ "Compaq NetFlex-3/E", TLAN_ADAPTER_ACTIVITY_LED, 0x83 }, /* EISA card */

static struct pci_device_id tlan_pci_tbl[] __devinitdata = {
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 1 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 2 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 3 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 4 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 5 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 6 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 7 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 8 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 9 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 10 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 11 },
		PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 12 },
	{ 0,}
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, tlan_pci_tbl);		

static void	TLan_EisaProbe( void );
static void	TLan_Eisa_Cleanup( void );
static int      TLan_Init( struct net_device * );
static int	TLan_Open( struct net_device *dev );
static int	TLan_StartTx( struct sk_buff *, struct net_device *);
static void	TLan_HandleInterrupt( int, void *, struct pt_regs *);
static int	TLan_Close( struct net_device *);
static struct	net_device_stats *TLan_GetStats( struct net_device *);
static void	TLan_SetMulticastList( struct net_device *);
static int	TLan_ioctl( struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd);
static int      TLan_probe1( struct pci_dev *pdev, long ioaddr, int irq, int rev, const struct pci_device_id *ent);
static void	TLan_tx_timeout( struct net_device *dev);
static int 	tlan_init_one( struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent);

static u32	TLan_HandleInvalid( struct net_device *, u16 );
static u32	TLan_HandleTxEOF( struct net_device *, u16 );
static u32	TLan_HandleStatOverflow( struct net_device *, u16 );
static u32	TLan_HandleRxEOF( struct net_device *, u16 );
static u32	TLan_HandleDummy( struct net_device *, u16 );
static u32	TLan_HandleTxEOC( struct net_device *, u16 );
static u32	TLan_HandleStatusCheck( struct net_device *, u16 );
static u32	TLan_HandleRxEOC( struct net_device *, u16 );

static void	TLan_Timer( unsigned long );

static void	TLan_ResetLists( struct net_device * );
static void	TLan_FreeLists( struct net_device * );
static void	TLan_PrintDio( u16 );
static void	TLan_PrintList( TLanList *, char *, int );
static void	TLan_ReadAndClearStats( struct net_device *, int );
static void	TLan_ResetAdapter( struct net_device * );
static void	TLan_FinishReset( struct net_device * );
static void	TLan_SetMac( struct net_device *, int areg, char *mac );

static void	TLan_PhyPrint( struct net_device * );
static void	TLan_PhyDetect( struct net_device * );
static void	TLan_PhyPowerDown( struct net_device * );
static void	TLan_PhyPowerUp( struct net_device * );
static void	TLan_PhyReset( struct net_device * );
static void	TLan_PhyStartLink( struct net_device * );
static void	TLan_PhyFinishAutoNeg( struct net_device * );
#ifdef MONITOR
static void     TLan_PhyMonitor( struct net_device * );

static int	TLan_PhyNop( struct net_device * );
static int	TLan_PhyInternalCheck( struct net_device * );
static int	TLan_PhyInternalService( struct net_device * );
static int	TLan_PhyDp83840aCheck( struct net_device * );

static int	TLan_MiiReadReg( struct net_device *, u16, u16, u16 * );
static void	TLan_MiiSendData( u16, u32, unsigned );
static void	TLan_MiiSync( u16 );
static void	TLan_MiiWriteReg( struct net_device *, u16, u16, u16 );

static void	TLan_EeSendStart( u16 );
static int	TLan_EeSendByte( u16, u8, int );
static void	TLan_EeReceiveByte( u16, u8 *, int );
static int	TLan_EeReadByte( struct net_device *, u8, u8 * );

static TLanIntVectorFunc *TLanIntVector[TLAN_INT_NUMBER_OF_INTS] = {

static inline void
TLan_SetTimer( struct net_device *dev, u32 ticks, u32 type )
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv = dev->priv;
	unsigned long flags = 0;
	if (!in_irq())
		spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);
	if ( priv->timer.function != NULL &&
		priv->timerType != TLAN_TIMER_ACTIVITY ) { 
		if (!in_irq())
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);
	priv->timer.function = &TLan_Timer;
	if (!in_irq())
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);

	priv->timer.data = (unsigned long) dev;
	priv->timerSetAt = jiffies;
	priv->timerType = type;
	mod_timer(&priv->timer, jiffies + ticks);
} /* TLan_SetTimer */


	ThunderLAN Driver Primary Functions

	These functions are more or less common to all Linux network drivers.


	 *	tlan_remove_one
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		None
	 *	Goes through the TLanDevices list and frees the device
	 *	structs and memory associated with each device (lists
	 *	and buffers).  It also ureserves the IO port regions
	 *	associated with this device.

static void __devexit tlan_remove_one( struct pci_dev *pdev)
	struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata( pdev );
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	unregister_netdev( dev );

	if ( priv->dmaStorage ) {
		kfree( priv->dmaStorage );

	release_region( dev->base_addr, 0x10 );
	kfree( dev );
	pci_set_drvdata( pdev, NULL );

static struct pci_driver tlan_driver = {
	name:		"tlan",
	id_table:	tlan_pci_tbl,
	probe:		tlan_init_one,
	remove:		tlan_remove_one,	

static int __init tlan_probe(void)
	static int	pad_allocated;
	printk(KERN_INFO "%s", tlan_banner);
	TLanPadBuffer = (u8 *) kmalloc(TLAN_MIN_FRAME_SIZE, 

	if (TLanPadBuffer == NULL) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "TLAN: Could not allocate memory for pad buffer.\n");
		return -ENOMEM;

	memset(TLanPadBuffer, 0, TLAN_MIN_FRAME_SIZE);
	pad_allocated = 1;

	TLAN_DBG(TLAN_DEBUG_PROBE, "Starting PCI Probe....\n");
	/* Use new style PCI probing. Now the kernel will
	   do most of this for us */

	TLAN_DBG(TLAN_DEBUG_PROBE, "Starting EISA Probe....\n");
	printk(KERN_INFO "TLAN: %d device%s installed, PCI: %d  EISA: %d\n", 
		 TLanDevicesInstalled, TLanDevicesInstalled == 1 ? "" : "s",
		 tlan_have_pci, tlan_have_eisa);

	if (TLanDevicesInstalled == 0) {
		return -ENODEV;
	return 0;

static int __devinit tlan_init_one( struct pci_dev *pdev,
				    const struct pci_device_id *ent)
	return TLan_probe1( pdev, -1, -1, 0, ent);

	 *	tlan_probe1
	 *	Returns:
	 *		0 on success, error code on error
	 *	Parms: 
	 *		none
	 *	The name is lower case to fit in with all the rest of
	 *	the netcard_probe names.  This function looks for 
	 *	another TLan based adapter, setting it up with the
	 *	allocated device struct if one is found.
	 *	tlan_probe has been ported to the new net API and
	 *	now allocates its own device structure. This function
	 *	is also used by modules.

static int __devinit TLan_probe1(struct pci_dev *pdev, 
				long ioaddr, int irq, int rev, const struct pci_device_id *ent )

	struct net_device  *dev;
	TLanPrivateInfo    *priv;
	u8		   pci_rev;
	u16		   device_id;
	int		   reg;

	if (pdev && pci_enable_device(pdev))
		return -EIO;

	dev = init_etherdev(NULL, sizeof(TLanPrivateInfo));
	if (dev == NULL) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "TLAN: Could not allocate memory for device.\n");
		return -ENOMEM;
	priv = dev->priv;

