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 * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "Dalvik.h"
#include "libdex/DexOpcodes.h"

#include "../../CompilerInternals.h"
#include "X86LIR.h"
#include "Codegen.h"
#include <sys/mman.h>           /* for protection change */


/* Track the number of times that the code cache is patched */
#if defined(WITH_JIT_TUNING)
#define UPDATE_CODE_CACHE_PATCHES()    (gDvmJit.codeCachePatches++)

 * Translation layout in the code cache.  Note that the codeAddress pointer
 * in JitTable will point directly to the code body (field codeAddress).  The
 * chain cell offset codeAddress - 2, and (if present) executionCount is at
 * codeAddress - 6.
 *      +----------------------------+
 *      | Execution count            |  -> [Optional] 4 bytes
 *      +----------------------------+
 *   +--| Offset to chain cell counts|  -> 2 bytes
 *   |  +----------------------------+
 *   |  | Code body                  |  -> Start address for translation
 *   |  |                            |     variable in 2-byte chunks
 *   |  .                            .     (JitTable's codeAddress points here)
 *   |  .                            .
 *   |  |                            |
 *   |  +----------------------------+
 *   |  | Chaining Cells             |  -> 16 bytes each, 8 byte aligned
 *   |  .                            .
 *   |  .                            .
 *   |  |                            |
 *   |  +----------------------------+
 *   |  | Gap for large switch stmt  |  -> # cases >= MAX_CHAINED_SWITCH_CASES
 *   |  +----------------------------+
 *   +->| Chaining cell counts       |  -> 8 bytes, chain cell counts by type
 *      +----------------------------+
 *      | Trace description          |  -> variable sized
 *      .                            .
 *      |                            |
 *      +----------------------------+
 *      | Literal pool               |  -> 4-byte aligned, variable size
 *      .                            .     Note: for x86 literals will
 *      .                            .     generally appear inline.
 *      |                            |
 *      +----------------------------+
 * Go over each instruction in the list and calculate the offset from the top
 * before sending them off to the assembler. If out-of-range branch distance is
 * seen rearrange the instructions a bit to correct it.
void dvmCompilerAssembleLIR(CompilationUnit *cUnit, JitTranslationInfo *info)

 * Perform translation chain operation.
void* dvmJitChain(void* tgtAddr, u4* branchAddr)
    return 0;

 * This method is called from the invoke templates for virtual and interface
 * methods to speculatively setup a chain to the callee. The templates are
 * written in assembly and have setup method, cell, and clazz at r0, r2, and
 * r3 respectively, so there is a unused argument in the list. Upon return one
 * of the following three results may happen:
 *   1) Chain is not setup because the callee is native. Reset the rechain
 *      count to a big number so that it will take a long time before the next
 *      rechain attempt to happen.
 *   2) Chain is not setup because the callee has not been created yet. Reset
 *      the rechain count to a small number and retry in the near future.
 *   3) Enqueue the new content for the chaining cell which will be appled in
 *      next safe point.
const Method *dvmJitToPatchPredictedChain(const Method *method,
                                          Thread *self,
                                          PredictedChainingCell *cell,
                                          const ClassObject *clazz)
    return 0;

 * Patch the inline cache content based on the content passed from the work
 * order.
void dvmCompilerPatchInlineCache(void)

 * Unchain a trace given the starting address of the translation
 * in the code cache.  Refer to the diagram in dvmCompilerAssembleLIR.
 * Returns the address following the last cell unchained.  Note that
 * the incoming codeAddr is a thumb code address, and therefore has
 * the low bit set.
u4* dvmJitUnchain(void* codeAddr)
    return 0;

/* Unchain all translation in the cache. */
void dvmJitUnchainAll()

/* Create a copy of the trace descriptor of an existing compilation */
JitTraceDescription *dvmCopyTraceDescriptor(const u2 *pc,
                                            const JitEntry *knownEntry)
    return 0;

/* Sort the trace profile counts and dump them */
void dvmCompilerSortAndPrintTraceProfiles()

void dvmJitScanAllClassPointers(void (*callback)(void *))