* Copyright 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "Test.h"
#include "SkData.h"
#include "SkFlate.h"
#include "SkPDFCatalog.h"
#include "SkPDFStream.h"
#include "SkPDFTypes.h"
#include "SkScalar.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
class SkPDFTestDict : public SkPDFDict {
void getResources(SkTDArray<SkPDFObject*>* resourceList) {
resourceList->setReserve(resourceList->count() + fResources.count());
for (int i = 0; i < fResources.count(); i++) {
void addResource(SkPDFObject* object) {
fResources.append(1, &object);
SkTDArray<SkPDFObject*> fResources;
static bool stream_equals(const SkDynamicMemoryWStream& stream, size_t offset,
const void* buffer, size_t len) {
SkAutoDataUnref data(stream.copyToData());
if (offset + len > data.size()) {
return false;
return memcmp(data.bytes() + offset, buffer, len) == 0;
static void CheckObjectOutput(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, SkPDFObject* obj,
const char* expectedData, size_t expectedSize,
bool indirect, bool compression) {
SkPDFDocument::Flags docFlags = (SkPDFDocument::Flags) 0;
if (!compression) {
docFlags = SkTBitOr(docFlags, SkPDFDocument::kNoCompression_Flag);
SkPDFCatalog catalog(docFlags);
size_t directSize = obj->getOutputSize(&catalog, false);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, directSize == expectedSize);
SkDynamicMemoryWStream buffer;
obj->emit(&buffer, &catalog, false);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, directSize == buffer.getOffset());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream_equals(buffer, 0, expectedData,
if (indirect) {
// Indirect output.
static char header[] = "1 0 obj\n";
static size_t headerLen = strlen(header);
static char footer[] = "\nendobj\n";
static size_t footerLen = strlen(footer);
catalog.addObject(obj, false);
size_t indirectSize = obj->getOutputSize(&catalog, true);
indirectSize == directSize + headerLen + footerLen);
obj->emit(&buffer, &catalog, true);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, indirectSize == buffer.getOffset());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream_equals(buffer, 0, header, headerLen));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream_equals(buffer, headerLen, expectedData,
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream_equals(buffer, headerLen + directSize,
footer, footerLen));
static void SimpleCheckObjectOutput(skiatest::Reporter* reporter,
SkPDFObject* obj,
const std::string& expectedResult) {
CheckObjectOutput(reporter, obj, expectedResult.c_str(),
expectedResult.length(), true, false);
static void TestPDFStream(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
char streamBytes[] = "Test\nFoo\tBar";
SkRefPtr<SkMemoryStream> streamData = new SkMemoryStream(
streamBytes, strlen(streamBytes), true);
streamData->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkRefPtr<SkPDFStream> stream = new SkPDFStream(streamData.get());
stream->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
reporter, stream.get(),
"<</Length 12\n>> stream\nTest\nFoo\tBar\nendstream");
stream->insert("Attribute", new SkPDFInt(42))->unref();
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, stream.get(),
"<</Length 12\n/Attribute 42\n>> stream\n"
if (SkFlate::HaveFlate()) {
char streamBytes2[] = "This is a longer string, so that compression "
"can do something with it. With shorter strings, "
"the short circuit logic cuts in and we end up "
"with an uncompressed string.";
SkAutoDataUnref streamData2(SkData::NewWithCopy(streamBytes2,
SkRefPtr<SkPDFStream> stream = new SkPDFStream(streamData2.get());
stream->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkDynamicMemoryWStream compressedByteStream;
SkFlate::Deflate(streamData2.get(), &compressedByteStream);
SkAutoDataUnref compressedData(compressedByteStream.copyToData());
// Check first without compression.
SkDynamicMemoryWStream expectedResult1;
expectedResult1.writeText("<</Length 167\n>> stream\n");
SkAutoDataUnref expectedResultData1(expectedResult1.copyToData());
CheckObjectOutput(reporter, stream.get(),
(const char*) expectedResultData1.data(),
expectedResultData1.size(), true, false);
// Then again with compression.