	/* Is this a PCI device? */
	if (pdev) {
		u32 		   pci_io_base = 0;

		priv->adapter = &board_info[ent->driver_data];

		pci_read_config_byte ( pdev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &pci_rev);

		for ( reg= 0; reg <= 5; reg ++ ) {
			if (pci_resource_flags(pdev, reg) & IORESOURCE_IO) {
				pci_io_base = pci_resource_start(pdev, reg);
				TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL, "IO mapping is available at %x.\n",
		if (!pci_io_base) {
			printk(KERN_ERR "TLAN: No IO mappings available\n");
			return -ENODEV;
		dev->base_addr = pci_io_base;
		dev->irq = pdev->irq;
		priv->adapterRev = pci_rev; 
		pci_set_drvdata(pdev, dev);

	} else	{     /* EISA card */
		/* This is a hack. We need to know which board structure
		 * is suited for this adapter */
		device_id = inw(ioaddr + EISA_ID2);
		priv->is_eisa = 1;
		if (device_id == 0x20F1) {
			priv->adapter = &board_info[13]; 	/* NetFlex-3/E */
			priv->adapterRev = 23;			/* TLAN 2.3 */
		} else {
			priv->adapter = &board_info[14];
			priv->adapterRev = 10;			/* TLAN 1.0 */
		dev->base_addr = ioaddr;
		dev->irq = irq;

	/* Kernel parameters */
	if (dev->mem_start) {
		priv->aui    = dev->mem_start & 0x01;
		priv->duplex = ((dev->mem_start & 0x06) == 0x06) ? 0 : (dev->mem_start & 0x06) >> 1;
		priv->speed  = ((dev->mem_start & 0x18) == 0x18) ? 0 : (dev->mem_start & 0x18) >> 3;
		if (priv->speed == 0x1) {
			priv->speed = TLAN_SPEED_10;
		} else if (priv->speed == 0x2) {
			priv->speed = TLAN_SPEED_100;
		debug = priv->debug = dev->mem_end;
	} else {
		priv->aui    = aui[boards_found];
		priv->speed  = speed[boards_found];
		priv->duplex = duplex[boards_found];
		priv->debug = debug;
	/* This will be used when we get an adapter error from
	 * within our irq handler */
	priv->tlan_tqueue.sync = 0;
	priv->tlan_tqueue.routine = (void *)(void*)TLan_tx_timeout;
	priv->tlan_tqueue.data = dev;

	if (TLan_Init(dev)) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "TLAN: Could not register device.\n");
		return -EAGAIN;
	} else {
	/* pdev is NULL if this is an EISA device */
	if (pdev)
	else {
		priv->nextDevice = TLan_Eisa_Devices;
		TLan_Eisa_Devices = dev;
	printk(KERN_INFO "TLAN: %s irq=%2d, io=%04x, %s, Rev. %d\n",
			(int) dev->irq,
			(int) dev->base_addr,
	return 0;


static void TLan_Eisa_Cleanup(void)
	struct net_device *dev;
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv;
	while( tlan_have_eisa ) {
		dev = TLan_Eisa_Devices;
		priv = dev->priv;
		if (priv->dmaStorage) {
		release_region( dev->base_addr, 0x10);
		unregister_netdev( dev );
		TLan_Eisa_Devices = priv->nextDevice;
		kfree( dev );
static void __exit tlan_exit(void)

	if (tlan_have_eisa)

	kfree( TLanPadBuffer );


/* Module loading/unloading */

	 * 	TLan_EisaProbe
	 *  	Returns: 0 on success, 1 otherwise
	 *  	Parms:	 None
	 *  	This functions probes for EISA devices and calls 
	 *  	TLan_probe1 when one is found. 

static void  __init TLan_EisaProbe (void) 
	long 	ioaddr;
	int 	rc = -ENODEV;
	int 	irq;
	u16	device_id;

	if (!EISA_bus) {	
		TLAN_DBG(TLAN_DEBUG_PROBE, "No EISA bus present\n");
	/* Loop through all slots of the EISA bus */
	for (ioaddr = 0x1000; ioaddr < 0x9000; ioaddr += 0x1000) {
	TLAN_DBG(TLAN_DEBUG_PROBE,"EISA_ID 0x%4x: 0x%4x\n", (int) ioaddr + 0xC80, inw(ioaddr + EISA_ID));	
	TLAN_DBG(TLAN_DEBUG_PROBE,"EISA_ID 0x%4x: 0x%4x\n", (int) ioaddr + 0xC82, inw(ioaddr + EISA_ID2));

		TLAN_DBG(TLAN_DEBUG_PROBE, "Probing for EISA adapter at IO: 0x%4x : ",
				   	(int) ioaddr);
		if (request_region(ioaddr, 0x10, TLanSignature) == NULL) 
			goto out;

		if (inw(ioaddr + EISA_ID) != 0x110E) {		
			release_region(ioaddr, 0x10);
			goto out;
		device_id = inw(ioaddr + EISA_ID2);
		if (device_id !=  0x20F1 && device_id != 0x40F1) { 		
			release_region (ioaddr, 0x10);
			goto out;
	 	if (inb(ioaddr + EISA_CR) != 0x1) { 	/* Check if adapter is enabled */
			release_region (ioaddr, 0x10);
			goto out2;
		if (debug == 0x10)		
			printk("Found one\n");

		/* Get irq from board */
		switch (inb(ioaddr + 0xCC0)) {
				goto out;
		/* Setup the newly found eisa adapter */
		rc = TLan_probe1( NULL, ioaddr, irq,
					12, NULL);
			if (debug == 0x10)
				printk("None found\n");

		out2:	if (debug == 0x10)
				printk("Card found but it is not enabled, skipping\n");

} /* TLan_EisaProbe */


	 *	TLan_Init
	 *	Returns:
	 *		0 on success, error code otherwise.
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev	The structure of the device to be
	 *			init'ed.
	 *	This function completes the initialization of the
	 *	device structure and driver.  It reserves the IO
	 *	addresses, allocates memory for the lists and bounce
	 *	buffers, retrieves the MAC address from the eeprom
	 *	and assignes the device's methods.

static int TLan_Init( struct net_device *dev )
	int		dma_size;
	int 		err;
	int		i;
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv;

	priv = dev->priv;
	if (!priv->is_eisa)	/* EISA devices have already requested IO */
		if (!request_region( dev->base_addr, 0x10, TLanSignature )) {
			printk(KERN_ERR "TLAN: %s: IO port region 0x%lx size 0x%x in use.\n",
				0x10 );
			return -EIO;
	if ( bbuf ) {
	           * ( sizeof(TLanList) + TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE );
	} else {
	           * ( sizeof(TLanList) );
	priv->dmaStorage = kmalloc(dma_size, GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA);
	if ( priv->dmaStorage == NULL ) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "TLAN:  Could not allocate lists and buffers for %s.\n",
			dev->name );
		release_region( dev->base_addr, 0x10 );
		return -ENOMEM;
	memset( priv->dmaStorage, 0, dma_size );
	priv->rxList = (TLanList *) 
		       ( ( ( (u32) priv->dmaStorage ) + 7 ) & 0xFFFFFFF8 );
	priv->txList = priv->rxList + TLAN_NUM_RX_LISTS;
	if ( bbuf ) {
		priv->rxBuffer = (u8 *) ( priv->txList + TLAN_NUM_TX_LISTS );
		priv->txBuffer = priv->rxBuffer

	err = 0;
	for ( i = 0;  i < 6 ; i++ )
		err |= TLan_EeReadByte( dev,
					(u8) priv->adapter->addrOfs + i,
					(u8 *) &dev->dev_addr[i] );
	if ( err ) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "TLAN: %s: Error reading MAC from eeprom: %d\n",
			err );
	dev->addr_len = 6;
	/* Device methods */
	dev->open = &TLan_Open;
	dev->hard_start_xmit = &TLan_StartTx;
	dev->stop = &TLan_Close;
	dev->get_stats = &TLan_GetStats;
	dev->set_multicast_list = &TLan_SetMulticastList;
	dev->do_ioctl = &TLan_ioctl;
	dev->tx_timeout = &TLan_tx_timeout;
	dev->watchdog_timeo = TX_TIMEOUT;

	return 0;

