/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2010 Google, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "EditorClientImpl.h" #include "Document.h" #include "EditCommand.h" #include "Editor.h" #include "EventHandler.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "HTMLInputElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "KeyboardCodes.h" #include "KeyboardEvent.h" #include "PlatformKeyboardEvent.h" #include "PlatformString.h" #include "RenderObject.h" #include "SpellChecker.h" #include "DOMUtilitiesPrivate.h" #include "WebAutoFillClient.h" #include "WebEditingAction.h" #include "WebElement.h" #include "WebFrameClient.h" #include "WebFrameImpl.h" #include "WebKit.h" #include "WebInputElement.h" #include "WebInputEventConversion.h" #include "WebNode.h" #include "WebPasswordAutocompleteListener.h" #include "WebRange.h" #include "WebSpellCheckClient.h" #include "WebTextAffinity.h" #include "WebTextCheckingCompletionImpl.h" #include "WebViewClient.h" #include "WebViewImpl.h" using namespace WebCore; namespace WebKit { // Arbitrary depth limit for the undo stack, to keep it from using // unbounded memory. This is the maximum number of distinct undoable // actions -- unbroken stretches of typed characters are coalesced // into a single action. static const size_t maximumUndoStackDepth = 1000; // The size above which we stop triggering autofill for an input text field // (so to avoid sending long strings through IPC). static const size_t maximumTextSizeForAutofill = 1000; EditorClientImpl::EditorClientImpl(WebViewImpl* webview) : m_webView(webview) , m_inRedo(false) , m_backspaceOrDeletePressed(false) , m_spellCheckThisFieldStatus(SpellCheckAutomatic) , m_autofillTimer(this, &EditorClientImpl::doAutofill) { } EditorClientImpl::~EditorClientImpl() { } void EditorClientImpl::pageDestroyed() { // Our lifetime is bound to the WebViewImpl. } bool EditorClientImpl::shouldShowDeleteInterface(HTMLElement* elem) { // Normally, we don't care to show WebCore's deletion UI, so we only enable // it if in testing mode and the test specifically requests it by using this // magic class name. return layoutTestMode() && elem->getAttribute(HTMLNames::classAttr) == "needsDeletionUI"; } bool EditorClientImpl::smartInsertDeleteEnabled() { if (m_webView->client()) return m_webView->client()->isSmartInsertDeleteEnabled(); return true; } bool EditorClientImpl::isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled() { if (m_webView->client()) return m_webView->client()->isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled(); #if OS(WINDOWS) return true; #else return false; #endif } bool EditorClientImpl::shouldSpellcheckByDefault() { // Spellcheck should be enabled for all editable areas (such as textareas, // contentEditable regions, and designMode docs), except text inputs. const Frame* frame = m_webView->focusedWebCoreFrame(); if (!frame) return false; const Editor* editor = frame->editor(); if (!editor) return false; if (editor->isSpellCheckingEnabledInFocusedNode()) return true; const Document* document = frame->document(); if (!document) return false; const Node* node = document->focusedNode(); // If |node| is null, we default to allowing spellchecking. This is done in // order to mitigate the issue when the user clicks outside the textbox, as a // result of which |node| becomes null, resulting in all the spell check // markers being deleted. Also, the Frame will decide not to do spellchecking // if the user can't edit - so returning true here will not cause any problems // to the Frame's behavior. if (!node) return true; const RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer(); if (!renderer) return false; return !renderer->isTextField(); } bool EditorClientImpl::isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled() { if (m_spellCheckThisFieldStatus == SpellCheckForcedOff) return false; if (m_spellCheckThisFieldStatus == SpellCheckForcedOn) return true; return shouldSpellcheckByDefault(); } void EditorClientImpl::toggleContinuousSpellChecking() { if (isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled()) m_spellCheckThisFieldStatus = SpellCheckForcedOff; else m_spellCheckThisFieldStatus = SpellCheckForcedOn; WebFrameImpl* webframe = WebFrameImpl::fromFrame( m_webView->focusedWebCoreFrame()); if (webframe) webframe->client()->didToggleContinuousSpellChecking(webframe); } bool EditorClientImpl::isGrammarCheckingEnabled() { return false; } void EditorClientImpl::toggleGrammarChecking() { notImplemented(); } int EditorClientImpl::spellCheckerDocumentTag() { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } bool EditorClientImpl::shouldBeginEditing(Range* range) { if (m_webView->client()) return m_webView->client()->shouldBeginEditing(WebRange(range)); return true; } bool EditorClientImpl::shouldEndEditing(Range* range) { if (m_webView->client()) return m_webView->client()->shouldEndEditing(WebRange(range)); return true; } bool EditorClientImpl::shouldInsertNode(Node* node, Range* range, EditorInsertAction action) { if (m_webView->client()) { return m_webView->client()->shouldInsertNode(WebNode(node), WebRange(range), static_cast<WebEditingAction>(action)); } return true; } bool EditorClientImpl::shouldInsertText(const