// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/extension_sync.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_updater.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_sync_data.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncapi.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/extension_data.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/extension_sync_traits.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/extension_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h"
namespace browser_sync {
bool RootNodeHasChildren(const char* tag,
sync_api::UserShare* user_share,
bool* has_children) {
*has_children = false;
sync_api::ReadTransaction trans(user_share);
sync_api::ReadNode node(&trans);
if (!node.InitByTagLookup(tag)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Root node with tag " << tag << " does not exist";
return false;
*has_children = node.GetFirstChildId() != sync_api::kInvalidId;
return true;
namespace {
// Updates the value in |extension_data_map| from the given data,
// creating an entry if necessary. Returns a pointer to the
// updated/created ExtensionData object.
ExtensionData* SetOrCreateExtensionData(
ExtensionDataMap* extension_data_map,
ExtensionData::Source source,
bool merge_user_properties,
const sync_pb::ExtensionSpecifics& data) {
const std::string& extension_id = data.id();
std::pair<ExtensionDataMap::iterator, bool> result =
ExtensionData::FromData(source, data)));
ExtensionData* extension_data = &result.first->second;
if (result.second) {
// The value was just inserted, so it shouldn't need an update
// from source.
} else {
extension_data->SetData(source, merge_user_properties, data);
return extension_data;
// Reads the client data for each extension in |extensions| to be
// synced and updates |extension_data_map|. Puts all unsynced
// extensions in |unsynced_extensions|.
void ReadClientDataFromExtensionList(
const ExtensionList& extensions,
IsValidAndSyncablePredicate is_valid_and_syncable,
const ExtensionServiceInterface& extensions_service,
std::set<std::string>* unsynced_extensions,
ExtensionDataMap* extension_data_map) {
for (ExtensionList::const_iterator it = extensions.begin();
it != extensions.end(); ++it) {
const Extension& extension = **it;
if (is_valid_and_syncable(extension)) {
sync_pb::ExtensionSpecifics client_specifics;
GetExtensionSpecifics(extension, extensions_service,
const ExtensionData& extension_data =
extension_data_map, ExtensionData::CLIENT,
true, client_specifics);
// Assumes this is called before any server data is read.
} else {
// Simply calls ReadClientDataFromExtensionList() on the list of
// enabled and disabled extensions from |extensions_service|.
void SlurpClientData(
IsValidAndSyncablePredicate is_valid_and_syncable,
const ExtensionServiceInterface& extensions_service,
std::set<std::string>* unsynced_extensions,
ExtensionDataMap* extension_data_map) {
const ExtensionList* extensions = extensions_service.extensions();
*extensions, is_valid_and_syncable, extensions_service,
unsynced_extensions, extension_data_map);
const ExtensionList* disabled_extensions =
*disabled_extensions, is_valid_and_syncable, extensions_service,
unsynced_extensions, extension_data_map);
// Gets the boilerplate error message for not being able to find a
// root node.
// TODO(akalin): Put this somewhere where all data types can use it.
std::string GetRootNodeDoesNotExistError(const char* root_node_tag) {
std::string("Server did not create the top-level ") +
root_node_tag +
" node. We might be running against an out-of-date server.";
// Gets the data from the server for extensions to be synced and
// updates |extension_data_map|. Skips all extensions in
// |unsynced_extensions|.
bool SlurpServerData(
const char* root_node_tag,
const ExtensionSpecificsGetter extension_specifics_getter,
const std::set<std::string>& unsynced_extensions,
sync_api::UserShare* user_share,
ExtensionDataMap* extension_data_map) {
sync_api::WriteTransaction trans(user_share);
sync_api::ReadNode root(&trans);
if (!root.InitByTagLookup(root_node_tag)) {
LOG(ERROR) << GetRootNodeDoesNotExistError(root_node_tag);
return false;
int64 id = root.GetFirstChildId();
while (id != sync_api::kInvalidId) {
sync_api::ReadNode sync_node(&trans);
if (!sync_node.InitByIdLookup(id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to fetch sync node for id " << id;
return false;
const sync_pb::ExtensionSpecifics& server_data =
if (!IsExtensionSpecificsValid(server_data)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid extensions specifics for id " << id;
return false;
// Don't process server data for extensions we know are
// unsyncable. This doesn't catch everything, as if we don't
// have the extension already installed we can't check, but we
// also check at extension install time.
if (unsynced_extensions.find(server_data.id()) ==
unsynced_extensions.end()) {
// Pass in false for merge_user_properties so client user
// settings always take precedence.
const ExtensionData& extension_data =
extension_data_map, ExtensionData::SERVER, false, server_data);
id = sync_node.GetSuccessorId();
return true;
} // namespace
bool SlurpExtensionData(const ExtensionSyncTraits& traits,
const ExtensionServiceInterface& extensions_service,
sync_api::UserShare* user_share,
ExtensionDataMap* extension_data_map) {
std::set<std::string> unsynced_extensions;
// Read client-side data first so server data takes precedence, and
// also so we have an idea of which extensions are unsyncable.
traits.is_valid_and_syncable, extensions_service,
&unsynced_extensions, extension_data_map);
if (!SlurpServerData(
traits.root_node_tag, traits.extension_specifics_getter,
unsynced_extensions, user_share, extension_data_map)) {
return false;
return true;
namespace {
// Updates the server data from the given extension data.
