// fst.cc
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// \file
// FST definitions.
#include "fst/lib/fst.h"
// Include these so they are registered
#include "fst/lib/const-fst.h"
#include "fst/lib/vector-fst.h"
// FST flag definitions
DEFINE_bool(fst_verify_properties, false,
"Verify fst properties queried by TestProperties");
DEFINE_string(fst_product_separator, ",",
"Character separator between printed weights"
" in a product semiring");
DEFINE_bool(fst_default_cache_gc, true, "Enable garbage collection of cache");
DEFINE_int64(fst_default_cache_gc_limit, 1<<20LL,
"Cache byte size that triggers garbage collection");
namespace fst {
// Register VectorFst and ConstFst for common arcs types
REGISTER_FST(VectorFst, StdArc);
REGISTER_FST(VectorFst, LogArc);
REGISTER_FST(ConstFst, StdArc);
REGISTER_FST(ConstFst, LogArc);
// Identifies stream data as an FST (and its endianity)
static const int32 kFstMagicNumber = 2125659606;
// Check Fst magic number and read in Fst header.
bool FstHeader::Read(istream &strm, const string &source) {
int32 magic_number = 0;
ReadType(strm, &magic_number);
if (magic_number != kFstMagicNumber) {
LOG(ERROR) << "FstHeader::Read: Bad FST header: " << source;
return false;
ReadType(strm, &fsttype_);
ReadType(strm, &arctype_);
ReadType(strm, &version_);
ReadType(strm, &flags_);
ReadType(strm, &properties_);
ReadType(strm, &start_);
ReadType(strm, &numstates_);
ReadType(strm, &numarcs_);
if (!strm)
LOG(ERROR) << "FstHeader::Read: read failed: " << source;
return strm;
// Write Fst magic number and Fst header.
bool FstHeader::Write(ostream &strm, const string &source) const {
WriteType(strm, kFstMagicNumber);
WriteType(strm, fsttype_);
WriteType(strm, arctype_);
WriteType(strm, version_);
WriteType(strm, flags_);
WriteType(strm, properties_);
WriteType(strm, start_);
WriteType(strm, numstates_);
WriteType(strm, numarcs_);
if (!strm)
LOG(ERROR) << "FstHeader::Write: write failed: " << source;
return strm;