/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef WebGraphicsContext3D_h #define WebGraphicsContext3D_h #include "WebCommon.h" #include "WebNonCopyable.h" #include "WebString.h" #define USE_WGC3D_TYPES namespace WebKit { // WGC3D types match the corresponding GL types as defined in OpenGL ES 2.0 // header file gl2.h from khronos.org. typedef char WGC3Dchar; typedef unsigned int WGC3Denum; typedef unsigned char WGC3Dboolean; typedef unsigned int WGC3Dbitfield; typedef signed char WGC3Dbyte; typedef unsigned char WGC3Dubyte; typedef short WGC3Dshort; typedef unsigned short WGC3Dushort; typedef int WGC3Dint; typedef int WGC3Dsizei; typedef unsigned int WGC3Duint; typedef float WGC3Dfloat; typedef float WGC3Dclampf; typedef signed long int WGC3Dintptr; typedef signed long int WGC3Dsizeiptr; // Typedef for server-side objects like OpenGL textures and program objects. typedef WGC3Duint WebGLId; class WebView; // This interface abstracts the operations performed by the // GraphicsContext3D in order to implement WebGL. Nearly all of the // methods exposed on this interface map directly to entry points in // the OpenGL ES 2.0 API. class WebGraphicsContext3D : public WebNonCopyable { public: // Return value from getActiveUniform and getActiveAttrib. struct ActiveInfo { WebString name; WGC3Denum type; WGC3Dint size; }; // Context creation attributes. struct Attributes { Attributes() : alpha(true) , depth(true) , stencil(true) , antialias(true) , premultipliedAlpha(true) , canRecoverFromContextLoss(true) { } bool alpha; bool depth; bool stencil; bool antialias; bool premultipliedAlpha; bool canRecoverFromContextLoss; }; class WebGraphicsContextLostCallback { public: virtual void onContextLost() = 0; virtual ~WebGraphicsContextLostCallback() {} }; // This destructor needs to be public so that using classes can destroy instances if initialization fails. virtual ~WebGraphicsContext3D() {} // Initializes the graphics context; should be the first operation performed // on newly-constructed instances. Returns true on success. virtual bool initialize(Attributes, WebView*, bool renderDirectlyToWebView) = 0; // Makes the OpenGL context current on the current thread. Returns true on // success. virtual bool makeContextCurrent() = 0; // The size of the region into which this WebGraphicsContext3D is rendering. // Returns the last values passed to reshape(). virtual int width() = 0; virtual int height() = 0; // Resizes the region into which this WebGraphicsContext3D is drawing. virtual void reshape(int width, int height) = 0; // Query whether it is built on top of compliant GLES2 implementation. virtual bool isGLES2Compliant() = 0; // Helper for software compositing path. Reads back the frame buffer into // the memory region pointed to by "pixels" with size "bufferSize". It is // expected that the storage for "pixels" covers (4 * width * height) bytes. // Returns true on success. virtual bool readBackFramebuffer(unsigned char* pixels, size_t bufferSize) = 0; // Returns the id of the texture which is used for storing the contents of // the framebuffer associated with this context. This texture is accessible // by the gpu-based page compositor. virtual WebGLId getPlatformTextureId() = 0; // Copies the contents of the off-screen render target used by the WebGL // context to the corresponding texture used by the compositor. virtual void prepareTexture() = 0; // Synthesizes an OpenGL error which will be returned from a // later call to getError. This is used to emulate OpenGL ES // 2.0 behavior on the desktop and to enforce additional error // checking mandated by WebGL. // // Per the behavior of glGetError, this stores at most one // instance of any given error, and returns them from calls to // getError in the order they were added. virtual void synthesizeGLError(WGC3Denum) = 0; virtual bool isContextLost() = 0; // GL_CHROMIUM_map_sub virtual void* mapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Dintptr offset, WGC3Dsizeiptr size, WGC3Denum access) = 0; virtual void unmapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM(const void*) = 0; virtual void* mapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Dint level, WGC3Dint xoffset, WGC3Dint yoffset, WGC3Dsizei width, WGC3Dsizei height, WGC3Denum format, WGC3Denum type, WGC3Denum access) = 0; virtual void unmapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM(const