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// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#pragma once

#include <vector>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_type.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autofill/field_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_field.h"

class AutofillField;

class AddressField : public FormField {
  virtual bool GetFieldInfo(FieldTypeMap* field_type_map) const;
  virtual FormFieldType GetFormFieldType() const;

  static AddressField* Parse(std::vector<AutofillField*>::const_iterator* iter,
                             bool is_ecml);

  // Tries to determine the billing/shipping type of this address.
  AddressType FindType() const;

  void SetType(AddressType address_type) { type_ = address_type; }

  // Returns true if this is a full address as opposed to an address fragment
  // such as a stand-alone ZIP code.
  bool IsFullAddress();


  static bool ParseCompany(std::vector<AutofillField*>::const_iterator* iter,
                           bool is_ecml, AddressField* address_field);
  static bool ParseAddressLines(
      std::vector<AutofillField*>::const_iterator* iter,
      bool is_ecml, AddressField* address_field);
  static bool ParseCountry(std::vector<AutofillField*>::const_iterator* iter,
                           bool is_ecml, AddressField* address_field);
  static bool ParseZipCode(std::vector<AutofillField*>::const_iterator* iter,
                           bool is_ecml, AddressField* address_field);
  static bool ParseCity(std::vector<AutofillField*>::const_iterator* iter,
                        bool is_ecml, AddressField* address_field);
  static bool ParseState(std::vector<AutofillField*>::const_iterator* iter,
                         bool is_ecml, AddressField* address_field);

  // Looks for an address type in the given text, which the caller must
  // convert to lowercase.
  static AddressType AddressTypeFromText(const string16& text);

  AutofillField* company_;   // optional
  AutofillField* address1_;
  AutofillField* address2_;  // optional
  AutofillField* city_;
  AutofillField* state_;     // optional
  AutofillField* zip_;
  AutofillField* zip4_;      // optional ZIP+4; we don't fill this yet
  AutofillField* country_;   // optional

  AddressType type_;
  bool is_ecml_;