} /* TLan_Init */

	 *	TLan_Open
	 *	Returns:
	 *		0 on success, error code otherwise.
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev	Structure of device to be opened.
	 *	This routine puts the driver and TLAN adapter in a
	 *	state where it is ready to send and receive packets.
	 *	It allocates the IRQ, resets and brings the adapter
	 *	out of reset, and allows interrupts.  It also delays
	 *	the startup for autonegotiation or sends a Rx GO
	 *	command to the adapter, as appropriate.

static int TLan_Open( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	int		err;
	priv->tlanRev = TLan_DioRead8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_DEF_REVISION );
	err = request_irq( dev->irq, TLan_HandleInterrupt, SA_SHIRQ, TLanSignature, dev );
	if ( err ) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "TLAN:  Cannot open %s because IRQ %d is already in use.\n", dev->name, dev->irq );
		return err;
	/* NOTE: It might not be necessary to read the stats before a
			 reset if you don't care what the values are.
	TLan_ResetLists( dev );
	TLan_ReadAndClearStats( dev, TLAN_IGNORE );
	TLan_ResetAdapter( dev );

	TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL, "%s: Opened.  TLAN Chip Rev: %x\n", dev->name, priv->tlanRev );

	return 0;

} /* TLan_Open */

	 *	TLan_ioctl
	 *	Returns:
	 *		0 on success, error code otherwise
	 *	Params:
	 *		dev	structure of device to receive ioctl.
	 *		rq	ifreq structure to hold userspace data.
	 *		cmd	ioctl command.

static int TLan_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd)
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv = dev->priv;
	struct mii_ioctl_data *data = (struct mii_ioctl_data *)&rq->ifr_data;
	u32 phy   = priv->phy[priv->phyNum];
	if (!priv->phyOnline)
		return -EAGAIN;

	switch(cmd) {
	case SIOCGMIIPHY:		/* Get address of MII PHY in use. */
	case SIOCDEVPRIVATE:		/* for binary compat, remove in 2.5 */
			data->phy_id = phy;

	case SIOCGMIIREG:		/* Read MII PHY register. */
	case SIOCDEVPRIVATE+1:		/* for binary compat, remove in 2.5 */
			TLan_MiiReadReg(dev, data->phy_id & 0x1f, data->reg_num & 0x1f, &data->val_out);
			return 0;

	case SIOCSMIIREG:		/* Write MII PHY register. */
	case SIOCDEVPRIVATE+2:		/* for binary compat, remove in 2.5 */
			if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
				return -EPERM;
			TLan_MiiWriteReg(dev, data->phy_id & 0x1f, data->reg_num & 0x1f, data->val_in);
			return 0;
			return -EOPNOTSUPP;
} /* tlan_ioctl */

	 * 	TLan_tx_timeout
	 * 	Returns: nothing
	 * 	Params:
	 * 		dev	structure of device which timed out 
	 * 			during transmit.

static void TLan_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev)
	TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL, "%s: Transmit timed out.\n", dev->name);
	/* Ok so we timed out, lets see what we can do about it...*/
	TLan_FreeLists( dev );
	TLan_ResetLists( dev );		
	TLan_ReadAndClearStats( dev, TLAN_IGNORE );
	TLan_ResetAdapter( dev );
	dev->trans_start = jiffies;
	netif_wake_queue( dev );	


	 *	TLan_StartTx
	 *	Returns:
	 *		0 on success, non-zero on failure.
	 *	Parms:
	 *		skb	A pointer to the sk_buff containing the
	 *			frame to be sent.
	 *		dev	The device to send the data on.
	 *	This function adds a frame to the Tx list to be sent
	 *	ASAP.  First it	verifies that the adapter is ready and
	 *	there is room in the queue.  Then it sets up the next
	 *	available list, copies the frame to the	corresponding
	 *	buffer.  If the adapter Tx channel is idle, it gives
	 *	the adapter a Tx Go command on the list, otherwise it
	 *	sets the forward address of the previous list to point
	 *	to this one.  Then it frees the sk_buff.

static int TLan_StartTx( struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv = dev->priv;
	TLanList	*tail_list;
	u8		*tail_buffer;
	int		pad;
	unsigned long	flags;

	if ( ! priv->phyOnline ) {
		TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_TX, "TRANSMIT:  %s PHY is not ready\n", dev->name );
		return 0;

	tail_list = priv->txList + priv->txTail;
	if ( tail_list->cStat != TLAN_CSTAT_UNUSED ) {
		TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_TX, "TRANSMIT:  %s is busy (Head=%d Tail=%d)\n", dev->name, priv->txHead, priv->txTail );
		return 1;

	tail_list->forward = 0;

	if ( bbuf ) {
		tail_buffer = priv->txBuffer + ( priv->txTail * TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE );
		memcpy( tail_buffer, skb->data, skb->len );
	} else {
		tail_list->buffer[0].address = virt_to_bus( skb->data );
		tail_list->buffer[9].address = (u32) skb;

	pad = TLAN_MIN_FRAME_SIZE - skb->len;

	if ( pad > 0 ) {
		tail_list->frameSize = (u16) skb->len + pad;
		tail_list->buffer[0].count = (u32) skb->len;
		tail_list->buffer[1].count = TLAN_LAST_BUFFER | (u32) pad;
		tail_list->buffer[1].address = virt_to_bus( TLanPadBuffer );
	} else {
		tail_list->frameSize = (u16) skb->len;
		tail_list->buffer[0].count = TLAN_LAST_BUFFER | (u32) skb->len;
		tail_list->buffer[1].count = 0;
		tail_list->buffer[1].address = 0;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);
	tail_list->cStat = TLAN_CSTAT_READY;
	if ( ! priv->txInProgress ) {
		priv->txInProgress = 1;
		TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_TX, "TRANSMIT:  Starting TX on buffer %d\n", priv->txTail );
		outl( virt_to_bus( tail_list ), dev->base_addr + TLAN_CH_PARM );
		outl( TLAN_HC_GO, dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD );
	} else {
		TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_TX, "TRANSMIT:  Adding buffer %d to TX channel\n", priv->txTail );
		if ( priv->txTail == 0 ) {
			( priv->txList + ( TLAN_NUM_TX_LISTS - 1 ) )->forward = virt_to_bus( tail_list );
		} else {
			( priv->txList + ( priv->txTail - 1 ) )->forward = virt_to_bus( tail_list );
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);

	CIRC_INC( priv->txTail, TLAN_NUM_TX_LISTS );

	if ( bbuf )
	dev->trans_start = jiffies;
	return 0;

