/*--- malloc/free wrappers for detecting errors and updating bits. ---*/
/*---                                         mc_malloc_wrappers.c ---*/

   This file is part of MemCheck, a heavyweight Valgrind tool for
   detecting memory errors.

   Copyright (C) 2000-2011 Julian Seward 

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
   02111-1307, USA.

   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.

#include "pub_tool_basics.h"
#include "pub_tool_execontext.h"
#include "pub_tool_hashtable.h"
#include "pub_tool_libcbase.h"
#include "pub_tool_libcassert.h"
#include "pub_tool_libcprint.h"
#include "pub_tool_mallocfree.h"
#include "pub_tool_options.h"
#include "pub_tool_replacemalloc.h"
#include "pub_tool_threadstate.h"
#include "pub_tool_tooliface.h"     // Needed for mc_include.h
#include "pub_tool_stacktrace.h"    // For VG_(get_and_pp_StackTrace)

#include "mc_include.h"

/*--- Defns                                                ---*/

/* Stats ... */
static SizeT cmalloc_n_mallocs  = 0;
static SizeT cmalloc_n_frees    = 0;
static ULong cmalloc_bs_mallocd = 0;

/* For debug printing to do with mempools: what stack trace
   depth to show. */

/*--- Tracking malloc'd and free'd blocks                  ---*/

/* Record malloc'd blocks. */
VgHashTable MC_(malloc_list) = NULL;

/* Memory pools: a hash table of MC_Mempools.  Search key is
   MC_Mempool::pool. */
VgHashTable MC_(mempool_list) = NULL;
/* Records blocks after freeing. */
/* Blocks freed by the client are queued in one of two lists of
   freed blocks not yet physically freed:
   "big blocks" freed list.
   "small blocks" freed list
   The blocks with a size >= MC_(clo_freelist_big_blocks)
   are linked in the big blocks freed list.
   This allows a client to allocate and free big blocks
   (e.g. bigger than VG_(clo_freelist_vol)) without losing
   immediately all protection against dangling pointers.
   position [0] is for big blocks, [1] is for small blocks. */
static MC_Chunk* freed_list_start[2]  = {NULL, NULL};
static MC_Chunk* freed_list_end[2]    = {NULL, NULL};

/* Put a shadow chunk on the freed blocks queue, possibly freeing up
   some of the oldest blocks in the queue at the same time. */
static void add_to_freed_queue ( MC_Chunk* mc )
   const Bool show = False;
   const int l = (mc->szB >= MC_(clo_freelist_big_blocks) ? 0 : 1);

   /* Put it at the end of the freed list, unless the block
      would be directly released any way : in this case, we
      put it at the head of the freed list. */
   if (freed_list_end[l] == NULL) {
      tl_assert(freed_list_start[l] == NULL);
      mc->next = NULL;
      freed_list_end[l]    = freed_list_start[l] = mc;
   } else {
      tl_assert(freed_list_end[l]->next == NULL);
      if (mc->szB >= MC_(clo_freelist_vol)) {
         mc->next = freed_list_start[l];
         freed_list_start[l] = mc;
      } else {
         mc->next = NULL;
         freed_list_end[l]->next = mc;
         freed_list_end[l]       = mc;
   VG_(free_queue_volume) += (Long)mc->szB;
   if (show)
      VG_(printf)("mc_freelist: acquire: volume now %lld\n", 

