/*--- Create/destroy signal delivery frames.                       ---*/
/*---                                      sigframe-amd64-darwin.c ---*/

   This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation

   Copyright (C) 2006-2011 OpenWorks Ltd

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
   02111-1307, USA.

   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.

#if defined(VGP_amd64_darwin)

#include "pub_core_basics.h"
#include "pub_core_vki.h"
#include "pub_core_vkiscnums.h"
#include "pub_core_libcsetjmp.h"    // to keep _threadstate.h happy
#include "pub_core_threadstate.h"
#include "pub_core_aspacemgr.h"
#include "pub_core_libcbase.h"
#include "pub_core_libcassert.h"
#include "pub_core_libcprint.h"
#include "pub_core_machine.h"
#include "pub_core_options.h"
#include "pub_core_signals.h"
#include "pub_core_tooliface.h"
#include "pub_core_trampoline.h"
#include "pub_core_sigframe.h"      /* self */

/* Cheap-ass hack copied from ppc32-aix5 code, just to get started.
   Produce a frame with layout entirely of our own choosing. */

/* This module creates and removes signal frames for signal deliveries
   on amd64-darwin.  Kludgey; the machine state ought to be saved in a
   ucontext and retrieved from it later, so the handler can modify it
   and return.  However .. for now .. just stick the vex guest state
   in the frame and snarf it again later.

   Also, don't bother with creating siginfo and ucontext in the
   handler, although do point them somewhere non-faulting.

   Frame should have a 16-aligned size, just in case that turns out to
   be important for Darwin.  (be conservative)
struct hacky_sigframe {
   /* first word looks like a call to a 3-arg amd64-ELF function */
   ULong               returnAddr;
   UChar               lower_guardzone[512];  // put nothing here
   VexGuestAMD64State  gst;
   VexGuestAMD64State  gshadow1;
   VexGuestAMD64State  gshadow2;
   vki_siginfo_t       fake_siginfo;
   struct vki_ucontext fake_ucontext;
   UInt                magicPI;
   UInt                sigNo_private;
   vki_sigset_t        mask; // saved sigmask; restore when hdlr returns
   UInt                __pad[2];
   UChar               upper_guardzone[512]; // put nothing here
   // and don't zero it, since that might overwrite the client's
   // stack redzone, at least on archs which have one

/* Extend the stack segment downwards if needed so as to ensure the
   new signal frames are mapped to something.  Return a Bool
   indicating whether or not the operation was successful.
static Bool extend ( ThreadState *tst, Addr addr, SizeT size )
   ThreadId tid = tst->tid;
   /* For tracking memory events, indicate the entire frame has been
      allocated.  Except, don't mess with the area which
      overlaps the previous frame's redzone. */
   /* XXX is the following call really right?  compared with the
      amd64-linux version, this doesn't appear to handle the redzone
      in the same way. */
   VG_TRACK( new_mem_stack_signal,
             addr - VG_STACK_REDZONE_SZB, size, tid );
   return True;

/* Create a signal frame for thread 'tid'.  Make a 3-arg frame
   regardless of whether the client originally requested a 1-arg
   version (no SA_SIGINFO) or a 3-arg one (SA_SIGINFO) since in the
   former case, the amd64 calling conventions will simply cause the
   extra 2 args to be ignored (inside the handler).  (We hope!) */
void VG_(sigframe_create) ( ThreadId tid,
                            Addr sp_top_of_frame,
                            const vki_siginfo_t *siginfo,
                            const struct vki_ucontext *siguc,
                            void *handler,
                            UInt flags,
                            const vki_sigset_t *mask,
                            void *restorer )
   ThreadState* tst;
   Addr rsp;
   struct hacky_sigframe* frame;
   Int sigNo = siginfo->si_signo;

   vg_assert(VG_IS_16_ALIGNED(sizeof(struct hacky_sigframe)));

   sp_top_of_frame &= ~0xfUL;
   rsp = sp_top_of_frame - sizeof(struct hacky_sigframe);

   tst = VG_(get_ThreadState)(tid);
   if (!extend(tst, rsp, sp_top_of_frame - rsp))


   frame = (struct hacky_sigframe *) rsp;

   /* clear it (very conservatively) (why so conservatively??) */
   VG_(memset)(&frame->lower_guardzone, 0, 512);
   VG_(memset)(&frame->gst,      0, sizeof(VexGuestAMD64State));
   VG_(memset)(&frame->gshadow1, 0, sizeof(VexGuestAMD64State));
   VG_(memset)(&frame->gshadow2, 0, sizeof(VexGuestAMD64State));
   VG_(memset)(&frame->fake_siginfo,  0, sizeof(frame->fake_siginfo));
   VG_(memset)(&frame->fake_ucontext, 0, sizeof(frame->fake_ucontext));

