// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/login_display.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/message_bubble.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_controller.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
namespace chromeos {
class HelpAppLauncher;
class MessageBubble;
// Views-based login UI implementation.
// Uses UserController for each user pod / guest pod / new user pod and
// ExistingUserView / GuestUserView / NewUserView as their views.
// When Init is invoked, a UserController is created for each of the Users's
// in the UserManager (including one for new user and one for Guest login),
// and the window manager is then told to show the windows.
class ViewsLoginDisplay : public LoginDisplay,
public UserController::Delegate,
public MessageBubbleDelegate {
ViewsLoginDisplay(LoginDisplay::Delegate* delegate,
const gfx::Rect& background_bounds);
virtual ~ViewsLoginDisplay();
// LoginDisplay implementation:
virtual void Init(const std::vector<UserManager::User>& users,
bool show_guest,
bool show_new_user);
virtual void OnBeforeUserRemoved(const std::string& username);
virtual void OnUserImageChanged(UserManager::User* user);
virtual void OnUserRemoved(const std::string& username);
virtual void OnFadeOut();
virtual void SetUIEnabled(bool is_enabled);
virtual void ShowError(int error_msg_id,
int login_attempts,
HelpAppLauncher::HelpTopic help_topic_id);
// UserController::Delegate implementation:
virtual void CreateAccount() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Login(UserController* source, const string16& password) OVERRIDE;
virtual void LoginAsGuest() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ClearErrors() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnUserSelected(UserController* source) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RemoveUser(UserController* source) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SelectUser(int index) OVERRIDE;
virtual void StartEnterpriseEnrollment() OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from views::MessageBubbleDelegate:
virtual void BubbleClosing(Bubble* bubble, bool closed_by_escape) {
bubble_ = NULL;
virtual bool CloseOnEscape() { return true; }
virtual bool FadeInOnShow() { return false; }
virtual void OnHelpLinkActivated();
// Returns existing UserController instance by |email|.
// NULL is returned if relevant instance is not found.
UserController* GetUserControllerByEmail(const std::string& email);
// Pointer to shown message bubble. We don't need to delete it because
// it will be deleted on bubble closing.
MessageBubble* bubble_;
// UserController that corresponds user that's in process of being removed.
// Has meaningful value only between OnBeforeUserRemoved()
// and OnUserRemoved() calls.
UserController* controller_for_removal_;
// The set of visible UserControllers.
std::vector<UserController*> controllers_;
// Last error message ID.
int error_msg_id_;
// Help application used for help dialogs.
scoped_refptr<HelpAppLauncher> help_app_;
// Last error help topic ID.
HelpAppLauncher::HelpTopic help_topic_id_;
// The set of invisible UserControllers.
std::vector<UserController*> invisible_controllers_;
// Index of selected user (from the set of visible users).
size_t selected_view_index_;
} // namespace chromeos