/*--- begin                                   host_x86_defs.h ---*/

   This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation

   Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenWorks LLP

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
   02110-1301, USA.

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   without prior written permission.

#ifndef __VEX_HOST_X86_DEFS_H
#define __VEX_HOST_X86_DEFS_H

/* --------- Registers. --------- */

/* The usual HReg abstraction.  There are 8 real int regs,
   6 real float regs, and 8 real vector regs. 

extern void ppHRegX86 ( HReg );

extern HReg hregX86_EAX ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_EBX ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_ECX ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_EDX ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_ESP ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_EBP ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_ESI ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_EDI ( void );

extern HReg hregX86_FAKE0 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_FAKE1 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_FAKE2 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_FAKE3 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_FAKE4 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_FAKE5 ( void );

extern HReg hregX86_XMM0 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_XMM1 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_XMM2 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_XMM3 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_XMM4 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_XMM5 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_XMM6 ( void );
extern HReg hregX86_XMM7 ( void );

/* --------- Condition codes, Intel encoding. --------- */

   enum {
      Xcc_O      = 0,  /* overflow           */
      Xcc_NO     = 1,  /* no overflow        */

      Xcc_B      = 2,  /* below              */
      Xcc_NB     = 3,  /* not below          */

      Xcc_Z      = 4,  /* zero               */
      Xcc_NZ     = 5,  /* not zero           */

      Xcc_BE     = 6,  /* below or equal     */
      Xcc_NBE    = 7,  /* not below or equal */

      Xcc_S      = 8,  /* negative           */
      Xcc_NS     = 9,  /* not negative       */

      Xcc_P      = 10, /* parity even        */
      Xcc_NP     = 11, /* not parity even    */

      Xcc_L      = 12, /* jump less          */
      Xcc_NL     = 13, /* not less           */

      Xcc_LE     = 14, /* less or equal      */
      Xcc_NLE    = 15, /* not less or equal  */

      Xcc_ALWAYS = 16  /* the usual hack     */

extern HChar* showX86CondCode ( X86CondCode );

/* --------- Memory address expressions (amodes). --------- */

   enum {
     Xam_IR,        /* Immediate + Reg */
     Xam_IRRS       /* Immediate + Reg1 + (Reg2 << Shift) */

   struct {
      X86AModeTag tag;
      union {
         struct {
            UInt imm;
            HReg reg;
         } IR;
         struct {
            UInt imm;
            HReg base;
            HReg index;
            Int  shift; /* 0, 1, 2 or 3 only */
         } IRRS;
      } Xam;

extern X86AMode* X86AMode_IR   ( UInt, HReg );
extern X86AMode* X86AMode_IRRS ( UInt, HReg, HReg, Int );

extern X86AMode* dopyX86AMode ( X86AMode* );

extern void ppX86AMode ( X86AMode* );

/* --------- Operand, which can be reg, immediate or memory. --------- */

   enum {

   struct {
      X86RMITag tag;
      union {
         struct {
            UInt imm32;
         } Imm;
         struct {
            HReg reg;
         } Reg;
         struct {
            X86AMode* am;
         } Mem;

extern X86RMI* X86RMI_Imm ( UInt );
extern X86RMI* X86RMI_Reg ( HReg );
extern X86RMI* X86RMI_Mem ( X86AMode* );

extern void ppX86RMI ( X86RMI* );

/* --------- Operand, which can be reg or immediate only. --------- */

   enum {

   struct {
      X86RITag tag;
      union {
         struct {
            UInt imm32;
         } Imm;
         struct {
            HReg reg;
         } Reg;

extern X86RI* X86RI_Imm ( UInt );
extern X86RI* X86RI_Reg ( HReg );

extern void ppX86RI ( X86RI* );

/* --------- Operand, which can be reg or memory only. --------- */

   enum {

   struct {
      X86RMTag tag;
      union {
         struct {
            HReg reg;
         } Reg;
         struct {
            X86AMode* am;
         } Mem;

extern X86RM* X86RM_Reg ( HReg );
extern X86RM* X86RM_Mem ( X86AMode* );

extern void ppX86RM ( X86RM* );