   /* save stuff in frame */
   frame->gst           = tst->arch.vex;
   frame->gshadow1      = tst->arch.vex_shadow1;
   frame->gshadow2      = tst->arch.vex_shadow2;
   frame->sigNo_private = sigNo;
   frame->mask          = tst->sig_mask;
   frame->magicPI       = 0x31415927;

   /* Minimally fill in the siginfo and ucontext.  Note, utter
      lameness prevails.  Be underwhelmed, be very underwhelmed. */
   frame->fake_siginfo.si_signo = sigNo;
   frame->fake_siginfo.si_code  = siginfo->si_code;

   /* Set up stack pointer */
   vg_assert(rsp == (Addr)&frame->returnAddr);
   VG_(set_SP)(tid, rsp);
   VG_TRACK( post_reg_write, Vg_CoreSignal, tid, VG_O_STACK_PTR, sizeof(ULong));

   /* Set up program counter */
   VG_(set_IP)(tid, (ULong)handler);
   VG_TRACK( post_reg_write, Vg_CoreSignal, tid, VG_O_INSTR_PTR, sizeof(ULong));

   /* Set up RA and args for the frame */
   VG_TRACK( pre_mem_write, Vg_CoreSignal, tid, "signal handler frame",
             (Addr)frame, 1*sizeof(ULong) );
   frame->returnAddr  = (ULong)&VG_(amd64_darwin_SUBST_FOR_sigreturn);

   /* XXX should tell the tool that these regs got written */
   tst->arch.vex.guest_RDI = (ULong) sigNo;
   tst->arch.vex.guest_RSI = (Addr)  &frame->fake_siginfo;/* oh well */
   tst->arch.vex.guest_RDX = (Addr)  &frame->fake_ucontext; /* oh well */

   VG_TRACK( post_mem_write, Vg_CoreSignal, tid,
             (Addr)frame, 1*sizeof(ULong) );
   VG_TRACK( post_mem_write, Vg_CoreSignal, tid,
             (Addr)&frame->fake_siginfo, sizeof(frame->fake_siginfo));
   VG_TRACK( post_mem_write, Vg_CoreSignal, tid,
             (Addr)&frame->fake_ucontext, sizeof(frame->fake_ucontext));

   if (VG_(clo_trace_signals))
                   "sigframe_create (thread %d): next EIP=%#lx, next ESP=%#lx",
                   tid, (Addr)handler, (Addr)frame );

/* Remove a signal frame from thread 'tid's stack, and restore the CPU
   state from it.  Note, isRT is irrelevant here. */
void VG_(sigframe_destroy)( ThreadId tid, Bool isRT )
   ThreadState *tst;
   Addr rsp;
   Int sigNo;
   struct hacky_sigframe* frame;
   tst = VG_(get_ThreadState)(tid);

   /* Check that the stack frame looks valid */
   rsp = VG_(get_SP)(tid);

   /* why -8 ? because the signal handler's return will have popped
      the return address of the stack; and the return address is the
      lowest-addressed element of hacky_sigframe. */
   frame = (struct hacky_sigframe*)(rsp - 8);
   vg_assert(frame->magicPI == 0x31415927);

   /* restore the entire guest state, and shadows, from the
      frame.  Note, as per comments above, this is a kludge - should
      restore it from saved ucontext.  Oh well. */
   tst->arch.vex = frame->gst;
   tst->arch.vex_shadow1 = frame->gshadow1;
   tst->arch.vex_shadow2 = frame->gshadow2;
   tst->sig_mask = frame->mask;
   tst->tmp_sig_mask = frame->mask;
   sigNo = frame->sigNo_private;

   if (VG_(clo_trace_signals))
                   "sigframe_destroy (thread %d): valid magic; next RIP=%#llx",
                   tid, tst->arch.vex.guest_RIP);

   VG_TRACK( die_mem_stack_signal, 
             (Addr)frame - VG_STACK_REDZONE_SZB, 
             sizeof(struct hacky_sigframe) );

   /* tell the tools */
   VG_TRACK( post_deliver_signal, tid, sigNo );

#endif // defined(VGP_amd64_darwin)

/*--- end                                  sigframe-amd64-darwin.c ---*/