* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Handle messages from debugger.
* GENERAL NOTE: we're not currently testing the message length for
* correctness. This is usually a bad idea, but here we can probably
* get away with it so long as the debugger isn't broken. We can
* change the "read" macros to use "dataLen" to avoid wandering into
* bad territory, and have a single "is dataLen correct" check at the
* end of each function. Not needed at this time.
#include "jdwp/JdwpPriv.h"
#include "jdwp/JdwpHandler.h"
#include "jdwp/JdwpEvent.h"
#include "jdwp/JdwpConstants.h"
#include "jdwp/ExpandBuf.h"
#include "Bits.h"
#include "Atomic.h"
#include "DalvikVersion.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
* Helper function: read a "location" from an input buffer.
static void jdwpReadLocation(const u1** pBuf, JdwpLocation* pLoc)
memset(pLoc, 0, sizeof(*pLoc)); /* allows memcmp() later */
pLoc->typeTag = read1(pBuf);
pLoc->classId = dvmReadObjectId(pBuf);
pLoc->methodId = dvmReadMethodId(pBuf);
pLoc->idx = read8BE(pBuf);
* Helper function: write a "location" into the reply buffer.
void dvmJdwpAddLocation(ExpandBuf* pReply, const JdwpLocation* pLoc)
expandBufAdd1(pReply, pLoc->typeTag);
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, pLoc->classId);
expandBufAddMethodId(pReply, pLoc->methodId);
expandBufAdd8BE(pReply, pLoc->idx);
* Helper function: read a variable-width value from the input buffer.
static u8 jdwpReadValue(const u1** pBuf, int width)
u8 value;
switch (width) {
case 1: value = read1(pBuf); break;
case 2: value = read2BE(pBuf); break;
case 4: value = read4BE(pBuf); break;
case 8: value = read8BE(pBuf); break;
default: value = (u8) -1; assert(false); break;
return value;
* Helper function: write a variable-width value into the output input buffer.
static void jdwpWriteValue(ExpandBuf* pReply, int width, u8 value)
switch (width) {
case 1: expandBufAdd1(pReply, value); break;
case 2: expandBufAdd2BE(pReply, value); break;
case 4: expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, value); break;
case 8: expandBufAdd8BE(pReply, value); break;
default: assert(false); break;
* Common code for *_InvokeMethod requests.
* If "isConstructor" is set, this returns "objectId" rather than the
* expected-to-be-void return value of the called function.
static JdwpError finishInvoke(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply,
ObjectId threadId, ObjectId objectId, RefTypeId classId, MethodId methodId,
bool isConstructor)
assert(!isConstructor || objectId != 0);
u4 numArgs = read4BE(&buf);
LOGV(" --> threadId=%llx objectId=%llx", threadId, objectId);
LOGV(" classId=%llx methodId=%x %s.%s",
classId, methodId,
dvmDbgGetMethodName(classId, methodId));
LOGV(" %d args:", numArgs);
u8* argArray = NULL;
if (numArgs > 0)
argArray = (ObjectId*) malloc(sizeof(ObjectId) * numArgs);
for (u4 i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
u1 typeTag = read1(&buf);
int width = dvmDbgGetTagWidth(typeTag);
u8 value = jdwpReadValue(&buf, width);
LOGV(" '%c'(%d): 0x%llx", typeTag, width, value);
argArray[i] = value;
u4 options = read4BE(&buf); /* enum InvokeOptions bit flags */
LOGV(" options=0x%04x%s%s", options,
(options & INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL) ? " (NONVIRTUAL)" : "");
u1 resultTag;
u8 resultValue;
ObjectId exceptObjId;
JdwpError err = dvmDbgInvokeMethod(threadId, objectId, classId, methodId,
numArgs, argArray, options,
&resultTag, &resultValue, &exceptObjId);
if (err != ERR_NONE)
goto bail;
if (err == ERR_NONE) {
if (isConstructor) {
expandBufAdd1(pReply, JT_OBJECT);
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, objectId);
} else {
int width = dvmDbgGetTagWidth(resultTag);
expandBufAdd1(pReply, resultTag);
if (width != 0)
jdwpWriteValue(pReply, width, resultValue);
expandBufAdd1(pReply, JT_OBJECT);
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, exceptObjId);
LOGV(" --> returned '%c' 0x%llx (except=%08llx)",
resultTag, resultValue, exceptObjId);
/* show detailed debug output */
if (resultTag == JT_STRING && exceptObjId == 0) {
if (resultValue != 0) {
char* str = dvmDbgStringToUtf8(resultValue);
LOGV(" string '%s'", str);
} else {
LOGV(" string (null)");
return err;
* Request for version info.
static JdwpError handleVM_Version(JdwpState* state, const u1* buf,
int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
char tmpBuf[128];
/* text information on VM version */
sprintf(tmpBuf, "Android DalvikVM %d.%d.%d",
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (const u1*) tmpBuf);
/* JDWP version numbers */
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, 1); // major
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, 5); // minor
/* VM JRE version */
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (const u1*) "1.5.0"); /* e.g. 1.5.0_04 */
/* target VM name */
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (const u1*) "DalvikVM");
return ERR_NONE;
* Given a class JNI signature (e.g. "Ljava/lang/Error;"), return the
* referenceTypeID. We need to send back more than one if the class has
* been loaded by multiple class loaders.
static JdwpError handleVM_ClassesBySignature(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
size_t strLen;
char* classDescriptor = readNewUtf8String(&buf, &strLen);
LOGV(" Req for class by signature '%s'", classDescriptor);
* TODO: if a class with the same name has been loaded multiple times
* (by different class loaders), we're supposed to return each of them.
* NOTE: this may mangle "className".
u4 numClasses;
RefTypeId refTypeId;
if (!dvmDbgFindLoadedClassBySignature(classDescriptor, &refTypeId)) {
/* not currently loaded */
LOGV(" --> no match!");
numClasses = 0;
} else {
/* just the one */
numClasses = 1;
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, numClasses);
if (numClasses > 0) {
u1 typeTag;
u4 status;
/* get class vs. interface and status flags */
dvmDbgGetClassInfo(refTypeId, &typeTag, &status, NULL);
expandBufAdd1(pReply, typeTag);
expandBufAddRefTypeId(pReply, refTypeId);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, status);
return ERR_NONE;
* Handle request for the thread IDs of all running threads.