SkDynamicMemoryWStream expectedResult2;
expectedResult2.writeText("<</Filter /FlateDecode\n/Length 116\n"
">> stream\n");
expectedResult2.write(compressedData.data(), compressedData.size());
SkAutoDataUnref expectedResultData2(expectedResult2.copyToData());
CheckObjectOutput(reporter, stream.get(),
(const char*) expectedResultData2.data(),
expectedResultData2.size(), true, true);
static void TestCatalog(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
SkPDFCatalog catalog((SkPDFDocument::Flags)0);
SkRefPtr<SkPDFInt> int1 = new SkPDFInt(1);
int1->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkRefPtr<SkPDFInt> int2 = new SkPDFInt(2);
int2->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkRefPtr<SkPDFInt> int3 = new SkPDFInt(3);
int3->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkRefPtr<SkPDFInt> int1Again(int1.get());
catalog.addObject(int1.get(), false);
catalog.addObject(int2.get(), false);
catalog.addObject(int3.get(), false);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, catalog.getObjectNumberSize(int1.get()) == 3);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, catalog.getObjectNumberSize(int2.get()) == 3);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, catalog.getObjectNumberSize(int3.get()) == 3);
SkDynamicMemoryWStream buffer;
catalog.emitObjectNumber(&buffer, int1.get());
catalog.emitObjectNumber(&buffer, int2.get());
catalog.emitObjectNumber(&buffer, int3.get());
catalog.emitObjectNumber(&buffer, int1Again.get());
char expectedResult[] = "1 02 03 01 0";
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream_equals(buffer, 0, expectedResult,
static void TestObjectRef(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
SkRefPtr<SkPDFInt> int1 = new SkPDFInt(1);
int1->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkRefPtr<SkPDFInt> int2 = new SkPDFInt(2);
int2->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkRefPtr<SkPDFObjRef> int2ref = new SkPDFObjRef(int2.get());
int2ref->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkPDFCatalog catalog((SkPDFDocument::Flags)0);
catalog.addObject(int1.get(), false);
catalog.addObject(int2.get(), false);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, catalog.getObjectNumberSize(int1.get()) == 3);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, catalog.getObjectNumberSize(int2.get()) == 3);
char expectedResult[] = "2 0 R";
SkDynamicMemoryWStream buffer;
int2ref->emitObject(&buffer, &catalog, false);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, buffer.getOffset() == strlen(expectedResult));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream_equals(buffer, 0, expectedResult,
static void TestSubstitute(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
SkRefPtr<SkPDFTestDict> proxy = new SkPDFTestDict();
proxy->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkRefPtr<SkPDFTestDict> stub = new SkPDFTestDict();
stub->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkRefPtr<SkPDFInt> int33 = new SkPDFInt(33);
int33->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkRefPtr<SkPDFDict> stubResource = new SkPDFDict();
stubResource->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkRefPtr<SkPDFInt> int44 = new SkPDFInt(44);
int44->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
stub->insert("Value", int33.get());
stubResource->insert("InnerValue", int44.get());
SkPDFCatalog catalog((SkPDFDocument::Flags)0);
catalog.addObject(proxy.get(), false);
catalog.setSubstitute(proxy.get(), stub.get());
SkDynamicMemoryWStream buffer;
proxy->emit(&buffer, &catalog, false);
catalog.emitSubstituteResources(&buffer, false);
char objectResult[] = "2 0 obj\n<</Value 33\n>>\nendobj\n";
catalog.setFileOffset(proxy.get(), 0) == strlen(objectResult));
char expectedResult[] =
"<</Value 33\n>>1 0 obj\n<</InnerValue 44\n>>\nendobj\n";
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, buffer.getOffset() == strlen(expectedResult));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream_equals(buffer, 0, expectedResult,
static void TestPDFPrimitives(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
SkRefPtr<SkPDFInt> int42 = new SkPDFInt(42);
int42->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, int42.get(), "42");
SkRefPtr<SkPDFScalar> realHalf = new SkPDFScalar(SK_ScalarHalf);
realHalf->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, realHalf.get(), "0.5");
#if defined(SK_SCALAR_IS_FLOAT)
SkRefPtr<SkPDFScalar> bigScalar = new SkPDFScalar(110999.75);
bigScalar->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, bigScalar.get(), "111000");
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, bigScalar.get(), "110999.75");
SkRefPtr<SkPDFScalar> biggerScalar = new SkPDFScalar(50000000.1);
biggerScalar->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, biggerScalar.get(), "50000000");
SkRefPtr<SkPDFScalar> smallestScalar = new SkPDFScalar(1.0/65536);
smallestScalar->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, smallestScalar.get(), "0.00001526");
SkRefPtr<SkPDFString> stringSimple = new SkPDFString("test ) string ( foo");
stringSimple->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, stringSimple.get(),
"(test \\) string \\( foo)");
SkRefPtr<SkPDFString> stringComplex =
new SkPDFString("\ttest ) string ( foo");
stringComplex->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, stringComplex.get(),
SkRefPtr<SkPDFName> name = new SkPDFName("Test name\twith#tab");
name->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
const char expectedResult[] = "/Test#20name#09with#23tab";
CheckObjectOutput(reporter, name.get(), expectedResult,
strlen(expectedResult), false, false);
SkRefPtr<SkPDFArray> array = new SkPDFArray;
array->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, array.get(), "[]");
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, array.get(), "[42]");
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, array.get(), "[42 0.5]");
SkRefPtr<SkPDFInt> int0 = new SkPDFInt(0);
int0->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, array.get(), "[42 0.5 0]");
SkRefPtr<SkPDFInt> int1 = new SkPDFInt(1);
int1->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
array->setAt(0, int1.get());
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, array.get(), "[1 0.5 0]");
SkRefPtr<SkPDFDict> dict = new SkPDFDict;
dict->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, dict.get(), "<<>>");
SkRefPtr<SkPDFName> n1 = new SkPDFName("n1");
n1->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
dict->insert(n1.get(), int42.get());
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, dict.get(), "<</n1 42\n>>");
SkRefPtr<SkPDFName> n2 = new SkPDFName("n2");
n2->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
SkRefPtr<SkPDFName> n3 = new SkPDFName("n3");
n3->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
dict->insert(n2.get(), realHalf.get());
dict->insert(n3.get(), array.get());
SimpleCheckObjectOutput(reporter, dict.get(),
"<</n1 42\n/n2 0.5\n/n3 [1 0.5 0]\n>>");
#include "TestClassDef.h"
DEFINE_TESTCLASS("PDFPrimitives", PDFPrimitivesTestClass, TestPDFPrimitives)