/* Release enough of the oldest blocks to bring the free queue
   volume below vg_clo_freelist_vol. 
   Start with big block list first.
   On entry, VG_(free_queue_volume) must be > MC_(clo_freelist_vol).
   On exit, VG_(free_queue_volume) will be <= MC_(clo_freelist_vol). */
static void release_oldest_block(void)
   const Bool show = False;
   int i;
   tl_assert (VG_(free_queue_volume) > MC_(clo_freelist_vol));
   tl_assert (freed_list_start[0] != NULL || freed_list_start[1] != NULL);

   for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      while (VG_(free_queue_volume) > MC_(clo_freelist_vol)
             && freed_list_start[i] != NULL) {
         MC_Chunk* mc1;
         tl_assert(freed_list_end[i] != NULL);
         mc1 = freed_list_start[i];
         VG_(free_queue_volume) -= (Long)mc1->szB;
         if (show)
            VG_(printf)("mc_freelist: discard: volume now %lld\n", 
         tl_assert(VG_(free_queue_volume) >= 0);
         if (freed_list_start[i] == freed_list_end[i]) {
            freed_list_start[i] = freed_list_end[i] = NULL;
         } else {
            freed_list_start[i] = mc1->next;
         mc1->next = NULL; /* just paranoia */
         /* free MC_Chunk */
         if (MC_AllocCustom != mc1->allockind)
            VG_(cli_free) ( (void*)(mc1->data) );
         VG_(free) ( mc1 );

MC_Chunk* MC_(get_freed_block_bracketting) (Addr a)
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      MC_Chunk*  mc;
      mc = freed_list_start[i];
      while (mc) {
         if (VG_(addr_is_in_block)( a, mc->data, mc->szB,
                                    MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB ))
            return mc;
         mc = mc->next;
   return NULL;

/* Allocate a shadow chunk, put it on the appropriate list.
   If needed, release oldest blocks from freed list. */
MC_Chunk* create_MC_Chunk ( ExeContext* ec, Addr p, SizeT szB,
                            MC_AllocKind kind)
   MC_Chunk* mc  = VG_(malloc)("mc.cMC.1 (a MC_Chunk)", sizeof(MC_Chunk));
   mc->data      = p;
   mc->szB       = szB;
   mc->allockind = kind;
   mc->where     = ec;

   /* Each time a new MC_Chunk is created, release oldest blocks
      if the free list volume is exceeded. */
   if (VG_(free_queue_volume) > MC_(clo_freelist_vol))

   /* Paranoia ... ensure the MC_Chunk is off-limits to the client, so
      the mc->data field isn't visible to the leak checker.  If memory
      management is working correctly, any pointer returned by VG_(malloc)
      should be noaccess as far as the client is concerned. */
   if (!MC_(check_mem_is_noaccess)( (Addr)mc, sizeof(MC_Chunk), NULL )) {
      VG_(tool_panic)("create_MC_Chunk: shadow area is accessible");
   return mc;

/*--- client_malloc(), etc                                 ---*/

// XXX: should make this a proper error (bug #79311).
static Bool complain_about_silly_args(SizeT sizeB, Char* fn)
   // Cast to a signed type to catch any unexpectedly negative args.  We're
   // assuming here that the size asked for is not greater than 2^31 bytes
   // (for 32-bit platforms) or 2^63 bytes (for 64-bit platforms).
   if ((SSizeT)sizeB < 0) {
      if (!VG_(clo_xml)) 
         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Warning: silly arg (%ld) to %s()\n",
                      (SSizeT)sizeB, fn );
      return True;
   return False;

static Bool complain_about_silly_args2(SizeT n, SizeT sizeB)
   if ((SSizeT)n < 0 || (SSizeT)sizeB < 0) {
      if (!VG_(clo_xml))
                      "Warning: silly args (%ld,%ld) to calloc()\n",
                      (SSizeT)n, (SSizeT)sizeB);
      return True;
   return False;

/* Allocate memory and note change in memory available */
void* MC_(new_block) ( ThreadId tid,
                       Addr p, SizeT szB, SizeT alignB,
                       Bool is_zeroed, MC_AllocKind kind, VgHashTable table)
   ExeContext* ec;

   cmalloc_n_mallocs ++;