void*) = 0; // GL_CHROMIUM_copy_texture_to_parent_texture virtual void copyTextureToParentTextureCHROMIUM(WebGLId texture, WebGLId parentTexture) = 0; // GL_CHROMIUM_request_extension virtual WebString getRequestableExtensionsCHROMIUM() = 0; virtual void requestExtensionCHROMIUM(const char*) = 0; // GL_CHROMIUM_framebuffer_multisample virtual void blitFramebufferCHROMIUM(WGC3Dint srcX0, WGC3Dint srcY0, WGC3Dint srcX1, WGC3Dint srcY1, WGC3Dint dstX0, WGC3Dint dstY0, WGC3Dint dstX1, WGC3Dint dstY1, WGC3Dbitfield mask, WGC3Denum filter) = 0; virtual void renderbufferStorageMultisampleCHROMIUM(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Dsizei samples, WGC3Denum internalformat, WGC3Dsizei width, WGC3Dsizei height) = 0; // GL_CHROMIUM_latch virtual void getParentToChildLatchCHROMIUM(WGC3Duint* latchId) = 0; virtual void getChildToParentLatchCHROMIUM(WGC3Duint* latchId) = 0; virtual void waitLatchCHROMIUM(WGC3Duint latchId) = 0; virtual void setLatchCHROMIUM(WGC3Duint latchId) = 0; // The entry points below map directly to the OpenGL ES 2.0 API. // See: http://www.khronos.org/registry/gles/ // and: http://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/ virtual void activeTexture(WGC3Denum texture) = 0; virtual void attachShader(WebGLId program, WebGLId shader) = 0; virtual void bindAttribLocation(WebGLId program, WGC3Duint index, const WGC3Dchar* name) = 0; virtual void bindBuffer(WGC3Denum target, WebGLId buffer) = 0; virtual void bindFramebuffer(WGC3Denum target, WebGLId framebuffer) = 0; virtual void bindRenderbuffer(WGC3Denum target, WebGLId renderbuffer) = 0; virtual void bindTexture(WGC3Denum target, WebGLId texture) = 0; virtual void blendColor(WGC3Dclampf red, WGC3Dclampf green, WGC3Dclampf blue, WGC3Dclampf alpha) = 0; virtual void blendEquation(WGC3Denum mode) = 0; virtual void blendEquationSeparate(WGC3Denum modeRGB, WGC3Denum modeAlpha) = 0; virtual void blendFunc(WGC3Denum sfactor, WGC3Denum dfactor) = 0; virtual void blendFuncSeparate(WGC3Denum srcRGB, WGC3Denum dstRGB, WGC3Denum srcAlpha, WGC3Denum dstAlpha) = 0; virtual void bufferData(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Dsizeiptr size, const void* data, WGC3Denum usage) = 0; virtual void bufferSubData(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Dintptr offset, WGC3Dsizeiptr size, const void* data) = 0; virtual WGC3Denum checkFramebufferStatus(WGC3Denum target) = 0; virtual void clear(WGC3Dbitfield mask) = 0; virtual void clearColor(WGC3Dclampf red, WGC3Dclampf green, WGC3Dclampf blue, WGC3Dclampf alpha) = 0; virtual void clearDepth(WGC3Dclampf depth) = 0; virtual void clearStencil(WGC3Dint s) = 0; virtual void colorMask(WGC3Dboolean red, WGC3Dboolean green, WGC3Dboolean blue, WGC3Dboolean alpha) = 0; virtual void compileShader(WebGLId shader) = 0; virtual void copyTexImage2D(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Dint level, WGC3Denum internalformat, WGC3Dint x, WGC3Dint y, WGC3Dsizei width, WGC3Dsizei height, WGC3Dint border) = 0; virtual void copyTexSubImage2D(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Dint level, WGC3Dint xoffset, WGC3Dint yoffset, WGC3Dint x, WGC3Dint y, WGC3Dsizei width, WGC3Dsizei height) = 0; virtual void cullFace(WGC3Denum mode) = 0; virtual void depthFunc(WGC3Denum func) = 0; virtual void depthMask(WGC3Dboolean flag) = 0; virtual void depthRange(WGC3Dclampf zNear, WGC3Dclampf zFar) = 0; virtual void detachShader(WebGLId program, WebGLId shader) = 0; virtual void disable(WGC3Denum cap) = 0; virtual void disableVertexAttribArray(WGC3Duint index) = 0; virtual void drawArrays(WGC3Denum mode, WGC3Dint first, WGC3Dsizei count) = 0; virtual void drawElements(WGC3Denum mode, WGC3Dsizei count, WGC3Denum type, WGC3Dintptr offset) = 0; virtual void enable(WGC3Denum cap) = 0; virtual void enableVertexAttribArray(WGC3Duint index) = 0; virtual void finish() = 0; virtual void flush() = 0; virtual void framebufferRenderbuffer(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Denum attachment, WGC3Denum renderbuffertarget, WebGLId renderbuffer) = 0; virtual void framebufferTexture2D(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Denum attachment, WGC3Denum textarget, WebGLId texture, WGC3Dint level) = 0; virtual void frontFace(WGC3Denum mode) = 0; virtual void generateMipmap(WGC3Denum target) = 0; virtual bool getActiveAttrib(WebGLId