// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/text_database.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/platform_test.h"
using base::Time;
namespace history {
namespace {
// Note that all pages have "COUNTTAG" which allows us to count the number of
// pages in the database withoujt adding any extra functions to the DB object.
const char kURL1[] = "http://www.google.com/";
const int kTime1 = 1000;
const char kTitle1[] = "Google";
const char kBody1[] =
"COUNTTAG Web Images Maps News Shopping Gmail more My Account | "
"Sign out Advanced Search Preferences Language Tools Advertising Programs "
"- Business Solutions - About Google, 2008 Google";
const char kURL2[] = "http://images.google.com/";
const int kTime2 = 2000;
const char kTitle2[] = "Google Image Search";
const char kBody2[] =
"COUNTTAG Web Images Maps News Shopping Gmail more My Account | "
"Sign out Advanced Image Search Preferences The most comprehensive image "
"search on the web. Want to help improve Google Image Search? Try Google "
"Image Labeler. Advertising Programs - Business Solutions - About Google "
"2008 Google";
const char kURL3[] = "http://slashdot.org/";
const int kTime3 = 3000;
const char kTitle3[] = "Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters";
const char kBody3[] =
"COUNTTAG Slashdot Log In Create Account Subscribe Firehose Why "
"Log In? Why Subscribe? Nickname Password Public Terminal Sections "
"Main Apple AskSlashdot Backslash Books Developers Games Hardware "
"Interviews IT Linux Mobile Politics Science YRO";
// Returns the number of rows currently in the database.
int RowCount(TextDatabase* db) {
QueryOptions options;
options.begin_time = Time::FromInternalValue(0);
// Leave end_time at now.
std::vector<TextDatabase::Match> results;
Time first_time_searched;
TextDatabase::URLSet unique_urls;
db->GetTextMatches("COUNTTAG", options, &results, &unique_urls,
return static_cast<int>(results.size());
// Adds each of the test pages to the database.
void AddAllTestData(TextDatabase* db) {
Time::FromInternalValue(kTime1), kURL1, kTitle1, kBody1));
Time::FromInternalValue(kTime2), kURL2, kTitle2, kBody2));
Time::FromInternalValue(kTime3), kURL3, kTitle3, kBody3));
EXPECT_EQ(3, RowCount(db));
bool ResultsHaveURL(const std::vector<TextDatabase::Match>& results,
const char* url) {
GURL gurl(url);
for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
if (results[i].url == gurl)
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
class TextDatabaseTest : public PlatformTest {
TextDatabaseTest() {}
void SetUp() {
// Create databases with this function, which will ensure that the files are
// deleted on shutdown. Only open one database for each file. Returns NULL on
// failure.
// Set |delete_file| to delete any existing file. If we are trying to create
// the file for the first time, we don't want a previous test left in a
// weird state to have left a file that would affect us.
TextDatabase* CreateDB(TextDatabase::DBIdent id,
bool allow_create,
bool delete_file) {
TextDatabase* db = new TextDatabase(temp_dir_.path(), id, allow_create);
if (delete_file)
file_util::Delete(db->file_name(), false);
if (!db->Init()) {
delete db;
return NULL;
return db;
// Directory containing the databases.
ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
// Name of the main database file.
FilePath file_name_;
TEST_F(TextDatabaseTest, AttachDetach) {
// First database with one page.
const int kIdee1 = 200801;
scoped_ptr<TextDatabase> db1(CreateDB(kIdee1, true, true));
Time::FromInternalValue(kTime1), kURL1, kTitle1, kBody1));
// Second database with one page.
const int kIdee2 = 200802;
scoped_ptr<TextDatabase> db2(CreateDB(kIdee2, true, true));
Time::FromInternalValue(kTime2), kURL2, kTitle2, kBody2));
// Detach, then reattach database one. The file should exist, so we force
// opening an existing file.
db1.reset(CreateDB(kIdee1, false, false));
// We should not be able to attach this random database for which no file
// exists.
const int kIdeeNoExisto = 999999999;
scoped_ptr<TextDatabase> db3(CreateDB(kIdeeNoExisto, false, true));
TEST_F(TextDatabaseTest, AddRemove) {
// Create a database and add some pages to it.
const int kIdee1 = 200801;
scoped_ptr<TextDatabase> db(CreateDB(kIdee1, true, true));
URLID id1 = db->AddPageData(
Time::FromInternalValue(kTime1), kURL1, kTitle1, kBody1);
EXPECT_NE(0, id1);
URLID id2 = db->AddPageData(
Time::FromInternalValue(kTime2), kURL2, kTitle2, kBody2);
EXPECT_NE(0, id2);
URLID id3 = db->AddPageData(
Time::FromInternalValue(kTime3), kURL3, kTitle3, kBody3);
EXPECT_NE(0, id3);
EXPECT_EQ(3, RowCount(db.get()));
// Make sure we can delete some of the data.
db->DeletePageData(Time::FromInternalValue(kTime1), kURL1);
EXPECT_EQ(2, RowCount(db.get()));
// Close and reopen.
db.reset(new TextDatabase(temp_dir_.path(), kIdee1, false));
// Verify that the deleted ID is gone and try to delete another one.