   // Allocate and zero if necessary
   if (p) {
      tl_assert(MC_AllocCustom == kind);
   } else {
      tl_assert(MC_AllocCustom != kind);
      p = (Addr)VG_(cli_malloc)( alignB, szB );
      if (!p) {
         return NULL;
      if (is_zeroed) {
         VG_(memset)((void*)p, 0, szB);
      } else 
      if (MC_(clo_malloc_fill) != -1) {
         tl_assert(MC_(clo_malloc_fill) >= 0x00 && MC_(clo_malloc_fill) <= 0xFF);
         VG_(memset)((void*)p, MC_(clo_malloc_fill), szB);

   // Only update this stat if allocation succeeded.
   cmalloc_bs_mallocd += (ULong)szB;

   ec = VG_(record_ExeContext)(tid, 0/*first_ip_delta*/);

   VG_(HT_add_node)( table, create_MC_Chunk(ec, p, szB, kind) );

   if (is_zeroed)
      MC_(make_mem_defined)( p, szB );
   else {
      UInt ecu = VG_(get_ECU_from_ExeContext)(ec);
      MC_(make_mem_undefined_w_otag)( p, szB, ecu | MC_OKIND_HEAP );

   return (void*)p;

void* MC_(malloc) ( ThreadId tid, SizeT n )
   if (complain_about_silly_args(n, "malloc")) {
      return NULL;
   } else {
      return MC_(new_block) ( tid, 0, n, VG_(clo_alignment), 
         /*is_zeroed*/False, MC_AllocMalloc, MC_(malloc_list));

void* MC_(__builtin_new) ( ThreadId tid, SizeT n )
   if (complain_about_silly_args(n, "__builtin_new")) {
      return NULL;
   } else {
      return MC_(new_block) ( tid, 0, n, VG_(clo_alignment), 
         /*is_zeroed*/False, MC_AllocNew, MC_(malloc_list));

void* MC_(__builtin_vec_new) ( ThreadId tid, SizeT n )
   if (complain_about_silly_args(n, "__builtin_vec_new")) {
      return NULL;
   } else {
      return MC_(new_block) ( tid, 0, n, VG_(clo_alignment), 
         /*is_zeroed*/False, MC_AllocNewVec, MC_(malloc_list));

void* MC_(memalign) ( ThreadId tid, SizeT alignB, SizeT n )
   if (complain_about_silly_args(n, "memalign")) {
      return NULL;
   } else {
      return MC_(new_block) ( tid, 0, n, alignB, 
         /*is_zeroed*/False, MC_AllocMalloc, MC_(malloc_list));

void* MC_(calloc) ( ThreadId tid, SizeT nmemb, SizeT size1 )
   if (complain_about_silly_args2(nmemb, size1)) {
      return NULL;
   } else {
      return MC_(new_block) ( tid, 0, nmemb*size1, VG_(clo_alignment),
         /*is_zeroed*/True, MC_AllocMalloc, MC_(malloc_list));

void die_and_free_mem ( ThreadId tid, MC_Chunk* mc, SizeT rzB )
   if (MC_(clo_free_fill) != -1) {
      tl_assert(MC_(clo_free_fill) >= 0x00 && MC_(clo_free_fill) <= 0xFF);
      VG_(memset)((void*)mc->data, MC_(clo_free_fill), mc->szB);

   /* Note: make redzones noaccess again -- just in case user made them
      accessible with a client request... */
   MC_(make_mem_noaccess)( mc->data-rzB, mc->szB + 2*rzB );

   /* Record where freed */
   mc->where = VG_(record_ExeContext) ( tid, 0/*first_ip_delta*/ );
   /* Put it out of harm's way for a while */
   add_to_freed_queue ( mc );
   /* If the free list volume is bigger than MC_(clo_freelist_vol),
      we wait till the next block allocation to release blocks.
      This increase the chance to discover dangling pointer usage,
      even for big blocks being freed by the client. */

void MC_(handle_free) ( ThreadId tid, Addr p, UInt rzB, MC_AllocKind kind )
   MC_Chunk* mc;


