// factor-weight.h
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: allauzen@cs.nyu.edu (Cyril Allauzen)
// \file
// Classes to factor weights in an FST.
#include <algorithm>
#include <ext/hash_map>
using __gnu_cxx::hash_map;
#include <ext/slist>
using __gnu_cxx::slist;
#include "fst/lib/cache.h"
#include "fst/lib/test-properties.h"
namespace fst {
struct FactorWeightOptions : CacheOptions {
float delta;
bool final_only; // only factor final weights when true
FactorWeightOptions(const CacheOptions &opts, float d, bool of)
: CacheOptions(opts), delta(d), final_only(of) {}
explicit FactorWeightOptions(float d, bool of = false)
: delta(d), final_only(of) {}
FactorWeightOptions(bool of = false)
: delta(kDelta), final_only(of) {}
// A factor iterator takes as argument a weight w and returns a
// sequence of pairs of weights (xi,yi) such that the sum of the
// products xi times yi is equal to w. If w is fully factored,
// the iterator should return nothing.
// template <class W>
// class FactorIterator {
// public:
// FactorIterator(W w);
// bool Done() const;
// void Next();
// pair<W, W> Value() const;
// void Reset();
// }
// Factor trivially.
template <class W>
class IdentityFactor {
IdentityFactor(const W &w) {}
bool Done() const { return true; }
void Next() {}
pair<W, W> Value() const { return make_pair(W::One(), W::One()); } // unused
void Reset() {}
// Factor a StringWeight w as 'ab' where 'a' is a label.
template <typename L, StringType S = STRING_LEFT>
class StringFactor {
StringFactor(const StringWeight<L, S> &w)
: weight_(w), done_(w.Size() <= 1) {}
bool Done() const { return done_; }
void Next() { done_ = true; }
pair< StringWeight<L, S>, StringWeight<L, S> > Value() const {
StringWeightIterator<L, S> iter(weight_);
StringWeight<L, S> w1(iter.Value());
StringWeight<L, S> w2;
for (iter.Next(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next())
return make_pair(w1, w2);
void Reset() { done_ = weight_.Size() <= 1; }
StringWeight<L, S> weight_;
bool done_;
// Factor a GallicWeight using StringFactor.
template <class L, class W, StringType S = STRING_LEFT>
class GallicFactor {
GallicFactor(const GallicWeight<L, W, S> &w)
: weight_(w), done_(w.Value1().Size() <= 1) {}
bool Done() const { return done_; }
void Next() { done_ = true; }
pair< GallicWeight<L, W, S>, GallicWeight<L, W, S> > Value() const {
StringFactor<L, S> iter(weight_.Value1());
GallicWeight<L, W, S> w1(iter.Value().first, weight_.Value2());
GallicWeight<L, W, S> w2(iter.Value().second, W::One());
return make_pair(w1, w2);
void Reset() { done_ = weight_.Value1().Size() <= 1; }
GallicWeight<L, W, S> weight_;
bool done_;
// Implementation class for FactorWeight
template <class A, class F>
class FactorWeightFstImpl
: public CacheImpl<A> {
using FstImpl<A>::SetType;
using FstImpl<A>::SetProperties;
using FstImpl<A>::Properties;
using FstImpl<A>::SetInputSymbols;
using FstImpl<A>::SetOutputSymbols;
using CacheBaseImpl< CacheState<A> >::HasStart;
using CacheBaseImpl< CacheState<A> >::HasFinal;
using CacheBaseImpl< CacheState<A> >::HasArcs;
typedef A Arc;
typedef typename A::Label Label;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef F FactorIterator;