/* --------- Instructions. --------- */

/* --------- */
   enum {

extern HChar* showX86UnaryOp ( X86UnaryOp );

/* --------- */
   enum {
      Xalu_ADD, Xalu_SUB, Xalu_ADC, Xalu_SBB, 
      Xalu_AND, Xalu_OR, Xalu_XOR,

extern HChar* showX86AluOp ( X86AluOp );

/* --------- */
   enum {
      Xsh_SHL, Xsh_SHR, Xsh_SAR

extern HChar* showX86ShiftOp ( X86ShiftOp );

/* --------- */
   enum {
      /* Binary */
      Xfp_ADD, Xfp_SUB, Xfp_MUL, Xfp_DIV, 
      Xfp_SCALE, Xfp_ATAN, Xfp_YL2X, Xfp_YL2XP1, Xfp_PREM, Xfp_PREM1,
      /* Unary */
      Xfp_SQRT, Xfp_ABS, Xfp_NEG, Xfp_MOV, Xfp_SIN, Xfp_COS, Xfp_TAN,
      Xfp_ROUND, Xfp_2XM1

extern HChar* showX86FpOp ( X86FpOp );

/* --------- */
   enum {
      /* mov */
      /* Floating point binary */
      Xsse_ADDF, Xsse_SUBF, Xsse_MULF, Xsse_DIVF,
      Xsse_MAXF, Xsse_MINF,
      Xsse_CMPEQF, Xsse_CMPLTF, Xsse_CMPLEF, Xsse_CMPUNF,
      /* Floating point unary */
      Xsse_RCPF, Xsse_RSQRTF, Xsse_SQRTF, 
      /* Bitwise */
      Xsse_AND, Xsse_OR, Xsse_XOR, Xsse_ANDN,
      /* Integer binary */
      Xsse_ADD8,   Xsse_ADD16,   Xsse_ADD32,   Xsse_ADD64,
      Xsse_QADD8U, Xsse_QADD16U,
      Xsse_QADD8S, Xsse_QADD16S,
      Xsse_SUB8,   Xsse_SUB16,   Xsse_SUB32,   Xsse_SUB64,
      Xsse_QSUB8U, Xsse_QSUB16U,
      Xsse_QSUB8S, Xsse_QSUB16S,
      Xsse_AVG8U, Xsse_AVG16U,
      Xsse_CMPEQ8,  Xsse_CMPEQ16,  Xsse_CMPEQ32,
      Xsse_CMPGT8S, Xsse_CMPGT16S, Xsse_CMPGT32S,
      Xsse_SHL16, Xsse_SHL32, Xsse_SHL64,
      Xsse_SHR16, Xsse_SHR32, Xsse_SHR64,
      Xsse_SAR16, Xsse_SAR32, 

extern HChar* showX86SseOp ( X86SseOp );

/* --------- */
   enum {
      Xin_Alu32R,    /* 32-bit mov/arith/logical, dst=REG */
      Xin_Alu32M,    /* 32-bit mov/arith/logical, dst=MEM */
      Xin_Sh32,      /* 32-bit shift/rotate, dst=REG */
      Xin_Test32,    /* 32-bit test of REG or MEM against imm32 (AND, set
                        flags, discard result) */
      Xin_Unary32,   /* 32-bit not and neg */
      Xin_Lea32,     /* 32-bit compute EA into a reg */
      Xin_MulL,      /* 32 x 32 -> 64 multiply */
      Xin_Div,       /* 64/32 -> (32,32) div and mod */
      Xin_Sh3232,    /* shldl or shrdl */
      Xin_Push,      /* push (32-bit?) value on stack */
      Xin_Call,      /* call to address in register */
      Xin_Goto,      /* conditional/unconditional jmp to dst */
      Xin_CMov32,    /* conditional move */
      Xin_LoadEX,    /* mov{s,z}{b,w}l from mem to reg */
      Xin_Store,     /* store 16/8 bit value in memory */
      Xin_Set32,     /* convert condition code to 32-bit value */
      Xin_Bsfr32,    /* 32-bit bsf/bsr */
      Xin_MFence,    /* mem fence (not just sse2, but sse0 and 1 too) */
      Xin_ACAS,      /* 8/16/32-bit lock;cmpxchg */
      Xin_DACAS,     /* lock;cmpxchg8b (doubleword ACAS, 2 x 32-bit only) */

