// expanded-fst.h // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // // \file // Generic FST augmented with state count - interface class definition. #ifndef FST_LIB_EXPANDED_FST_H__ #define FST_LIB_EXPANDED_FST_H__ #include "fst/lib/fst.h" namespace fst { // A generic FST plus state count. template <class A> class ExpandedFst : public Fst<A> { public: typedef A Arc; typedef typename A::StateId StateId; virtual StateId NumStates() const = 0; // State count // Get a copy of this ExpandedFst. virtual ExpandedFst<A> *Copy() const = 0; // Read an ExpandedFst from an input stream; return NULL on error. static ExpandedFst<A> *Read(istream &strm, const FstReadOptions &opts) { FstReadOptions ropts(opts); FstHeader hdr; if (ropts.header) hdr = *opts.header; else { if (!hdr.Read(strm, opts.source)) return 0; ropts.header = &hdr; } if (!(hdr.Properties() & kExpanded)) { LOG(ERROR) << "ExpandedFst::Read: Not an ExpandedFst: " << ropts.source; return 0; } FstRegister<A> *registr = FstRegister<A>::GetRegister(); const typename FstRegister<A>::Reader reader = registr->GetReader(hdr.FstType()); if (!reader) { LOG(ERROR) << "ExpandedFst::Read: Unknown FST type \"" << hdr.FstType() << "\" (arc type = \"" << A::Type() << "\"): " << ropts.source; return 0; } Fst<A> *fst = reader(strm, ropts); if (!fst) return 0; return down_cast<ExpandedFst<A> *>(fst); } // Read an ExpandedFst from a file; return NULL on error. static ExpandedFst<A> *Read(const string &filename) { ifstream strm(filename.c_str()); if (!strm) { LOG(ERROR) << "ExpandedFst::Read: Can't open file: " << filename; return 0; } return Read(strm, FstReadOptions(filename)); } }; // A useful alias when using StdArc. typedef ExpandedFst<StdArc> StdExpandedFst; // Function to return the number of states in an FST, counting them // if necessary. template <class Arc> typename Arc::StateId CountStates(const Fst<Arc> &fst) { if (fst.Properties(kExpanded, false)) { const ExpandedFst<Arc> *efst = down_cast<const ExpandedFst<Arc> *>(&fst); return efst->NumStates(); } else { typename Arc::StateId nstates = 0; for (StateIterator< Fst<Arc> > siter(fst); !siter.Done(); siter.Next()) ++nstates; return nstates; } } } // FST_LIB_FST_H__ #endif // FST_LIB_EXPANDED_FST_H__