C++程序  |  648行  |  43.83 KB

/* forward declarations of goto targets */
GOTO_TARGET_DECL(filledNewArray, bool methodCallRange);
GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeVirtual, bool methodCallRange);
GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeSuper, bool methodCallRange);
GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeInterface, bool methodCallRange);
GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeDirect, bool methodCallRange);
GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeStatic, bool methodCallRange);
GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeVirtualQuick, bool methodCallRange);
GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeSuperQuick, bool methodCallRange);
GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeMethod, bool methodCallRange, const Method* methodToCall,
    u2 count, u2 regs);

 * ===========================================================================
 * What follows are opcode definitions shared between multiple opcodes with
 * minor substitutions handled by the C pre-processor.  These should probably
 * use the mterp substitution mechanism instead, with the code here moved
 * into common fragment files (like the asm "binop.S"), although it's hard
 * to give up the C preprocessor in favor of the much simpler text subst.
 * ===========================================================================

#define HANDLE_NUMCONV(_opcode, _opname, _fromtype, _totype)                \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                       \
        SET_REGISTER##_totype(vdst,                                         \
            GET_REGISTER##_fromtype(vsrc1));                                \

#define HANDLE_FLOAT_TO_INT(_opcode, _opname, _fromvtype, _fromrtype,       \
        _tovtype, _tortype)                                                 \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
    {                                                                       \
        /* spec defines specific handling for +/- inf and NaN values */     \
        _fromvtype val;                                                     \
        _tovtype intMin, intMax, result;                                    \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                       \
        val = GET_REGISTER##_fromrtype(vsrc1);                              \
        intMin = (_tovtype) 1 << (sizeof(_tovtype) * 8 -1);                 \
        intMax = ~intMin;                                                   \
        result = (_tovtype) val;                                            \
        if (val >= intMax)          /* +inf */                              \
            result = intMax;                                                \
        else if (val <= intMin)     /* -inf */                              \
            result = intMin;                                                \
        else if (val != val)        /* NaN */                               \
            result = 0;                                                     \
        else                                                                \
            result = (_tovtype) val;                                        \
        SET_REGISTER##_tortype(vdst, result);                               \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_INT_TO_SMALL(_opcode, _opname, _type)                        \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        ILOGV("|int-to-%s v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                \
        SET_REGISTER(vdst, (_type) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1));                    \

/* NOTE: the comparison result is always a signed 4-byte integer */
#define HANDLE_OP_CMPX(_opcode, _opname, _varType, _type, _nanVal)          \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    {                                                                       \
        int result;                                                         \
        u2 regs;                                                            \
        _varType val1, val2;                                                \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        regs = FETCH(1);                                                    \
        vsrc1 = regs & 0xff;                                                \
        vsrc2 = regs >> 8;                                                  \
        ILOGV("|cmp%s v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);         \
        val1 = GET_REGISTER##_type(vsrc1);                                  \
        val2 = GET_REGISTER##_type(vsrc2);                                  \
        if (val1 == val2)                                                   \
            result = 0;                                                     \
        else if (val1 < val2)                                               \
            result = -1;                                                    \
        else if (val1 > val2)                                               \
            result = 1;                                                     \
        else                                                                \
            result = (_nanVal);                                             \
        ILOGV("+ result=%d", result);                                       \
        SET_REGISTER(vdst, result);                                         \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_OP_IF_XX(_opcode, _opname, _cmp)                             \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, +CCCC*/)                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_A(inst);                                               \
        vsrc2 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        if ((s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _cmp (s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc2)) {       \
            int branchOffset = (s2)FETCH(1);    /* sign-extended */         \
            ILOGV("|if-%s v%d,v%d,+0x%04x", (_opname), vsrc1, vsrc2,        \
                branchOffset);                                              \
            ILOGV("> branch taken");                                        \
            if (branchOffset < 0)                                           \
                PERIODIC_CHECKS(branchOffset);                              \
            FINISH(branchOffset);                                           \
        } else {                                                            \
            ILOGV("|if-%s v%d,v%d,-", (_opname), vsrc1, vsrc2);             \
            FINISH(2);                                                      \

