/* * Copyright (C) 2010 NXP Semiconductors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*! * \file phLibNfc_Internal.h * * Project: NFC-FRI 1.1 * * $Workfile:: phLibNfc_Internal.h $ * $Modtime:: $ * $Author: ing07385 $ * $Revision: 1.26 $ * */ #ifndef PHLIBNFC_IN_H #define PHLIBNFC_IN_H #include <phNfcStatus.h> #include <phNfcCompId.h> #include <phNfcHalTypes.h> #include <phNfcInterface.h> #include <phNfcConfig.h> #include <phDbgTrace.h> #include <phHal4Nfc.h> #include <phFriNfc_NdefMap.h> #include <phFriNfc_OvrHal.h> #include <phFriNfc_SmtCrdFmt.h> #include <phFriNfc_Llcp.h> #include <phFriNfc_LlcpTransport.h> #include <phOsalNfc_Timer.h> #include <phLibNfc_SE.h> #include <phFriNfc_NdefReg.h> #include <phLibNfc.h> #include <phLibNfc_initiator.h> #include <phLibNfc_ndef_raw.h> #include <phNfcLlcpTypes.h> /**Maximum number of Records.Presently set to a realistic value of 128 Configurable upto 1K*/ #define MAX_NO_OF_RECORDS 128U #define CHK_NDEF_NOT_DONE 0x02U typedef struct phLibNfc_status { unsigned RlsCb_status : 1; unsigned DiscEnbl_status : 1; unsigned Connect_status : 1; unsigned TransProg_status : 1; unsigned RelsProg_status : 1; unsigned GenCb_pending_status : 1; unsigned Shutdown_pending_status : 1; unsigned Discovery_pending_status : 1; }Status_t; typedef enum phLibNfc_State{ eLibNfcHalStateShutdown = 0x00, /**< closed*/ eLibNfcHalInitInProgress, eLibNfcHalInited, eLibNfcHalShutdownInProgress, eLibNfcHalStateInitandIdle, eLibNfcHalStateConfigReady , eLibNfcHalStateConnect, eLibNfcHalStateTransaction, eLibNfcHalStatePresenceChk, eLibNfcHalStateRelease, eLibNfcHalStateInvalid } phLibNfc_State_t; typedef struct phLibNfc_Hal_CB_Info { /*Init call back & its context*/ pphLibNfc_RspCb_t pClientInitCb; void *pClientInitCntx; /*Shutdown call back & its context*/ pphLibNfc_RspCb_t pClientShutdownCb; void *pClientShtdwnCntx; /*Connect call back & its context*/ pphLibNfc_ConnectCallback_t pClientConnectCb; void *pClientConCntx; /*DisConnect call back & its context*/ pphLibNfc_DisconnectCallback_t pClientDisConnectCb; void *pClientDConCntx; /*Transceive Call back & it's context*/ pphLibNfc_TransceiveCallback_t pClientTransceiveCb; void *pClientTranseCntx; /*Check Ndef Call back & it's context*/ pphLibNfc_ChkNdefRspCb_t pClientCkNdefCb; void *pClientCkNdefCntx; /*Read Ndef Call back & it's context*/ pphLibNfc_RspCb_t pClientRdNdefCb; void *pClientRdNdefCntx; /*Write Ndef Call back & it's context*/ pphLibNfc_RspCb_t pClientWrNdefCb; void *pClientWrNdefCntx; /*Discover Call back & it's context*/ pphLibNfc_RspCb_t pClientDisConfigCb; void *pClientDisCfgCntx; /*Presence check Call back & it's context*/ pphLibNfc_RspCb_t pClientPresChkCb; void *pClientPresChkCntx; /*Register notification Call back & it's context*/ phLibNfc_NtfRegister_RspCb_t pClientNtfRegRespCB; void *pClientNtfRegRespCntx; /*Ndef Notification CB*/ pphLibNfc_Ndef_Search_RspCb_t pClientNdefNtfRespCb; void *pClientNdefNtfRespCntx; /*LLCP Check CB*/ pphLibNfc_ChkLlcpRspCb_t pClientLlcpCheckRespCb; void *pClientLlcpCheckRespCntx; /*LLCP Link CB*/ pphLibNfc_LlcpLinkStatusCb_t pClientLlcpLinkCb; void *pClientLlcpLinkCntx; /*LLCP service discovery*/ pphLibNfc_RspCb_t pClientLlcpDiscoveryCb; void *pClientLlcpDiscoveryCntx; }phLibNfc_Hal_CB_Info_t; typedef struct phLibNfc_NdefInfo { bool_t