   mc = VG_(HT_remove) ( MC_(malloc_list), (UWord)p );
   if (mc == NULL) {
      MC_(record_free_error) ( tid, p );
   } else {
      /* check if it is a matching free() / delete / delete [] */
      if (kind != mc->allockind) {
         tl_assert(p == mc->data);
         MC_(record_freemismatch_error) ( tid, mc );
      die_and_free_mem ( tid, mc, rzB );

void MC_(free) ( ThreadId tid, void* p )
      tid, (Addr)p, MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB, MC_AllocMalloc );

void MC_(__builtin_delete) ( ThreadId tid, void* p )
      tid, (Addr)p, MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB, MC_AllocNew);

void MC_(__builtin_vec_delete) ( ThreadId tid, void* p )
      tid, (Addr)p, MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB, MC_AllocNewVec);

void* MC_(realloc) ( ThreadId tid, void* p_old, SizeT new_szB )
   MC_Chunk* mc;
   void*     p_new;
   SizeT     old_szB;

   cmalloc_n_frees ++;
   cmalloc_n_mallocs ++;
   cmalloc_bs_mallocd += (ULong)new_szB;

   if (complain_about_silly_args(new_szB, "realloc")) 
      return NULL;

   /* Remove the old block */
   mc = VG_(HT_remove) ( MC_(malloc_list), (UWord)p_old );
   if (mc == NULL) {
      MC_(record_free_error) ( tid, (Addr)p_old );
      /* We return to the program regardless. */
      return NULL;

   /* check if its a matching free() / delete / delete [] */
   if (MC_AllocMalloc != mc->allockind) {
      /* can not realloc a range that was allocated with new or new [] */
      tl_assert((Addr)p_old == mc->data);
      MC_(record_freemismatch_error) ( tid, mc );
      /* but keep going anyway */

   old_szB = mc->szB;

   /* In all cases, even when the new size is smaller or unchanged, we
      reallocate and copy the contents, and make the old block
      inaccessible.  This is so as to guarantee to catch all cases of
      accesses via the old address after reallocation, regardless of
      the change in size.  (Of course the ability to detect accesses
      to the old block also depends on the size of the freed blocks
      queue). */

   if (new_szB <= old_szB) {
      /* new size is smaller or the same */
      Addr a_new; 
      /* Get new memory */
      a_new = (Addr)VG_(cli_malloc)(VG_(clo_alignment), new_szB);

      if (a_new) {
         ExeContext* ec;

         ec = VG_(record_ExeContext)(tid, 0/*first_ip_delta*/);

         /* Retained part is copied, red zones set as normal */
         MC_(make_mem_noaccess)( a_new-MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB, 
                                 MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB );
         MC_(copy_address_range_state) ( (Addr)p_old, a_new, new_szB );
         MC_(make_mem_noaccess)        ( a_new+new_szB, MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB );

         /* Copy from old to new */
         VG_(memcpy)((void*)a_new, p_old, new_szB);

         /* Possibly fill freed area with specified junk. */
         if (MC_(clo_free_fill) != -1) {
            tl_assert(MC_(clo_free_fill) >= 0x00 && MC_(clo_free_fill) <= 0xFF);
            VG_(memset)((void*)p_old, MC_(clo_free_fill), old_szB);

         /* Free old memory */
         /* Nb: we have to allocate a new MC_Chunk for the new memory rather
            than recycling the old one, so that any erroneous accesses to the
            old memory are reported. */
         die_and_free_mem ( tid, mc, MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB );

         // Allocate a new chunk.
         mc = create_MC_Chunk( ec, a_new, new_szB, MC_AllocMalloc );

      p_new = (void*)a_new;

   } else {
      /* new size is bigger */
      Addr a_new; 
      tl_assert(old_szB < new_szB);
      /* Get new memory */
      a_new = (Addr)VG_(cli_malloc)(VG_(clo_alignment), new_szB);

      if (a_new) {
         UInt        ecu;
         ExeContext* ec;

         ec = VG_(record_ExeContext)(tid, 0/*first_ip_delta*/);
         ecu = VG_(get_ECU_from_ExeContext)(ec);

