// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -Wall -Wuninitialized -Wno-unused-value -std=c++11 -verify %s int foo(int x); int bar(int* x); int boo(int& x); int far(const int& x); // Test self-references within initializers which are guaranteed to be // uninitialized. int a = a; // no-warning: used to signal intended lack of initialization. int b = b + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'b' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int c = (c + c); // expected-warning 2 {{variable 'c' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int e = static_cast<long>(e) + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'e' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int f = foo(f); // expected-warning {{variable 'f' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} // Thes don't warn as they don't require the value. int g = sizeof(g); void* ptr = &ptr; int h = bar(&h); int i = boo(i); int j = far(j); int k = __alignof__(k); int l = k ? l : l; // expected-warning 2{{variable 'l' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int m = 1 + (k ? m : m); // expected-warning 2{{variable 'm' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int n = -n; // expected-warning {{variable 'n' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} void test_stuff () { int a = a; // no-warning: used to signal intended lack of initialization. int b = b + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'b' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int c = (c + c); // expected-warning {{variable 'c' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int d = ({ d + d ;}); // expected-warning {{variable 'd' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int e = static_cast<long>(e) + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'e' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int f = foo(f); // expected-warning {{variable 'f' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} // Thes don't warn as they don't require the value. int g = sizeof(g); void* ptr = &ptr; int h = bar(&h); int i = boo(i); int j = far(j); int k = __alignof__(k); int l = k ? l : l; // FIXME: warn here int m = 1 + (k ? m : m); // FIXME: warn here int n = -n; // expected-warning {{variable 'n' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} for (;;) { int a = a; // no-warning: used to signal intended lack of initialization. int b = b + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'b' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int c = (c + c); // expected-warning {{variable 'c' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int d = ({ d + d ;}); // expected-warning {{variable 'd' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int e = static_cast<long>(e) + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'e' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int f = foo(f); // expected-warning {{variable 'f' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} // Thes don't warn as they don't require the value. int g = sizeof(g); void* ptr = &ptr; int h = bar(&h); int i = boo(i); int j = far(j); int k = __alignof__(k); int l = k ? l : l; // FIXME: warn here int m = 1 + (k ? m : m); // FIXME: warn here int n = -n; // expected-warning {{variable 'n' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} } } // Test self-references with record types. class A { // Non-POD class. public: enum count { ONE, TWO, THREE }; int num; static int count; int get() const { return num; } int get2() { return num; } void set(int x) { num = x; } static int zero() { return 0; } A() {} A(A const &a) {} A(int x) {} A(int *x) {} A(A *a) {} ~A(); }; A getA() { return A(); } A getA(int x) { return A(); } A getA(A* a) { return A(); } A getA(A a) { return A(); } void setupA(bool x) { A a1; a1.set(a1.get()); A a2(a1.get()); A a3(a1); A a4(&a4); A a5(a5.zero()); A a6(a6.ONE); A a7 = getA(); A a8 = getA(a8.TWO); A a9 = getA(&a9); A a10(a10.count); A a11(a11); // expected-warning {{variable 'a11' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a12(a12.get()); // expected-warning {{variable 'a12' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a13(a13.num); // expected-warning {{variable 'a13' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a14 = A(a14); // expected-warning {{variable 'a14' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a15 = getA(a15.num); // expected-warning {{variable 'a15' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a16(&a16.num); // expected-warning {{variable 'a16' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a17(a17.get2()); // expected-warning {{variable 'a17' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a18 = x ? a18 : a17; // expected-warning {{variable 'a18' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a19 = getA(x ? a19 : a17); // expected-warning {{variable 'a19' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} } bool x; A a1; A a2(a1.get()); A a3(a1); A a4(&a4); A a5(a5.zero()); A a6(a6.ONE); A