/*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--- begin host_arm_defs.h ---*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation framework. Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenWorks LLP info@open-works.net This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING. */ #ifndef __VEX_HOST_ARM_DEFS_H #define __VEX_HOST_ARM_DEFS_H extern UInt arm_hwcaps; /* --------- Registers. --------- */ /* The usual HReg abstraction. There are 16 general purpose regs. */ extern void ppHRegARM ( HReg ); extern HReg hregARM_R0 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R1 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R2 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R3 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R4 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R5 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R6 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R7 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R8 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R9 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R10 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R11 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R12 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R13 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R14 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_R15 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_D8 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_D9 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_D10 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_D11 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_D12 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_S26 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_S27 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_S28 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_S29 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_S30 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_Q8 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_Q9 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_Q10 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_Q11 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_Q12 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_Q13 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_Q14 ( void ); extern HReg hregARM_Q15 ( void ); /* Number of registers used arg passing in function calls */ #define ARM_N_ARGREGS 4 /* r0, r1, r2, r3 */ /* --------- Condition codes. --------- */ typedef enum { ARMcc_EQ = 0, /* equal : Z=1 */ ARMcc_NE = 1, /* not equal : Z=0 */ ARMcc_HS = 2, /* >=u (higher or same) : C=1 */ ARMcc_LO = 3, /* <u (lower) : C=0 */ ARMcc_MI = 4, /* minus (negative) : N=1 */ ARMcc_PL = 5, /* plus (zero or +ve) : N=0 */ ARMcc_VS = 6, /* overflow : V=1 */ ARMcc_VC = 7, /* no overflow : V=0 */ ARMcc_HI = 8, /* >u (higher) : C=1 && Z=0 */ ARMcc_LS = 9, /* <=u (lower or same) : C=0 || Z=1 */ ARMcc_GE = 10, /* >=s (signed greater or equal) : N=V */ ARMcc_LT = 11, /* <s (signed less than) : N!=V */ ARMcc_GT = 12, /* >s (signed greater) : Z=0 && N=V */ ARMcc_LE = 13, /* <=s (signed less or equal) : Z=1 || N!=V */ ARMcc_AL = 14, /* always (unconditional) */ ARMcc_NV = 15 /* never (basically undefined meaning), deprecated */ } ARMCondCode; extern HChar* showARMCondCode ( ARMCondCode ); /* --------- Memory address expressions (amodes). --------- */ /* --- Addressing Mode 1 --- */ typedef enum { ARMam1_RI=1, /* reg +/- imm12 */ ARMam1_RRS /* reg1 + (reg2 << 0, 1 2 or 3) */ } ARMAMode1Tag; typedef struct { ARMAMode1Tag tag; union { struct { HReg reg; Int simm13; /* -4095 .. +4095 */ } RI; struct { HReg base; HReg index; UInt shift; /* 0, 1 2 or 3 */ } RRS; } ARMam1; } ARMAMode1; extern ARMAMode1* ARMAMode1_RI ( HReg reg, Int simm13 ); extern ARMAMode1* ARMAMode1_RRS ( HReg base, HReg index, UInt shift ); extern void ppARMAMode1 ( ARMAMode1* ); /* --- Addressing Mode 2 --- */ typedef enum { ARMam2_RI=3, /* reg +/- imm8 */ ARMam2_RR /* reg1 + reg2 */ } ARMAMode2Tag; typedef struct { ARMAMode2Tag tag; union { struct { HReg reg; Int simm9; /* -255 .. 