/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #include "Log.h" #include "StringUtil.h" #include "task/TaskProcess.h" #include "SignalProcessingImpl.h" TaskProcess::TaskProcess() : TaskGeneric(TaskGeneric::ETaskProcess) { } TaskProcess::~TaskProcess() { } TaskGeneric::ExecutionResult TaskProcess::run() { if (mType == EBuiltin) { return doRun(true); } else { if (mSp.get() == NULL) { mSp.reset(new SignalProcessingImpl()); if (!mSp->init(SignalProcessingImpl::MAIN_PROCESSING_SCRIPT)) { mSp.reset(NULL); return TaskGeneric::EResultError; } } return doRun(false); } } // Allocate Buffers and Values to pass to builtin functions bool TaskProcess::prepareParams(std::vector<TaskProcess::Param>& list, const bool* paramTypes, UniquePtr<void_ptr, DefaultDelete<void_ptr[]> > & ptrs, UniquePtr<UniqueValue, DefaultDelete<UniqueValue[]> > & values, UniquePtr<UniqueBuffer, DefaultDelete<UniqueBuffer[]> > & buffers, bool isInput) { size_t N = list.size(); LOGD("TaskProcess::prepareParams N = %d", N); ptrs.reset(new void_ptr[N]); if (ptrs.get() == NULL) { LOGE("alloc failed"); return false; } // set to NULL to detect illegal access bzero(ptrs.get(), N * sizeof(void_ptr)); values.reset(new UniqueValue[N]); if (values.get() == NULL) { LOGE("alloc failed"); return false; } buffers.reset(new UniqueBuffer[N]); if (buffers.get() == NULL) { LOGE("alloc failed"); return false; } void_ptr* voidPtrs = ptrs.get(); UniqueValue* valuesPtr = values.get(); UniqueBuffer* buffersPtr = buffers.get(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { if ((paramTypes != NULL) && paramTypes[i] && (list[i].getType() != EId)) { LOGE("mismatching types %d %d", paramTypes[i], list[i].getType()); return false; } if ((paramTypes != NULL) && !paramTypes[i] && (list[i].getType() == EId)) { LOGE("mismatching types %d %d", paramTypes[i], list[i].getType()); return false; } switch(list[i].getType()) { case EId: { UniquePtr<android::sp<Buffer> > buffer(new android::sp<Buffer>()); if (buffer.get() == NULL) { LOGE("alloc failed"); return false; } if (isInput) { *(buffer.get()) = getTestCase()->findBuffer(list[i].getParamString()); if (buffer.get()->get() == NULL) { LOGE("find failed"); return false; } LOGD("input buffer len %d stereo %d", (*buffer.get())->getSize(), (*buffer.get())->isStereo()); } buffersPtr[i].reset(buffer.release()); voidPtrs[i] = buffersPtr[i].get(); } break; case EVal: { valuesPtr[i].reset(new TaskCase::Value()); if (isInput) { if (!getTestCase()->findValue(list[i].getParamString(), *(valuesPtr[i].get()))) { LOGE("find %s failed", list[i].getParamString().string()); return false; } } voidPtrs[i] = valuesPtr[i].get(); } break; case EConst: { if (!isInput) { LOGE("const for output"); return false; } voidPtrs[i] = list[i].getValuePtr(); if (list[i].getValue().getType() == TaskCase::Value::ETypeDouble) { LOGD(" %f", list[i].getValue().getDouble()); } else { LOGD(" %lld", list[i].getValue().getInt64()); } } break; } LOGD("TaskProcess::prepareParams %d-th, const 0x%x", i, voidPtrs[i]); } return true; } // run builtin function by searching BuiltinProcessing::BUINTIN_FN_TABLE TaskGeneric::ExecutionResult TaskProcess::doRun(bool builtIn) { BuiltinProcessing::BuiltinInfo* info = NULL; if (builtIn) { for (int i = 0; i < BuiltinProcessing::N_BUILTIN_FNS; i++) { if (StringUtil::compare(mName, BuiltinProcessing::BUINTIN_FN_TABLE[i].mName) == 0) { info = &BuiltinProcessing::BUINTIN_FN_TABLE[i]; break; } } if (info == NULL) { LOGE("TaskProcess::runBuiltin no match for %s", mName.string()); return TaskGeneric::EResultError; } if (mInput.size() != info->mNInput) { LOGE("TaskProcess::runBuiltin size mismatch %d vs %d", mInput.size(), info->mNInput); return TaskGeneric::EResultError; } if (mOutput.size() != info->mNOutput) { LOGE("TaskProcess::runBuiltin size mismatch %d vs %d", mOutput.size(), info->mNOutput); return TaskGeneric::EResultError; } } // This is for passing to builtin fns. Just void pts will be cleared in exit UniquePtr<void_ptr, DefaultDelete<void_ptr[]> > inputs; // This is for holding Value instances. Will be destroyed in exit UniquePtr<UniqueValue, DefaultDelete<UniqueValue[]> > inputValues; // This is for holding android::sp<Buffer>. Buffer itself is from the global map. UniquePtr<UniqueBuffer, DefaultDelete<UniqueBuffer[]> > inputBuffers; UniquePtr<void_ptr, DefaultDelete<void_ptr[]> > outputs; // Value is created here. Builtin function just need to set it. UniquePtr<UniqueValue, DefaultDelete<UniqueValue[]> > outputValues; // Buffer itself should be allocated by the builtin function itself. UniquePtr<UniqueBuffer, DefaultDelete<UniqueBuffer[]> > outputBuffers; if (!prepareParams(mInput, builtIn ? info->mInputTypes : NULL, inputs, inputValues, inputBuffers, true)) { return TaskGeneric::EResultError; } if (!prepareParams(mOutput, builtIn ? info->mOutputTypes : NULL, outputs, outputValues, outputBuffers, false)) { return TaskGeneric::EResultError; } TaskGeneric::ExecutionResult result; if (builtIn) { result = (mBuiltin.*(info->mFunction))(inputs.get(), outputs.get()); } else { UniquePtr<bool, DefaultDelete<bool[]> > inputTypes(new bool[mInput.size()]); for (size_t i = 0; i < mInput.size(); i++) { (inputTypes.get())[i] = mInput[i].isIdType(); } UniquePtr<bool, DefaultDelete<bool[]> > outputTypes(new bool[mOutput.size()]); for (size_t i = 0; i < mOutput.size(); i++) { (outputTypes.get())[i] = mOutput[i].isIdType(); } result = mSp->run( mName, mInput.size(), inputTypes.get(), inputs.get(), mOutput.size(), outputTypes.get(), outputs.get()); } if ((result == TaskGeneric::EResultOK) || (result == TaskGeneric::EResultFail) || (result == TaskGeneric::EResultPass)) { // try to save result bool saveResultFailed = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < mOutput.size(); i++) { if (mOutput[i].isIdType()) { // Buffer android::sp<Buffer>* bufferp = reinterpret_cast<android::sp<Buffer>*>((outputs.get())[i]); if (!getTestCase()->registerBuffer(mOutput[i].getParamString(), *bufferp)) { // maybe already there, try update if (!getTestCase()->updateBuffer(mOutput[i].getParamString(), *bufferp)) { LOGE("cannot register / update %d-th output Buffer for builtin fn %s", i, mName.string()); saveResultFailed = true; // mark failure, but continue } } } else { // Value TaskCase::Value* valuep = reinterpret_cast<TaskCase::Value*>((outputs.get())[i]); if (!getTestCase()->registerValue(mOutput[i].getParamString(), *valuep)) { if (!getTestCase()->updateValue(mOutput[i].getParamString(), *valuep)) { LOGE("cannot register / update %d-th output Value for builtin fn %s", i, mName.string()); saveResultFailed = true; // mark failure, but continue } } } } if (saveResultFailed) { LOGE("TaskProcess::runBuiltin cannot save result"); return TaskGeneric::EResultError; } } LOGV("TaskProcess::runBuiltin return %d", result); return