* We exclude ourselves from the list, because we don't allow ourselves
* to be suspended, and that violates some JDWP expectations.
static JdwpError handleVM_AllThreads(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId* pThreadIds;
u4 threadCount;
dvmDbgGetAllThreads(&pThreadIds, &threadCount);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, threadCount);
ObjectId* walker = pThreadIds;
for (u4 i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) {
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, *walker++);
return ERR_NONE;
* List all thread groups that do not have a parent.
static JdwpError handleVM_TopLevelThreadGroups(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
* TODO: maintain a list of parentless thread groups in the VM.
* For now, just return "system". Application threads are created
* in "main", which is a child of "system".
u4 groups = 1;
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, groups);
//threadGroupId = debugGetMainThreadGroup();
//expandBufAdd8BE(pReply, threadGroupId);
ObjectId threadGroupId = dvmDbgGetSystemThreadGroupId();
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, threadGroupId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Respond with the sizes of the basic debugger types.
* All IDs are 8 bytes.
static JdwpError handleVM_IDSizes(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, sizeof(FieldId));
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, sizeof(MethodId));
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, sizeof(ObjectId));
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, sizeof(RefTypeId));
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, sizeof(FrameId));
return ERR_NONE;
* The debugger is politely asking to disconnect. We're good with that.
* We could resume threads and clean up pinned references, but we can do
* that when the TCP connection drops.
static JdwpError handleVM_Dispose(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
return ERR_NONE;
* Suspend the execution of the application running in the VM (i.e. suspend
* all threads).
* This needs to increment the "suspend count" on all threads.
static JdwpError handleVM_Suspend(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
return ERR_NONE;
* Resume execution. Decrements the "suspend count" of all threads.
static JdwpError handleVM_Resume(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
return ERR_NONE;
* The debugger wants the entire VM to exit.
static JdwpError handleVM_Exit(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
u4 exitCode = get4BE(buf);
LOGW("Debugger is telling the VM to exit with code=%d", exitCode);
return ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; // shouldn't get here
* Create a new string in the VM and return its ID.
* (Ctrl-Shift-I in Eclipse on an array of objects causes it to create the
* string "java.util.Arrays".)
static JdwpError handleVM_CreateString(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
size_t strLen;
char* str = readNewUtf8String(&buf, &strLen);
LOGV(" Req to create string '%s'", str);
ObjectId stringId = dvmDbgCreateString(str);
if (stringId == 0)
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, stringId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Tell the debugger what we are capable of.
static JdwpError handleVM_Capabilities(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canWatchFieldModification */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canWatchFieldAccess */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canGetBytecodes */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, true); /* canGetSyntheticAttribute */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canGetOwnedMonitorInfo */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canGetCurrentContendedMonitor */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canGetMonitorInfo */
return ERR_NONE;
* Return classpath and bootclasspath.
static JdwpError handleVM_ClassPaths(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
char baseDir[2] = "/";
* TODO: make this real. Not important for remote debugging, but
* might be useful for local debugging.
u4 classPaths = 1;
u4 bootClassPaths = 0;
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (const u1*) baseDir);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, classPaths);
for (u4 i = 0; i < classPaths; i++) {
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (const u1*) ".");
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, bootClassPaths);
for (u4 i = 0; i < classPaths; i++) {
/* add bootclasspath components as strings */
return ERR_NONE;
* Release a list of object IDs. (Seen in jdb.)
* Currently does nothing.
static JdwpError HandleVM_DisposeObjects(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
return ERR_NONE;
* Tell the debugger what we are capable of.
static JdwpError handleVM_CapabilitiesNew(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canWatchFieldModification */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canWatchFieldAccess */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canGetBytecodes */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, true); /* canGetSyntheticAttribute */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canGetOwnedMonitorInfo */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canGetCurrentContendedMonitor */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canGetMonitorInfo */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canRedefineClasses */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canAddMethod */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canPopFrames */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canUseInstanceFilters */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canGetSourceDebugExtension */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canRequestVMDeathEvent */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* canSetDefaultStratum */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* 1.6: canGetInstanceInfo */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* 1.6: canRequestMonitorEvents */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* 1.6: canGetMonitorFrameInfo */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* 1.6: canUseSourceNameFilters */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* 1.6: canGetConstantPool */
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* 1.6: canForceEarlyReturn */
/* fill in reserved22 through reserved32; note count started at 1 */
for (int i = 22; i <= 32; i++)
expandBufAdd1(pReply, false); /* reservedN */
return ERR_NONE;
* Cough up the complete list of classes.
static JdwpError handleVM_AllClassesWithGeneric(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
u4 numClasses = 0;
RefTypeId* classRefBuf = NULL;
dvmDbgGetClassList(&numClasses, &classRefBuf);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, numClasses);
for (u4 i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) {
static const u1 genericSignature[1] = "";
u1 refTypeTag;
const char* signature;
u4 status;
dvmDbgGetClassInfo(classRefBuf[i], &refTypeTag, &status, &signature);
expandBufAdd1(pReply, refTypeTag);
expandBufAddRefTypeId(pReply, classRefBuf[i]);
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (const u1*) signature);
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, genericSignature);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, status);
return ERR_NONE;
* Given a referenceTypeID, return a string with the JNI reference type
* signature (e.g. "Ljava/lang/Error;").
static JdwpError handleRT_Signature(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for signature of refTypeId=0x%llx", refTypeId);
const char* signature = dvmDbgGetSignature(refTypeId);
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (const u1*) signature);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the modifiers (a/k/a access flags) for a reference type.
static JdwpError handleRT_Modifiers(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
u4 modBits = dvmDbgGetAccessFlags(refTypeId);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, modBits);
return ERR_NONE;
* Get values from static fields in a reference type.
static JdwpError handleRT_GetValues(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
u4 numFields = read4BE(&buf);
LOGV(" RT_GetValues %u:", numFields);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, numFields);
for (u4 i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
FieldId fieldId = dvmReadFieldId(&buf);
dvmDbgGetStaticFieldValue(refTypeId, fieldId, pReply);
return ERR_NONE;
* Get the name of the source file in which a reference type was declared.