255 */ } RI; struct { HReg base; HReg index; } RR; } ARMam2; } ARMAMode2; extern ARMAMode2* ARMAMode2_RI ( HReg reg, Int simm9 ); extern ARMAMode2* ARMAMode2_RR ( HReg base, HReg index ); extern void ppARMAMode2 ( ARMAMode2* ); /* --- Addressing Mode suitable for VFP --- */ /* The simm11 is encoded as 8 bits + 1 sign bit, so can only be 0 % 4. */ typedef struct { HReg reg; Int simm11; /* -1020, -1016 .. 1016, 1020 */ } ARMAModeV; extern ARMAModeV* mkARMAModeV ( HReg reg, Int simm11 ); extern void ppARMAModeV ( ARMAModeV* ); /* --- Addressing Mode suitable for Neon --- */ typedef enum { ARMamN_R=5, ARMamN_RR /* ... */ } ARMAModeNTag; typedef struct { ARMAModeNTag tag; union { struct { HReg rN; HReg rM; } RR; struct { HReg rN; } R; /* ... */ } ARMamN; } ARMAModeN; extern ARMAModeN* mkARMAModeN_RR ( HReg, HReg ); extern ARMAModeN* mkARMAModeN_R ( HReg ); extern void ppARMAModeN ( ARMAModeN* ); /* --------- Reg or imm-8x4 operands --------- */ /* a.k.a (a very restricted form of) Shifter Operand, in the ARM parlance. */ typedef enum { ARMri84_I84=7, /* imm8 `ror` (2 * imm4) */ ARMri84_R /* reg */ } ARMRI84Tag; typedef struct { ARMRI84Tag tag; union { struct { UShort imm8; UShort imm4; } I84; struct { HReg reg; } R; } ARMri84; } ARMRI84; extern ARMRI84* ARMRI84_I84 ( UShort imm8, UShort imm4 ); extern ARMRI84* ARMRI84_R ( HReg ); extern void ppARMRI84 ( ARMRI84* ); /* --------- Reg or imm5 operands --------- */ typedef enum { ARMri5_I5=9, /* imm5, 1 .. 31 only (no zero!) */ ARMri5_R /* reg */ } ARMRI5Tag; typedef struct { ARMRI5Tag tag; union { struct { UInt imm5; } I5; struct { HReg reg; } R; } ARMri5; } ARMRI5; extern ARMRI5* ARMRI5_I5 ( UInt imm5 ); extern ARMRI5* ARMRI5_R ( HReg ); extern void ppARMRI5 ( ARMRI5* ); /* -------- Neon Immediate operand -------- */ /* imm8 = abcdefgh, B = NOT(b); type | value (64bit binary) -----+------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 1 | 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 2 | 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 00000000 3 | abcdefgh 00000000 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 00000000 00000000 4 | 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh 5 | abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 6 | abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh 7 | 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 11111111 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 11111111 8 | 00000000 abcdefgh 11111111 11111111 00000000 abcdefgh 11111111 11111111 9 | aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeee ffffffff gggggggg hhhhhhhh 10 | aBbbbbbc defgh000 00000000 00000000 aBbbbbbc defgh000 00000000 00000000 -----+------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type 10 is: (-1)^S * 2^exp * mantissa where S = a, exp = UInt(B:c:d) - 3, mantissa = (16 + UInt(e:f:g:h)) / 16 */ typedef struct { UInt type; UInt imm8; } ARMNImm; extern ARMNImm* ARMNImm_TI ( UInt type, UInt imm8 ); extern ULong ARMNImm_to_Imm64 ( ARMNImm* ); extern ARMNImm* Imm64_to_ARMNImm ( ULong ); extern void ppARMNImm ( ARMNImm* ); /* ------ Neon Register or Scalar Operand ------ */ typedef enum { ARMNRS_Reg=11, ARMNRS_Scalar } ARMNRS_tag; typedef struct { ARMNRS_tag tag; HReg reg; UInt index; } ARMNRS; extern ARMNRS* mkARMNRS(ARMNRS_tag, HReg reg, UInt index); extern void ppARMNRS ( ARMNRS* ); /* --------- Instructions. --------- */ /* --------- */ typedef enum { ARMalu_ADD=20, /* plain 32-bit add */ ARMalu_ADDS, /* 32-bit add, and set the flags */ ARMalu_ADC, /* 32-bit add with carry */ ARMalu_SUB, /* plain 32-bit subtract */ ARMalu_SUBS, /* 32-bit subtract, and set the flags */ ARMalu_SBC, /* 32-bit subtract with carry */ ARMalu_AND, ARMalu_BIC, ARMalu_OR, ARMalu_XOR } ARMAluOp; extern HChar* showARMAluOp ( ARMAluOp op ); typedef enum { ARMsh_SHL=40, ARMsh_SHR, ARMsh_SAR } ARMShiftOp; extern HChar* showARMShiftOp ( ARMShiftOp op ); typedef enum { ARMun_NEG=50, ARMun_NOT, ARMun_CLZ } ARMUnaryOp; extern HChar* showARMUnaryOp ( ARMUnaryOp op ); typedef enum { ARMmul_PLAIN=60, ARMmul_ZX, ARMmul_SX } ARMMulOp; extern HChar* showARMMulOp ( ARMMulOp op ); typedef enum { ARMvfp_ADD=70, ARMvfp_SUB, ARMvfp_MUL, ARMvfp_DIV } ARMVfpOp; extern HChar* showARMVfpOp ( ARMVfpOp op ); typedef enum { ARMvfpu_COPY=80, ARMvfpu_NEG, ARMvfpu_ABS, ARMvfpu_SQRT } ARMVfpUnaryOp; extern HChar* showARMVfpUnaryOp ( ARMVfpUnaryOp op ); typedef enum { ARMneon_VAND=90, ARMneon_VORR, ARMneon_VXOR, ARMneon_VADD, ARMneon_VADDFP, ARMneon_VRHADDS, ARMneon_VRHADDU, ARMneon_VPADDFP, ARMneon_VABDFP, ARMneon_VSUB, ARMneon_VSUBFP, ARMneon_VMAXU, ARMneon_VMAXS, ARMneon_VMAXF, ARMneon_VMINU, ARMneon_VMINS, ARMneon_VMINF, ARMneon_VQADDU, ARMneon_VQADDS, ARMneon_VQSUBU, ARMneon_VQSUBS, ARMneon_VCGTU, ARMneon_VCGTS, ARMneon_VCGEU, ARMneon_VCGES, ARMneon_VCGTF, ARMneon_VCGEF, ARMneon_VCEQ, ARMneon_VCEQF, ARMneon_VEXT, ARMneon_VMUL, ARMneon_VMULFP, ARMneon_VMULLU, ARMneon_VMULLS, ARMneon_VMULP, ARMneon_VMULLP, ARMneon_VQDMULH, ARMneon_VQRDMULH, ARMneon_VPADD, ARMneon_VPMINU, ARMneon_VPMINS, ARMneon_VPMINF, ARMneon_VPMAXU, ARMneon_VPMAXS, ARMneon_VPMAXF, ARMneon_VTBL, ARMneon_VQDMULL, ARMneon_VRECPS, ARMneon_VRSQRTS, /* ... */ } ARMNeonBinOp; typedef enum { ARMneon_VSHL=150, ARMneon_VSAL, /* Yah, not SAR but SAL */ ARMneon_VQSHL, ARMneon_VQSAL } ARMNeonShiftOp; typedef enum { ARMneon_COPY=160, ARMneon_COPYLU, ARMneon_COPYLS, ARMneon_COPYN, ARMneon_COPYQNSS, ARMneon_COPYQNUS, ARMneon_COPYQNUU, ARMneon_NOT, ARMneon_EQZ, ARMneon_DUP, ARMneon_PADDLS, ARMneon_PADDLU, ARMneon_CNT, ARMneon_CLZ, ARMneon_CLS, ARMneon_VCVTxFPxINT, ARMneon_VQSHLNSS, ARMneon_VQSHLNUU, ARMneon_VQSHLNUS, ARMneon_VCVTFtoU, ARMneon_VCVTFtoS, ARMneon_VCVTUtoF, ARMneon_VCVTStoF, ARMneon_VCVTFtoFixedU, ARMneon_VCVTFtoFixedS, ARMneon_VCVTFixedUtoF, ARMneon_VCVTFixedStoF, ARMneon_VCVTF16toF32, ARMneon_VCVTF32toF16, ARMneon_REV16, ARMneon_REV32, ARMneon_REV64, ARMneon_ABS, ARMneon_VNEGF, ARMneon_VRECIP, ARMneon_VRECIPF, ARMneon_VABSFP, ARMneon_VRSQRTEFP, ARMneon_VRSQRTE /* ... */ } ARMNeonUnOp; typedef enum { ARMneon_SETELEM=200, ARMneon_GETELEMU, ARMneon_GETELEMS, ARMneon_VDUP, } ARMNeonUnOpS; typedef enum { ARMneon_TRN=210, ARMneon_ZIP, ARMneon_UZP /* ... */ } ARMNeonDualOp; extern HChar* showARMNeonBinOp ( ARMNeonBinOp op ); extern HChar* showARMNeonUnOp ( ARMNeonUnOp op ); extern HChar* showARMNeonUnOpS ( ARMNeonUnOpS op ); extern HChar* showARMNeonShiftOp ( ARMNeonShiftOp op ); extern HChar* showARMNeonDualOp ( ARMNeonDualOp op ); extern HChar* showARMNeonBinOpDataType ( ARMNeonBinOp op ); extern HChar* showARMNeonUnOpDataType ( ARMNeonUnOp op ); extern HChar* showARMNeonUnOpSDataType ( ARMNeonUnOpS op ); extern HChar* showARMNeonShiftOpDataType ( ARMNeonShiftOp op ); extern HChar* showARMNeonDualOpDataType ( ARMNeonDualOp op ); typedef enum { /* baseline */ ARMin_Alu=220, ARMin_Shift, ARMin_Unary, ARMin_CmpOrTst, ARMin_Mov, ARMin_Imm32, ARMin_LdSt32, ARMin_LdSt16, ARMin_LdSt8U, ARMin_Ld8S, ARMin_Goto, ARMin_CMov, ARMin_Call, ARMin_Mul, ARMin_LdrEX, ARMin_StrEX, /* vfp */ ARMin_VLdStD, ARMin_VLdStS, ARMin_VAluD, ARMin_VAluS, ARMin_VUnaryD, ARMin_VUnaryS, ARMin_VCmpD, ARMin_VCMovD, ARMin_VCMovS, ARMin_VCvtSD, ARMin_VXferD, ARMin_VXferS, ARMin_VCvtID, ARMin_FPSCR, ARMin_MFence, ARMin_CLREX, /* Neon */ ARMin_NLdStQ, ARMin_NLdStD, ARMin_NUnary, ARMin_NUnaryS, ARMin_NDual, ARMin_NBinary, ARMin_NBinaryS, ARMin_NShift, ARMin_NeonImm, ARMin_NCMovQ, /* This is not a NEON instruction. Actually there is no corresponding instruction in ARM instruction set at all. We need this one to generate spill/reload of 128-bit registers since current register allocator demands them to consist of no more than two instructions. We will split this instruction into 2 or 3 ARM instructions on the emiting phase. NOTE: source and destination registers should be different! */ ARMin_Add32 } ARMInstrTag; /* Destinations are on the LEFT (first operand) */ typedef struct { ARMInstrTag tag; union { /* ADD/SUB/AND/OR/XOR, vanilla ALU op */ struct { ARMAluOp op; HReg dst; HReg argL; ARMRI84* argR; } Alu; /* SHL/SHR/SAR, 2nd arg is reg or imm */ struct { ARMShiftOp op; HReg dst; HReg argL; ARMRI5* argR; } Shift; /* NOT/NEG/CLZ */ struct { ARMUnaryOp op; HReg dst; HReg src; } Unary; /* CMP/TST; subtract/and, discard result, set NZCV */ struct { Bool isCmp; HReg argL; ARMRI84* argR; } CmpOrTst; /* MOV dst, src -- reg-reg (or reg-imm8x4) move */ struct { HReg dst; ARMRI84* src; } Mov; /* Pseudo-insn; make a 32-bit immediate */ struct { HReg dst; UInt imm32; } Imm32; /* 32-bit load or store */ struct { Bool isLoad; HReg rD; ARMAMode1* amode; } LdSt32; /* 16-bit load or store */ struct { Bool isLoad; Bool signedLoad; HReg rD; ARMAMode2* amode; } LdSt16; /* 8-bit (unsigned) load or store */ struct { Bool isLoad; HReg rD; ARMAMode1* amode; } LdSt8U; /* 8-bit signed load */ struct { HReg rD; ARMAMode2* amode; } Ld8S; /* Pseudo-insn. Go to guest address gnext, on given condition, which could be ARMcc_AL. */ struct { IRJumpKind jk; ARMCondCode cond; HReg gnext; } Goto; /* Mov src to dst on the given condition, which may not be ARMcc_AL. */ struct { ARMCondCode cond; HReg dst; ARMRI84* src; } CMov; /* Pseudo-insn. Call target (an absolute address), on given condition (which could be ARMcc_AL). */ struct { ARMCondCode cond; HWord target; Int nArgRegs; /* # regs carrying args: 0 .. 4 */ } Call; /* (PLAIN) 32 * 32 -> 32: r0 = r2 * r3 (ZX) 32 *u 32 -> 64: r1:r0 = r2 *u r3 (SX) 32 *s 32 -> 64: r1:r0 = r2 *s r3 Why hardwired registers? Because the ARM ARM specifies (eg for straight MUL) the result (Rd) and the left arg (Rm) may not be the same register. That's not a constraint we can enforce in the register allocator (without mucho extra complexity). Hence hardwire it. At least using caller-saves registers, which are less likely to be in use. */ struct { ARMMulOp op; } Mul; /* LDREX{,H,B} r2, [r4] and LDREXD r2, r3, [r4] (on LE hosts, transferred value is r3:r2) Again, hardwired registers since this is not performance critical, and there are possibly constraints on the registers that we can't express in the register allocator.*/ struct { Int szB; /* 1, 2, 4 or 8 */ } LdrEX; /* STREX{,H,B} r0, r2, [r4] and STREXD r0, r2, r3, [r4] (on LE hosts, transferred value is r3:r2) r0 = SC( [r4] = r2 ) (8, 16, 32 bit transfers) r0 = SC( [r4] = r3:r2) (64 bit transfers) Ditto comment re fixed registers. */ struct { Int szB; /* 1, 2, 4 or 8 */ } StrEX; /* VFP INSTRUCTIONS */ /* 64-bit Fp load/store */ struct { Bool isLoad; HReg dD; ARMAModeV* amode; } VLdStD; /* 32-bit Fp load/store */ struct { Bool isLoad; HReg fD; ARMAModeV* amode; } VLdStS; /* 64-bit FP binary arithmetic */ struct { ARMVfpOp op; HReg dst; HReg argL; HReg argR; } VAluD; /* 32-bit FP binary arithmetic */ struct { ARMVfpOp op; HReg dst; HReg argL; HReg argR; } VAluS; /* 64-bit FP unary, also reg-reg move */ struct { ARMVfpUnaryOp op; HReg