// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "base/mac/cocoa_protocols.h"
#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/location_bar_view_mac.h"
@class BrowserWindowController;
@class DropdownAnimation;
// Provides a controller to manage fullscreen mode for a single browser window.
// This class handles running animations, showing and hiding the floating
// dropdown bar, and managing the tracking area associated with the dropdown.
// This class does not directly manage any views -- the BrowserWindowController
// is responsible for positioning and z-ordering views.
// Tracking areas are disabled while animations are running. If
// |overlayFrameChanged:| is called while an animation is running, the
// controller saves the new frame and installs the appropriate tracking area
// when the animation finishes. This is largely done for ease of
// implementation; it is easier to check the mouse location at each animation
// step than it is to manage a constantly-changing tracking area.
@interface FullscreenController : NSObject<NSAnimationDelegate> {
// Our parent controller.
BrowserWindowController* browserController_; // weak
// The content view for the fullscreen window. This is nil when not in
// fullscreen mode.
NSView* contentView_; // weak
// Whether or not we are in fullscreen mode.
BOOL isFullscreen_;
// The tracking area associated with the floating dropdown bar. This tracking
// area is attached to |contentView_|, because when the dropdown is completely
// hidden, we still need to keep a 1px tall tracking area visible. Attaching
// to the content view allows us to do this. |trackingArea_| can be nil if
// not in fullscreen mode or during animations.
scoped_nsobject<NSTrackingArea> trackingArea_;
// Pointer to the currently running animation. Is nil if no animation is
// running.
scoped_nsobject<DropdownAnimation> currentAnimation_;
// Timers for scheduled showing/hiding of the bar (which are always done with
// animation).
scoped_nsobject<NSTimer> showTimer_;
scoped_nsobject<NSTimer> hideTimer_;
// Holds the current bounds of |trackingArea_|, even if |trackingArea_| is
// currently nil. Used to restore the tracking area when an animation
// completes.
NSRect trackingAreaBounds_;
// Tracks the currently requested fullscreen mode. This should be
// |kFullScreenModeNormal| when the window is not main or not fullscreen,
// |kFullScreenModeHideAll| while the overlay is hidden, and
// |kFullScreenModeHideDock| while the overlay is shown. If the window is not
// on the primary screen, this should always be |kFullScreenModeNormal|. This
// value can get out of sync with the correct state if we miss a notification
// (which can happen when a fullscreen window is closed). Used to track the
// current state and make sure we properly restore the menu bar when this
// controller is destroyed.
base::mac::FullScreenMode currentFullscreenMode_;
@property(readonly, nonatomic) BOOL isFullscreen;
// Designated initializer.
- (id)initWithBrowserController:(BrowserWindowController*)controller;
// Informs the controller that the browser has entered or exited fullscreen
// mode. |-enterFullscreenForContentView:showDropdown:| should be called after
// the fullscreen window is setup, just before it is shown. |-exitFullscreen|
// should be called before any views are moved back to the non-fullscreen
// window. If |-enterFullscreenForContentView:showDropdown:| is called, it must
// be followed with a call to |-exitFullscreen| before the controller is
// released.
- (void)enterFullscreenForContentView:(NSView*)contentView
- (void)exitFullscreen;
// Returns the amount by which the floating bar should be offset downwards (to
// avoid the menu) and by which the overlay view should be enlarged vertically.
// Generally, this is > 0 when the fullscreen window is on the primary screen
// and 0 otherwise.
- (CGFloat)floatingBarVerticalOffset;
// Informs the controller that the overlay's frame has changed. The controller
// uses this information to update its tracking areas.
- (void)overlayFrameChanged:(NSRect)frame;
// Informs the controller that the overlay should be shown/hidden, possibly with
// animation, possibly after a delay (only applicable for the animated case).
- (void)ensureOverlayShownWithAnimation:(BOOL)animate delay:(BOOL)delay;
- (void)ensureOverlayHiddenWithAnimation:(BOOL)animate delay:(BOOL)delay;
// Cancels any running animation and timers.
- (void)cancelAnimationAndTimers;
// Gets the current floating bar shown fraction.
- (CGFloat)floatingBarShownFraction;
// Sets a new current floating bar shown fraction. NOTE: This function has side
// effects, such as modifying the fullscreen mode (menu bar shown state).
- (void)changeFloatingBarShownFraction:(CGFloat)fraction;
// Notification posted when we're about to enter or leave fullscreen.
extern NSString* const kWillEnterFullscreenNotification;
extern NSString* const kWillLeaveFullscreenNotification;