static JdwpError handleRT_SourceFile(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
const char* fileName = dvmDbgGetSourceFile(refTypeId);
if (fileName != NULL) {
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (const u1*) fileName);
return ERR_NONE;
} else {
* Return the current status of the reference type.
static JdwpError handleRT_Status(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
/* get status flags */
u1 typeTag;
u4 status;
dvmDbgGetClassInfo(refTypeId, &typeTag, &status, NULL);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, status);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return interfaces implemented directly by this class.
static JdwpError handleRT_Interfaces(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for interfaces in %llx (%s)", refTypeId,
dvmDbgOutputAllInterfaces(refTypeId, pReply);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the class object corresponding to this type.
static JdwpError handleRT_ClassObject(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
ObjectId classObjId = dvmDbgGetClassObject(refTypeId);
LOGV(" RefTypeId %llx -> ObjectId %llx", refTypeId, classObjId);
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, classObjId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Returns the value of the SourceDebugExtension attribute.
* JDB seems interested, but DEX files don't currently support this.
static JdwpError handleRT_SourceDebugExtension(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
/* referenceTypeId in, string out */
* Like RT_Signature but with the possibility of a "generic signature".
static JdwpError handleRT_SignatureWithGeneric(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
static const u1 genericSignature[1] = "";
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for signature of refTypeId=0x%llx", refTypeId);
const char* signature = dvmDbgGetSignature(refTypeId);
if (signature != NULL) {
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (const u1*) signature);
} else {
LOGW("No signature for refTypeId=0x%llx", refTypeId);
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (const u1*) "Lunknown;");
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, genericSignature);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the instance of java.lang.ClassLoader that loaded the specified
* reference type, or null if it was loaded by the system loader.
static JdwpError handleRT_ClassLoader(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, dvmDbgGetClassLoader(refTypeId));
return ERR_NONE;
* Given a referenceTypeId, return a block of stuff that describes the
* fields declared by a class.
static JdwpError handleRT_FieldsWithGeneric(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for fields in refTypeId=0x%llx", refTypeId);
LOGV(" --> '%s'", dvmDbgGetSignature(refTypeId));
dvmDbgOutputAllFields(refTypeId, true, pReply);
return ERR_NONE;
* Given a referenceTypeID, return a block of goodies describing the
* methods declared by a class.
static JdwpError handleRT_MethodsWithGeneric(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for methods in refTypeId=0x%llx", refTypeId);
LOGV(" --> '%s'", dvmDbgGetSignature(refTypeId));
dvmDbgOutputAllMethods(refTypeId, true, pReply);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the immediate superclass of a class.
static JdwpError handleCT_Superclass(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId classId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
RefTypeId superClassId = dvmDbgGetSuperclass(classId);
expandBufAddRefTypeId(pReply, superClassId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Set static class values.
static JdwpError handleCT_SetValues(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId classId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
u4 values = read4BE(&buf);
LOGV(" Req to set %d values in classId=%llx", values, classId);
for (u4 i = 0; i < values; i++) {
FieldId fieldId = dvmReadFieldId(&buf);
u1 fieldTag = dvmDbgGetStaticFieldBasicTag(classId, fieldId);
int width = dvmDbgGetTagWidth(fieldTag);
u8 value = jdwpReadValue(&buf, width);
LOGV(" --> field=%x tag=%c -> %lld", fieldId, fieldTag, value);
dvmDbgSetStaticFieldValue(classId, fieldId, value, width);
return ERR_NONE;
* Invoke a static method.
* Example: Eclipse sometimes uses java/lang/Class.forName(String s) on
* values in the "variables" display.
static JdwpError handleCT_InvokeMethod(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId classId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
MethodId methodId = dvmReadMethodId(&buf);
return finishInvoke(state, buf, dataLen, pReply,
threadId, 0, classId, methodId, false);
* Create a new object of the requested type, and invoke the specified
* constructor.
* Example: in IntelliJ, create a watch on "new String(myByteArray)" to
* see the contents of a byte[] as a string.
static JdwpError handleCT_NewInstance(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId classId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
MethodId methodId = dvmReadMethodId(&buf);
LOGV("Creating instance of %s", dvmDbgGetClassDescriptor(classId));
ObjectId objectId = dvmDbgCreateObject(classId);
if (objectId == 0)
return finishInvoke(state, buf, dataLen, pReply,
threadId, objectId, classId, methodId, true);
* Create a new array object of the requested type and length.
static JdwpError handleAT_newInstance(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId arrayTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
u4 length = read4BE(&buf);
LOGV("Creating array %s[%u]",
dvmDbgGetClassDescriptor(arrayTypeId), length);
ObjectId objectId = dvmDbgCreateArrayObject(arrayTypeId, length);
if (objectId == 0)
expandBufAdd1(pReply, JT_ARRAY);
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, objectId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return line number information for the method, if present.
static JdwpError handleM_LineTable(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId refTypeId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
MethodId methodId = dvmReadMethodId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for line table in %s.%s",
dvmDbgOutputLineTable(refTypeId, methodId, pReply);
return ERR_NONE;
* Pull out the LocalVariableTable goodies.
static JdwpError handleM_VariableTableWithGeneric(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId classId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
MethodId methodId = dvmReadMethodId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for LocalVarTab in class=%s method=%s",
dvmDbgGetMethodName(classId, methodId));
* We could return ERR_ABSENT_INFORMATION here if the DEX file was
* built without local variable information. That will cause Eclipse
* to make a best-effort attempt at displaying local variables
* anonymously. However, the attempt isn't very good, so we're probably
* better off just not showing anything.
dvmDbgOutputVariableTable(classId, methodId, true, pReply);
return ERR_NONE;
* Given an object reference, return the runtime type of the object
* (class or array).