         /* First half kept and copied, second half new, red zones as normal */
         MC_(make_mem_noaccess)( a_new-MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB, 
                                 MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB );
         MC_(copy_address_range_state) ( (Addr)p_old, a_new, mc->szB );
         MC_(make_mem_undefined_w_otag)( a_new+mc->szB, new_szB-mc->szB,
                                                        ecu | MC_OKIND_HEAP );
         MC_(make_mem_noaccess)        ( a_new+new_szB, MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB );

         /* Possibly fill new area with specified junk */
         if (MC_(clo_malloc_fill) != -1) {
            tl_assert(MC_(clo_malloc_fill) >= 0x00
                      && MC_(clo_malloc_fill) <= 0xFF);
            VG_(memset)((void*)(a_new+old_szB), MC_(clo_malloc_fill), 

         /* Copy from old to new */
         VG_(memcpy)((void*)a_new, p_old, mc->szB);

         /* Possibly fill freed area with specified junk. */
         if (MC_(clo_free_fill) != -1) {
            tl_assert(MC_(clo_free_fill) >= 0x00 && MC_(clo_free_fill) <= 0xFF);
            VG_(memset)((void*)p_old, MC_(clo_free_fill), old_szB);

         /* Free old memory */
         /* Nb: we have to allocate a new MC_Chunk for the new memory rather
            than recycling the old one, so that any erroneous accesses to the
            old memory are reported. */
         die_and_free_mem ( tid, mc, MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB );

         // Allocate a new chunk.
         mc = create_MC_Chunk( ec, a_new, new_szB, MC_AllocMalloc );

      p_new = (void*)a_new;

   // Now insert the new mc (with a possibly new 'data' field) into
   // malloc_list.  If this realloc() did not increase the memory size, we
   // will have removed and then re-added mc unnecessarily.  But that's ok
   // because shrinking a block with realloc() is (presumably) much rarer
   // than growing it, and this way simplifies the growing case.
   VG_(HT_add_node)( MC_(malloc_list), mc );

   return p_new;

SizeT MC_(malloc_usable_size) ( ThreadId tid, void* p )
   MC_Chunk* mc = VG_(HT_lookup) ( MC_(malloc_list), (UWord)p );

   // There may be slop, but pretend there isn't because only the asked-for
   // area will be marked as addressable.
   return ( mc ? mc->szB : 0 );

/* This handles the in place resize of a block, as performed by the
   VALGRIND_RESIZEINPLACE_BLOCK client request.  It is unrelated to,
   and not used for, handling of the normal libc realloc()
   function. */
void MC_(handle_resizeInPlace)(ThreadId tid, Addr p,
                               SizeT oldSizeB, SizeT newSizeB, SizeT rzB)
   MC_Chunk* mc = VG_(HT_lookup) ( MC_(malloc_list), (UWord)p );
   if (!mc || mc->szB != oldSizeB || newSizeB == 0) {
      /* Reject if: p is not found, or oldSizeB is wrong,
         or new block would be empty. */
      MC_(record_free_error) ( tid, p );

   if (oldSizeB == newSizeB)

   mc->szB = newSizeB;
   if (newSizeB < oldSizeB) {
      MC_(make_mem_noaccess)( p + newSizeB, oldSizeB - newSizeB + rzB );
   } else {
      ExeContext* ec  = VG_(record_ExeContext)(tid, 0/*first_ip_delta*/);
      UInt        ecu = VG_(get_ECU_from_ExeContext)(ec);
      MC_(make_mem_undefined_w_otag)( p + oldSizeB, newSizeB - oldSizeB,
                                      ecu | MC_OKIND_HEAP );
      if (rzB > 0)
         MC_(make_mem_noaccess)( p + newSizeB, rzB );