// extension_data->ServerNeedsUpdate() must hold before this function
// is called. Returns whether or not the update was successful. If
// the update was successful, extension_data->ServerNeedsUpdate() will
// be false after this function is called. This function leaves
// extension_data->ClientNeedsUpdate() unchanged.
bool UpdateServer(
const ExtensionSyncTraits& traits,
ExtensionData* extension_data,
sync_api::WriteTransaction* trans) {
const sync_pb::ExtensionSpecifics& specifics =
const std::string& id = specifics.id();
sync_api::WriteNode write_node(trans);
if (write_node.InitByClientTagLookup(traits.model_type, id)) {
(*traits.extension_specifics_setter)(specifics, &write_node);
} else {
sync_api::ReadNode root(trans);
if (!root.InitByTagLookup(traits.root_node_tag)) {
LOG(ERROR) << GetRootNodeDoesNotExistError(traits.root_node_tag);
return false;
sync_api::WriteNode create_node(trans);
if (!create_node.InitUniqueByCreation(traits.model_type, root, id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create node for extension " << id;
return false;
(*traits.extension_specifics_setter)(specifics, &create_node);
bool old_client_needs_update =
return true;
} // namespace
bool FlushExtensionData(const ExtensionSyncTraits& traits,
const ExtensionDataMap& extension_data_map,
ExtensionServiceInterface* extensions_service,
sync_api::UserShare* user_share) {
sync_api::WriteTransaction trans(user_share);
sync_api::ReadNode root(&trans);
if (!root.InitByTagLookup(traits.root_node_tag)) {
LOG(ERROR) << GetRootNodeDoesNotExistError(traits.root_node_tag);
return false;
// Update server and client as necessary.
for (ExtensionDataMap::const_iterator it = extension_data_map.begin();
it != extension_data_map.end(); ++it) {
ExtensionData extension_data = it->second;
// Update server first.
if (extension_data.NeedsUpdate(ExtensionData::SERVER)) {
if (!UpdateServer(traits, &extension_data, &trans)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not update server data for extension "
<< it->first;
return false;
ExtensionSyncData sync_data;
if (!GetExtensionSyncData(extension_data.merged_data(), &sync_data)) {
// TODO(akalin): Should probably recover or drop.
return false;
return true;
bool UpdateServerData(const ExtensionSyncTraits& traits,
const Extension& extension,
const ExtensionServiceInterface& extensions_service,
sync_api::UserShare* user_share,
std::string* error) {
const std::string& id = extension.id();
if (!traits.is_valid_and_syncable(extension)) {
*error =
std::string("UpdateServerData() called for invalid or "
"unsyncable extension ") + id;
LOG(DFATAL) << *error;
return false;
sync_pb::ExtensionSpecifics client_data;
GetExtensionSpecifics(extension, extensions_service,
ExtensionData extension_data =
ExtensionData::FromData(ExtensionData::CLIENT, client_data);
sync_api::WriteTransaction trans(user_share);
sync_api::ReadNode node(&trans);
if (node.InitByClientTagLookup(traits.model_type, id)) {
sync_pb::ExtensionSpecifics server_data =
if (IsExtensionSpecificsValid(server_data)) {
// If server node exists and is valid, update |extension_data|
// from it (but with it taking precedence).
extension_data =
ExtensionData::FromData(ExtensionData::SERVER, server_data);
extension_data.SetData(ExtensionData::CLIENT, true, client_data);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid extensions specifics for id " << id
<< "; treating as empty";
if (extension_data.NeedsUpdate(ExtensionData::SERVER)) {
if (!UpdateServer(traits, &extension_data, &trans)) {
*error =
std::string("Could not update server data for extension ") + id;
LOG(ERROR) << *error;
return false;
// Client may still need updating, e.g. if we disable an extension
// while it's being auto-updated. If so, then we'll be called
// again once the auto-update is finished.
// TODO(akalin): Figure out a way to tell when the above happens,
// so we know exactly what NeedsUpdate(CLIENT) should return.
return true;
void RemoveServerData(const ExtensionSyncTraits& traits,
const std::string& id,
sync_api::UserShare* user_share) {
sync_api::WriteTransaction trans(user_share);
sync_api::WriteNode write_node(&trans);
if (write_node.InitByClientTagLookup(traits.model_type, id)) {
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Server data does not exist for extension " << id;
} // namespace browser_sync