* This can get called on different things, e.g. threadId gets
* passed in here.
static JdwpError handleOR_ReferenceType(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId objectId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for type of objectId=0x%llx", objectId);
u1 refTypeTag;
RefTypeId typeId;
dvmDbgGetObjectType(objectId, &refTypeTag, &typeId);
expandBufAdd1(pReply, refTypeTag);
expandBufAddRefTypeId(pReply, typeId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Get values from the fields of an object.
static JdwpError handleOR_GetValues(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId objectId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
u4 numFields = read4BE(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for %d fields from objectId=0x%llx", numFields, objectId);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, numFields);
for (u4 i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
FieldId fieldId = dvmReadFieldId(&buf);
dvmDbgGetFieldValue(objectId, fieldId, pReply);
return ERR_NONE;
* Set values in the fields of an object.
static JdwpError handleOR_SetValues(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId objectId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
u4 numFields = read4BE(&buf);
LOGV(" Req to set %d fields in objectId=0x%llx", numFields, objectId);
for (u4 i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
FieldId fieldId = dvmReadFieldId(&buf);
u1 fieldTag = dvmDbgGetFieldBasicTag(objectId, fieldId);
int width = dvmDbgGetTagWidth(fieldTag);
u8 value = jdwpReadValue(&buf, width);
LOGV(" --> fieldId=%x tag='%c'(%d) value=%lld",
fieldId, fieldTag, width, value);
dvmDbgSetFieldValue(objectId, fieldId, value, width);
return ERR_NONE;
* Invoke an instance method. The invocation must occur in the specified
* thread, which must have been suspended by an event.
* The call is synchronous. All threads in the VM are resumed, unless the
* SINGLE_THREADED flag is set.
* If you ask Eclipse to "inspect" an object (or ask JDB to "print" an
* object), it will try to invoke the object's toString() function. This
* feature becomes crucial when examining ArrayLists with Eclipse.
static JdwpError handleOR_InvokeMethod(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId objectId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
RefTypeId classId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
MethodId methodId = dvmReadMethodId(&buf);
return finishInvoke(state, buf, dataLen, pReply,
threadId, objectId, classId, methodId, false);
* Disable garbage collection of the specified object.
static JdwpError handleOR_DisableCollection(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
// this is currently a no-op
return ERR_NONE;
* Enable garbage collection of the specified object.
static JdwpError handleOR_EnableCollection(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
// this is currently a no-op
return ERR_NONE;
* Determine whether an object has been garbage collected.
static JdwpError handleOR_IsCollected(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId objectId;
objectId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req IsCollected(0x%llx)", objectId);
// TODO: currently returning false; must integrate with GC
expandBufAdd1(pReply, 0);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the string value in a string object.
static JdwpError handleSR_Value(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId stringObject = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
char* str = dvmDbgStringToUtf8(stringObject);
LOGV(" Req for str %llx --> '%s'", stringObject, str);
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (u1*) str);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return a thread's name.
static JdwpError handleTR_Name(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for name of thread 0x%llx", threadId);
char* name = dvmDbgGetThreadName(threadId);
if (name == NULL)
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (u1*) name);
return ERR_NONE;
* Suspend the specified thread.
* It's supposed to remain suspended even if interpreted code wants to
* resume it; only the JDI is allowed to resume it.
static JdwpError handleTR_Suspend(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
if (threadId == dvmDbgGetThreadSelfId()) {
LOGI(" Warning: ignoring request to suspend self");
LOGV(" Req to suspend thread 0x%llx", threadId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Resume the specified thread.
static JdwpError handleTR_Resume(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
if (threadId == dvmDbgGetThreadSelfId()) {
LOGI(" Warning: ignoring request to resume self");
return ERR_NONE;
LOGV(" Req to resume thread 0x%llx", threadId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return status of specified thread.
static JdwpError handleTR_Status(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for status of thread 0x%llx", threadId);
u4 threadStatus;
u4 suspendStatus;
if (!dvmDbgGetThreadStatus(threadId, &threadStatus, &suspendStatus))
LOGV(" --> %s, %s", dvmJdwpThreadStatusStr(threadStatus),
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, threadStatus);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, suspendStatus);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the thread group that the specified thread is a member of.
static JdwpError handleTR_ThreadGroup(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
/* currently not handling these */
ObjectId threadGroupId = dvmDbgGetThreadGroup(threadId);
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, threadGroupId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the current call stack of a suspended thread.
* If the thread isn't suspended, the error code isn't defined, but should
static JdwpError handleTR_Frames(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
u4 startFrame = read4BE(&buf);
u4 length = read4BE(&buf);
if (!dvmDbgThreadExists(threadId))
if (!dvmDbgIsSuspended(threadId)) {
LOGV(" Rejecting req for frames in running thread '%s' (%llx)",
dvmDbgGetThreadName(threadId), threadId);
int frameCount = dvmDbgGetThreadFrameCount(threadId);
LOGV(" Request for frames: threadId=%llx start=%d length=%d [count=%d]",
threadId, startFrame, length, frameCount);
if (frameCount <= 0)
return ERR_THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED; /* == 0 means 100% native */
if (length == (u4) -1)
length = frameCount;
assert((int) startFrame >= 0 && (int) startFrame < frameCount);
assert((int) (startFrame + length) <= frameCount);
u4 frames = length;
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, frames);
for (u4 i = startFrame; i < (startFrame+length); i++) {
FrameId frameId;
JdwpLocation loc;
dvmDbgGetThreadFrame(threadId, i, &frameId, &loc);
expandBufAdd8BE(pReply, frameId);
dvmJdwpAddLocation(pReply, &loc);
LOGVV(" Frame %d: id=%llx loc={type=%d cls=%llx mth=%x loc=%llx}",
i, frameId, loc.typeTag, loc.classId, loc.methodId, loc.idx);
return ERR_NONE;
* Returns the #of frames on the specified thread, which must be suspended.
static JdwpError handleTR_FrameCount(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
if (!dvmDbgThreadExists(threadId))
if (!dvmDbgIsSuspended(threadId)) {
LOGV(" Rejecting req for frames in running thread '%s' (%llx)",
dvmDbgGetThreadName(threadId), threadId);
int frameCount = dvmDbgGetThreadFrameCount(threadId);
if (frameCount < 0)
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, (u4)frameCount);
return ERR_NONE;
* Get the monitor that the thread is waiting on.
static JdwpError handleTR_CurrentContendedMonitor(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId;
threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
// TODO: create an Object to represent the monitor (we're currently
// just using a raw Monitor struct in the VM)
* Return the suspend count for the specified thread.