a7 = getA(); A a8 = getA(a8.TWO); A a9 = getA(&a9); A a10(a10.count); A a11(a11); // expected-warning {{variable 'a11' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a12(a12.get()); // expected-warning {{variable 'a12' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a13(a13.num); // expected-warning {{variable 'a13' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a14 = A(a14); // expected-warning {{variable 'a14' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a15 = getA(a15.num); // expected-warning {{variable 'a15' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a16(&a16.num); // expected-warning {{variable 'a16' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a17(a17.get2()); // expected-warning {{variable 'a17' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a18 = x ? a18 : a17; // expected-warning {{variable 'a18' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} A a19 = getA(x ? a19 : a17); // expected-warning {{variable 'a19' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} struct B { // POD struct. int x; int *y; }; B getB() { return B(); }; B getB(int x) { return B(); }; B getB(int *x) { return B(); }; B getB(B *b) { return B(); }; void setupB() { B b1; B b2(b1); B b3 = { 5, &b3.x }; B b4 = getB(); B b5 = getB(&b5); B b6 = getB(&b6.x); // Silence unused warning (void) b2; (void) b4; B b7(b7); // expected-warning {{variable 'b7' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} B b8 = getB(b8.x); // expected-warning {{variable 'b8' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} B b9 = getB(b9.y); // expected-warning {{variable 'b9' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} B b10 = getB(-b10.x); // expected-warning {{variable 'b10' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} } // Also test similar constructs in a field's initializer. struct S { int x; void *ptr; S(bool (*)[1]) : x(x) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} S(bool (*)[2]) : x(x + 1) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} S(bool (*)[3]) : x(x + x) {} // expected-warning 2{{field is uninitialized when used here}} S(bool (*)[4]) : x(static_cast<long>(x) + 1) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} S(bool (*)[5]) : x(foo(x)) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} // These don't actually require the value of x and so shouldn't warn. S(char (*)[1]) : x(sizeof(x)) {} // rdar://8610363 S(char (*)[2]) : ptr(&ptr) {} S(char (*)[3]) : x(__alignof__(x)) {} S(char (*)[4]) : x(bar(&x)) {} S(char (*)[5]) : x(boo(x)) {} S(char (*)[6]) : x(far(x)) {} }; struct C { char a[100], *e; } car = { .e = car.a }; // <rdar://problem/10398199> namespace rdar10398199 { class FooBase { protected: ~FooBase() {} }; class Foo : public FooBase { public: operator int&() const; }; void stuff(); template <typename T> class FooImpl : public Foo { T val; public: FooImpl(const T &x) : val(x) {} ~FooImpl() { stuff(); } }; template <typename T> FooImpl<T> makeFoo(const T& x) { return FooImpl<T>(x); } void test() { const Foo &x = makeFoo(42); const int&y = makeFoo(42u); (void)x; (void)y; }; } // PR 12325 - this was a false uninitialized value warning due to // a broken CFG. int pr12325(int params) { int x = ({ while (false) ; int _v = params; if (false) ; _v; // no-warning }); return x; } // Test lambda expressions with -Wuninitialized int test_lambda() { auto f1 = [] (int x, int y) { int z; return x + y + z; }; // expected-warning{{variable 'z' is uninitialized when used here}} expected-note {{initialize the variable 'z' to silence this warning}} return f1(1, 2); } namespace { struct A { enum { A1 }; static int A2() {return 5;} int A3; int A4() { return 5;} }; struct B { A a; }; struct C { C() {} C(int x) {} static A a; B b; }; A C::a = A(); // Accessing non-static members will give a warning. struct D { C c; D(char (*)[1]) : c(c.b.a.A1) {} D(char (*)[2]) : c(c.b.a.A2()) {} D(char (*)[3]) : c(c.b.a.A3) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} D(char (*)[4]) : c(c.b.a.A4()) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} // c::a is static, so it is already initialized D(char (*)[5]) : c(c.a.A1) {} D(char (*)[6]) : c(c.a.A2()) {} D(char (*)[7]) : c(c.a.A3) {} D(char (*)[8]) : c(c.a.A4()) {} }; struct E { int a, b, c; E(char (*)[1]) : a(a ? b : c) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} E(char (*)[2]) : a(b ? a : a) {} // expected-warning 2{{field is uninitialized when used here}} E(char (*)[3]) : a(b ? (a) : c) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} E(char (*)[4]) : a(b ? c : (a+c)) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} E(char (*)[5]) : a(b ? c : b) {} E(char (*)[6]) : a(a ?: a) {} // expected-warning 2{{field is uninitialized when used here}} E(char (*)[7]) : a(b ?: a) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} E(char (*)[8]) : a(a ?: c) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} E(char (*)[9]) : a(b ?: c) {} E(char (*)[10]) : a((a, a, b)) {} E(char (*)[11]) : a((c + a, a + 1, b)) {} // expected-warning 2{{field is uninitialized when used here}} E(char (*)[12]) : a((b + c, c, a)) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} E(char (*)[13]) : a((a, a, a, a)) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} E(char (*)[14]) : a((b, c, c)) {} }; struct F { int a; F* f; F(int) {} F() {} }; int F::*ptr = &F::a; F* F::*f_ptr = &F::f; struct G { F f1, f2; F *f3, *f4; G(char (*)[1]) : f1(f1) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} G(char (*)[2]) : f2(f1) {} G(char (*)[3]) : f2(F()) {} G(char (*)[4]) : f1(f1.