struct Element {
Element() {}
Element(StateId s, Weight w) : state(s), weight(w) {}
StateId state; // Input state Id
Weight weight; // Residual weight
FactorWeightFstImpl(const Fst<A> &fst, const FactorWeightOptions &opts)
: CacheImpl<A>(opts), fst_(fst.Copy()), delta_(opts.delta),
final_only_(opts.final_only) {
uint64 props = fst.Properties(kFstProperties, false);
SetProperties(FactorWeightProperties(props), kCopyProperties);
~FactorWeightFstImpl() {
delete fst_;
StateId Start() {
if (!HasStart()) {
StateId s = fst_->Start();
if (s == kNoStateId)
return kNoStateId;
StateId start = FindState(Element(fst_->Start(), Weight::One()));
return CacheImpl<A>::Start();
Weight Final(StateId s) {
if (!HasFinal(s)) {
const Element &e = elements_[s];
// TODO: fix so cast is unnecessary
Weight w = e.state == kNoStateId
? e.weight
: (Weight) Times(e.weight, fst_->Final(e.state));
FactorIterator f(w);
if (w != Weight::Zero() && f.Done())
SetFinal(s, w);
SetFinal(s, Weight::Zero());
return CacheImpl<A>::Final(s);
size_t NumArcs(StateId s) {
if (!HasArcs(s))
return CacheImpl<A>::NumArcs(s);
size_t NumInputEpsilons(StateId s) {
if (!HasArcs(s))
return CacheImpl<A>::NumInputEpsilons(s);
size_t NumOutputEpsilons(StateId s) {
if (!HasArcs(s))
return CacheImpl<A>::NumOutputEpsilons(s);
void InitArcIterator(StateId s, ArcIteratorData<A> *data) {
if (!HasArcs(s))
CacheImpl<A>::InitArcIterator(s, data);
// Find state corresponding to an element. Create new state
// if element not found.
StateId FindState(const Element &e) {
if (final_only_ && e.weight == Weight::One()) {
while (unfactored_.size() <= (unsigned int)e.state)
if (unfactored_[e.state] == kNoStateId) {
unfactored_[e.state] = elements_.size();
return unfactored_[e.state];
} else {
typename ElementMap::iterator eit = element_map_.find(e);
if (eit != element_map_.end()) {
return (*eit).second;
} else {
StateId s = elements_.size();
element_map_.insert(pair<const Element, StateId>(e, s));
return s;
// Computes the outgoing transitions from a state, creating new destination
// states as needed.
void Expand(StateId s) {
Element e = elements_[s];
if (e.state != kNoStateId) {
for (ArcIterator< Fst<A> > ait(*fst_, e.state);
ait.Next()) {
const A &arc = ait.Value();
Weight w = Times(e.weight, arc.weight);
FactorIterator fit(w);
if (final_only_ || fit.Done()) {
StateId d = FindState(Element(arc.nextstate, Weight::One()));
AddArc(s, Arc(arc.ilabel, arc.olabel, w, d));
} else {
for (; !fit.Done(); fit.Next()) {
const pair<Weight, Weight> &p = fit.Value();
StateId d = FindState(Element(arc.nextstate,
AddArc(s, Arc(arc.ilabel, arc.olabel, p.first, d));
if ((e.state == kNoStateId) ||
(fst_->Final(e.state) != Weight::Zero())) {
Weight w = e.state == kNoStateId
? e.weight
: Times(e.weight, fst_->Final(e.state));
for (FactorIterator fit(w);
fit.Next()) {
const pair<Weight, Weight> &p = fit.Value();
StateId d = FindState(Element(kNoStateId,
AddArc(s, Arc(0, 0, p.first, d));
// Equality function for Elements, assume weights have been quantized.
class ElementEqual {
bool operator()(const Element &x, const Element &y) const {
return x.state == y.state && x.weight == y.weight;
// Hash function for Elements to Fst states.