* (The thread *might* still be running -- it might not have examined
* its suspend count recently.)
static JdwpError handleTR_SuspendCount(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
u4 suspendCount = dvmDbgGetThreadSuspendCount(threadId);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, suspendCount);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the name of a thread group.
* The Eclipse debugger recognizes "main" and "system" as special.
static JdwpError handleTGR_Name(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadGroupId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for name of threadGroupId=0x%llx", threadGroupId);
char* name = dvmDbgGetThreadGroupName(threadGroupId);
if (name != NULL)
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (u1*) name);
else {
expandBufAddUtf8String(pReply, (u1*) "BAD-GROUP-ID");
LOGW("bad thread group ID");
return ERR_NONE;
* Returns the thread group -- if any -- that contains the specified
* thread group.
static JdwpError handleTGR_Parent(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId groupId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
ObjectId parentGroup = dvmDbgGetThreadGroupParent(groupId);
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, parentGroup);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the active threads and thread groups that are part of the
* specified thread group.
static JdwpError handleTGR_Children(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadGroupId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for threads in threadGroupId=0x%llx", threadGroupId);
ObjectId* pThreadIds;
u4 threadCount;
dvmDbgGetThreadGroupThreads(threadGroupId, &pThreadIds, &threadCount);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, threadCount);
for (u4 i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, pThreadIds[i]);
* TODO: finish support for child groups
* For now, just show that "main" is a child of "system".
if (threadGroupId == dvmDbgGetSystemThreadGroupId()) {
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, 1);
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, dvmDbgGetMainThreadGroupId());
} else {
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, 0);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the #of components in the array.
static JdwpError handleAR_Length(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId arrayId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for length of array 0x%llx", arrayId);
u4 arrayLength = dvmDbgGetArrayLength(arrayId);
LOGV(" --> %d", arrayLength);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, arrayLength);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the values from an array.
static JdwpError handleAR_GetValues(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId arrayId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
u4 firstIndex = read4BE(&buf);
u4 length = read4BE(&buf);
u1 tag = dvmDbgGetArrayElementTag(arrayId);
LOGV(" Req for array values 0x%llx first=%d len=%d (elem tag=%c)",
arrayId, firstIndex, length, tag);
expandBufAdd1(pReply, tag);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, length);
if (!dvmDbgOutputArray(arrayId, firstIndex, length, pReply))
return ERR_NONE;
* Set values in an array.
static JdwpError handleAR_SetValues(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId arrayId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
u4 firstIndex = read4BE(&buf);
u4 values = read4BE(&buf);
LOGV(" Req to set array values 0x%llx first=%d count=%d",
arrayId, firstIndex, values);
if (!dvmDbgSetArrayElements(arrayId, firstIndex, values, buf))
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the set of classes visible to a class loader. All classes which
* have the class loader as a defining or initiating loader are returned.
static JdwpError handleCLR_VisibleClasses(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId classLoaderObject;
u4 numClasses = 0;
RefTypeId* classRefBuf = NULL;
int i;
classLoaderObject = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
dvmDbgGetVisibleClassList(classLoaderObject, &numClasses, &classRefBuf);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, numClasses);
for (i = 0; i < (int) numClasses; i++) {
u1 refTypeTag;
refTypeTag = dvmDbgGetClassObjectType(classRefBuf[i]);
expandBufAdd1(pReply, refTypeTag);
expandBufAddRefTypeId(pReply, classRefBuf[i]);
return ERR_NONE;
* Set an event trigger.
* Reply with a requestID.
static JdwpError handleER_Set(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
const u1* origBuf = buf;
u1 eventKind = read1(&buf);
u1 suspendPolicy = read1(&buf);
u4 modifierCount = read4BE(&buf);
LOGVV(" Set(kind=%s(%u) suspend=%s(%u) mods=%u)",
dvmJdwpEventKindStr(eventKind), eventKind,
dvmJdwpSuspendPolicyStr(suspendPolicy), suspendPolicy,
assert(modifierCount < 256); /* reasonableness check */
JdwpEvent* pEvent = dvmJdwpEventAlloc(modifierCount);
pEvent->eventKind = static_cast<JdwpEventKind>(eventKind);
pEvent->suspendPolicy = static_cast<JdwpSuspendPolicy>(suspendPolicy);
pEvent->modCount = modifierCount;
* Read modifiers. Ordering may be significant (see explanation of Count
* mods in JDWP doc).