*ptr) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} G(char (*)[5]) : f2(f1.*ptr) {} G(char (*)[6]) : f3(f3) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} G(char (*)[7]) : f3(f3->*f_ptr) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} G(char (*)[8]) : f3(new F(f3->*ptr)) {} // expected-warning {{field is uninitialized when used here}} }; } namespace statics { static int a = a; // no-warning: used to signal intended lack of initialization. static int b = b + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'b' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int c = (c + c); // expected-warning 2{{variable 'c' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int e = static_cast<long>(e) + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'e' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int f = foo(f); // expected-warning {{variable 'f' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} // Thes don't warn as they don't require the value. static int g = sizeof(g); int gg = g; // Silence unneeded warning static void* ptr = &ptr; static int h = bar(&h); static int i = boo(i); static int j = far(j); static int k = __alignof__(k); static int l = k ? l : l; // expected-warning 2{{variable 'l' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int m = 1 + (k ? m : m); // expected-warning 2{{variable 'm' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int n = -n; // expected-warning {{variable 'n' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} void test() { static int a = a; // no-warning: used to signal intended lack of initialization. static int b = b + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'b' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int c = (c + c); // expected-warning 2{{variable 'c' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int d = ({ d + d ;}); // expected-warning 2{{variable 'd' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int e = static_cast<long>(e) + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'e' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int f = foo(f); // expected-warning {{variable 'f' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} // Thes don't warn as they don't require the value. static int g = sizeof(g); static void* ptr = &ptr; static int h = bar(&h); static int i = boo(i); static int j = far(j); static int k = __alignof__(k); static int l = k ? l : l; // expected-warning 2{{variable 'l' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int m = 1 + (k ? m : m); // expected-warning 2{{variable 'm' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int n = -n; // expected-warning {{variable 'n' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} for (;;) { static int a = a; // no-warning: used to signal intended lack of initialization. static int b = b + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'b' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int c = (c + c); // expected-warning 2{{variable 'c' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int d = ({ d + d ;}); // expected-warning 2{{variable 'd' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int e = static_cast<long>(e) + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'e' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int f = foo(f); // expected-warning {{variable 'f' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} // Thes don't warn as they don't require the value. static int g = sizeof(g); static void* ptr = &ptr; static int h = bar(&h); static int i = boo(i); static int j = far(j); static int k = __alignof__(k); static int l = k ? l : l; // expected-warning 2{{variable 'l' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int m = 1 + (k ? m : m); // expected-warning 2{{variable 'm' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} static int n = -n; // expected-warning {{variable 'n' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} } } } namespace references { int &a = a; // expected-warning{{reference 'a' is not yet bound to a value when used within its own initialization}} struct S { S() : a(a) {} // expected-warning{{reference is not yet bound to a value when used here}} int &a; }; void f() { int &a = a; // expected-warning{{reference 'a' is not yet bound to a value when used within its own initialization}} } struct T { T() : a(b), b(a) {} // FIXME: Warn here. int &a, &b; int &c = c; // FIXME: Warn here. }; }