/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ChromeClientImpl_h #define ChromeClientImpl_h #include "ChromeClientChromium.h" #include "PopupMenu.h" #include "SearchPopupMenu.h" namespace WebCore { class AccessibilityObject; class Element; class FileChooser; class PopupContainer; class PopupMenuClient; class RenderBox; class SecurityOrigin; struct WindowFeatures; } namespace WebKit { class WebViewImpl; struct WebCursorInfo; struct WebPopupMenuInfo; // Handles window-level notifications from WebCore on behalf of a WebView. class ChromeClientImpl : public WebCore::ChromeClientChromium { public: explicit ChromeClientImpl(WebViewImpl* webView); virtual ~ChromeClientImpl(); virtual void* webView() const; // ChromeClient methods: virtual void chromeDestroyed(); virtual void setWindowRect(const WebCore::FloatRect&); virtual WebCore::FloatRect windowRect(); virtual WebCore::FloatRect pageRect(); virtual float scaleFactor(); virtual void focus(); virtual void unfocus(); virtual bool canTakeFocus(WebCore::FocusDirection); virtual void takeFocus(WebCore::FocusDirection); virtual void focusedNodeChanged(WebCore::Node*); virtual void focusedFrameChanged(WebCore::Frame*); virtual WebCore::Page* createWindow( WebCore::Frame*, const WebCore::FrameLoadRequest&, const WebCore::WindowFeatures&, const WebCore::NavigationAction&); virtual void show(); virtual bool canRunModal(); virtual void runModal(); virtual void setToolbarsVisible(bool); virtual bool toolbarsVisible(); virtual void setStatusbarVisible(bool); virtual bool statusbarVisible(); virtual void setScrollbarsVisible(bool); virtual bool scrollbarsVisible(); virtual void setMenubarVisible(bool); virtual bool menubarVisible(); virtual void setResizable(bool); virtual void addMessageToConsole( WebCore::MessageSource, WebCore::MessageType, WebCore::MessageLevel, const WTF::String& message, unsigned lineNumber, const WTF::String& sourceID); virtual bool canRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel(); virtual bool runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel( const WTF::String& message, WebCore::Frame*); virtual void closeWindowSoon(); virtual void runJavaScriptAlert(WebCore::Frame*, const WTF::String&); virtual bool runJavaScriptConfirm(WebCore::Frame*, const WTF::String&); virtual bool runJavaScriptPrompt( WebCore::Frame*, const WTF::String& message, const WTF::String& defaultValue, WTF::String& result); virtual void setStatusbarText(const WTF::String& message); virtual bool shouldInterruptJavaScript(); virtual WebCore::KeyboardUIMode keyboardUIMode(); virtual WebCore::IntRect windowResizerRect() const; #if ENABLE(REGISTER_PROTOCOL_HANDLER) virtual void registerProtocolHandler(const String& scheme, const String& baseURL, const String& url, const String& title); #endif virtual void invalidateWindow(const WebCore::IntRect&, bool); virtual void invalidateContentsAndWindow(const WebCore::IntRect&, bool); virtual void invalidateContentsForSlowScroll(const WebCore::IntRect&, bool); #if ENABLE(REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME) virtual void scheduleAnimation(); #endif virtual void scroll( const WebCore::IntSize& scrollDelta, const WebCore::IntRect& rectToScroll, const WebCore::IntRect& clipRect); virtual WebCore::IntPoint screenToWindow(const WebCore::IntPoint&) const; virtual WebCore::IntRect windowToScreen(const WebCore::IntRect&) const; virtual PlatformPageClient platformPageClient() const { return 0; } virtual void contentsSizeChanged(WebCore::Frame*, const WebCore::IntSize&) const; virtual void scrollRectIntoView( const WebCore::IntRect&, const WebCore::ScrollView*) const { } virtual void