for (u4 idx = 0; idx < modifierCount; idx++) {
u1 modKind = read1(&buf);
pEvent->mods[idx].modKind = modKind;
switch (modKind) {
case MK_COUNT: /* report once, when "--count" reaches 0 */
u4 count = read4BE(&buf);
LOGVV(" Count: %u", count);
if (count == 0)
pEvent->mods[idx].count.count = count;
case MK_CONDITIONAL: /* conditional on expression) */
u4 exprId = read4BE(&buf);
LOGVV(" Conditional: %d", exprId);
pEvent->mods[idx].conditional.exprId = exprId;
case MK_THREAD_ONLY: /* only report events in specified thread */
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
LOGVV(" ThreadOnly: %llx", threadId);
pEvent->mods[idx].threadOnly.threadId = threadId;
case MK_CLASS_ONLY: /* for ClassPrepare, MethodEntry */
RefTypeId clazzId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
LOGVV(" ClassOnly: %llx (%s)",
clazzId, dvmDbgGetClassDescriptor(clazzId));
pEvent->mods[idx].classOnly.refTypeId = clazzId;
case MK_CLASS_MATCH: /* restrict events to matching classes */
char* pattern;
size_t strLen;
pattern = readNewUtf8String(&buf, &strLen);
LOGVV(" ClassMatch: '%s'", pattern);
/* pattern is "java.foo.*", we want "java/foo/ *" */
pEvent->mods[idx].classMatch.classPattern =
case MK_CLASS_EXCLUDE: /* restrict events to non-matching classes */
char* pattern;
size_t strLen;
pattern = readNewUtf8String(&buf, &strLen);
LOGVV(" ClassExclude: '%s'", pattern);
pEvent->mods[idx].classExclude.classPattern =
case MK_LOCATION_ONLY: /* restrict certain events based on loc */
JdwpLocation loc;
jdwpReadLocation(&buf, &loc);
LOGVV(" LocationOnly: typeTag=%d classId=%llx methodId=%x idx=%llx",
loc.typeTag, loc.classId, loc.methodId, loc.idx);
pEvent->mods[idx].locationOnly.loc = loc;
case MK_EXCEPTION_ONLY: /* modifies EK_EXCEPTION events */
RefTypeId exceptionOrNull; /* null == all exceptions */
u1 caught, uncaught;
exceptionOrNull = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
caught = read1(&buf);
uncaught = read1(&buf);
LOGVV(" ExceptionOnly: type=%llx(%s) caught=%d uncaught=%d",
exceptionOrNull, (exceptionOrNull == 0) ? "null"
: dvmDbgGetClassDescriptor(exceptionOrNull),
caught, uncaught);
pEvent->mods[idx].exceptionOnly.refTypeId = exceptionOrNull;
pEvent->mods[idx].exceptionOnly.caught = caught;
pEvent->mods[idx].exceptionOnly.uncaught = uncaught;
case MK_FIELD_ONLY: /* for field access/mod events */
RefTypeId declaring = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
FieldId fieldId = dvmReadFieldId(&buf);
LOGVV(" FieldOnly: %llx %x", declaring, fieldId);
pEvent->mods[idx].fieldOnly.refTypeId = declaring;
pEvent->mods[idx].fieldOnly.fieldId = fieldId;
case MK_STEP: /* for use with EK_SINGLE_STEP */
ObjectId threadId;
u4 size, depth;
threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
size = read4BE(&buf);
depth = read4BE(&buf);
LOGVV(" Step: thread=%llx size=%s depth=%s",
threadId, dvmJdwpStepSizeStr(size),
pEvent->mods[idx].step.threadId = threadId;
pEvent->mods[idx].step.size = size;
pEvent->mods[idx].step.depth = depth;
case MK_INSTANCE_ONLY: /* report events related to a specific obj */
ObjectId instance = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
LOGVV(" InstanceOnly: %llx", instance);
pEvent->mods[idx].instanceOnly.objectId = instance;
LOGW("GLITCH: unsupported modKind=%d", modKind);
* Make sure we consumed all data. It is possible that the remote side
* has sent us bad stuff, but for now we blame ourselves.
if (buf != origBuf + dataLen) {
LOGW("GLITCH: dataLen is %d, we have consumed %d", dataLen,
(int) (buf - origBuf));
* We reply with an integer "requestID".
u4 requestId = dvmJdwpNextEventSerial(state);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, requestId);
pEvent->requestId = requestId;
LOGV(" --> event requestId=%#x", requestId);
/* add it to the list */
JdwpError err = dvmJdwpRegisterEvent(state, pEvent);
if (err != ERR_NONE) {
/* registration failed, probably because event is bogus */
LOGW("WARNING: event request rejected");
return err;
* Clear an event. Failure to find an event with a matching ID is a no-op
* and does not return an error.
static JdwpError handleER_Clear(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
u1 eventKind;
eventKind = read1(&buf);
u4 requestId = read4BE(&buf);
LOGV(" Req to clear eventKind=%d requestId=%#x", eventKind, requestId);
dvmJdwpUnregisterEventById(state, requestId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the values of arguments and local variables.
static JdwpError handleSF_GetValues(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
FrameId frameId = dvmReadFrameId(&buf);
u4 slots = read4BE(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for %d slots in threadId=%llx frameId=%llx",
slots, threadId, frameId);
expandBufAdd4BE(pReply, slots); /* "int values" */
for (u4 i = 0; i < slots; i++) {
u4 slot = read4BE(&buf);
u1 reqSigByte = read1(&buf);
LOGV(" --> slot %d '%c'", slot, reqSigByte);
int width = dvmDbgGetTagWidth(reqSigByte);
u1* ptr = expandBufAddSpace(pReply, width+1);
dvmDbgGetLocalValue(threadId, frameId, slot, reqSigByte, ptr, width);
return ERR_NONE;
* Set the values of arguments and local variables.
static JdwpError handleSF_SetValues(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
FrameId frameId = dvmReadFrameId(&buf);
u4 slots = read4BE(&buf);
LOGV(" Req to set %d slots in threadId=%llx frameId=%llx",
slots, threadId, frameId);
for (u4 i = 0; i < slots; i++) {
u4 slot = read4BE(&buf);
u1 sigByte = read1(&buf);
int width = dvmDbgGetTagWidth(sigByte);
u8 value = jdwpReadValue(&buf, width);
LOGV(" --> slot %d '%c' %llx", slot, sigByte, value);
dvmDbgSetLocalValue(threadId, frameId, slot, sigByte, value, width);
return ERR_NONE;
* Returns the value of "this" for the specified frame.
static JdwpError handleSF_ThisObject(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
ObjectId threadId = dvmReadObjectId(&buf);
FrameId frameId = dvmReadFrameId(&buf);
ObjectId objectId;
if (!dvmDbgGetThisObject(threadId, frameId, &objectId))
u1 objectTag = dvmDbgGetObjectTag(objectId);
LOGV(" Req for 'this' in thread=%llx frame=%llx --> %llx %s '%c'",
threadId, frameId, objectId, dvmDbgGetObjectTypeName(objectId),
expandBufAdd1(pReply, objectTag);
expandBufAddObjectId(pReply, objectId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Return the reference type reflected by this class object.