      Xin_FpUnary,   /* FP fake unary op */
      Xin_FpBinary,  /* FP fake binary op */
      Xin_FpLdSt,    /* FP fake load/store */
      Xin_FpLdStI,   /* FP fake load/store, converting to/from Int */
      Xin_Fp64to32,  /* FP round IEEE754 double to IEEE754 single */
      Xin_FpCMov,    /* FP fake floating point conditional move */
      Xin_FpLdCW,    /* fldcw */
      Xin_FpStSW_AX, /* fstsw %ax */
      Xin_FpCmp,     /* FP compare, generating a C320 value into int reg */

      Xin_SseConst,  /* Generate restricted SSE literal */
      Xin_SseLdSt,   /* SSE load/store, no alignment constraints */
      Xin_SseLdzLO,  /* SSE load low 32/64 bits, zero remainder of reg */
      Xin_Sse32Fx4,  /* SSE binary, 32Fx4 */
      Xin_Sse32FLo,  /* SSE binary, 32F in lowest lane only */
      Xin_Sse64Fx2,  /* SSE binary, 64Fx2 */
      Xin_Sse64FLo,  /* SSE binary, 64F in lowest lane only */
      Xin_SseReRg,   /* SSE binary general reg-reg, Re, Rg */
      Xin_SseCMov,   /* SSE conditional move */
      Xin_SseShuf    /* SSE2 shuffle (pshufd) */

/* Destinations are on the RIGHT (second operand) */

   struct {
      X86InstrTag tag;
      union {
         struct {
            X86AluOp op;
            X86RMI*  src;
            HReg     dst;
         } Alu32R;
         struct {
            X86AluOp  op;
            X86RI*    src;
            X86AMode* dst;
         } Alu32M;
         struct {
            X86ShiftOp op;
            UInt  src;  /* shift amount, or 0 means %cl */
            HReg  dst;
         } Sh32;
         struct {
            UInt   imm32;
            X86RM* dst; /* not written, only read */
         } Test32;
         /* Not and Neg */
         struct {
            X86UnaryOp op;
            HReg       dst;
         } Unary32;
         /* 32-bit compute EA into a reg */
         struct {
            X86AMode* am;
            HReg      dst;
         } Lea32;
         /* EDX:EAX = EAX *s/u r/m32 */
         struct {
            Bool   syned;
            X86RM* src;
         } MulL;
         /* x86 div/idiv instruction.  Modifies EDX and EAX and reads src. */
         struct {
            Bool   syned;
            X86RM* src;
         } Div;
         /* shld/shrd.  op may only be Xsh_SHL or Xsh_SHR */
         struct {
            X86ShiftOp op;
            UInt       amt;   /* shift amount, or 0 means %cl */
            HReg       src;
            HReg       dst;
         } Sh3232;
         struct {
            X86RMI* src;
         } Push;
         /* Pseudo-insn.  Call target (an absolute address), on given
            condition (which could be Xcc_ALWAYS). */
         struct {
            X86CondCode cond;
            Addr32      target;
            Int         regparms; /* 0 .. 3 */
         } Call;
         /* Pseudo-insn.  Goto dst, on given condition (which could be
            Xcc_ALWAYS). */
         struct {
            IRJumpKind  jk;
            X86CondCode cond;
            X86RI*      dst;
         } Goto;
         /* Mov src to dst on the given condition, which may not
            be the bogus Xcc_ALWAYS. */
         struct {
            X86CondCode cond;
            X86RM*      src;
            HReg        dst;
         } CMov32;
         /* Sign/Zero extending loads.  Dst size is always 32 bits. */
         struct {
            UChar     szSmall;
            Bool      syned;
            X86AMode* src;
            HReg      dst;
         } LoadEX;
         /* 16/8 bit stores, which are troublesome (particularly
            8-bit) */
         struct {
            UChar     sz; /* only 1 or 2 */
            HReg      src;
            X86AMode* dst;
         } Store;
         /* Convert a x86 condition code to a 32-bit value (0 or 1). */
         struct {
            X86CondCode cond;
            HReg        dst;
         } Set32;
         /* 32-bit bsf or bsr. */
         struct {
            Bool isFwds;
            HReg src;
            HReg dst;
         } Bsfr32;
         /* Mem fence (not just sse2, but sse0 and 1 too).  In short,
            an insn which flushes all preceding loads and stores as
            much as possible before continuing.  On SSE2 we emit a
            real "mfence", on SSE1 "sfence ; lock addl $0,0(%esp)" and
            on SSE0 "lock addl $0,0(%esp)".  This insn therefore
            carries the host's hwcaps so the assembler knows what to
            emit. */
         struct {
            UInt hwcaps;
         } MFence;
         /* "lock;cmpxchg": mem address in .addr,
             expected value in %eax, new value in %ebx */
         struct {
            X86AMode* addr;
            UChar     sz; /* 1, 2 or 4 */
         } ACAS;
         /* "lock;cmpxchg8b": mem address in .addr, expected value in
            %edx:%eax, new value in %ecx:%ebx */
         struct {
            X86AMode* addr;
         } DACAS;