/*--- Memory pool stuff.                                   ---*/

/* Set to 1 for intensive sanity checking.  Is very expensive though
   and should not be used in production scenarios.  See #255966. */

static void check_mempool_sane(MC_Mempool* mp); /*forward*/

void MC_(create_mempool)(Addr pool, UInt rzB, Bool is_zeroed)
   MC_Mempool* mp;

   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "create_mempool(0x%lx, %d, %d)\n",
                               pool, rzB, is_zeroed);
         (VG_(get_running_tid)(), MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);

   mp = VG_(HT_lookup)(MC_(mempool_list), (UWord)pool);
   if (mp != NULL) {
     VG_(tool_panic)("MC_(create_mempool): duplicate pool creation");
   mp = VG_(malloc)("mc.cm.1", sizeof(MC_Mempool));
   mp->pool       = pool;
   mp->rzB        = rzB;
   mp->is_zeroed  = is_zeroed;
   mp->chunks     = VG_(HT_construct)( "MC_(create_mempool)" );

   /* Paranoia ... ensure this area is off-limits to the client, so
      the mp->data field isn't visible to the leak checker.  If memory
      management is working correctly, anything pointer returned by
      VG_(malloc) should be noaccess as far as the client is
      concerned. */
   if (!MC_(check_mem_is_noaccess)( (Addr)mp, sizeof(MC_Mempool), NULL )) {
      VG_(tool_panic)("MC_(create_mempool): shadow area is accessible");

   VG_(HT_add_node)( MC_(mempool_list), mp );

void MC_(destroy_mempool)(Addr pool)
   MC_Chunk*   mc;
   MC_Mempool* mp;

   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "destroy_mempool(0x%lx)\n", pool);
         (VG_(get_running_tid)(), MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);

   mp = VG_(HT_remove) ( MC_(mempool_list), (UWord)pool );

   if (mp == NULL) {
      ThreadId tid = VG_(get_running_tid)();
      MC_(record_illegal_mempool_error) ( tid, pool );

   // Clean up the chunks, one by one
   while ( (mc = VG_(HT_Next)(mp->chunks)) ) {
      /* Note: make redzones noaccess again -- just in case user made them
         accessible with a client request... */
      MC_(make_mem_noaccess)(mc->data-mp->rzB, mc->szB + 2*mp->rzB );
   // Destroy the chunk table


static Int 
mp_compar(void* n1, void* n2)
   MC_Chunk* mc1 = *(MC_Chunk**)n1;
   MC_Chunk* mc2 = *(MC_Chunk**)n2;
   if (mc1->data < mc2->data) return -1;
   if (mc1->data > mc2->data) return  1;
   return 0;

static void 
check_mempool_sane(MC_Mempool* mp)
   UInt n_chunks, i, bad = 0;   
   static UInt tick = 0;

   MC_Chunk **chunks = (MC_Chunk**) VG_(HT_to_array)( mp->chunks, &n_chunks );
   if (!chunks)

   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1) {
     if (tick++ >= 10000)
	 UInt total_pools = 0, total_chunks = 0;
	 MC_Mempool* mp2;
	 while ( (mp2 = VG_(HT_Next)(MC_(mempool_list))) ) {
	   while (VG_(HT_Next)(mp2->chunks)) {
                      "Total mempools active: %d pools, %d chunks\n", 
		      total_pools, total_chunks);
	 tick = 0;