class ElementKey {
size_t operator()(const Element &x) const {
return static_cast<size_t>(x.state * kPrime + x.weight.Hash());
static const int kPrime = 7853;
typedef hash_map<Element, StateId, ElementKey, ElementEqual> ElementMap;
const Fst<A> *fst_;
float delta_;
bool final_only_;
vector<Element> elements_; // mapping Fst state to Elements
ElementMap element_map_; // mapping Elements to Fst state
// mapping between old/new 'StateId' for states that do not need to
// be factored when 'final_only_' is true
vector<StateId> unfactored_;
// FactorWeightFst takes as template parameter a FactorIterator as
// defined above. The result of weight factoring is a transducer
// equivalent to the input whose path weights have been factored
// according to the FactorIterator. States and transitions will be
// added as necessary. The algorithm is a generalization to arbitrary
// weights of the second step of the input epsilon-normalization
// algorithm due to Mohri, "Generic epsilon-removal and input
// epsilon-normalization algorithms for weighted transducers",
// International Journal of Computer Science 13(1): 129-143 (2002).
template <class A, class F>
class FactorWeightFst : public Fst<A> {
friend class ArcIterator< FactorWeightFst<A, F> >;
friend class CacheStateIterator< FactorWeightFst<A, F> >;
friend class CacheArcIterator< FactorWeightFst<A, F> >;
typedef A Arc;
typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
typedef CacheState<A> State;
FactorWeightFst(const Fst<A> &fst)
: impl_(new FactorWeightFstImpl<A, F>(fst, FactorWeightOptions())) {}
FactorWeightFst(const Fst<A> &fst, const FactorWeightOptions &opts)
: impl_(new FactorWeightFstImpl<A, F>(fst, opts)) {}
FactorWeightFst(const FactorWeightFst<A, F> &fst) : Fst<A>(fst), impl_(fst.impl_) {
virtual ~FactorWeightFst() { if (!impl_->DecrRefCount()) delete impl_; }
virtual StateId Start() const { return impl_->Start(); }
virtual Weight Final(StateId s) const { return impl_->Final(s); }
virtual size_t NumArcs(StateId s) const { return impl_->NumArcs(s); }
virtual size_t NumInputEpsilons(StateId s) const {
return impl_->NumInputEpsilons(s);
virtual size_t NumOutputEpsilons(StateId s) const {
return impl_->NumOutputEpsilons(s);
virtual uint64 Properties(uint64 mask, bool test) const {
if (test) {
uint64 known, test = TestProperties(*this, mask, &known);
impl_->SetProperties(test, known);
return test & mask;
} else {
return impl_->Properties(mask);
virtual const string& Type() const { return impl_->Type(); }
virtual FactorWeightFst<A, F> *Copy() const {
return new FactorWeightFst<A, F>(*this);
virtual const SymbolTable* InputSymbols() const {
return impl_->InputSymbols();
virtual const SymbolTable* OutputSymbols() const {
return impl_->OutputSymbols();
virtual inline void InitStateIterator(StateIteratorData<A> *data) const;
virtual void InitArcIterator(StateId s, ArcIteratorData<A> *data) const {
impl_->InitArcIterator(s, data);
FactorWeightFstImpl<A, F> *Impl() { return impl_; }
FactorWeightFstImpl<A, F> *impl_;
void operator=(const FactorWeightFst<A, F> &fst); // Disallow
// Specialization for FactorWeightFst.
template<class A, class F>
class StateIterator< FactorWeightFst<A, F> >
: public CacheStateIterator< FactorWeightFst<A, F> > {
explicit StateIterator(const FactorWeightFst<A, F> &fst)
: CacheStateIterator< FactorWeightFst<A, F> >(fst) {}
// Specialization for FactorWeightFst.
template <class A, class F>
class ArcIterator< FactorWeightFst<A, F> >
: public CacheArcIterator< FactorWeightFst<A, F> > {
typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
ArcIterator(const FactorWeightFst<A, F> &fst, StateId s)
: CacheArcIterator< FactorWeightFst<A, F> >(fst, s) {
if (!fst.impl_->HasArcs(s))
template <class A, class F> inline
void FactorWeightFst<A, F>::InitStateIterator(StateIteratorData<A> *data) const
data->base = new StateIterator< FactorWeightFst<A, F> >(*this);
} // namespace fst