// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/owner_manager.h"
// There are two categories of operations that can be performed on the
// Chrome OS owner-signed settings store:
// 1) doing stuff to the whitelist (adding/removing/checking)
// 2) Storing/Retrieving arbitrary name=value pairs
// Unfortunately, it is currently a limitation that only one of each
// category can be in-flight at a time. You can be doing exactly one thing
// to the whitelist, and exactly one thing to the property store at a time.
// I've filed an issue on me to remove that restriction.
// http://code.google.com/p/chromium-os/issues/detail?id=6415
// The pattern of use here is that the caller instantiates some
// subclass of SignedSettings by calling one of the create
// methods. Then, call Execute() on this object from the UI
// thread. It'll go off and do work (on the FILE thread and over DBus),
// and then call the appropriate method of the Delegate you passed in
// -- again, on the UI thread.
namespace enterprise_management {
class PolicyFetchResponse;
class PolicyData;
} // namespace enterprise_management
namespace em = enterprise_management;
namespace chromeos {
class OwnershipService;
class SignedSettings : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SignedSettings>,
public OwnerManager::Delegate {
enum ReturnCode {
NOT_FOUND, // Email address or property name not found.
KEY_UNAVAILABLE, // Owner key not yet configured.
OPERATION_FAILED, // IPC to signed settings daemon failed.
BAD_SIGNATURE // Signature verification failed.
template <class T>
class Delegate {
// This method will be called on the UI thread.
virtual void OnSettingsOpCompleted(ReturnCode code, T value) {}
virtual ~SignedSettings();
// These are both "whitelist" operations, and only one instance of
// one type can be in flight at a time.
static SignedSettings* CreateCheckWhitelistOp(
const std::string& email,
SignedSettings::Delegate<bool>* d);
static SignedSettings* CreateWhitelistOp(const std::string& email,
bool add_to_whitelist,
SignedSettings::Delegate<bool>* d);
// These are both "property" operations, and only one instance of
// one type can be in flight at a time.
static SignedSettings* CreateStorePropertyOp(
const std::string& name,
const std::string& value,
SignedSettings::Delegate<bool>* d);
static SignedSettings* CreateRetrievePropertyOp(
const std::string& name,
SignedSettings::Delegate<std::string>* d);
// These are both "policy" operations, and only one instance of
// one type can be in flight at a time.
static SignedSettings* CreateStorePolicyOp(
em::PolicyFetchResponse* policy,
SignedSettings::Delegate<bool>* d);
static SignedSettings* CreateRetrievePolicyOp(
SignedSettings::Delegate<const em::PolicyFetchResponse&>* d);
static bool EnumerateWhitelist(std::vector<std::string>* whitelisted);
static ReturnCode MapKeyOpCode(OwnerManager::KeyOpCode code);
virtual void Execute() = 0;
virtual void Fail(ReturnCode code) = 0;
// Implementation of OwnerManager::Delegate
void OnKeyOpComplete(const OwnerManager::KeyOpCode return_code,
const std::vector<uint8>& payload) = 0;
static bool PolicyIsSane(const em::PolicyFetchResponse& value,
em::PolicyData* poldata);
void set_service(OwnershipService* service) { service_ = service; }
void TryToFetchPolicyAndCallBack();
OwnershipService* service_;
friend class SignedSettingsTest;
friend class SignedSettingsHelperTest;
class Relay
: public SignedSettings::Delegate<const em::PolicyFetchResponse&> {
// |s| must outlive your Relay instance.
explicit Relay(SignedSettings* s);
virtual ~Relay();
// Implementation of SignedSettings::Delegate
virtual void OnSettingsOpCompleted(SignedSettings::ReturnCode code,
const em::PolicyFetchResponse& value);
SignedSettings* settings_;
// Format of this string is documented in device_management_backend.proto.
static const char kDevicePolicyType[];
scoped_ptr<Relay> relay_;
scoped_refptr<SignedSettings> polfetcher_;
} // namespace chromeos