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* common.c
* Implementation of user-space PPPoE redirector for Linux.
* Common functions used by PPPoE client and server
* Copyright (C) 2000 by Roaring Penguin Software Inc.
* This program may be distributed according to the terms of the GNU
* General Public License, version 2 or (at your option) any later version.

static char const RCSID[] =
"$Id: common.c,v 1.2 2004/01/13 04:03:58 paulus Exp $";

#include "pppoe.h"

#include <syslog.h>

#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <unistd.h>

*%FUNCTION: parsePacket
* packet -- the PPPoE discovery packet to parse
* func -- function called for each tag in the packet
* extra -- an opaque data pointer supplied to parsing function
* 0 if everything went well; -1 if there was an error
* Parses a PPPoE discovery packet, calling "func" for each tag in the packet.
* "func" is passed the additional argument "extra".
parsePacket(PPPoEPacket *packet, ParseFunc *func, void *extra)
    UINT16_t len = ntohs(packet->length);
    unsigned char *curTag;
    UINT16_t tagType, tagLen;

    if (packet->ver != 1) {
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid PPPoE version (%d)", (int) packet->ver);
	return -1;
    if (packet->type != 1) {
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid PPPoE type (%d)", (int) packet->type);
	return -1;

    /* Do some sanity checks on packet */
    if (len > ETH_DATA_LEN - 6) { /* 6-byte overhead for PPPoE header */
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid PPPoE packet length (%u)", len);
	return -1;

    /* Step through the tags */
    curTag = packet->payload;
    while(curTag - packet->payload < len) {
	/* Alignment is not guaranteed, so do this by hand... */
	tagType = (((UINT16_t) curTag[0]) << 8) +
	    (UINT16_t) curTag[1];
	tagLen = (((UINT16_t) curTag[2]) << 8) +
	    (UINT16_t) curTag[3];
	if (tagType == TAG_END_OF_LIST) {
	    return 0;
	if ((curTag - packet->payload) + tagLen + TAG_HDR_SIZE > len) {
	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid PPPoE tag length (%u)", tagLen);
	    return -1;
	func(tagType, tagLen, curTag+TAG_HDR_SIZE, extra);
	curTag = curTag + TAG_HDR_SIZE + tagLen;
    return 0;

*%FUNCTION: findTag
* packet -- the PPPoE discovery packet to parse
* type -- the type of the tag to look for
* tag -- will be filled in with tag contents
* A pointer to the tag if one of the specified type is found; NULL
* otherwise. 
* Looks for a specific tag type.
unsigned char *
findTag(PPPoEPacket *packet, UINT16_t type, PPPoETag *tag)
    UINT16_t len = ntohs(packet->length);
    unsigned char *curTag;
    UINT16_t tagType, tagLen;

    if (packet->ver != 1) {
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid PPPoE version (%d)", (int) packet->ver);
	return NULL;
    if (packet->type != 1) {
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid PPPoE type (%d)", (int) packet->type);
	return NULL;

    /* Do some sanity checks on packet */
    if (len > ETH_DATA_LEN - 6) { /* 6-byte overhead for PPPoE header */
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid PPPoE packet length (%u)", len);
	return NULL;

    /* Step through the tags */
    curTag = packet->payload;
    while(curTag - packet->payload < len) {
	/* Alignment is not guaranteed, so do this by hand... */
	tagType = (((UINT16_t) curTag[0]) << 8) +
	    (UINT16_t) curTag[1];
	tagLen = (((UINT16_t) curTag[2]) << 8) +
	    (UINT16_t) curTag[3];
	if (tagType == TAG_END_OF_LIST) {
	    return NULL;
	if ((curTag - packet->payload) + tagLen + TAG_HDR_SIZE > len) {
	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid PPPoE tag length (%u)", tagLen);
	    return NULL;
	if (tagType == type) {
	    memcpy(tag, curTag, tagLen + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
	    return curTag;
	curTag = curTag + TAG_HDR_SIZE + tagLen;
    return NULL;

*%FUNCTION: printErr
* str -- error message
* Nothing
* Prints a message to stderr and syslog.
printErr(char const *str)
    fprintf(stderr, "pppoe: %s\n", str);
    syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s", str);

*%FUNCTION: strDup
* str -- string to copy
* A malloc'd copy of str.  Exits if malloc fails.
char *
strDup(char const *str)
    char *copy = malloc(strlen(str)+1);
    if (!copy) {
	rp_fatal("strdup failed");
    strcpy(copy, str);
    return copy;