#define HANDLE_OP_IF_XXZ(_opcode, _opname, _cmp)                            \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, +BBBB*/)                                   \
        vsrc1 = INST_AA(inst);                                              \
        if ((s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _cmp 0) {                              \
            int branchOffset = (s2)FETCH(1);    /* sign-extended */         \
            ILOGV("|if-%s v%d,+0x%04x", (_opname), vsrc1, branchOffset);    \
            ILOGV("> branch taken");                                        \
            if (branchOffset < 0)                                           \
                PERIODIC_CHECKS(branchOffset);                              \
            FINISH(branchOffset);                                           \
        } else {                                                            \
            ILOGV("|if-%s v%d,-", (_opname), vsrc1);                        \
            FINISH(2);                                                      \

#define HANDLE_UNOP(_opcode, _opname, _pfx, _sfx, _type)                    \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                       \
        SET_REGISTER##_type(vdst, _pfx GET_REGISTER##_type(vsrc1) _sfx);    \

#define HANDLE_OP_X_INT(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)                     \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    {                                                                       \
        u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
        vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
        vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-int v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                   \
        if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
            s4 firstVal, secondVal, result;                                 \
            firstVal = GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                 \
            secondVal = GET_REGISTER(vsrc2);                                \
            if (secondVal == 0) {                                           \
                EXPORT_PC();                                                \
                dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
                GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
            }                                                               \
            if ((u4)firstVal == 0x80000000 && secondVal == -1) {            \
                if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
                    result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
                else                                                        \
                    result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
            } else {                                                        \
                result = firstVal _op secondVal;                            \
            }                                                               \
            SET_REGISTER(vdst, result);                                     \
        } else {                                                            \
            /* non-div/rem case */                                          \
            SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                              \
                (s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _op (s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc2));     \
        }                                                                   \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_OP_SHX_INT(_opcode, _opname, _cast, _op)                     \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    {                                                                       \
        u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
        vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
        vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-int v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                   \
        SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                                  \
            _cast GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _op (GET_REGISTER(vsrc2) & 0x1f));    \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_OP_X_INT_LIT16(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)               \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, #+CCCC*/)                               \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        vsrc2 = FETCH(1);                                                   \
        ILOGV("|%s-int/lit16 v%d,v%d,#+0x%04x",                             \
            (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);                                 \
        if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
            s4 firstVal, result;                                            \
            firstVal = GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                 \
            if ((s2) vsrc2 == 0) {                                          \
                EXPORT_PC();                                                \
                dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
                GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
            }                                                               \
            if ((u4)firstVal == 0x80000000 && ((s2) vsrc2) == -1) {         \
                /* won't generate /lit16 instr for this; check anyway */    \
                if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
                    result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
                else                                                        \
                    result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
            } else {                                                        \
                result = firstVal _op (s2) vsrc2;                           \
            }                                                               \
            SET_REGISTER(vdst, result);                                     \
        } else {                                                            \
            /* non-div/rem case */                                          \
            SET_REGISTER(vdst, GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _op (s2) vsrc2);         \
        }                                                                   \

#define HANDLE_OP_X_INT_LIT8(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)                \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, #+CC*/)                               \
    {                                                                       \
        u2 litInfo;                                                         \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        litInfo = FETCH(1);                                                 \
        vsrc1 = litInfo & 0xff;                                             \
        vsrc2 = litInfo >> 8;       /* constant */                          \
        ILOGV("|%s-int/lit8 v%d,v%d,#+0x%02x",                              \
            (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);                                 \
        if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
            s4 firstVal, result;                                            \
            firstVal = GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                 \
            if ((s1) vsrc2 == 0) {                                          \
                EXPORT_PC();                                                \
                dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
                GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
            }                                                               \
            if ((u4)firstVal == 0x80000000 && ((s1) vsrc2) == -1) {         \
                if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
                    result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
                else                                                        \
                    result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
            } else {                                                        \
                result = firstVal _op ((s1) vsrc2);                         \
            }                                                               \
            SET_REGISTER(vdst, result);                                     \
        } else {                                                            \
            SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                              \
                (s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _op (s1) vsrc2);                   \
        }                                                                   \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_OP_SHX_INT_LIT8(_opcode, _opname, _cast, _op)                \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, #+CC*/)                               \
    {                                                                       \
        u2 litInfo;                                                         \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        litInfo = FETCH(1);                                                 \
        vsrc1 = litInfo & 0xff;                                             \
        vsrc2 = litInfo >> 8;       /* constant */                          \
        ILOGV("|%s-int/lit8 v%d,v%d,#+0x%02x",                              \
            (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);                                 \
        SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                                  \
            _cast GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _op (vsrc2 & 0x1f));                  \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_OP_X_INT_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)               \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-int-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);             \
        if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
            s4 firstVal, secondVal, result;                                 \
            firstVal = GET_REGISTER(vdst);                                  \
            secondVal = GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
            if (secondVal == 0) {                                           \
                EXPORT_PC();                                                \
                dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
                GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
            }                                                               \
            if ((u4)firstVal == 0x80000000 && secondVal == -1) {            \
                if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
                    result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
                else                                                        \
                    result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
            } else {                                                        \
                result = firstVal _op secondVal;                            \
            }                                                               \
            SET_REGISTER(vdst, result);                                     \
        } else {                                                            \
            SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                              \
                (s4) GET_REGISTER(vdst) _op (s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1));      \
        }                                                                   \