program, WGC3Duint index, ActiveInfo&) = 0; virtual bool getActiveUniform(WebGLId program, WGC3Duint index, ActiveInfo&) = 0; virtual void getAttachedShaders(WebGLId program, WGC3Dsizei maxCount, WGC3Dsizei* count, WebGLId* shaders) = 0; virtual WGC3Dint getAttribLocation(WebGLId program, const WGC3Dchar* name) = 0; virtual void getBooleanv(WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dboolean* value) = 0; virtual void getBufferParameteriv(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dint* value) = 0; virtual Attributes getContextAttributes() = 0; virtual WGC3Denum getError() = 0; virtual void getFloatv(WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dfloat* value) = 0; virtual void getFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Denum attachment, WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dint* value) = 0; virtual void getIntegerv(WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dint* value) = 0; virtual void getProgramiv(WebGLId program, WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dint* value) = 0; virtual WebString getProgramInfoLog(WebGLId program) = 0; virtual void getRenderbufferParameteriv(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dint* value) = 0; virtual void getShaderiv(WebGLId shader, WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dint* value) = 0; virtual WebString getShaderInfoLog(WebGLId shader) = 0; // TBD // void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat (GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint* range, GLint* precision); virtual WebString getShaderSource(WebGLId shader) = 0; virtual WebString getString(WGC3Denum name) = 0; virtual void getTexParameterfv(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dfloat* value) = 0; virtual void getTexParameteriv(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dint* value) = 0; virtual void getUniformfv(WebGLId program, WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dfloat* value) = 0; virtual void getUniformiv(WebGLId program, WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dint* value) = 0; virtual WGC3Dint getUniformLocation(WebGLId program, const WGC3Dchar* name) = 0; virtual void getVertexAttribfv(WGC3Duint index, WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dfloat* value) = 0; virtual void getVertexAttribiv(WGC3Duint index, WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dint* value) = 0; virtual WGC3Dsizeiptr getVertexAttribOffset(WGC3Duint index, WGC3Denum pname) = 0; virtual void hint(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Denum mode) = 0; virtual WGC3Dboolean isBuffer(WebGLId buffer) = 0; virtual WGC3Dboolean isEnabled(WGC3Denum cap) = 0; virtual WGC3Dboolean isFramebuffer(WebGLId framebuffer) = 0; virtual WGC3Dboolean isProgram(WebGLId program) = 0; virtual WGC3Dboolean isRenderbuffer(WebGLId renderbuffer) = 0; virtual WGC3Dboolean isShader(WebGLId shader) = 0; virtual WGC3Dboolean isTexture(WebGLId texture) = 0; virtual void lineWidth(WGC3Dfloat) = 0; virtual void linkProgram(WebGLId program) = 0; virtual void pixelStorei(WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dint param) = 0; virtual void polygonOffset(WGC3Dfloat factor, WGC3Dfloat units) = 0; virtual void readPixels(WGC3Dint x, WGC3Dint y, WGC3Dsizei width, WGC3Dsizei height, WGC3Denum format, WGC3Denum type, void* pixels) = 0; virtual void releaseShaderCompiler() = 0; virtual void renderbufferStorage(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Denum internalformat, WGC3Dsizei width, WGC3Dsizei height) = 0; virtual void sampleCoverage(WGC3Dclampf value, WGC3Dboolean invert) = 0; virtual void scissor(WGC3Dint x, WGC3Dint y, WGC3Dsizei width, WGC3Dsizei height) = 0; virtual void shaderSource(WebGLId shader, const WGC3Dchar* string) = 0; virtual void stencilFunc(WGC3Denum func, WGC3Dint ref, WGC3Duint mask) = 0; virtual void stencilFuncSeparate(WGC3Denum face, WGC3Denum func, WGC3Dint ref, WGC3Duint mask) = 0; virtual void stencilMask(WGC3Duint mask) = 0; virtual void stencilMaskSeparate(WGC3Denum face, WGC3Duint mask) = 0; virtual void stencilOp(WGC3Denum fail, WGC3Denum zfail, WGC3Denum zpass) = 0; virtual void stencilOpSeparate(WGC3Denum face, WGC3Denum fail, WGC3Denum zfail, WGC3Denum zpass) = 0; virtual void texImage2D(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Dint level, WGC3Denum