#!/bin/bash -p
# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Called as root before Keystone ticket promotion to ensure a suitable
# environment for Keystone installation. Ultimately, these features should be
# integrated directly into the Keystone installation.
# If the two branding paths are given, then the branding information is also
# copied and the permissions on the system branding file are set to be owned by
# root, but readable by anyone.
# Note that this script will be invoked with the real user ID set to the
# user's ID, but the effective user ID set to 0 (root). bash -p is used on
# the first line to prevent bash from setting the effective user ID to the
# real user ID (dropping root privileges).
# TODO(mark): Remove this script when able. See http://b/2285921 and
# http://b/2289908.
set -e
# This script runs as root, so be paranoid about things like ${PATH}.
export PATH="/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin"
# Output the pid to stdout before doing anything else. See
# chrome/browser/cocoa/authorization_util.h.
echo "${$}"
if [ ${#} -ne 0 ] && [ ${#} -ne 2 ] ; then
echo "usage: ${0} [USER_BRAND SYSTEM_BRAND]" >& 2
exit 2
if [ ${#} -eq 2 ] ; then
# Make sure that USER_BRAND is an absolute path and that it exists.
if [ -z "${USER_BRAND}" ] || \
[ "${USER_BRAND:0:1}" != "/" ] || \
[ ! -f "${USER_BRAND}" ] ; then
echo "${0}: must provide an absolute path naming an existing user file" >& 2
exit 3
# Make sure that SYSTEM_BRAND is an absolute path.
if [ -z "${SYSTEM_BRAND}" ] || [ "${SYSTEM_BRAND:0:1}" != "/" ] ; then
echo "${0}: must provide an absolute path naming a system file" >& 2
exit 4
# Make sure the directory for the system brand file exists.
if [ ! -e "${SYSTEM_BRAND_DIR}" ] ; then
mkdir -p "${SYSTEM_BRAND_DIR}"
# Permissions on this directory will be fixed up at the end of this script.
# Copy the brand file
cp "${USER_BRAND}" "${SYSTEM_BRAND}" >& /dev/null
# Ensure the right ownership and permissions
chown "root:wheel" "${SYSTEM_BRAND}" >& /dev/null
chmod "a+r,u+w,go-w" "${SYSTEM_BRAND}" >& /dev/null
if [ -d "${LIB_GOOG}" ] ; then
# Just work with the directory. Don't do anything recursively here, so as
# to leave other things in /Library/Google alone.
chown -h "${OWNER_GROUP}" "${LIB_GOOG}" >& /dev/null
chmod -h "${CHMOD_MODE}" "${LIB_GOOG}" >& /dev/null
if [ -d "${LIB_GOOG_GSU}" ] ; then
chown -Rh "${OWNER_GROUP}" "${LIB_GOOG_GSU}" >& /dev/null
chmod -R "${CHMOD_MODE}" "${LIB_GOOG_GSU}" >& /dev/null
# On the Mac, or at least on HFS+, symbolic link permissions are
# significant, but chmod -R and -h can't be used together. Do another
# pass to fix the permissions on any symbolic links.
find "${LIB_GOOG_GSU}" -type l -exec chmod -h "${CHMOD_MODE}" {} + >& \
# TODO(mark): If GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle is missing, dump TicketStore
# too?
exit 0