#define HANDLE_OP_SHX_INT_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _cast, _op)               \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-int-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);             \
        SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                                  \
            _cast GET_REGISTER(vdst) _op (GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) & 0x1f));     \

#define HANDLE_OP_X_LONG(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)                    \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    {                                                                       \
        u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
        vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
        vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-long v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);       \
        if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
            s8 firstVal, secondVal, result;                                 \
            firstVal = GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc1);                            \
            secondVal = GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc2);                           \
            if (secondVal == 0LL) {                                         \
                EXPORT_PC();                                                \
                dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
                GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
            }                                                               \
            if ((u8)firstVal == 0x8000000000000000ULL &&                    \
                secondVal == -1LL)                                          \
            {                                                               \
                if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
                    result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
                else                                                        \
                    result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
            } else {                                                        \
                result = firstVal _op secondVal;                            \
            }                                                               \
            SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst, result);                                \
        } else {                                                            \
            SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst,                                         \
                (s8) GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc1) _op (s8) GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc2)); \
        }                                                                   \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_OP_SHX_LONG(_opcode, _opname, _cast, _op)                    \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    {                                                                       \
        u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
        vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
        vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-long v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);       \
        SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst,                                             \
            _cast GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc1) _op (GET_REGISTER(vsrc2) & 0x3f)); \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_OP_X_LONG_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)              \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-long-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);            \
        if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
            s8 firstVal, secondVal, result;                                 \
            firstVal = GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst);                             \
            secondVal = GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc1);                           \
            if (secondVal == 0LL) {                                         \
                EXPORT_PC();                                                \
                dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
                GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
            }                                                               \
            if ((u8)firstVal == 0x8000000000000000ULL &&                    \
                secondVal == -1LL)                                          \
            {                                                               \
                if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
                    result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
                else                                                        \
                    result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
            } else {                                                        \
                result = firstVal _op secondVal;                            \
            }                                                               \
            SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst, result);                                \
        } else {                                                            \
            SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst,                                         \
                (s8) GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst) _op (s8)GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc1));\
        }                                                                   \

#define HANDLE_OP_SHX_LONG_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _cast, _op)              \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-long-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);            \
        SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst,                                             \
            _cast GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst) _op (GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) & 0x3f)); \

#define HANDLE_OP_X_FLOAT(_opcode, _opname, _op)                            \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    {                                                                       \
        u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
        vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
        vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-float v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);      \
        SET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vdst,                                            \
            GET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vsrc1) _op GET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vsrc2));       \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_OP_X_DOUBLE(_opcode, _opname, _op)                           \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    {                                                                       \
        u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
        vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
        vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-double v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);     \
        SET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vdst,                                           \
            GET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vsrc1) _op GET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vsrc2));     \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_OP_X_FLOAT_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _op)                      \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-float-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);           \
        SET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vdst,                                            \
            GET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vdst) _op GET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vsrc1));        \

#define HANDLE_OP_X_DOUBLE_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _op)                     \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
        ILOGV("|%s-double-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);          \
        SET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vdst,                                           \
            GET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vdst) _op GET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vsrc1));      \