internalformat, WGC3Dsizei width, WGC3Dsizei height, WGC3Dint border, WGC3Denum format, WGC3Denum type, const void* pixels) = 0; virtual void texParameterf(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dfloat param) = 0; virtual void texParameteri(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Denum pname, WGC3Dint param) = 0; virtual void texSubImage2D(WGC3Denum target, WGC3Dint level, WGC3Dint xoffset, WGC3Dint yoffset, WGC3Dsizei width, WGC3Dsizei height, WGC3Denum format, WGC3Denum type, const void* pixels) = 0; virtual void uniform1f(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dfloat x) = 0; virtual void uniform1fv(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dsizei count, const WGC3Dfloat* v) = 0; virtual void uniform1i(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dint x) = 0; virtual void uniform1iv(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dsizei count, const WGC3Dint* v) = 0; virtual void uniform2f(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dfloat x, WGC3Dfloat y) = 0; virtual void uniform2fv(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dsizei count, const WGC3Dfloat* v) = 0; virtual void uniform2i(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dint x, WGC3Dint y) = 0; virtual void uniform2iv(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dsizei count, const WGC3Dint* v) = 0; virtual void uniform3f(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dfloat x, WGC3Dfloat y, WGC3Dfloat z) = 0; virtual void uniform3fv(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dsizei count, const WGC3Dfloat* v) = 0; virtual void uniform3i(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dint x, WGC3Dint y, WGC3Dint z) = 0; virtual void uniform3iv(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dsizei count, const WGC3Dint* v) = 0; virtual void uniform4f(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dfloat x, WGC3Dfloat y, WGC3Dfloat z, WGC3Dfloat w) = 0; virtual void uniform4fv(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dsizei count, const WGC3Dfloat* v) = 0; virtual void uniform4i(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dint x, WGC3Dint y, WGC3Dint z, WGC3Dint w) = 0; virtual void uniform4iv(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dsizei count, const WGC3Dint* v) = 0; virtual void uniformMatrix2fv(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dsizei count, WGC3Dboolean transpose, const WGC3Dfloat* value) = 0; virtual void uniformMatrix3fv(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dsizei count, WGC3Dboolean transpose, const WGC3Dfloat* value) = 0; virtual void uniformMatrix4fv(WGC3Dint location, WGC3Dsizei count, WGC3Dboolean transpose, const WGC3Dfloat* value) = 0; virtual void useProgram(WebGLId program) = 0; virtual void validateProgram(WebGLId program) = 0; virtual void vertexAttrib1f(WGC3Duint index, WGC3Dfloat x) = 0; virtual void vertexAttrib1fv(WGC3Duint index, const WGC3Dfloat* values) = 0; virtual void vertexAttrib2f(WGC3Duint index, WGC3Dfloat x, WGC3Dfloat y) = 0; virtual void vertexAttrib2fv(WGC3Duint index, const WGC3Dfloat* values) = 0; virtual void vertexAttrib3f(WGC3Duint index, WGC3Dfloat x, WGC3Dfloat y, WGC3Dfloat z) = 0; virtual void vertexAttrib3fv(WGC3Duint index, const WGC3Dfloat* values) = 0; virtual void vertexAttrib4f(WGC3Duint index, WGC3Dfloat x, WGC3Dfloat y, WGC3Dfloat z, WGC3Dfloat w) = 0; virtual void vertexAttrib4fv(WGC3Duint index, const WGC3Dfloat* values) = 0; virtual void vertexAttribPointer(WGC3Duint index, WGC3Dint size, WGC3Denum type, WGC3Dboolean normalized, WGC3Dsizei stride, WGC3Dintptr offset) = 0; virtual void viewport(WGC3Dint x, WGC3Dint y, WGC3Dsizei width, WGC3Dsizei height) = 0; // Support for buffer creation and deletion. virtual WebGLId createBuffer() = 0; virtual WebGLId createFramebuffer() = 0; virtual WebGLId createProgram() = 0; virtual WebGLId createRenderbuffer() = 0; virtual WebGLId createShader(WGC3Denum) = 0; virtual WebGLId createTexture() = 0; virtual void deleteBuffer(WebGLId) = 0; virtual void deleteFramebuffer(WebGLId) = 0; virtual void deleteProgram(WebGLId) = 0; virtual void deleteRenderbuffer(WebGLId) = 0; virtual void deleteShader(WebGLId) = 0; virtual void deleteTexture(WebGLId) = 0; virtual void setContextLostCallback(WebGraphicsContextLostCallback* callback) {} }; } // namespace WebKit #endif