// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
class PrefService;
class NotificationObserver;
// Automatically manages the registration of one or more pref change observers
// with a PrefStore. Functions much like NotificationRegistrar, but specifically
// manages observers of preference changes. When the Registrar is destroyed,
// all registered observers are automatically unregistered with the PrefStore.
class PrefChangeRegistrar {
virtual ~PrefChangeRegistrar();
// Must be called before adding or removing observers. Can be called more
// than once as long as the value of |service| doesn't change.
void Init(PrefService* service);
// Adds an pref observer for the specified pref |path| and |obs| observer
// object. All registered observers will be automatically unregistered
// when the registrar's destructor is called unless the observer has been
// explicitly removed by a call to Remove beforehand.
void Add(const char* path,
NotificationObserver* obs);
// Removes a preference observer that has previously been added with a call to
// Add.
void Remove(const char* path,
NotificationObserver* obs);
// Removes all observers that have been previously added with a call to Add.
void RemoveAll();
// Returns true if no pref observers are registered.
bool IsEmpty() const;
typedef std::pair<std::string, NotificationObserver*> ObserverRegistration;
std::set<ObserverRegistration> observers_;
PrefService* service_;