result; } bool TaskProcess::parseParams(std::vector<TaskProcess::Param>& list, const char* str, bool isInput) { LOGV("TaskProcess::parseParams will parse %s", str); android::String8 paramStr(str); UniquePtr<std::vector<android::String8> > paramTokens(StringUtil::split(paramStr, ',')); if (paramTokens.get() == NULL) { LOGE("split failed"); return false; } std::vector<android::String8>& tokens = *(paramTokens.get()); for (size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) { UniquePtr<std::vector<android::String8> > itemTokens(StringUtil::split(tokens[i], ':')); if (itemTokens.get() == NULL) { LOGE("split failed"); return false; } if (itemTokens->size() != 2) { LOGE("size mismatch %d", itemTokens->size()); return false; } std::vector<android::String8>& item = *(itemTokens.get()); if (StringUtil::compare(item[0], "id") == 0) { Param param(EId, item[1]); list.push_back(param); LOGD(" id %s", param.getParamString().string()); } else if (StringUtil::compare(item[0], "val") == 0) { Param param(EVal, item[1]); list.push_back(param); LOGD(" val %s", param.getParamString().string()); } else if (isInput && (StringUtil::compare(item[0], "consti") == 0)) { long long value = atoll(item[1].string()); TaskCase::Value v(value); Param param(v); list.push_back(param); LOGD("consti %lld", value); } else if (isInput && (StringUtil::compare(item[0], "constf") == 0)) { double value = atof(item[1].string()); TaskCase::Value v(value); Param param(v); list.push_back(param); LOGD("constf %f", value); } else { LOGE("unrecognized word %s", item[0].string()); return false; } LOGV("TaskProcess::parseParams %d-th type %d", i, list[i].getType()); } return true; } bool TaskProcess::parseAttribute(const android::String8& name, const android::String8& value) { if (StringUtil::compare(name, "method") == 0) { UniquePtr<std::vector<android::String8> > tokenPtr(StringUtil::split(value, ':')); std::vector<android::String8>* tokens = tokenPtr.get(); if (tokens == NULL) { LOGE("split failed"); return false; } if (tokens->size() != 2) { LOGE("cannot parse attr %s %s", name.string(), value.string()); return false; } if (StringUtil::compare(tokens->at(0), "builtin") == 0) { mType = EBuiltin; } else if (StringUtil::compare(tokens->at(0), "script") == 0) { mType = EScript; } else { LOGE("cannot parse attr %s %s", name.string(), value.string()); return false; } mName.append(tokens->at(1)); return true; } else if (StringUtil::compare(name, "input") == 0) { return parseParams(mInput, value, true); } else if (StringUtil::compare(name, "output") == 0) { return parseParams(mOutput, value, false); } else { LOGE("cannot parse attr %s %s", name.string(), value.string()); return false; } } TaskProcess::Param::Param(TaskProcess::ParamType type, android::String8& string) : mType(type), mString(string) { ASSERT((type == TaskProcess::EId) || (type == TaskProcess::EVal)); } TaskProcess::Param::Param(TaskCase::Value& val) : mType(TaskProcess::EConst), mValue(val) { } TaskProcess::ParamType TaskProcess::Param::getType() { return mType; } android::String8& TaskProcess::Param::getParamString() { ASSERT((mType == TaskProcess::EId) || (mType == TaskProcess::EVal)); return mString; } TaskCase::Value& TaskProcess::Param::getValue() { ASSERT(mType == TaskProcess::EConst); return mValue; } TaskCase::Value* TaskProcess::Param::getValuePtr() { ASSERT(mType == TaskProcess::EConst); return &mValue; }