   VG_(ssort)((void*)chunks, n_chunks, sizeof(VgHashNode*), mp_compar);
   /* Sanity check; assert that the blocks are now in order */
   for (i = 0; i < n_chunks-1; i++) {
      if (chunks[i]->data > chunks[i+1]->data) {
                      "Mempool chunk %d / %d is out of order "
                      "wrt. its successor\n", 
                      i+1, n_chunks);
         bad = 1;
   /* Sanity check -- make sure they don't overlap */
   for (i = 0; i < n_chunks-1; i++) {
      if (chunks[i]->data + chunks[i]->szB > chunks[i+1]->data ) {
                      "Mempool chunk %d / %d overlaps with its successor\n", 
                      i+1, n_chunks);
         bad = 1;

   if (bad) {
                "Bad mempool (%d chunks), dumping chunks for inspection:\n",
         for (i = 0; i < n_chunks; ++i) {
                         "Mempool chunk %d / %d: %ld bytes "
                         "[%lx,%lx), allocated:\n",
                         chunks[i]->szB + 0UL,
                         chunks[i]->data + chunks[i]->szB);


void MC_(mempool_alloc)(ThreadId tid, Addr pool, Addr addr, SizeT szB)
   MC_Mempool* mp;

   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {     
      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_alloc(0x%lx, 0x%lx, %ld)\n",
                               pool, addr, szB);
      VG_(get_and_pp_StackTrace) (tid, MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);

   mp = VG_(HT_lookup) ( MC_(mempool_list), (UWord)pool );
   if (mp == NULL) {
      MC_(record_illegal_mempool_error) ( tid, pool );
   } else {
      if (MP_DETAILED_SANITY_CHECKS) check_mempool_sane(mp);
      MC_(new_block)(tid, addr, szB, /*ignored*/0, mp->is_zeroed,
                     MC_AllocCustom, mp->chunks);
      if (MP_DETAILED_SANITY_CHECKS) check_mempool_sane(mp);

void MC_(mempool_free)(Addr pool, Addr addr)
   MC_Mempool*  mp;
   MC_Chunk*    mc;
   ThreadId     tid = VG_(get_running_tid)();

   mp = VG_(HT_lookup)(MC_(mempool_list), (UWord)pool);
   if (mp == NULL) {
      MC_(record_illegal_mempool_error)(tid, pool);

   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_free(0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", pool, addr);
      VG_(get_and_pp_StackTrace) (tid, MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);

   if (MP_DETAILED_SANITY_CHECKS) check_mempool_sane(mp);
   mc = VG_(HT_remove)(mp->chunks, (UWord)addr);
   if (mc == NULL) {
      MC_(record_free_error)(tid, (Addr)addr);

   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
		   "mempool_free(0x%lx, 0x%lx) freed chunk of %ld bytes\n",
		   pool, addr, mc->szB + 0UL);

   die_and_free_mem ( tid, mc, mp->rzB );
   if (MP_DETAILED_SANITY_CHECKS) check_mempool_sane(mp);

void MC_(mempool_trim)(Addr pool, Addr addr, SizeT szB)
   MC_Mempool*  mp;
   MC_Chunk*    mc;
   ThreadId     tid = VG_(get_running_tid)();
   UInt         n_shadows, i;
   VgHashNode** chunks;

   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_trim(0x%lx, 0x%lx, %ld)\n",
                               pool, addr, szB);
      VG_(get_and_pp_StackTrace) (tid, MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);

   mp = VG_(HT_lookup)(MC_(mempool_list), (UWord)pool);
   if (mp == NULL) {
      MC_(record_illegal_mempool_error)(tid, pool);

   chunks = VG_(HT_to_array) ( mp->chunks, &n_shadows );
   if (n_shadows == 0) {
     tl_assert(chunks == NULL);

   tl_assert(chunks != NULL);
   for (i = 0; i < n_shadows; ++i) {

      Addr lo, hi, min, max;

      mc = (MC_Chunk*) chunks[i];

      lo = mc->data;
      hi = mc->szB == 0 ? mc->data : mc->data + mc->szB - 1;

#define EXTENT_CONTAINS(x) ((addr <= (x)) && ((x) < addr + szB))


         /* The current chunk is entirely within the trim extent: keep
            it. */


      } else if ( (! EXTENT_CONTAINS(lo)) &&
                  (! EXTENT_CONTAINS(hi)) ) {

