//===--- TestVisitor.h ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Defines utility templates for RecursiveASTVisitor related tests.


#include <vector>

#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

namespace clang {

/// \brief Base class for simple RecursiveASTVisitor based tests.
/// This is a drop-in replacement for RecursiveASTVisitor itself, with the
/// additional capability of running it over a snippet of code.
/// Visits template instantiations (but not implicit code) by default.
template <typename T>
class TestVisitor : public RecursiveASTVisitor<T> {
  TestVisitor() { }

  virtual ~TestVisitor() { }

  enum Language { Lang_C, Lang_CXX };

  /// \brief Runs the current AST visitor over the given code.
  bool runOver(StringRef Code, Language L = Lang_CXX) {
    std::vector<std::string> Args;
    switch (L) {
      case Lang_C: Args.push_back("-std=c99"); break;
      case Lang_CXX: Args.push_back("-std=c++98"); break;
    return tooling::runToolOnCodeWithArgs(CreateTestAction(), Code, Args);

  bool shouldVisitTemplateInstantiations() const {
    return true;

  virtual ASTFrontendAction* CreateTestAction() {
    return new TestAction(this);

  class FindConsumer : public ASTConsumer {
    FindConsumer(TestVisitor *Visitor) : Visitor(Visitor) {}

    virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &Context) {
      Visitor->Context = &Context;

    TestVisitor *Visitor;

  class TestAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
    TestAction(TestVisitor *Visitor) : Visitor(Visitor) {}

    virtual clang::ASTConsumer* CreateASTConsumer(
        CompilerInstance&, llvm::StringRef dummy) {
      /// TestConsumer will be deleted by the framework calling us.
      return new FindConsumer(Visitor);

    TestVisitor *Visitor;

  ASTContext *Context;

/// \brief A RecursiveASTVisitor to check that certain matches are (or are
/// not) observed during visitation.
/// This is a RecursiveASTVisitor for testing the RecursiveASTVisitor itself,
/// and allows simple creation of test visitors running matches on only a small
/// subset of the Visit* methods.
template <typename T, template <typename> class Visitor = TestVisitor>
class ExpectedLocationVisitor : public Visitor<T> {
  /// \brief Expect 'Match' *not* to occur at the given 'Line' and 'Column'.
  /// Any number of matches can be disallowed.
  void DisallowMatch(Twine Match, unsigned Line, unsigned Column) {
    DisallowedMatches.push_back(MatchCandidate(Match, Line, Column));

  /// \brief Expect 'Match' to occur at the given 'Line' and 'Column'.
  /// Any number of expected matches can be set by calling this repeatedly.
  /// Each is expected to be matched exactly once.
  void ExpectMatch(Twine Match, unsigned Line, unsigned Column) {
    ExpectedMatches.push_back(ExpectedMatch(Match, Line, Column));

  /// \brief Checks that all expected matches have been found.
  virtual ~ExpectedLocationVisitor() {
    for (typename std::vector<ExpectedMatch>::const_iterator
             It = ExpectedMatches.begin(), End = ExpectedMatches.end();
         It != End; ++It) {

  /// \brief Checks an actual match against expected and disallowed matches.
  /// Implementations are required to call this with appropriate values
  /// for 'Name' during visitation.
  void Match(StringRef Name, SourceLocation Location) {
    const FullSourceLoc FullLocation = this->Context->getFullLoc(Location);

    for (typename std::vector<MatchCandidate>::const_iterator
             It = DisallowedMatches.begin(), End = DisallowedMatches.end();
         It != End; ++It) {
      EXPECT_FALSE(It->Matches(Name, FullLocation))
          << "Matched disallowed " << *It;

    for (typename std::vector<ExpectedMatch>::iterator
             It = ExpectedMatches.begin(), End = ExpectedMatches.end();
         It != End; ++It) {
      It->UpdateFor(Name, FullLocation, this->Context->getSourceManager());

  struct MatchCandidate {
    std::string ExpectedName;
    unsigned LineNumber;
    unsigned ColumnNumber;

    MatchCandidate(Twine Name, unsigned LineNumber, unsigned ColumnNumber)
      : ExpectedName(Name.str()), LineNumber(LineNumber),
        ColumnNumber(ColumnNumber) {

    bool Matches(StringRef Name, FullSourceLoc const &Location) const {
      return MatchesName(Name) && MatchesLocation(Location);

    bool PartiallyMatches(StringRef Name, FullSourceLoc const &Location) const {
      return MatchesName(Name) || MatchesLocation(Location);

    bool MatchesName(StringRef Name) const {
      return Name == ExpectedName;

    bool MatchesLocation(FullSourceLoc const &Location) const {
      return Location.isValid() &&
          Location.getSpellingLineNumber() == LineNumber &&
          Location.getSpellingColumnNumber() == ColumnNumber;

    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &Stream,
                                    MatchCandidate const &Match) {
      return Stream << Match.ExpectedName
                    << " at " << Match.LineNumber << ":" << Match.ColumnNumber;

  struct ExpectedMatch {
    ExpectedMatch(Twine Name, unsigned LineNumber, unsigned ColumnNumber)
      : Candidate(Name, LineNumber, ColumnNumber), Found(false) {}

    void UpdateFor(StringRef Name, FullSourceLoc Location, SourceManager &SM) {
      if (Candidate.Matches(Name, Location)) {
        Found = true;
      } else if (!Found && Candidate.PartiallyMatches(Name, Location)) {
        llvm::raw_string_ostream Stream(PartialMatches);
        Stream << ", partial match: \"" << Name << "\" at ";
        Location.print(Stream, SM);

    void ExpectFound() const {
          << "Expected \"" << Candidate.ExpectedName
          << "\" at " << Candidate.LineNumber
          << ":" << Candidate.ColumnNumber << PartialMatches;

    MatchCandidate Candidate;
    std::string PartialMatches;
    bool Found;

  std::vector<MatchCandidate> DisallowedMatches;
  std::vector<ExpectedMatch> ExpectedMatches;