dst; HReg src; } VUnaryD; /* 32-bit FP unary, also reg-reg move */ struct { ARMVfpUnaryOp op; HReg dst; HReg src; } VUnaryS; /* 64-bit FP compare and move results to CPSR (FCMPD;FMSTAT) */ struct { HReg argL; HReg argR; } VCmpD; /* 64-bit FP mov src to dst on the given condition, which may not be ARMcc_AL. */ struct { ARMCondCode cond; HReg dst; HReg src; } VCMovD; /* 32-bit FP mov src to dst on the given condition, which may not be ARMcc_AL. */ struct { ARMCondCode cond; HReg dst; HReg src; } VCMovS; /* Convert between 32-bit and 64-bit FP values (both ways). (FCVTSD, FCVTDS) */ struct { Bool sToD; /* True: F32->F64. False: F64->F32 */ HReg dst; HReg src; } VCvtSD; /* Transfer a VFP D reg to/from two integer registers (VMOV) */ struct { Bool toD; HReg dD; HReg rHi; HReg rLo; } VXferD; /* Transfer a VFP S reg to/from an integer register (VMOV) */ struct { Bool toS; HReg fD; HReg rLo; } VXferS; /* Convert between 32-bit ints and 64-bit FP values (both ways and both signednesses). (FSITOD, FUITOD, FTOSID, FTOUID) */ struct { Bool iToD; /* True: I32->F64. False: F64->I32 */ Bool syned; /* True: I32 is signed. False: I32 is unsigned */ HReg dst; HReg src; } VCvtID; /* Move a 32-bit value to/from the FPSCR (FMXR, FMRX) */ struct { Bool toFPSCR; HReg iReg; } FPSCR; /* Mem fence. An insn which fences all loads and stores as much as possible before continuing. On ARM we emit the sequence mcr 15,0,r0,c7,c10,4 (DSB) mcr 15,0,r0,c7,c10,5 (DMB) mcr 15,0,r0,c7,c5,4 (ISB) which is probably total overkill, but better safe than sorry. */ struct { } MFence; /* A CLREX instruction. */ struct { } CLREX; /* Neon data processing instruction: 3 registers of the same length */ struct { ARMNeonBinOp op; HReg dst; HReg argL; HReg argR; UInt size; Bool Q; } NBinary; struct { ARMNeonBinOp op; ARMNRS* dst; ARMNRS* argL; ARMNRS* argR; UInt size; Bool Q; } NBinaryS; struct { ARMNeonShiftOp op; HReg dst; HReg argL; HReg argR; UInt size; Bool Q; } NShift; struct { Bool isLoad; HReg dQ; ARMAModeN *amode; } NLdStQ; struct { Bool isLoad; HReg dD; ARMAModeN *amode; } NLdStD; struct { ARMNeonUnOpS op; ARMNRS* dst; ARMNRS* src; UInt size; Bool Q; } NUnaryS; struct { ARMNeonUnOp op; HReg dst; HReg src; UInt size; Bool Q; } NUnary; /* Takes two arguments and modifies them both. */ struct { ARMNeonDualOp op; HReg arg1; HReg arg2; UInt size; Bool Q; } NDual; struct { HReg dst; ARMNImm* imm; } NeonImm; /* 128-bit Neon move src to dst on the given condition, which may not be ARMcc_AL. */ struct { ARMCondCode cond; HReg dst; HReg src; } NCMovQ; struct { /* Note: rD != rN */ HReg rD; HReg rN; UInt imm32; } Add32; } ARMin; } ARMInstr; extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Alu ( ARMAluOp, HReg, HReg, ARMRI84* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Shift ( ARMShiftOp, HReg, HReg, ARMRI5* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Unary ( ARMUnaryOp, HReg, HReg ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_CmpOrTst ( Bool isCmp, HReg, ARMRI84* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Mov ( HReg, ARMRI84* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Imm32 ( HReg, UInt ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_LdSt32 ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAMode1* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_LdSt16 ( Bool isLoad, Bool signedLoad, HReg, ARMAMode2* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_LdSt8U ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAMode1* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Ld8S ( HReg, ARMAMode2* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Goto ( IRJumpKind, ARMCondCode, HReg gnext ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_CMov ( ARMCondCode, HReg dst, ARMRI84* src ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Call ( ARMCondCode, HWord, Int nArgRegs ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Mul ( ARMMulOp op ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_LdrEX ( Int szB ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_StrEX ( Int szB ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VLdStD ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAModeV* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VLdStS ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAModeV* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VAluD ( ARMVfpOp op, HReg, HReg, HReg ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VAluS ( ARMVfpOp op, HReg, HReg, HReg ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VUnaryD ( ARMVfpUnaryOp, HReg dst, HReg src ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VUnaryS ( ARMVfpUnaryOp, HReg dst, HReg src ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VCmpD ( HReg argL, HReg argR ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VCMovD ( ARMCondCode, HReg dst, HReg src ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VCMovS ( ARMCondCode, HReg dst, HReg src ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VCvtSD ( Bool sToD, HReg dst, HReg src ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VXferD ( Bool toD, HReg dD, HReg rHi, HReg rLo ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VXferS ( Bool toS, HReg fD, HReg rLo ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VCvtID ( Bool iToD, Bool syned, HReg dst, HReg src ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_FPSCR ( Bool toFPSCR, HReg iReg ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_MFence ( void ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_CLREX ( void ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NLdStQ ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAModeN* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NLdStD ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAModeN* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NUnary ( ARMNeonUnOp, HReg, HReg, UInt, Bool ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NUnaryS ( ARMNeonUnOpS, ARMNRS*, ARMNRS*, UInt, Bool ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NDual ( ARMNeonDualOp, HReg, HReg, UInt, Bool ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NBinary ( ARMNeonBinOp, HReg, HReg, HReg, UInt, Bool ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NShift ( ARMNeonShiftOp, HReg, HReg, HReg, UInt, Bool ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NeonImm ( HReg, ARMNImm* ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NCMovQ ( ARMCondCode, HReg, HReg ); extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Add32 ( HReg rD, HReg rN, UInt imm32 ); extern void ppARMInstr ( ARMInstr* ); /* Some functions that insulate the register allocator from details of the underlying instruction set. */ extern void getRegUsage_ARMInstr ( HRegUsage*, ARMInstr*, Bool ); extern void mapRegs_ARMInstr ( HRegRemap*, ARMInstr*, Bool ); extern Bool isMove_ARMInstr ( ARMInstr*, HReg*, HReg* ); extern Int emit_ARMInstr ( UChar* buf, Int nbuf, ARMInstr*, Bool, void* dispatch_unassisted, void* dispatch_assisted ); extern void genSpill_ARM ( /*OUT*/HInstr** i1, /*OUT*/HInstr** i2, HReg rreg, Int offset, Bool ); extern void genReload_ARM ( /*OUT*/HInstr** i1, /*OUT*/HInstr** i2, HReg rreg, Int offset, Bool ); extern void getAllocableRegs_ARM ( Int*, HReg** ); extern HInstrArray* iselSB_ARM ( IRSB*, VexArch, VexArchInfo*, VexAbiInfo* ); #endif /* ndef __VEX_HOST_ARM_DEFS_H */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--- end host_arm_defs.h ---*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/