} /* TLan_StartTx */

	 *	TLan_HandleInterrupt
	 *	Returns:	
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		irq	The line on which the interrupt
	 *			occurred.
	 *		dev_id	A pointer to the device assigned to
	 *			this irq line.
	 *		regs	???
	 *	This function handles an interrupt generated by its
	 *	assigned TLAN adapter.  The function deactivates
	 *	interrupts on its adapter, records the type of
	 *	interrupt, executes the appropriate subhandler, and
	 *	acknowdges the interrupt to the adapter (thus
	 *	re-enabling adapter interrupts.

static void TLan_HandleInterrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
	u32		ack;
	struct net_device	*dev;
	u32		host_cmd;
	u16		host_int;
	int		type;
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv;

	dev = dev_id;
	priv = dev->priv;


	host_int = inw( dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_INT );
	outw( host_int, dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_INT );

	type = ( host_int & TLAN_HI_IT_MASK ) >> 2;

	ack = TLanIntVector[type]( dev, host_int );

	if ( ack ) {
		host_cmd = TLAN_HC_ACK | ack | ( type << 18 );
		outl( host_cmd, dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD );


} /* TLan_HandleInterrupts */

	 *	TLan_Close
	 * 	Returns:
	 *		An error code.
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev	The device structure of the device to
	 *			close.
	 *	This function shuts down the adapter.  It records any
	 *	stats, puts the adapter into reset state, deactivates
	 *	its time as needed, and	frees the irq it is using.

static int TLan_Close(struct net_device *dev)
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv = dev->priv;

	priv->neg_be_verbose = 0;

	TLan_ReadAndClearStats( dev, TLAN_RECORD );
	outl( TLAN_HC_AD_RST, dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD );
	if ( priv->timer.function != NULL ) {
		del_timer_sync( &priv->timer );
		priv->timer.function = NULL;
	free_irq( dev->irq, dev );
	TLan_FreeLists( dev );
	TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL, "Device %s closed.\n", dev->name );

	return 0;

} /* TLan_Close */

	 *	TLan_GetStats
	 *	Returns:
	 *		A pointer to the device's statistics structure.
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev	The device structure to return the
	 *			stats for.
	 *	This function updates the devices statistics by reading
	 *	the TLAN chip's onboard registers.  Then it returns the
	 *	address of the statistics structure.

static struct net_device_stats *TLan_GetStats( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	int i;

	/* Should only read stats if open ? */
	TLan_ReadAndClearStats( dev, TLAN_RECORD );

	TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_RX, "RECEIVE:  %s EOC count = %d\n", dev->name, priv->rxEocCount );
	TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_TX, "TRANSMIT:  %s Busy count = %d\n", dev->name, priv->txBusyCount );
	if ( debug & TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL ) {
		TLan_PrintDio( dev->base_addr );
		TLan_PhyPrint( dev );		
	if ( debug & TLAN_DEBUG_LIST ) {
		for ( i = 0; i < TLAN_NUM_RX_LISTS; i++ )
			TLan_PrintList( priv->rxList + i, "RX", i );
		for ( i = 0; i < TLAN_NUM_TX_LISTS; i++ )
			TLan_PrintList( priv->txList + i, "TX", i );
	return ( &( (TLanPrivateInfo *) dev->priv )->stats );

} /* TLan_GetStats */

	 *	TLan_SetMulticastList
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev	The device structure to set the
	 *			multicast list for.
	 *	This function sets the TLAN adaptor to various receive
	 *	modes.  If the IFF_PROMISC flag is set, promiscuous
	 *	mode is acitviated.  Otherwise,	promiscuous mode is
	 *	turned off.  If the IFF_ALLMULTI flag is set, then
	 *	the hash table is set to receive all group addresses.
	 *	Otherwise, the first three multicast addresses are
	 *	stored in AREG_1-3, and the rest are selected via the
	 *	hash table, as necessary.

static void TLan_SetMulticastList( struct net_device *dev )
	struct dev_mc_list	*dmi = dev->mc_list;
	u32			hash1 = 0;
	u32			hash2 = 0;
	int			i;
	u32			offset;
	u8			tmp;

	if ( dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC ) {
		tmp = TLan_DioRead8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_CMD );
		TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_CMD, tmp | TLAN_NET_CMD_CAF );
	} else {
		tmp = TLan_DioRead8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_CMD );
		TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_CMD, tmp & ~TLAN_NET_CMD_CAF );
		if ( dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI ) {
			for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) 
				TLan_SetMac( dev, i + 1, NULL );
			TLan_DioWrite32( dev->base_addr, TLAN_HASH_1, 0xFFFFFFFF );
			TLan_DioWrite32( dev->base_addr, TLAN_HASH_2, 0xFFFFFFFF );
		} else {
			for ( i = 0; i < dev->mc_count; i++ ) {
				if ( i < 3 ) {
					TLan_SetMac( dev, i + 1, (char *) &dmi->dmi_addr );
				} else {
					offset = TLan_HashFunc( (u8 *) &dmi->dmi_addr );
					if ( offset < 32 ) 
						hash1 |= ( 1 << offset );
						hash2 |= ( 1 << ( offset - 32 ) );
				dmi = dmi->next;
			for ( ; i < 3; i++ ) 
				TLan_SetMac( dev, i + 1, NULL );
			TLan_DioWrite32( dev->base_addr, TLAN_HASH_1, hash1 );
			TLan_DioWrite32( dev->base_addr, TLAN_HASH_2, hash2 );

} /* TLan_SetMulticastList */


        ThunderLAN Driver Interrupt Vectors and Table

	Please see Chap. 4, "Interrupt Handling" of the "ThunderLAN
	Programmer's Guide" for more informations on handling interrupts
	generated by TLAN based adapters.  


	 *	TLan_HandleInvalid
	 *	Returns:
	 *		0
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev		Device assigned the IRQ that was
	 *				raised.
	 *		host_int	The contents of the HOST_INT
	 *				port.
	 *	This function handles invalid interrupts.  This should
	 *	never happen unless some other adapter is trying to use
	 *	the IRQ line assigned to the device.

u32 TLan_HandleInvalid( struct net_device *dev, u16 host_int )
	/* printk( "TLAN:  Invalid interrupt on %s.\n", dev->name ); */
	return 0;

} /* TLan_HandleInvalid */

	 *	TLan_HandleTxEOF
	 *	Returns:
	 *		1
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev		Device assigned the IRQ that was
	 *				raised.
	 *		host_int	The contents of the HOST_INT
	 *				port.
	 *	This function handles Tx EOF interrupts which are raised
	 *	by the adapter when it has completed sending the
	 *	contents of a buffer.  If detemines which list/buffer
	 *	was completed and resets it.  If the buffer was the last
	 *	in the channel (EOC), then the function checks to see if
	 *	another buffer is ready to send, and if so, sends a Tx
	 *	Go command.  Finally, the driver activates/continues the
	 *	activity LED.