         /* The current chunk is entirely outside the trim extent:
            delete it. */

         if (VG_(HT_remove)(mp->chunks, (UWord)mc->data) == NULL) {
            MC_(record_free_error)(tid, (Addr)mc->data);
            if (MP_DETAILED_SANITY_CHECKS) check_mempool_sane(mp);
         die_and_free_mem ( tid, mc, mp->rzB );  

      } else {

         /* The current chunk intersects the trim extent: remove,
            trim, and reinsert it. */

         tl_assert(EXTENT_CONTAINS(lo) ||
         if (VG_(HT_remove)(mp->chunks, (UWord)mc->data) == NULL) {
            MC_(record_free_error)(tid, (Addr)mc->data);
            if (MP_DETAILED_SANITY_CHECKS) check_mempool_sane(mp);

         if (mc->data < addr) {
           min = mc->data;
           lo = addr;
         } else {
           min = addr;
           lo = mc->data;

         if (mc->data + szB > addr + szB) {
           max = mc->data + szB;
           hi = addr + szB;
         } else {
           max = addr + szB;
           hi = mc->data + szB;

         tl_assert(min <= lo);
         tl_assert(lo < hi);
         tl_assert(hi <= max);

         if (min < lo && !EXTENT_CONTAINS(min)) {
           MC_(make_mem_noaccess)( min, lo - min);

         if (hi < max && !EXTENT_CONTAINS(max)) {
           MC_(make_mem_noaccess)( hi, max - hi );

         mc->data = lo;
         mc->szB = (UInt) (hi - lo);
         VG_(HT_add_node)( mp->chunks, mc );        


void MC_(move_mempool)(Addr poolA, Addr poolB)
   MC_Mempool* mp;

   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "move_mempool(0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", poolA, poolB);
         (VG_(get_running_tid)(), MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);

   mp = VG_(HT_remove) ( MC_(mempool_list), (UWord)poolA );

   if (mp == NULL) {
      ThreadId tid = VG_(get_running_tid)();
      MC_(record_illegal_mempool_error) ( tid, poolA );

   mp->pool = poolB;
   VG_(HT_add_node)( MC_(mempool_list), mp );

void MC_(mempool_change)(Addr pool, Addr addrA, Addr addrB, SizeT szB)
   MC_Mempool*  mp;
   MC_Chunk*    mc;
   ThreadId     tid = VG_(get_running_tid)();

   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_change(0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, %ld)\n",
                   pool, addrA, addrB, szB);
      VG_(get_and_pp_StackTrace) (tid, MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);

   mp = VG_(HT_lookup)(MC_(mempool_list), (UWord)pool);
   if (mp == NULL) {
      MC_(record_illegal_mempool_error)(tid, pool);


   mc = VG_(HT_remove)(mp->chunks, (UWord)addrA);
   if (mc == NULL) {
      MC_(record_free_error)(tid, (Addr)addrA);

   mc->data = addrB;
   mc->szB  = szB;
   VG_(HT_add_node)( mp->chunks, mc );


Bool MC_(mempool_exists)(Addr pool)
   MC_Mempool*  mp;

   mp = VG_(HT_lookup)(MC_(mempool_list), (UWord)pool);
   if (mp == NULL) {
       return False;
   return True;

/*--- Statistics printing                                  ---*/

void MC_(print_malloc_stats) ( void )
   MC_Chunk* mc;
   SizeT     nblocks = 0;
   ULong     nbytes  = 0;
   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) == 0)
   if (VG_(clo_xml))

   /* Count memory still in use. */
   while ( (mc = VG_(HT_Next)(MC_(malloc_list))) ) {
      nbytes += (ULong)mc->szB;

      "HEAP SUMMARY:\n"
      "    in use at exit: %'llu bytes in %'lu blocks\n"
      "  total heap usage: %'lu allocs, %'lu frees, %'llu bytes allocated\n"
      nbytes, nblocks,
      cmalloc_n_frees, cmalloc_bs_mallocd

/*--- end                                                          ---*/