* This appears to be required because ReferenceTypeId values are NEVER
* reused, whereas ClassIds can be recycled like any other object. (Either
* that, or I have no idea what this is for.)
static JdwpError handleCOR_ReflectedType(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
RefTypeId classObjectId = dvmReadRefTypeId(&buf);
LOGV(" Req for refTypeId for class=%llx (%s)",
classObjectId, dvmDbgGetClassDescriptor(classObjectId));
/* just hand the type back to them */
if (dvmDbgIsInterface(classObjectId))
expandBufAdd1(pReply, TT_INTERFACE);
expandBufAdd1(pReply, TT_CLASS);
expandBufAddRefTypeId(pReply, classObjectId);
return ERR_NONE;
* Handle a DDM packet with a single chunk in it.
static JdwpError handleDDM_Chunk(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
u1* replyBuf = NULL;
int replyLen = -1;
LOGV(" Handling DDM packet (%.4s)", buf);
* On first DDM packet, notify all handlers that DDM is running.
if (!state->ddmActive) {
state->ddmActive = true;
* If they want to send something back, we copy it into the buffer.
* A no-copy approach would be nicer.
* TODO: consider altering the JDWP stuff to hold the packet header
* in a separate buffer. That would allow us to writev() DDM traffic
* instead of copying it into the expanding buffer. The reduction in
* heap requirements is probably more valuable than the efficiency.
if (dvmDbgDdmHandlePacket(buf, dataLen, &replyBuf, &replyLen)) {
assert(replyLen > 0 && replyLen < 1*1024*1024);
memcpy(expandBufAddSpace(pReply, replyLen), replyBuf, replyLen);
return ERR_NONE;
* Handler map decl.
typedef JdwpError (*JdwpRequestHandler)(JdwpState* state,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* reply);
struct JdwpHandlerMap {
u1 cmdSet;
u1 cmd;
JdwpRequestHandler func;
const char* descr;
* Map commands to functions.
* Command sets 0-63 are incoming requests, 64-127 are outbound requests,
* and 128-256 are vendor-defined.
static const JdwpHandlerMap gHandlerMap[] = {
/* VirtualMachine command set (1) */
{ 1, 1, handleVM_Version, "VirtualMachine.Version" },
{ 1, 2, handleVM_ClassesBySignature,
"VirtualMachine.ClassesBySignature" },
//1, 3, VirtualMachine.AllClasses
{ 1, 4, handleVM_AllThreads, "VirtualMachine.AllThreads" },
{ 1, 5, handleVM_TopLevelThreadGroups,
"VirtualMachine.TopLevelThreadGroups" },
{ 1, 6, handleVM_Dispose, "VirtualMachine.Dispose" },
{ 1, 7, handleVM_IDSizes, "VirtualMachine.IDSizes" },
{ 1, 8, handleVM_Suspend, "VirtualMachine.Suspend" },
{ 1, 9, handleVM_Resume, "VirtualMachine.Resume" },
{ 1, 10, handleVM_Exit, "VirtualMachine.Exit" },
{ 1, 11, handleVM_CreateString, "VirtualMachine.CreateString" },
{ 1, 12, handleVM_Capabilities, "VirtualMachine.Capabilities" },
{ 1, 13, handleVM_ClassPaths, "VirtualMachine.ClassPaths" },
{ 1, 14, HandleVM_DisposeObjects, "VirtualMachine.DisposeObjects" },
//1, 15, HoldEvents
//1, 16, ReleaseEvents
{ 1, 17, handleVM_CapabilitiesNew,
"VirtualMachine.CapabilitiesNew" },
//1, 18, RedefineClasses
//1, 19, SetDefaultStratum
{ 1, 20, handleVM_AllClassesWithGeneric,
//1, 21, InstanceCounts
/* ReferenceType command set (2) */
{ 2, 1, handleRT_Signature, "ReferenceType.Signature" },
{ 2, 2, handleRT_ClassLoader, "ReferenceType.ClassLoader" },
{ 2, 3, handleRT_Modifiers, "ReferenceType.Modifiers" },
//2, 4, Fields
//2, 5, Methods
{ 2, 6, handleRT_GetValues, "ReferenceType.GetValues" },
{ 2, 7, handleRT_SourceFile, "ReferenceType.SourceFile" },
//2, 8, NestedTypes
{ 2, 9, handleRT_Status, "ReferenceType.Status" },
{ 2, 10, handleRT_Interfaces, "ReferenceType.Interfaces" },
{ 2, 11, handleRT_ClassObject, "ReferenceType.ClassObject" },
{ 2, 12, handleRT_SourceDebugExtension,
"ReferenceType.SourceDebugExtension" },
{ 2, 13, handleRT_SignatureWithGeneric,
"ReferenceType.SignatureWithGeneric" },
{ 2, 14, handleRT_FieldsWithGeneric,
"ReferenceType.FieldsWithGeneric" },
{ 2, 15, handleRT_MethodsWithGeneric,
"ReferenceType.MethodsWithGeneric" },
//2, 16, Instances
//2, 17, ClassFileVersion
//2, 18, ConstantPool
/* ClassType command set (3) */
{ 3, 1, handleCT_Superclass, "ClassType.Superclass" },
{ 3, 2, handleCT_SetValues, "ClassType.SetValues" },
{ 3, 3, handleCT_InvokeMethod, "ClassType.InvokeMethod" },
{ 3, 4, handleCT_NewInstance, "ClassType.NewInstance" },
/* ArrayType command set (4) */
{ 4, 1, handleAT_newInstance, "ArrayType.NewInstance" },
/* InterfaceType command set (5) */
/* Method command set (6) */
{ 6, 1, handleM_LineTable, "Method.LineTable" },
//6, 2, VariableTable
//6, 3, Bytecodes
//6, 4, IsObsolete
{ 6, 5, handleM_VariableTableWithGeneric,
"Method.VariableTableWithGeneric" },
/* Field command set (8) */
/* ObjectReference command set (9) */
{ 9, 1, handleOR_ReferenceType, "ObjectReference.ReferenceType" },
{ 9, 2, handleOR_GetValues, "ObjectReference.GetValues" },
{ 9, 3, handleOR_SetValues, "ObjectReference.SetValues" },
//9, 4, (not defined)
//9, 5, MonitorInfo
{ 9, 6, handleOR_InvokeMethod, "ObjectReference.InvokeMethod" },
{ 9, 7, handleOR_DisableCollection,
"ObjectReference.DisableCollection" },
{ 9, 8, handleOR_EnableCollection,
"ObjectReference.EnableCollection" },