u32 TLan_HandleTxEOF( struct net_device *dev, u16 host_int )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	int		eoc = 0;
	TLanList	*head_list;
	u32		ack = 0;
	u16		tmpCStat;
	TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_TX, "TRANSMIT:  Handling TX EOF (Head=%d Tail=%d)\n", priv->txHead, priv->txTail );
	head_list = priv->txList + priv->txHead;

	while (((tmpCStat = head_list->cStat ) & TLAN_CSTAT_FRM_CMP) && (ack < 255)) {
		if ( ! bbuf ) {
			dev_kfree_skb_any( (struct sk_buff *) head_list->buffer[9].address );
			head_list->buffer[9].address = 0;
		if ( tmpCStat & TLAN_CSTAT_EOC )
			eoc = 1;
		priv->stats.tx_bytes += head_list->frameSize;

		head_list->cStat = TLAN_CSTAT_UNUSED;
		CIRC_INC( priv->txHead, TLAN_NUM_TX_LISTS ); 
		head_list = priv->txList + priv->txHead;

	if (!ack)
		printk(KERN_INFO "TLAN: Received interrupt for uncompleted TX frame.\n");
	if ( eoc ) {
		TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_TX, "TRANSMIT:  Handling TX EOC (Head=%d Tail=%d)\n", priv->txHead, priv->txTail );
		head_list = priv->txList + priv->txHead;
		if ( ( head_list->cStat & TLAN_CSTAT_READY ) == TLAN_CSTAT_READY ) {
			outl( virt_to_bus( head_list ), dev->base_addr + TLAN_CH_PARM );
			ack |= TLAN_HC_GO;
		} else {
			priv->txInProgress = 0;
	if ( priv->adapter->flags & TLAN_ADAPTER_ACTIVITY_LED ) {
		TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_LED_REG, TLAN_LED_LINK | TLAN_LED_ACT );
		if ( priv->timer.function == NULL ) {
			 priv->timer.function = &TLan_Timer;
			 priv->timer.data = (unsigned long) dev;
			 priv->timer.expires = jiffies + TLAN_TIMER_ACT_DELAY;
			 priv->timerSetAt = jiffies;
			 priv->timerType = TLAN_TIMER_ACTIVITY;
		} else if ( priv->timerType == TLAN_TIMER_ACTIVITY ) {
			priv->timerSetAt = jiffies;

	return ack;

} /* TLan_HandleTxEOF */

	 *	TLan_HandleStatOverflow
	 *	Returns:
	 *		1
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev		Device assigned the IRQ that was
	 *				raised.
	 *		host_int	The contents of the HOST_INT
	 *				port.
	 *	This function handles the Statistics Overflow interrupt
	 *	which means that one or more of the TLAN statistics
	 *	registers has reached 1/2 capacity and needs to be read.

u32 TLan_HandleStatOverflow( struct net_device *dev, u16 host_int )
	TLan_ReadAndClearStats( dev, TLAN_RECORD );

	return 1;

} /* TLan_HandleStatOverflow */

	 *	TLan_HandleRxEOF
	 *	Returns:
	 *		1
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev		Device assigned the IRQ that was
	 *				raised.
	 *		host_int	The contents of the HOST_INT
	 *				port.
	 *	This function handles the Rx EOF interrupt which
	 *	indicates a frame has been received by the adapter from
	 *	the net and the frame has been transferred to memory.
	 *	The function determines the bounce buffer the frame has
	 *	been loaded into, creates a new sk_buff big enough to
	 *	hold the frame, and sends it to protocol stack.  It
	 *	then resets the used buffer and appends it to the end
	 *	of the list.  If the frame was the last in the Rx
	 *	channel (EOC), the function restarts the receive channel
	 *	by sending an Rx Go command to the adapter.  Then it
	 *	activates/continues the activity LED.

u32 TLan_HandleRxEOF( struct net_device *dev, u16 host_int )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	u32		ack = 0;
	int		eoc = 0;
	u8		*head_buffer;
	TLanList	*head_list;
	struct sk_buff	*skb;
	TLanList	*tail_list;
	void		*t;
	u32		frameSize;
	u16		tmpCStat;

	TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_RX, "RECEIVE:  Handling RX EOF (Head=%d Tail=%d)\n", priv->rxHead, priv->rxTail );
	head_list = priv->rxList + priv->rxHead;
	while (((tmpCStat = head_list->cStat) & TLAN_CSTAT_FRM_CMP) && (ack < 255)) {
		frameSize = head_list->frameSize;
		if (tmpCStat & TLAN_CSTAT_EOC)
			eoc = 1;
		if (bbuf) {
			skb = dev_alloc_skb(frameSize + 7);
			if (skb == NULL)
				printk(KERN_INFO "TLAN: Couldn't allocate memory for received data.\n");
			else {
				head_buffer = priv->rxBuffer + (priv->rxHead * TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
				skb->dev = dev;
				skb_reserve(skb, 2);
				t = (void *) skb_put(skb, frameSize);
				priv->stats.rx_bytes += head_list->frameSize;

				memcpy( t, head_buffer, frameSize );
				skb->protocol = eth_type_trans( skb, dev );
				netif_rx( skb );
		} else {
			struct sk_buff *new_skb;
		 	*	I changed the algorithm here. What we now do
		 	*	is allocate the new frame. If this fails we
		 	*	simply recycle the frame.
			new_skb = dev_alloc_skb( TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE + 7 );
			if ( new_skb != NULL ) {
				/* If this ever happened it would be a problem */
				/* not any more - ac */
				skb = (struct sk_buff *) head_list->buffer[9].address;
				skb_trim( skb, frameSize );

				priv->stats.rx_bytes += frameSize;

				skb->protocol = eth_type_trans( skb, dev );
				netif_rx( skb );
				new_skb->dev = dev;
				skb_reserve( new_skb, 2 );
				t = (void *) skb_put( new_skb, TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE );
				head_list->buffer[0].address = virt_to_bus( t );
				head_list->buffer[8].address = (u32) t;
				head_list->buffer[9].address = (u32) new_skb;
			} else 
				printk(KERN_WARNING "TLAN:  Couldn't allocate memory for received data.\n" );

		head_list->forward = 0;
		head_list->cStat = 0;
		tail_list = priv->rxList + priv->rxTail;
		tail_list->forward = virt_to_bus( head_list );

		CIRC_INC( priv->rxHead, TLAN_NUM_RX_LISTS );
		CIRC_INC( priv->rxTail, TLAN_NUM_RX_LISTS );
		head_list = priv->rxList + priv->rxHead;

	if (!ack)
		printk(KERN_INFO "TLAN: Received interrupt for uncompleted RX frame.\n");

	if ( eoc ) { 
		TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_RX, "RECEIVE:  Handling RX EOC (Head=%d Tail=%d)\n", priv->rxHead, priv->rxTail );
		head_list = priv->rxList + priv->rxHead;
		outl( virt_to_bus( head_list ), dev->base_addr + TLAN_CH_PARM );
		ack |= TLAN_HC_GO | TLAN_HC_RT;

	if ( priv->adapter->flags & TLAN_ADAPTER_ACTIVITY_LED ) {
		TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_LED_REG, TLAN_LED_LINK | TLAN_LED_ACT );
		if ( priv->timer.function == NULL )  {
			priv->timer.function = &TLan_Timer;
			priv->timer.data = (unsigned long) dev;
			priv->timer.expires = jiffies + TLAN_TIMER_ACT_DELAY;
			priv->timerSetAt = jiffies;
			priv->timerType = TLAN_TIMER_ACTIVITY;
		} else if ( priv->timerType == TLAN_TIMER_ACTIVITY ) {
			priv->timerSetAt = jiffies;

	dev->last_rx = jiffies;
	return ack;

} /* TLan_HandleRxEOF */

	 *	TLan_HandleDummy
	 *	Returns:
	 *		1
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev		Device assigned the IRQ that was
	 *				raised.
	 *		host_int	The contents of the HOST_INT
	 *				port.
	 *	This function handles the Dummy interrupt, which is
	 *	raised whenever a test interrupt is generated by setting
	 *	the Req_Int bit of HOST_CMD to 1.