#define HANDLE_OP_AGET(_opcode, _opname, _type, _regsize)                   \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    {                                                                       \
        ArrayObject* arrayObj;                                              \
        u2 arrayInfo;                                                       \
        EXPORT_PC();                                                        \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        arrayInfo = FETCH(1);                                               \
        vsrc1 = arrayInfo & 0xff;    /* array ptr */                        \
        vsrc2 = arrayInfo >> 8;      /* index */                            \
        ILOGV("|aget%s v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);        \
        arrayObj = (ArrayObject*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                      \
        if (!checkForNull((Object*) arrayObj))                              \
            GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
        if (GET_REGISTER(vsrc2) >= arrayObj->length) {                      \
            dvmThrowArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(                         \
                arrayObj->length, GET_REGISTER(vsrc2));                     \
            GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
        }                                                                   \
        SET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst,                                        \
            ((_type*)(void*)arrayObj->contents)[GET_REGISTER(vsrc2)]);      \
        ILOGV("+ AGET[%d]=%#x", GET_REGISTER(vsrc2), GET_REGISTER(vdst));   \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_OP_APUT(_opcode, _opname, _type, _regsize)                   \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    {                                                                       \
        ArrayObject* arrayObj;                                              \
        u2 arrayInfo;                                                       \
        EXPORT_PC();                                                        \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);       /* AA: source value */                  \
        arrayInfo = FETCH(1);                                               \
        vsrc1 = arrayInfo & 0xff;   /* BB: array ptr */                     \
        vsrc2 = arrayInfo >> 8;     /* CC: index */                         \
        ILOGV("|aput%s v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);        \
        arrayObj = (ArrayObject*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                      \
        if (!checkForNull((Object*) arrayObj))                              \
            GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
        if (GET_REGISTER(vsrc2) >= arrayObj->length) {                      \
            dvmThrowArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(                         \
                arrayObj->length, GET_REGISTER(vsrc2));                     \
            GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
        }                                                                   \
        ILOGV("+ APUT[%d]=0x%08x", GET_REGISTER(vsrc2), GET_REGISTER(vdst));\
        ((_type*)(void*)arrayObj->contents)[GET_REGISTER(vsrc2)] =          \
            GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst);                                   \
    }                                                                       \

