/*--- begin                             host_generic_simd128.h ---*/

   This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation

   Copyright (C) 2010-2011 OpenWorks GbR

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
   02110-1301, USA.

   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.

/* Generic helper functions for doing 128-bit SIMD arithmetic in cases
   where the instruction selectors cannot generate code in-line.
   These are purely back-end entities and cannot be seen/referenced
   as clean helper functions from IR.

   These will get called from generated code and therefore should be
   well behaved -- no floating point or mmx insns, just straight
   integer code.

   Each function implements the correspondingly-named IR primop.


#include "libvex_basictypes.h"

extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_Mul32x4    ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_Max32Sx4   ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_Min32Sx4   ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_Max32Ux4   ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_Min32Ux4   ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_Max16Ux8   ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_Min16Ux8   ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_Max8Sx16   ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_Min8Sx16   ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_CmpEQ64x2  ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_CmpGT64Sx2 ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );

extern /*not-regparm*/
       void h_generic_calc_SarN64x2   ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, UInt );
extern /*not-regparm*/
       void h_generic_calc_SarN8x16   ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, UInt );

extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_QNarrowBin32Sto16Ux8
                                      ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_NarrowBin16to8x16
                                      ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );
extern VEX_REGPARM(3)
       void h_generic_calc_NarrowBin32to16x8
                                      ( /*OUT*/V128*, V128*, V128* );

#endif /* ndef __VEX_HOST_GENERIC_SIMD128_H */

/*--- end                              host_generic_simd128.h ---*/