u32 TLan_HandleDummy( struct net_device *dev, u16 host_int )
	printk( "TLAN:  Test interrupt on %s.\n", dev->name );
	return 1;

} /* TLan_HandleDummy */

	 *	TLan_HandleTxEOC
	 *	Returns:
	 *		1
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev		Device assigned the IRQ that was
	 *				raised.
	 *		host_int	The contents of the HOST_INT
	 *				port.
	 *	This driver is structured to determine EOC occurances by
	 *	reading the CSTAT member of the list structure.  Tx EOC
	 *	interrupts are disabled via the DIO INTDIS register.
	 *	However, TLAN chips before revision 3.0 didn't have this
	 *	functionality, so process EOC events if this is the
	 *	case.

u32 TLan_HandleTxEOC( struct net_device *dev, u16 host_int )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	TLanList		*head_list;
	u32			ack = 1;
	host_int = 0;
	if ( priv->tlanRev < 0x30 ) {
		TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_TX, "TRANSMIT:  Handling TX EOC (Head=%d Tail=%d) -- IRQ\n", priv->txHead, priv->txTail );
		head_list = priv->txList + priv->txHead;
		if ( ( head_list->cStat & TLAN_CSTAT_READY ) == TLAN_CSTAT_READY ) {
			outl( virt_to_bus( head_list ), dev->base_addr + TLAN_CH_PARM );
			ack |= TLAN_HC_GO;
		} else {
			priv->txInProgress = 0;

	return ack;

} /* TLan_HandleTxEOC */

	 *	TLan_HandleStatusCheck
	 *	Returns:
	 *		0 if Adapter check, 1 if Network Status check.
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev		Device assigned the IRQ that was
	 *				raised.
	 *		host_int	The contents of the HOST_INT
	 *				port.
	 *	This function handles Adapter Check/Network Status
	 *	interrupts generated by the adapter.  It checks the
	 *	vector in the HOST_INT register to determine if it is
	 *	an Adapter Check interrupt.  If so, it resets the
	 *	adapter.  Otherwise it clears the status registers
	 *	and services the PHY.

u32 TLan_HandleStatusCheck( struct net_device *dev, u16 host_int )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	u32		ack;
	u32		error;
	u8		net_sts;
	u32		phy;
	u16		tlphy_ctl;
	u16		tlphy_sts;
	ack = 1;
	if ( host_int & TLAN_HI_IV_MASK ) {
		netif_stop_queue( dev );
		error = inl( dev->base_addr + TLAN_CH_PARM );
		printk( "TLAN:  %s: Adaptor Error = 0x%x\n", dev->name, error );
		TLan_ReadAndClearStats( dev, TLAN_RECORD );
		outl( TLAN_HC_AD_RST, dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD );
		queue_task(&priv->tlan_tqueue, &tq_immediate);
		ack = 0;
	} else {
		TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL, "%s: Status Check\n", dev->name );
		phy = priv->phy[priv->phyNum];

		net_sts = TLan_DioRead8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_STS );
		if ( net_sts ) {
			TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_STS, net_sts );
			TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL, "%s:    Net_Sts = %x\n", dev->name, (unsigned) net_sts );
		if ( ( net_sts & TLAN_NET_STS_MIRQ ) &&  ( priv->phyNum == 0 ) ) {
			TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, TLAN_TLPHY_STS, &tlphy_sts );
			TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, TLAN_TLPHY_CTL, &tlphy_ctl );
        		if ( ! ( tlphy_sts & TLAN_TS_POLOK ) && ! ( tlphy_ctl & TLAN_TC_SWAPOL ) ) {
                		tlphy_ctl |= TLAN_TC_SWAPOL;
                		TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, TLAN_TLPHY_CTL, tlphy_ctl);
        		} else if ( ( tlphy_sts & TLAN_TS_POLOK ) && ( tlphy_ctl & TLAN_TC_SWAPOL ) ) {
                		tlphy_ctl &= ~TLAN_TC_SWAPOL;
                		TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, TLAN_TLPHY_CTL, tlphy_ctl);

			if (debug) {
				TLan_PhyPrint( dev );		

	return ack;

} /* TLan_HandleStatusCheck */

	 *	TLan_HandleRxEOC
	 *	Returns:
	 *		1
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev		Device assigned the IRQ that was
	 *				raised.
	 *		host_int	The contents of the HOST_INT
	 *				port.
	 *	This driver is structured to determine EOC occurances by
	 *	reading the CSTAT member of the list structure.  Rx EOC
	 *	interrupts are disabled via the DIO INTDIS register.
	 *	However, TLAN chips before revision 3.0 didn't have this
	 *	CSTAT member or a INTDIS register, so if this chip is
	 *	pre-3.0, process EOC interrupts normally.

u32 TLan_HandleRxEOC( struct net_device *dev, u16 host_int )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	TLanList	*head_list;
	u32		ack = 1;

	if (  priv->tlanRev < 0x30 ) {
		TLAN_DBG( TLAN_DEBUG_RX, "RECEIVE:  Handling RX EOC (Head=%d Tail=%d) -- IRQ\n", priv->rxHead, priv->rxTail );
		head_list = priv->rxList + priv->rxHead;
		outl( virt_to_bus( head_list ), dev->base_addr + TLAN_CH_PARM );
		ack |= TLAN_HC_GO | TLAN_HC_RT;

	return ack;

} /* TLan_HandleRxEOC */


	ThunderLAN Driver Timer Function


	 *	TLan_Timer
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		data	A value given to add timer when
	 *			add_timer was called.
	 *	This function handles timed functionality for the
	 *	TLAN driver.  The two current timer uses are for
	 *	delaying for autonegotionation and driving the ACT LED.
	 *	-	Autonegotiation requires being allowed about
	 *		2 1/2 seconds before attempting to transmit a
	 *		packet.  It would be a very bad thing to hang
	 *		the kernel this long, so the driver doesn't
	 *		allow transmission 'til after this time, for
	 *		certain PHYs.  It would be much nicer if all
	 *		PHYs were interrupt-capable like the internal
	 *		PHY.
	 *	-	The ACT LED, which shows adapter activity, is
	 *		driven by the driver, and so must be left on
	 *		for a short period to power up the LED so it
	 *		can be seen.  This delay can be changed by
	 *		changing the TLAN_TIMER_ACT_DELAY in tlan.h,
	 *		if desired.  100 ms  produces a slightly
	 *		sluggish response.

void TLan_Timer( unsigned long data )
	struct net_device	*dev = (struct net_device *) data;
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	u32		elapsed;
	unsigned long	flags = 0;

	priv->timer.function = NULL;

	switch ( priv->timerType ) {
#ifdef MONITOR		
			TLan_PhyMonitor( dev );
			TLan_PhyPowerDown( dev );
			TLan_PhyPowerUp( dev );
			TLan_PhyReset( dev );
			TLan_PhyStartLink( dev );
			TLan_PhyFinishAutoNeg( dev );
			TLan_FinishReset( dev );
			spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);
			if ( priv->timer.function == NULL ) {
				elapsed = jiffies - priv->timerSetAt;
				if ( elapsed >= TLAN_TIMER_ACT_DELAY ) {
					TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_LED_REG, TLAN_LED_LINK );
				} else  {
					priv->timer.function = &TLan_Timer;
					priv->timer.expires = priv->timerSetAt + TLAN_TIMER_ACT_DELAY;
					spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);
					add_timer( &priv->timer );
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);