NdefContinueRead; uint32_t NdefActualSize, AppWrLength; phFriNfc_NdefMap_t *psNdefMap; uint16_t NdefSendRecvLen; uint16_t NdefDataCount; phNfc_sData_t *psUpperNdefMsg; uint32_t NdefReadTimerId, NdefLength; uint8_t is_ndef ; phFriNfc_sNdefSmtCrdFmt_t *ndef_fmt ; phLibNfc_Last_Call_t eLast_Call; uint32_t Chk_Ndef_Timer_Id; /*Format Ndef Call back & it's context*/ pphLibNfc_RspCb_t pClientNdefFmtCb; void *pClientNdefFmtCntx; phLibNfc_Ndef_SrchType_t *pNdef_NtfSrch_Type; }phLibNfc_NdefInfo_t; typedef struct phLibNfc_NdefRecInfo { phFriNfc_NdefReg_CbParam_t CbParam; phFriNfc_NdefReg_t NdefReg; uint8_t *NdefTypes_array[100]; phFriNfc_NdefRecord_t RecordsExtracted; uint8_t ChunkedRecordsarray[MAX_NO_OF_RECORDS]; uint32_t NumberOfRecords; uint8_t IsChunked[MAX_NO_OF_RECORDS]; uint32_t NumberOfRawRecords; uint8_t *RawRecords[MAX_NO_OF_RECORDS]; phFriNfc_NdefReg_Cb_t *NdefCb; phNfc_sData_t ndef_message; }phLibNfc_NdefRecInfo_t; typedef struct phLibNfc_LlcpInfo { /* Local parameters for LLC, given upon config * and used upon detection. */ phLibNfc_Llcp_sLinkParameters_t sLocalParams; /* LLCP compliance flag */ bool_t bIsLlcp; /* Monitor structure for LLCP Transport */ phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_t sLlcpTransportContext; /* Monitor structure for LLCP LLC */ phFriNfc_Llcp_t sLlcpContext; /* LLC Rx buffer */ uint8_t pRxBuffer[PHFRINFC_LLCP_PDU_HEADER_MAX + PHFRINFC_LLCP_MIU_DEFAULT + PHFRINFC_LLCP_MIUX_MAX]; /* LLC Tx buffer */ uint8_t pTxBuffer[PHFRINFC_LLCP_PDU_HEADER_MAX + PHFRINFC_LLCP_MIU_DEFAULT + PHFRINFC_LLCP_MIUX_MAX]; } phLibNfc_LlcpInfo_t; typedef struct phLibNfc_LibContext { phHal_sHwReference_t *psHwReference; Status_t status; phHal_sEmulationCfg_t sCardEmulCfg; phLibNfc_SeCtxt_t sSeContext; phNfc_sState_t LibNfcState; phHal_sDevInputParam_t *psDevInputParam; phLibNfc_NdefInfo_t ndef_cntx; phLibNfc_NfcIpInfo_t sNfcIp_Context; phFriNfc_OvrHal_t *psOverHalCtxt; phLibNfc_Registry_Info_t RegNtfType; uint8_t dev_cnt; /*To re configure the discovery wheel*/ phLibNfc_sADD_Cfg_t sADDconfig; uint32_t Connected_handle, Discov_handle[MAX_REMOTE_DEVICES]; /* To store the previous connected handle in case of Multiple protocol tags */ uint32_t Prev_Connected_handle; /*Call back function pointers */ phLibNfc_eDiscoveryConfigMode_t eLibNfcCfgMode; phHal4Nfc_DiscoveryInfo_t *psDiscInfo; phLibNfc_eReleaseType_t ReleaseType; /**Transaction Related Info */ phLibNfc_sTransceiveInfo_t *psTransInfo; phLibNfc_sTransceiveInfo_t *psBufferedAuth; uint8_t LastTrancvSuccess; phLibNfc_RemoteDevList_t psRemoteDevList[MAX_REMOTE_DEVICES]; /*To Call back function pointers & Client context*/ phLibNfc_Hal_CB_Info_t CBInfo; /*Ndef RTD search Info*/ phLibNfc_NdefRecInfo_t phLib_NdefRecCntx; /*LLCP Info*/ phLibNfc_LlcpInfo_t llcp_cntx; /* Pointer to Lib context */ } phLibNfc_LibContext_t,*pphLibNfc_LibContext_t; extern void phLibNfc_Pending_Shutdown(void); extern pphLibNfc_LibContext_t gpphLibContext; extern NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_UpdateNextState( pphLibNfc_LibContext_t psNfcHalCtxt, phLibNfc_State_t next_state ); extern void phLibNfc_UpdateCurState( NFCSTATUS status, pphLibNfc_LibContext_t psNfcHalCtxt ); extern void phLibNfc_Reconnect_Mifare_Cb ( void *pContext, phHal_sRemoteDevInformation_t *psRemoteDevInfo, NFCSTATUS status); #endif