 * It's possible to get a bad value out of a field with sub-32-bit stores
 * because the -quick versions always operate on 32 bits.  Consider:
 *   short foo = -1  (sets a 32-bit register to 0xffffffff)
 *   iput-quick foo  (writes all 32 bits to the field)
 *   short bar = 1   (sets a 32-bit register to 0x00000001)
 *   iput-short      (writes the low 16 bits to the field)
 *   iget-quick foo  (reads all 32 bits from the field, yielding 0xffff0001)
 * This can only happen when optimized and non-optimized code has interleaved
 * access to the same field.  This is unlikely but possible.
 * The easiest way to fix this is to always read/write 32 bits at a time.  On
 * a device with a 16-bit data bus this is sub-optimal.  (The alternative
 * approach is to have sub-int versions of iget-quick, but now we're wasting
 * Dalvik instruction space and making it less likely that handler code will
 * already be in the CPU i-cache.)
#define HANDLE_IGET_X(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)                   \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, field@CCCC*/)                           \
    {                                                                       \
        InstField* ifield;                                                  \
        Object* obj;                                                        \
        EXPORT_PC();                                                        \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);   /* object ptr */                            \
        ref = FETCH(1);         /* field ref */                             \
        ILOGV("|iget%s v%d,v%d,field@0x%04x", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, ref); \
        obj = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
        if (!checkForNull(obj))                                             \
            GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
        ifield = (InstField*) dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref);  \
        if (ifield == NULL) {                                               \
            ifield = dvmResolveInstField(curMethod->clazz, ref);            \
            if (ifield == NULL)                                             \
                GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
        }                                                                   \
        SET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst,                                        \
            dvmGetField##_ftype(obj, ifield->byteOffset));                  \
        ILOGV("+ IGET '%s'=0x%08llx", ifield->field.name,                   \
            (u8) GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                             \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_IGET_X_QUICK(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)             \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, field@CCCC*/)                           \
    {                                                                       \
        Object* obj;                                                        \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);   /* object ptr */                            \
        ref = FETCH(1);         /* field offset */                          \
        ILOGV("|iget%s-quick v%d,v%d,field@+%u",                            \
            (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, ref);                                   \
        obj = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
        if (!checkForNullExportPC(obj, fp, pc))                             \
            GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
        SET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst, dvmGetField##_ftype(obj, ref));        \
        ILOGV("+ IGETQ %d=0x%08llx", ref,                                   \
            (u8) GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                             \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_IPUT_X(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)                   \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, field@CCCC*/)                           \
    {                                                                       \
        InstField* ifield;                                                  \
        Object* obj;                                                        \
        EXPORT_PC();                                                        \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);   /* object ptr */                            \
        ref = FETCH(1);         /* field ref */                             \
        ILOGV("|iput%s v%d,v%d,field@0x%04x", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, ref); \
        obj = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
        if (!checkForNull(obj))                                             \
            GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
        ifield = (InstField*) dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref);  \
        if (ifield == NULL) {                                               \
            ifield = dvmResolveInstField(curMethod->clazz, ref);            \
            if (ifield == NULL)                                             \
                GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
        }                                                                   \
        dvmSetField##_ftype(obj, ifield->byteOffset,                        \
            GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                                  \
        ILOGV("+ IPUT '%s'=0x%08llx", ifield->field.name,                   \
            (u8) GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                             \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_IPUT_X_QUICK(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)             \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, field@CCCC*/)                           \
    {                                                                       \
        Object* obj;                                                        \
        vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
        vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);   /* object ptr */                            \
        ref = FETCH(1);         /* field offset */                          \
        ILOGV("|iput%s-quick v%d,v%d,field@0x%04x",                         \
            (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, ref);                                   \
        obj = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
        if (!checkForNullExportPC(obj, fp, pc))                             \
            GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
        dvmSetField##_ftype(obj, ref, GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));        \
        ILOGV("+ IPUTQ %d=0x%08llx", ref,                                   \
            (u8) GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                             \
    }                                                                       \

 * The JIT needs dvmDexGetResolvedField() to return non-null.
 * Because the portable interpreter is not involved with the JIT
 * and trace building, we only need the extra check here when this
 * code is massaged into a stub called from an assembly interpreter.
 * This is controlled by the JIT_STUB_HACK maco.

#define HANDLE_SGET_X(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)                   \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, field@BBBB*/)                              \
    {                                                                       \
        StaticField* sfield;                                                \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        ref = FETCH(1);         /* field ref */                             \
        ILOGV("|sget%s v%d,sfield@0x%04x", (_opname), vdst, ref);           \
        sfield = (StaticField*)dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref); \
        if (sfield == NULL) {                                               \
            EXPORT_PC();                                                    \
            sfield = dvmResolveStaticField(curMethod->clazz, ref);          \
            if (sfield == NULL)                                             \
                GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
            if (dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref) == NULL) {      \
                JIT_STUB_HACK(dvmJitEndTraceSelect(self,pc));               \
            }                                                               \
        }                                                                   \
        SET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst, dvmGetStaticField##_ftype(sfield));    \
        ILOGV("+ SGET '%s'=0x%08llx",                                       \
            sfield->field.name, (u8)GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));          \
    }                                                                       \

#define HANDLE_SPUT_X(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)                   \
    HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, field@BBBB*/)                              \
    {                                                                       \
        StaticField* sfield;                                                \
        vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
        ref = FETCH(1);         /* field ref */                             \
        ILOGV("|sput%s v%d,sfield@0x%04x", (_opname), vdst, ref);           \
        sfield = (StaticField*)dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref); \
        if (sfield == NULL) {                                               \
            EXPORT_PC();                                                    \
            sfield = dvmResolveStaticField(curMethod->clazz, ref);          \
            if (sfield == NULL)                                             \
                GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
            if (dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref) == NULL) {      \
                JIT_STUB_HACK(dvmJitEndTraceSelect(self,pc));               \
            }                                                               \
        }                                                                   \
        dvmSetStaticField##_ftype(sfield, GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));    \
        ILOGV("+ SPUT '%s'=0x%08llx",                                       \
            sfield->field.name, (u8)GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));          \
    }                                                                       \