{ 9, 9, handleOR_IsCollected, "ObjectReference.IsCollected" },
//9, 10, ReferringObjects
/* StringReference command set (10) */
{ 10, 1, handleSR_Value, "StringReference.Value" },
/* ThreadReference command set (11) */
{ 11, 1, handleTR_Name, "ThreadReference.Name" },
{ 11, 2, handleTR_Suspend, "ThreadReference.Suspend" },
{ 11, 3, handleTR_Resume, "ThreadReference.Resume" },
{ 11, 4, handleTR_Status, "ThreadReference.Status" },
{ 11, 5, handleTR_ThreadGroup, "ThreadReference.ThreadGroup" },
{ 11, 6, handleTR_Frames, "ThreadReference.Frames" },
{ 11, 7, handleTR_FrameCount, "ThreadReference.FrameCount" },
//11, 8, OwnedMonitors
{ 11, 9, handleTR_CurrentContendedMonitor,
"ThreadReference.CurrentContendedMonitor" },
//11, 10, Stop
//11, 11, Interrupt
{ 11, 12, handleTR_SuspendCount, "ThreadReference.SuspendCount" },
//11, 13, OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo
//11, 14, ForceEarlyReturn
/* ThreadGroupReference command set (12) */
{ 12, 1, handleTGR_Name, "ThreadGroupReference.Name" },
{ 12, 2, handleTGR_Parent, "ThreadGroupReference.Parent" },
{ 12, 3, handleTGR_Children, "ThreadGroupReference.Children" },
/* ArrayReference command set (13) */
{ 13, 1, handleAR_Length, "ArrayReference.Length" },
{ 13, 2, handleAR_GetValues, "ArrayReference.GetValues" },
{ 13, 3, handleAR_SetValues, "ArrayReference.SetValues" },
/* ClassLoaderReference command set (14) */
{ 14, 1, handleCLR_VisibleClasses,
"ClassLoaderReference.VisibleClasses" },
/* EventRequest command set (15) */
{ 15, 1, handleER_Set, "EventRequest.Set" },
{ 15, 2, handleER_Clear, "EventRequest.Clear" },
//15, 3, ClearAllBreakpoints
/* StackFrame command set (16) */
{ 16, 1, handleSF_GetValues, "StackFrame.GetValues" },
{ 16, 2, handleSF_SetValues, "StackFrame.SetValues" },
{ 16, 3, handleSF_ThisObject, "StackFrame.ThisObject" },
//16, 4, PopFrames
/* ClassObjectReference command set (17) */
{ 17, 1, handleCOR_ReflectedType,"ClassObjectReference.ReflectedType" },
/* Event command set (64) */
//64, 100, Composite <-- sent from VM to debugger, never received by VM
{ 199, 1, handleDDM_Chunk, "DDM.Chunk" },
* Process a request from the debugger.
* On entry, the JDWP thread is in VMWAIT.
void dvmJdwpProcessRequest(JdwpState* state, const JdwpReqHeader* pHeader,
const u1* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply)
JdwpError result = ERR_NONE;
int i, respLen;
if (pHeader->cmdSet != kJDWPDdmCmdSet) {
* Activity from a debugger, not merely ddms. Mark us as having an
* active debugger session, and zero out the last-activity timestamp
* so waitForDebugger() doesn't return if we stall for a bit here.
dvmQuasiAtomicSwap64(0, &state->lastActivityWhen);
* If a debugger event has fired in another thread, wait until the
* initiating thread has suspended itself before processing messages
* from the debugger. Otherwise we (the JDWP thread) could be told to
* resume the thread before it has suspended.
* We call with an argument of zero to wait for the current event
* thread to finish, and then clear the block. Depending on the thread
* suspend policy, this may allow events in other threads to fire,
* but those events have no bearing on what the debugger has sent us
* in the current request.
* Note that we MUST clear the event token before waking the event
* thread up, or risk waiting for the thread to suspend after we've
* told it to resume.
dvmJdwpSetWaitForEventThread(state, 0);
* Tell the VM that we're running and shouldn't be interrupted by GC.
* Do this after anything that can stall indefinitely.
expandBufAddSpace(pReply, kJDWPHeaderLen);
for (i = 0; i < (int) NELEM(gHandlerMap); i++) {
if (gHandlerMap[i].cmdSet == pHeader->cmdSet &&
gHandlerMap[i].cmd == pHeader->cmd)
LOGV("REQ: %s (cmd=%d/%d dataLen=%d id=0x%06x)",
gHandlerMap[i].descr, pHeader->cmdSet, pHeader->cmd,
dataLen, pHeader->id);
result = (*gHandlerMap[i].func)(state, buf, dataLen, pReply);
if (i == NELEM(gHandlerMap)) {
LOGE("REQ: UNSUPPORTED (cmd=%d/%d dataLen=%d id=0x%06x)",
pHeader->cmdSet, pHeader->cmd, dataLen, pHeader->id);
if (dataLen > 0)
dvmPrintHexDumpDbg(buf, dataLen, LOG_TAG);
assert(!"command not implemented"); // make it *really* obvious
* Set up the reply header.
* If we encountered an error, only send the header back.
u1* replyBuf = expandBufGetBuffer(pReply);
set4BE(replyBuf + 4, pHeader->id);
set1(replyBuf + 8, kJDWPFlagReply);
set2BE(replyBuf + 9, result);
if (result == ERR_NONE)
set4BE(replyBuf + 0, expandBufGetLength(pReply));
set4BE(replyBuf + 0, kJDWPHeaderLen);
respLen = expandBufGetLength(pReply) - kJDWPHeaderLen;
LOGV("reply: dataLen=%d err=%s(%d)%s", respLen,
dvmJdwpErrorStr(result), result,
result != ERR_NONE ? " **FAILED**" : "");
if (respLen > 0)
dvmPrintHexDumpDbg(expandBufGetBuffer(pReply) + kJDWPHeaderLen,
respLen, LOG_TAG);
* Update last-activity timestamp. We really only need this during
* the initial setup. Only update if this is a non-DDMS packet.
if (pHeader->cmdSet != kJDWPDdmCmdSet) {
dvmQuasiAtomicSwap64(dvmJdwpGetNowMsec(), &state->lastActivityWhen);
/* tell the VM that GC is okay again */