*%FUNCTION: computeTCPChecksum
* ipHdr -- pointer to IP header
* tcpHdr -- pointer to TCP header
* The computed TCP checksum
computeTCPChecksum(unsigned char *ipHdr, unsigned char *tcpHdr)
    UINT32_t sum = 0;
    UINT16_t count = ipHdr[2] * 256 + ipHdr[3];
    unsigned char *addr = tcpHdr;
    unsigned char pseudoHeader[12];

    /* Count number of bytes in TCP header and data */
    count -= (ipHdr[0] & 0x0F) * 4;

    memcpy(pseudoHeader, ipHdr+12, 8);
    pseudoHeader[8] = 0;
    pseudoHeader[9] = ipHdr[9];
    pseudoHeader[10] = (count >> 8) & 0xFF;
    pseudoHeader[11] = (count & 0xFF);

    /* Checksum the pseudo-header */
    sum += * (UINT16_t *) pseudoHeader;
    sum += * ((UINT16_t *) (pseudoHeader+2));
    sum += * ((UINT16_t *) (pseudoHeader+4));
    sum += * ((UINT16_t *) (pseudoHeader+6));
    sum += * ((UINT16_t *) (pseudoHeader+8));
    sum += * ((UINT16_t *) (pseudoHeader+10));

    /* Checksum the TCP header and data */
    while (count > 1) {
	sum += * (UINT16_t *) addr;
	addr += 2;
	count -= 2;
    if (count > 0) {
	sum += *addr;

    while(sum >> 16) {
	sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
    return (UINT16_t) (~sum & 0xFFFF);

* packet -- PPPoE session packet
* dir -- either "incoming" or "outgoing"
* clampMss -- clamp value
* Nothing
* Clamps MSS option if TCP SYN flag is set.
clampMSS(PPPoEPacket *packet, char const *dir, int clampMss)
    unsigned char *tcpHdr;
    unsigned char *ipHdr;
    unsigned char *opt;
    unsigned char *endHdr;
    unsigned char *mssopt = NULL;
    UINT16_t csum;

    int len, minlen;

    /* check PPP protocol type */
    if (packet->payload[0] & 0x01) {
        /* 8 bit protocol type */

        /* Is it IPv4? */
        if (packet->payload[0] != 0x21) {
            /* Nope, ignore it */

        ipHdr = packet->payload + 1;
	minlen = 41;
    } else {
        /* 16 bit protocol type */

        /* Is it IPv4? */
        if (packet->payload[0] != 0x00 ||
            packet->payload[1] != 0x21) {
            /* Nope, ignore it */

        ipHdr = packet->payload + 2;
	minlen = 42;

    /* Is it too short? */
    len = (int) ntohs(packet->length);
    if (len < minlen) {
	/* 20 byte IP header; 20 byte TCP header; at least 1 or 2 byte PPP protocol */

    /* Verify once more that it's IPv4 */
    if ((ipHdr[0] & 0xF0) != 0x40) {

    /* Is it a fragment that's not at the beginning of the packet? */
    if ((ipHdr[6] & 0x1F) || ipHdr[7]) {
	/* Yup, don't touch! */
    /* Is it TCP? */
    if (ipHdr[9] != 0x06) {

    /* Get start of TCP header */
    tcpHdr = ipHdr + (ipHdr[0] & 0x0F) * 4;

    /* Is SYN set? */
    if (!(tcpHdr[13] & 0x02)) {

    /* Compute and verify TCP checksum -- do not touch a packet with a bad
       checksum */
    csum = computeTCPChecksum(ipHdr, tcpHdr);
    if (csum) {
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Bad TCP checksum %x", (unsigned int) csum);

	/* Upper layers will drop it */

    /* Look for existing MSS option */
    endHdr = tcpHdr + ((tcpHdr[12] & 0xF0) >> 2);
    opt = tcpHdr + 20;
    while (opt < endHdr) {
	if (!*opt) break;	/* End of options */
	switch(*opt) {
	case 1:

	case 2:
	    if (opt[1] != 4) {
		/* Something fishy about MSS option length. */
		       "Bogus length for MSS option (%u) from %u.%u.%u.%u",
		       (unsigned int) opt[1],
		       (unsigned int) ipHdr[12],
		       (unsigned int) ipHdr[13],
		       (unsigned int) ipHdr[14],
		       (unsigned int) ipHdr[15]);
	    mssopt = opt;
	    if (opt[1] < 2) {
		/* Someone's trying to attack us? */
		       "Bogus TCP option length (%u) from %u.%u.%u.%u",
		       (unsigned int) opt[1],
		       (unsigned int) ipHdr[12],
		       (unsigned int) ipHdr[13],
		       (unsigned int) ipHdr[14],
		       (unsigned int) ipHdr[15]);
	    opt += (opt[1]);
	/* Found existing MSS option? */
	if (mssopt) break;