EXPECT_EQ(2, RowCount(db.get()));
db->DeletePageData(Time::FromInternalValue(kTime2), kURL2);
EXPECT_EQ(1, RowCount(db.get()));
TEST_F(TextDatabaseTest, Query) {
// Make a database with some pages.
const int kIdee1 = 200801;
scoped_ptr<TextDatabase> db(CreateDB(kIdee1, true, true));
// Get all the results.
QueryOptions options;
options.begin_time = Time::FromInternalValue(0);
std::vector<TextDatabase::Match> results;
Time first_time_searched;
TextDatabase::URLSet unique_urls;
db->GetTextMatches("COUNTTAG", options, &results, &unique_urls,
EXPECT_TRUE(unique_urls.empty()) << "Didn't ask for unique URLs";
// All 3 sites should be returned in order.
ASSERT_EQ(3U, results.size());
EXPECT_EQ(GURL(kURL1), results[2].url);
EXPECT_EQ(GURL(kURL2), results[1].url);
EXPECT_EQ(GURL(kURL3), results[0].url);
// Verify the info on those results.
EXPECT_TRUE(Time::FromInternalValue(kTime1) == results[2].time);
EXPECT_TRUE(Time::FromInternalValue(kTime2) == results[1].time);
EXPECT_TRUE(Time::FromInternalValue(kTime3) == results[0].time);
EXPECT_EQ(std::string(kTitle1), UTF16ToUTF8(results[2].title));
EXPECT_EQ(std::string(kTitle2), UTF16ToUTF8(results[1].title));
EXPECT_EQ(std::string(kTitle3), UTF16ToUTF8(results[0].title));
// Should have no matches in the title.
EXPECT_EQ(0U, results[0].title_match_positions.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0U, results[1].title_match_positions.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0U, results[2].title_match_positions.size());
// We don't want to be dependent on the exact snippet algorithm, but we know
// since we searched for "COUNTTAG" which occurs at the beginning of each
// document, that each snippet should start with that.
"COUNTTAG", false));
"COUNTTAG", false));
"COUNTTAG", false));
TEST_F(TextDatabaseTest, TimeRange) {
// Make a database with some pages.
const int kIdee1 = 200801;
scoped_ptr<TextDatabase> db(CreateDB(kIdee1, true, true));
// Beginning should be inclusive, and the ending exclusive.
// Get all the results.
QueryOptions options;
options.begin_time = Time::FromInternalValue(kTime1);
options.end_time = Time::FromInternalValue(kTime3);
std::vector<TextDatabase::Match> results;
Time first_time_searched;
TextDatabase::URLSet unique_urls;
db->GetTextMatches("COUNTTAG", options, &results, &unique_urls,
EXPECT_TRUE(unique_urls.empty()) << "Didn't ask for unique URLs";
// The first and second should have been returned.
EXPECT_EQ(2U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(ResultsHaveURL(results, kURL1));
EXPECT_TRUE(ResultsHaveURL(results, kURL2));
EXPECT_FALSE(ResultsHaveURL(results, kURL3));
EXPECT_EQ(kTime1, first_time_searched.ToInternalValue());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Do a query where there isn't a result on the begin boundary, so we can
// test that the first time searched is set to the minimum time considered
// instead of the min value.
options.begin_time = Time::FromInternalValue((kTime2 - kTime1) / 2 + kTime1);
options.end_time = Time::FromInternalValue(kTime3 + 1);
results.clear(); // GetTextMatches does *not* clear the results.
db->GetTextMatches("COUNTTAG", options, &results, &unique_urls,
EXPECT_TRUE(unique_urls.empty()) << "Didn't ask for unique URLs";
// Should have two results, the second and third.
EXPECT_EQ(2U, results.size());
EXPECT_FALSE(ResultsHaveURL(results, kURL1));
EXPECT_TRUE(ResultsHaveURL(results, kURL2));
EXPECT_TRUE(ResultsHaveURL(results, kURL3));
// No results should also set the first_time_searched.
options.begin_time = Time::FromInternalValue(kTime3 + 1);
options.end_time = Time::FromInternalValue(kTime3 * 100);
db->GetTextMatches("COUNTTAG", options, &results, &unique_urls,
// Make sure that max_count works.
TEST_F(TextDatabaseTest, MaxCount) {
// Make a database with some pages.
const int kIdee1 = 200801;
scoped_ptr<TextDatabase> db(CreateDB(kIdee1, true, true));
// Set up the query to return all the results with "Google" (should be 2), but
// with a maximum of 1.
QueryOptions options;
options.begin_time = Time::FromInternalValue(kTime1);
options.end_time = Time::FromInternalValue(kTime3 + 1);
options.max_count = 1;
std::vector<TextDatabase::Match> results;
Time first_time_searched;
TextDatabase::URLSet unique_urls;
db->GetTextMatches("google", options, &results, &unique_urls,
EXPECT_TRUE(unique_urls.empty()) << "Didn't ask for unique URLs";
// There should be one result, the most recent one.
EXPECT_EQ(1U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(ResultsHaveURL(results, kURL2));
// The max time considered should be the date of the returned item.
EXPECT_EQ(kTime2, first_time_searched.ToInternalValue());
} // namespace history