<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> <string name="app_name" msgid="9095072584761066851">"Program d\'installaziun dal certificat"</string> <!-- no translation found for pick_file_title (4481949485108233297) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for pkcs12_password_dialog_title (5997624645207427161) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for extracting_pkcs12 (1881267738821799771) --> <skip /> <string name="pkcs12_file_password_dialog_title" msgid="8102721384767269510">"Extrair da %s"</string> <string name="name_credential_dialog_title" msgid="277729846491554437">"Dar in num al certificat"</string> <string name="credential_name" msgid="1974979771369744378">"Num dal certificat:"</string> <!-- no translation found for credential_password (3520176519550993326) --> <skip /> <string name="credential_info" msgid="2436768402308470397">"Il pachet cuntegna:"</string> <string name="p12_description" msgid="4128352087331630024">"Certificats en il keystore PKCS12"</string> <string name="one_userkey" msgid="3500697912370644881">"ina clav utilisader"</string> <string name="one_usercrt" msgid="7690798336332403106">"in certificat utilisader"</string> <string name="one_cacrt" msgid="2667950425420663146">"in certificat dal post da certificaziun"</string> <string name="n_cacrts" msgid="2141498640685639208">"%d certificats dal post da certificaziun (CA)"</string> <!-- no translation found for password_error (2042471639556516356) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for password_empty_error (591713406761723025) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for name_empty_error (3808800768660110354) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for name_char_error (3176618568784938968) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for storage_error (8306802455802770779) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for unable_to_save_cert (9178604087335389686) --> <skip /> <string name="cert_not_saved" msgid="4037698479662830270">"Il certificat n\'è betg installà."</string> <string name="no_cert_to_saved" msgid="5708884372817309068">"Nagin certificat per installar."</string> <string name="invalid_cert" msgid="7704228670980743590">"Il certificat è nunvalid."</string> <string name="cert_is_added" msgid="6996557598167000500">"<xliff:g id="CREDENTIAL">%s</xliff:g> è installà."</string> <!-- no translation found for cert_too_large_error (8715414972725646285) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for cert_missing_error (7040527352278728220) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for cert_read_error (7353463360652419796) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for no_cert_file_found (3555332946357131929) --> <skip /> <string name="no_cert_file_found" product="default" msgid="1942077544887243999">"Betg chattà ina datoteca da certificat sin la carta SD."</string> <!-- no translation found for sdcard_not_present (9197143240492611196) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for sdcard_not_present (3866952732541932947) --> <skip /> </resources>