// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include "base/memory/scoped_nsobject.h"
@class CrTrackingAreaOwnerProxy;
// The CrTrackingArea can be used in place of an NSTrackingArea to shut off
// messaging to the |owner| at a specific point in time.
@interface CrTrackingArea : NSTrackingArea {
scoped_nsobject<CrTrackingAreaOwnerProxy> ownerProxy_;
// Designated initializer. Forwards all arguments to the superclass, but wraps
// |owner| in a proxy object.
// The |proxiedOwner:| paramater has been renamed due to an incompatiblity with
// the 10.5 SDK. Since that SDK version declares |-[NSTrackingArea's init...]|'s
// return type to be |NSTrackingArea*| rather than |id|, a more generalized type
// can't be returned by the subclass. Until the project switches to the 10.6 SDK
// (where Apple changed the return type to |id|), this ugly hack must exist.
// TODO(rsesek): Remove this when feasabile.
- (id)initWithRect:(NSRect)rect
proxiedOwner:(id)owner // 10.5 SDK hack. Remove at some point.
// Prevents any future messages from being delivered to the |owner|.
- (void)clearOwner;
// Watches |window| for its NSWindowWillCloseNotification and calls
// |-clearOwner| when the notification is observed.
- (void)clearOwnerWhenWindowWillClose:(NSWindow*)window;
// Scoper //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Use an instance of this class to call |-clearOwner| on the |tracking_area_|
// when this goes out of scope.
class ScopedCrTrackingArea {
// Takes ownership of |tracking_area| without retaining it.
explicit ScopedCrTrackingArea(CrTrackingArea* tracking_area = nil);
// This will call |scoped_nsobject<>::reset()| to take ownership of the new
// tracking area. Note that -clearOwner is NOT called on the existing
// tracking area.
void reset(CrTrackingArea* tracking_area = nil);
CrTrackingArea* get() const;
scoped_nsobject<CrTrackingArea> tracking_area_;