scrollbarsModeDidChange() const; virtual void mouseDidMoveOverElement( const WebCore::HitTestResult& result, unsigned modifierFlags); virtual void setToolTip(const WTF::String& tooltipText, WebCore::TextDirection); virtual void print(WebCore::Frame*); virtual void exceededDatabaseQuota( WebCore::Frame*, const WTF::String& databaseName); #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) virtual void reachedMaxAppCacheSize(int64_t spaceNeeded); virtual void reachedApplicationCacheOriginQuota(WebCore::SecurityOrigin*); #endif #if ENABLE(NOTIFICATIONS) virtual WebCore::NotificationPresenter* notificationPresenter() const; #endif virtual void requestGeolocationPermissionForFrame(WebCore::Frame*, WebCore::Geolocation*); virtual void cancelGeolocationPermissionRequestForFrame(WebCore::Frame*, WebCore::Geolocation*); virtual void runOpenPanel(WebCore::Frame*, PassRefPtr<WebCore::FileChooser>); virtual void chooseIconForFiles(const Vector<WTF::String>&, WebCore::FileChooser*); #if ENABLE(DIRECTORY_UPLOAD) virtual void enumerateChosenDirectory(const WTF::String&, WebCore::FileChooser*); #endif virtual void setCursor(const WebCore::Cursor&); virtual void formStateDidChange(const WebCore::Node*); #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) // FIXME: All touch events are forwarded regardless of whether or not they are needed. virtual void needTouchEvents(bool needTouchEvents) { } #endif #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) // Pass 0 as the GraphicsLayer to detatch the root layer. virtual void attachRootGraphicsLayer(WebCore::Frame*, WebCore::GraphicsLayer*); // Sets a flag to specify that the next time content is drawn to the window, // the changes appear on the screen in synchrony with updates to GraphicsLayers. virtual void setNeedsOneShotDrawingSynchronization() { } // Sets a flag to specify that the view needs to be updated, so we need // to do an eager layout before the drawing. virtual void scheduleCompositingLayerSync(); virtual CompositingTriggerFlags allowedCompositingTriggers() const; #endif virtual bool supportsFullscreenForNode(const WebCore::Node*); virtual void enterFullscreenForNode(WebCore::Node*); virtual void exitFullscreenForNode(WebCore::Node*); #if ENABLE(FULLSCREEN_API) virtual bool supportsFullScreenForElement(const WebCore::Element*, bool withKeyboard); virtual void enterFullScreenForElement(WebCore::Element*); virtual void exitFullScreenForElement(WebCore::Element*); virtual void fullScreenRendererChanged(WebCore::RenderBox*); #endif // ChromeClientChromium methods: virtual void popupOpened(WebCore::PopupContainer* popupContainer, const WebCore::IntRect& bounds, bool handleExternally); virtual void popupClosed(WebCore::PopupContainer* popupContainer); virtual void postAccessibilityNotification(WebCore::AccessibilityObject*, WebCore::AXObjectCache::AXNotification); // ChromeClientImpl: void setCursorForPlugin(const WebCursorInfo&); virtual bool selectItemWritingDirectionIsNatural(); virtual bool selectItemAlignmentFollowsMenuWritingDirection(); virtual PassRefPtr<WebCore::PopupMenu> createPopupMenu(WebCore::PopupMenuClient*) const; virtual PassRefPtr<WebCore::SearchPopupMenu> createSearchPopupMenu(WebCore::PopupMenuClient*) const; #if ENABLE(CONTEXT_MENUS) virtual void showContextMenu() { } #endif virtual void willRunModalDialogDuringPageDismissal(const DialogType&) const; private: void getPopupMenuInfo(WebCore::PopupContainer*, WebPopupMenuInfo*); void setCursor(const WebCursorInfo&); WebViewImpl* m_webView; // weak pointer bool m_toolbarsVisible; bool m_statusbarVisible; bool m_scrollbarsVisible; bool m_menubarVisible; bool m_resizable; }; } // namespace WebKit #endif