         /* X86 Floating point (fake 3-operand, "flat reg file" insns) */
         struct {
            X86FpOp op;
            HReg    src;
            HReg    dst;
         } FpUnary;
         struct {
            X86FpOp op;
            HReg    srcL;
            HReg    srcR;
            HReg    dst;
         } FpBinary;
         struct {
            Bool      isLoad;
            UChar     sz; /* only 4 (IEEE single) or 8 (IEEE double) */
            HReg      reg;
            X86AMode* addr;
         } FpLdSt;
         /* Move 64-bit float to/from memory, converting to/from
            signed int on the way.  Note the conversions will observe
            the host FPU rounding mode currently in force. */
         struct {
            Bool      isLoad;
            UChar     sz; /* only 2, 4 or 8 */
            HReg      reg;
            X86AMode* addr;
         } FpLdStI;
         /* By observing the current FPU rounding mode, round (etc)
            src into dst given that dst should be interpreted as an
            IEEE754 32-bit (float) type. */
         struct {
            HReg src;
            HReg dst;
         } Fp64to32;
         /* Mov src to dst on the given condition, which may not
            be the bogus Xcc_ALWAYS. */
         struct {
            X86CondCode cond;
            HReg        src;
            HReg        dst;
         } FpCMov;
         /* Load the FPU's 16-bit control word (fldcw) */
         struct {
            X86AMode* addr;
         /* fstsw %ax */
         struct {
            /* no fields */
         /* Do a compare, generating the C320 bits into the dst. */
         struct {
            HReg    srcL;
            HReg    srcR;
            HReg    dst;
         } FpCmp;

         /* Simplistic SSE[123] */
         struct {
            UShort  con;
            HReg    dst;
         } SseConst;
         struct {
            Bool      isLoad;
            HReg      reg;
            X86AMode* addr;
         } SseLdSt;
         struct {
            UChar     sz; /* 4 or 8 only */
            HReg      reg;
            X86AMode* addr;
         } SseLdzLO;
         struct {
            X86SseOp op;
            HReg     src;
            HReg     dst;
         } Sse32Fx4;
         struct {
            X86SseOp op;
            HReg     src;
            HReg     dst;
         } Sse32FLo;
         struct {
            X86SseOp op;
            HReg     src;
            HReg     dst;
         } Sse64Fx2;
         struct {
            X86SseOp op;
            HReg     src;
            HReg     dst;
         } Sse64FLo;
         struct {
            X86SseOp op;
            HReg     src;
            HReg     dst;
         } SseReRg;
         /* Mov src to dst on the given condition, which may not
            be the bogus Xcc_ALWAYS. */
         struct {
            X86CondCode cond;
            HReg        src;
            HReg        dst;
         } SseCMov;
         struct {
            Int    order; /* 0 <= order <= 0xFF */
            HReg   src;
            HReg   dst;
         } SseShuf;