} /* TLan_Timer */


	ThunderLAN Driver Adapter Related Routines


	 *	TLan_ResetLists
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev	The device structure with the list
	 *			stuctures to be reset.
	 *	This routine sets the variables associated with managing
	 *	the TLAN lists to their initial values.

void TLan_ResetLists( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv = dev->priv;
	int		i;
	TLanList	*list;
	struct sk_buff	*skb;
	void		*t = NULL;

	priv->txHead = 0;
	priv->txTail = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < TLAN_NUM_TX_LISTS; i++ ) {
		list = priv->txList + i;
		list->cStat = TLAN_CSTAT_UNUSED;
		if ( bbuf ) {
			list->buffer[0].address = virt_to_bus( priv->txBuffer + ( i * TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE ) );
		} else {
			list->buffer[0].address = 0;
		list->buffer[2].count = 0;
		list->buffer[2].address = 0;
		list->buffer[9].address = 0;

	priv->rxHead = 0;
	priv->rxTail = TLAN_NUM_RX_LISTS - 1;
	for ( i = 0; i < TLAN_NUM_RX_LISTS; i++ ) {
		list = priv->rxList + i;
		list->cStat = TLAN_CSTAT_READY;
		list->frameSize = TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE;
		list->buffer[0].count = TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE | TLAN_LAST_BUFFER;
		if ( bbuf ) {
			list->buffer[0].address = virt_to_bus( priv->rxBuffer + ( i * TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE ) );
		} else {
			skb = dev_alloc_skb( TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE + 7 );
			if ( skb == NULL ) {
				printk( "TLAN:  Couldn't allocate memory for received data.\n" );
				/* If this ever happened it would be a problem */
			} else {
				skb->dev = dev;
				skb_reserve( skb, 2 );
				t = (void *) skb_put( skb, TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE );
			list->buffer[0].address = virt_to_bus( t );
			list->buffer[8].address = (u32) t;
			list->buffer[9].address = (u32) skb;
		list->buffer[1].count = 0;
		list->buffer[1].address = 0;
		if ( i < TLAN_NUM_RX_LISTS - 1 )
			list->forward = virt_to_bus( list + 1 );
			list->forward = 0;

} /* TLan_ResetLists */

void TLan_FreeLists( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo *priv = dev->priv;
	int		i;
	TLanList	*list;
	struct sk_buff	*skb;

	if ( ! bbuf ) {
		for ( i = 0; i < TLAN_NUM_TX_LISTS; i++ ) {
			list = priv->txList + i;
			skb = (struct sk_buff *) list->buffer[9].address;
			if ( skb ) {
				dev_kfree_skb_any( skb );
				list->buffer[9].address = 0;

		for ( i = 0; i < TLAN_NUM_RX_LISTS; i++ ) {
			list = priv->rxList + i;
			skb = (struct sk_buff *) list->buffer[9].address;
			if ( skb ) {
				dev_kfree_skb_any( skb );
				list->buffer[9].address = 0;

} /* TLan_FreeLists */

	 *	TLan_PrintDio
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		io_base		Base IO port of the device of
	 *				which to print DIO registers.
	 *	This function prints out all the internal (DIO)
	 *	registers of a TLAN chip.

void TLan_PrintDio( u16 io_base )
	u32 data0, data1;
	int	i;

	printk( "TLAN:   Contents of internal registers for io base 0x%04hx.\n", io_base );
	printk( "TLAN:      Off.  +0         +4\n" );
	for ( i = 0; i < 0x4C; i+= 8 ) {
		data0 = TLan_DioRead32( io_base, i );
		data1 = TLan_DioRead32( io_base, i + 0x4 );
		printk( "TLAN:      0x%02x  0x%08x 0x%08x\n", i, data0, data1 );

} /* TLan_PrintDio */

	 *	TLan_PrintList
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		list	A pointer to the TLanList structure to
	 *			be printed.
	 *		type	A string to designate type of list,
	 *			"Rx" or "Tx".
	 *		num	The index of the list.
	 *	This function prints out the contents of the list
	 *	pointed to by the list parameter.

void TLan_PrintList( TLanList *list, char *type, int num)
	int i;

	printk( "TLAN:   %s List %d at 0x%08x\n", type, num, (u32) list );
	printk( "TLAN:      Forward    = 0x%08x\n",  list->forward );
	printk( "TLAN:      CSTAT      = 0x%04hx\n", list->cStat );
	printk( "TLAN:      Frame Size = 0x%04hx\n", list->frameSize );
	/* for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { */
	for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
		printk( "TLAN:      Buffer[%d].count, addr = 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n", i, list->buffer[i].count, list->buffer[i].address );

} /* TLan_PrintList */

	 *	TLan_ReadAndClearStats
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev	Pointer to device structure of adapter
	 *			to which to read stats.
	 *		record	Flag indicating whether to add 
	 *	This functions reads all the internal status registers
	 *	of the TLAN chip, which clears them as a side effect.
	 *	It then either adds the values to the device's status
	 *	struct, or discards them, depending on whether record
	 *	is TLAN_RECORD (!=0)  or TLAN_IGNORE (==0).

void TLan_ReadAndClearStats( struct net_device *dev, int record )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	u32		tx_good, tx_under;
	u32		rx_good, rx_over;
	u32		def_tx, crc, code;
	u32		multi_col, single_col;
	u32		excess_col, late_col, loss;

	outw( TLAN_GOOD_TX_FRMS, dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR );
	tx_good  = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA );
	tx_good += inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 1 ) << 8;
	tx_good += inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 2 ) << 16;
	tx_under = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 3 );

	outw( TLAN_GOOD_RX_FRMS, dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR );
	rx_good  = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA );
	rx_good += inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 1 ) << 8;
	rx_good += inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 2 ) << 16;
	rx_over  = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 3 );
	outw( TLAN_DEFERRED_TX, dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR );
	def_tx  = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA );
	def_tx += inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 1 ) << 8;
	crc     = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 2 );
	code    = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 3 );
	outw( TLAN_MULTICOL_FRMS, dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR );
	multi_col   = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA );
	multi_col  += inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 1 ) << 8;
	single_col  = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 2 );
	single_col += inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 3 ) << 8;

	outw( TLAN_EXCESSCOL_FRMS, dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR );
	excess_col = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA );
	late_col   = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 1 );
	loss       = inb( dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + 2 );

	if ( record ) {
		priv->stats.rx_packets += rx_good;
		priv->stats.rx_errors  += rx_over + crc + code;
		priv->stats.tx_packets += tx_good;
		priv->stats.tx_errors  += tx_under + loss;
		priv->stats.collisions += multi_col + single_col + excess_col + late_col;

		priv->stats.rx_over_errors    += rx_over;
		priv->stats.rx_crc_errors     += crc;
		priv->stats.rx_frame_errors   += code;

		priv->stats.tx_aborted_errors += tx_under;
		priv->stats.tx_carrier_errors += loss;
} /* TLan_ReadAndClearStats */

	 *	TLan_Reset
	 *	Returns:
	 *		0
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev	Pointer to device structure of adapter
	 *			to be reset.
	 *	This function resets the adapter and it's physical
	 *	device.  See Chap. 3, pp. 9-10 of the "ThunderLAN
	 *	Programmer's Guide" for details.  The routine tries to
	 *	implement what is detailed there, though adjustments
	 *	have been made.

