/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/Xinerama.h,v 3.2 2000/03/01 01:04:20 dawes Exp $ */
#ifndef _Xinerama_h
#define _Xinerama_h
#include "SDL_name.h"
typedef struct {
int screen_number;
short x_org;
short y_org;
short width;
short height;
} SDL_NAME(XineramaScreenInfo);
Bool SDL_NAME(XineramaQueryExtension) (
Display *dpy,
int *event_base,
int *error_base
Status SDL_NAME(XineramaQueryVersion)(
Display *dpy,
int *major,
int *minor
Bool SDL_NAME(XineramaIsActive)(Display *dpy);
Returns the number of heads and a pointer to an array of
structures describing the position and size of the individual
heads. Returns NULL and number = 0 if Xinerama is not active.
Returned array should be freed with XFree().
SDL_NAME(XineramaScreenInfo) *
Display *dpy,
int *number
#endif /* _Xinerama_h */