    /* If MSS exists and it's low enough, do nothing */
    if (mssopt) {
	unsigned mss = mssopt[2] * 256 + mssopt[3];
	if (mss <= clampMss) {

	mssopt[2] = (((unsigned) clampMss) >> 8) & 0xFF;
	mssopt[3] = ((unsigned) clampMss) & 0xFF;
    } else {
	/* No MSS option.  Don't add one; we'll have to use 536. */

    /* Recompute TCP checksum */
    tcpHdr[16] = 0;
    tcpHdr[17] = 0;
    csum = computeTCPChecksum(ipHdr, tcpHdr);
    (* (UINT16_t *) (tcpHdr+16)) = csum;

* conn -- PPPoE connection
* msg -- if non-NULL, extra error message to include in PADT packet.
* Nothing
* Sends a PADT packet
sendPADT(PPPoEConnection *conn, char const *msg)
    PPPoEPacket packet;
    unsigned char *cursor = packet.payload;

    UINT16_t plen = 0;

    /* Do nothing if no session established yet */
    if (!conn->session) return;

    /* Do nothing if no discovery socket */
    if (conn->discoverySocket < 0) return;

    memcpy(packet.ethHdr.h_dest, conn->peerEth, ETH_ALEN);
    memcpy(packet.ethHdr.h_source, conn->myEth, ETH_ALEN);

    packet.ethHdr.h_proto = htons(Eth_PPPOE_Discovery);
    packet.ver = 1;
    packet.type = 1;
    packet.code = CODE_PADT;
    packet.session = conn->session;

    /* Reset Session to zero so there is no possibility of
       recursive calls to this function by any signal handler */
    conn->session = 0;

    /* If we're using Host-Uniq, copy it over */
    if (conn->useHostUniq) {
	PPPoETag hostUniq;
	pid_t pid = getpid();
	hostUniq.type = htons(TAG_HOST_UNIQ);
	hostUniq.length = htons(sizeof(pid));
	memcpy(hostUniq.payload, &pid, sizeof(pid));
	memcpy(cursor, &hostUniq, sizeof(pid) + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
	cursor += sizeof(pid) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
	plen += sizeof(pid) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;

    /* Copy error message */
    if (msg) {
	PPPoETag err;
	size_t elen = strlen(msg);
	err.type = htons(TAG_GENERIC_ERROR);
	err.length = htons(elen);
	strcpy(err.payload, msg);
	memcpy(cursor, &err, elen + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
	cursor += elen + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
	plen += elen + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
    /* Copy cookie and relay-ID if needed */
    if (conn->cookie.type) {
	CHECK_ROOM(cursor, packet.payload,
		   ntohs(conn->cookie.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
	memcpy(cursor, &conn->cookie, ntohs(conn->cookie.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
	cursor += ntohs(conn->cookie.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
	plen += ntohs(conn->cookie.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;

    if (conn->relayId.type) {
	CHECK_ROOM(cursor, packet.payload,
		   ntohs(conn->relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
	memcpy(cursor, &conn->relayId, ntohs(conn->relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
	cursor += ntohs(conn->relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
	plen += ntohs(conn->relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;

    packet.length = htons(plen);
    sendPacket(conn, conn->discoverySocket, &packet, (int) (plen + HDR_SIZE));
    if (conn->debugFile) {
	dumpPacket(conn->debugFile, &packet, "SENT");
	fprintf(conn->debugFile, "\n");
    syslog(LOG_INFO,"Sent PADT");

*%FUNCTION: parseLogErrs
* type -- tag type
* len -- tag length
* data -- tag data
* extra -- extra user data
* Nothing
* Picks error tags out of a packet and logs them.
parseLogErrs(UINT16_t type, UINT16_t len, unsigned char *data,
	     void *extra)
    switch(type) {
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "PADT: Service-Name-Error: %.*s", (int) len, data);
	fprintf(stderr, "PADT: Service-Name-Error: %.*s\n", (int) len, data);
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "PADT: System-Error: %.*s", (int) len, data);
	fprintf(stderr, "PADT: System-Error: %.*s\n", (int) len, data);
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "PADT: Generic-Error: %.*s", (int) len, data);
	fprintf(stderr, "PADT: Generic-Error: %.*s\n", (int) len, data);