TLan_ResetAdapter( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	int		i;
	u32		addr;
	u32		data;
	u8		data8;

	priv->tlanFullDuplex = FALSE;
/*  1.	Assert reset bit. */

	data = inl(dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD);
	data |= TLAN_HC_AD_RST;
	outl(data, dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD);

/*  2.	Turn off interrupts. ( Probably isn't necessary ) */

	data = inl(dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD);
	data |= TLAN_HC_INT_OFF;
	outl(data, dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD);

/*  3.	Clear AREGs and HASHs. */

 	for ( i = TLAN_AREG_0; i <= TLAN_HASH_2; i += 4 ) {
		TLan_DioWrite32( dev->base_addr, (u16) i, 0 );

/*  4.	Setup NetConfig register. */

	TLan_DioWrite16( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_CONFIG, (u16) data );

/*  5.	Load Ld_Tmr and Ld_Thr in HOST_CMD. */

 	outl( TLAN_HC_LD_TMR | 0x3f, dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD );
 	outl( TLAN_HC_LD_THR | 0x9, dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD );

/*  6.	Unreset the MII by setting NMRST (in NetSio) to 1. */

	outw( TLAN_NET_SIO, dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR );
	addr = dev->base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + TLAN_NET_SIO;
	TLan_SetBit( TLAN_NET_SIO_NMRST, addr );

/*  7.	Setup the remaining registers. */

	if ( priv->tlanRev >= 0x30 ) {
		TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_INT_DIS, data8 );
	TLan_PhyDetect( dev );
	if ( priv->adapter->flags & TLAN_ADAPTER_BIT_RATE_PHY ) {
		data |= TLAN_NET_CFG_BIT;
		if ( priv->aui == 1 ) {
			TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_ACOMMIT, 0x0a );
		} else if ( priv->duplex == TLAN_DUPLEX_FULL ) {
			TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_ACOMMIT, 0x00 );
			priv->tlanFullDuplex = TRUE;
		} else {
			TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_ACOMMIT, 0x08 );

	if ( priv->phyNum == 0 ) {
		data |= TLAN_NET_CFG_PHY_EN;
	TLan_DioWrite16( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_CONFIG, (u16) data );

	if ( priv->adapter->flags & TLAN_ADAPTER_UNMANAGED_PHY ) {
		TLan_FinishReset( dev );
	} else {
		TLan_PhyPowerDown( dev );

} /* TLan_ResetAdapter */

TLan_FinishReset( struct net_device *dev )
	TLanPrivateInfo	*priv = dev->priv;
	u8		data;
	u32		phy;
	u8		sio;
	u16		status;
	u16		partner;
	u16		tlphy_ctl;
	u16 		tlphy_par;
	u16		tlphy_id1, tlphy_id2;
	int 		i;

	phy = priv->phy[priv->phyNum];

	if ( priv->tlanFullDuplex ) {
	TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_CMD, data );
	if ( priv->phyNum == 0 ) {
		data |= TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK7; 
	TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_MASK, data );
	TLan_DioWrite16( dev->base_addr, TLAN_MAX_RX, ((1536)+7)&~7 );
	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_ID_HI, &tlphy_id1 );
	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_ID_LO, &tlphy_id2 );
	if ( ( priv->adapter->flags & TLAN_ADAPTER_UNMANAGED_PHY ) || ( priv->aui ) ) {
		status = MII_GS_LINK;
		printk( "TLAN:  %s: Link forced.\n", dev->name );
	} else {
		TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_STS, &status );
		udelay( 1000 );
		TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_GEN_STS, &status );
		if ( (status & MII_GS_LINK) &&	 /* We only support link info on Nat.Sem. PHY's */ 
			(tlphy_id1 == NAT_SEM_ID1) &&
			(tlphy_id2 == NAT_SEM_ID2) ) {
			TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, MII_AN_LPA, &partner );
			TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, TLAN_TLPHY_PAR, &tlphy_par );
			printk( "TLAN: %s: Link active with ", dev->name );
			if (!(tlphy_par & TLAN_PHY_AN_EN_STAT)) {
			      	 printk( "forced 10%sMbps %s-Duplex\n", 
						tlphy_par & TLAN_PHY_SPEED_100 ? "" : "0",
						tlphy_par & TLAN_PHY_DUPLEX_FULL ? "Full" : "Half");
			} else {
				printk( "AutoNegotiation enabled, at 10%sMbps %s-Duplex\n",
						tlphy_par & TLAN_PHY_SPEED_100 ? "" : "0",
						tlphy_par & TLAN_PHY_DUPLEX_FULL ? "Full" : "Half");
				printk("TLAN: Partner capability: ");
					for (i = 5; i <= 10; i++)
						if (partner & (1<<i))
							printk("%s", media[i-5]);

			TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_LED_REG, TLAN_LED_LINK );
#ifdef MONITOR			
			/* We have link beat..for now anyway */
	        	priv->link = 1;
	        	/*Enabling link beat monitoring */
			TLan_SetTimer( dev, (10*HZ), TLAN_TIMER_LINK_BEAT );
		} else if (status & MII_GS_LINK)  {
			printk( "TLAN: %s: Link active\n", dev->name );
			TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_LED_REG, TLAN_LED_LINK );

	if ( priv->phyNum == 0 ) {
        	TLan_MiiReadReg( dev, phy, TLAN_TLPHY_CTL, &tlphy_ctl );
        	tlphy_ctl |= TLAN_TC_INTEN;
        	TLan_MiiWriteReg( dev, phy, TLAN_TLPHY_CTL, tlphy_ctl );
        	sio = TLan_DioRead8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_SIO );
        	sio |= TLAN_NET_SIO_MINTEN;
        	TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_NET_SIO, sio );

	if ( status & MII_GS_LINK ) {
		TLan_SetMac( dev, 0, dev->dev_addr );
		priv->phyOnline = 1;
		outb( ( TLAN_HC_INT_ON >> 8 ), dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD + 1 );
		if ( debug >= 1 && debug != TLAN_DEBUG_PROBE ) {
			outb( ( TLAN_HC_REQ_INT >> 8 ), dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD + 1 );
		outl( virt_to_bus( priv->rxList ), dev->base_addr + TLAN_CH_PARM );
		outl( TLAN_HC_GO | TLAN_HC_RT, dev->base_addr + TLAN_HOST_CMD );
	} else {
		printk( "TLAN: %s: Link inactive, will retry in 10 secs...\n", dev->name );
		TLan_SetTimer( dev, (10*HZ), TLAN_TIMER_FINISH_RESET );

} /* TLan_FinishReset */

	 *	TLan_SetMac
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Nothing
	 *	Parms:
	 *		dev	Pointer to device structure of adapter
	 *			on which to change the AREG.
	 *		areg	The AREG to set the address in (0 - 3).
	 *		mac	A pointer to an array of chars.  Each
	 *			element stores one byte of the address.
	 *			IE, it isn't in ascii.
	 *	This function transfers a MAC address to one of the
	 *	TLAN AREGs (address registers).  The TLAN chip locks
	 *	the register on writing to offset 0 and unlocks the
	 *	register after writing to offset 5.  If NULL is passed
	 *	in mac, then the AREG is filled with 0's.

void TLan_SetMac( struct net_device *dev, int areg, char *mac )
	int i;
	areg *= 6;

	if ( mac != NULL ) {
		for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
			TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_AREG_0 + areg + i, mac[i] );
	} else {
		for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
			TLan_DioWrite8( dev->base_addr, TLAN_AREG_0 + areg + i, 0 );

} /* TLan_SetMac */