      } Xin;

extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Alu32R    ( X86AluOp, X86RMI*, HReg );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Alu32M    ( X86AluOp, X86RI*,  X86AMode* );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Unary32   ( X86UnaryOp op, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Lea32     ( X86AMode* am, HReg dst );

extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Sh32      ( X86ShiftOp, UInt, HReg );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Test32    ( UInt imm32, X86RM* dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_MulL      ( Bool syned, X86RM* );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Div       ( Bool syned, X86RM* );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Sh3232    ( X86ShiftOp, UInt amt, HReg src, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Push      ( X86RMI* );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Call      ( X86CondCode, Addr32, Int );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Goto      ( IRJumpKind, X86CondCode cond, X86RI* dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_CMov32    ( X86CondCode, X86RM* src, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_LoadEX    ( UChar szSmall, Bool syned,
                                      X86AMode* src, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Store     ( UChar sz, HReg src, X86AMode* dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Set32     ( X86CondCode cond, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Bsfr32    ( Bool isFwds, HReg src, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_MFence    ( UInt hwcaps );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_ACAS      ( X86AMode* addr, UChar sz );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_DACAS     ( X86AMode* addr );

extern X86Instr* X86Instr_FpUnary   ( X86FpOp op, HReg src, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_FpBinary  ( X86FpOp op, HReg srcL, HReg srcR, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_FpLdSt    ( Bool isLoad, UChar sz, HReg reg, X86AMode* );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_FpLdStI   ( Bool isLoad, UChar sz, HReg reg, X86AMode* );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Fp64to32  ( HReg src, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_FpCMov    ( X86CondCode, HReg src, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_FpLdCW    ( X86AMode* );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_FpStSW_AX ( void );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_FpCmp     ( HReg srcL, HReg srcR, HReg dst );

extern X86Instr* X86Instr_SseConst  ( UShort con, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_SseLdSt   ( Bool isLoad, HReg, X86AMode* );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_SseLdzLO  ( Int sz, HReg, X86AMode* );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Sse32Fx4  ( X86SseOp, HReg, HReg );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Sse32FLo  ( X86SseOp, HReg, HReg );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Sse64Fx2  ( X86SseOp, HReg, HReg );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_Sse64FLo  ( X86SseOp, HReg, HReg );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_SseReRg   ( X86SseOp, HReg, HReg );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_SseCMov   ( X86CondCode, HReg src, HReg dst );
extern X86Instr* X86Instr_SseShuf   ( Int order, HReg src, HReg dst );

extern void ppX86Instr ( X86Instr*, Bool );

/* Some functions that insulate the register allocator from details
   of the underlying instruction set. */
extern void         getRegUsage_X86Instr ( HRegUsage*, X86Instr*, Bool );
extern void         mapRegs_X86Instr     ( HRegRemap*, X86Instr*, Bool );
extern Bool         isMove_X86Instr      ( X86Instr*, HReg*, HReg* );
extern Int          emit_X86Instr        ( UChar* buf, Int nbuf, X86Instr*, 
                                           void* dispatch_unassisted,
                                           void* dispatch_assisted );

extern void genSpill_X86  ( /*OUT*/HInstr** i1, /*OUT*/HInstr** i2,
                            HReg rreg, Int offset, Bool );
extern void genReload_X86 ( /*OUT*/HInstr** i1, /*OUT*/HInstr** i2,
                            HReg rreg, Int offset, Bool );

extern X86Instr*    directReload_X86     ( X86Instr* i, 
                                           HReg vreg, Short spill_off );
extern void         getAllocableRegs_X86 ( Int*, HReg** );
extern HInstrArray* iselSB_X86           ( IRSB*, VexArch,
                                                  VexAbiInfo* );

#endif /* ndef __VEX_HOST_X86_DEFS_H */

/*--- end                                     host_x86_defs.h ---*/