String& text, Range* range, EditorInsertAction action) { if (m_webView->client()) { return m_webView->client()->shouldInsertText(WebString(text), WebRange(range), static_cast<WebEditingAction>(action)); } return true; } bool EditorClientImpl::shouldDeleteRange(Range* range) { if (m_webView->client()) return m_webView->client()->shouldDeleteRange(WebRange(range)); return true; } bool EditorClientImpl::shouldChangeSelectedRange(Range* fromRange, Range* toRange, EAffinity affinity, bool stillSelecting) { if (m_webView->client()) { return m_webView->client()->shouldChangeSelectedRange(WebRange(fromRange), WebRange(toRange), static_cast<WebTextAffinity>(affinity), stillSelecting); } return true; } bool EditorClientImpl::shouldApplyStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration* style, Range* range) { if (m_webView->client()) { // FIXME: Pass a reference to the CSSStyleDeclaration somehow. return m_webView->client()->shouldApplyStyle(WebString(), WebRange(range)); } return true; } bool EditorClientImpl::shouldMoveRangeAfterDelete(Range* range, Range* rangeToBeReplaced) { return true; } void EditorClientImpl::didBeginEditing() { if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->didBeginEditing(); } void EditorClientImpl::respondToChangedSelection() { if (m_webView->client()) { Frame* frame = m_webView->focusedWebCoreFrame(); if (frame) m_webView->client()->didChangeSelection(!frame->selection()->isRange()); } } void EditorClientImpl::respondToChangedContents() { if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->didChangeContents(); } void EditorClientImpl::didEndEditing() { if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->didEndEditing(); } void EditorClientImpl::didWriteSelectionToPasteboard() { } void EditorClientImpl::didSetSelectionTypesForPasteboard() { } void EditorClientImpl::registerCommandForUndo(PassRefPtr<EditCommand> command) { if (m_undoStack.size() == maximumUndoStackDepth) m_undoStack.removeFirst(); // drop oldest item off the far end if (!m_inRedo) m_redoStack.clear(); m_undoStack.append(command); } void EditorClientImpl::registerCommandForRedo(PassRefPtr<EditCommand> command) { m_redoStack.append(command); } void EditorClientImpl::clearUndoRedoOperations() { m_undoStack.clear(); m_redoStack.clear(); } bool EditorClientImpl::canCopyCut(bool defaultValue) const { return defaultValue; } bool EditorClientImpl::canPaste(bool defaultValue) const { return defaultValue; } bool EditorClientImpl::canUndo() const { return !m_undoStack.isEmpty(); } bool EditorClientImpl::canRedo() const { return !m_redoStack.isEmpty(); } void EditorClientImpl::undo() { if (canUndo()) { EditCommandStack::iterator back = --m_undoStack.end(); RefPtr<EditCommand> command(*back); m_undoStack.remove(back); command->unapply(); // unapply will call us back to push this command onto the redo stack. } } void EditorClientImpl::redo() { if (canRedo()) { EditCommandStack::iterator back = --m_redoStack.end(); RefPtr<EditCommand> command(*back); m_redoStack.remove(back); ASSERT(!m_inRedo); m_inRedo = true; command->reapply(); // reapply will call us back to push this command onto the undo stack. m_inRedo = false; } } // // The below code was adapted from the WebKit file webview.cpp // static const unsigned CtrlKey = 1 << 0; static const unsigned AltKey = 1 << 1; static const unsigned ShiftKey = 1 << 2; static const unsigned MetaKey = 1 << 3; #if OS(DARWIN) // Aliases for the generic key defintions to make kbd shortcuts definitions more // readable on OS X. static const unsigned OptionKey = AltKey; // Do not use this constant for anything but cursor movement commands. Keys // with cmd set have their |isSystemKey| bit set, so chances are the shortcut // will not be executed. Another, less important, reason is that shortcuts // defined in the renderer do not blink the menu item that they triggered. See // http://crbug.com/25856 and the bugs linked from there for details. static const unsigned CommandKey = MetaKey; #endif // Keys with special meaning. These will be delegated to the editor using // the execCommand() method struct KeyDownEntry { unsigned virtualKey; unsigned modifiers; const char* name; }; struct KeyPressEntry { unsigned charCode; unsigned modifiers; const char* name; }; static const KeyDownEntry keyDownEntries[] = { { VKEY_LEFT, 0, "MoveLeft" }, { VKEY_LEFT, ShiftKey, "MoveLeftAndModifySelection" }, #if OS(DARWIN) { VKEY_LEFT, OptionKey, "MoveWordLeft" }, { VKEY_LEFT, OptionKey | ShiftKey, "MoveWordLeftAndModifySelection" }, #else { VKEY_LEFT, CtrlKey, "MoveWordLeft" }, { VKEY_LEFT, CtrlKey | ShiftKey, "MoveWordLeftAndModifySelection" }, #endif { VKEY_RIGHT, 0, "MoveRight" }, { VKEY_RIGHT, ShiftKey, "MoveRightAndModifySelection" }, #if OS(DARWIN) { VKEY_RIGHT, OptionKey, "MoveWordRight" }, { VKEY_RIGHT, OptionKey | ShiftKey, "MoveWordRightAndModifySelection" }, #else { VKEY_RIGHT, CtrlKey, "MoveWordRight" }, { VKEY_RIGHT, CtrlKey | ShiftKey, "MoveWordRightAndModifySelection" }, #endif { VKEY_UP, 0, "MoveUp" }, { VKEY_UP, ShiftKey, "MoveUpAndModifySelection" }, { VKEY_PRIOR, ShiftKey, "MovePageUpAndModifySelection" }, { VKEY_DOWN, 0, "MoveDown" }, { VKEY_DOWN, ShiftKey, "MoveDownAndModifySelection" }, { VKEY_NEXT, ShiftKey, "MovePageDownAndModifySelection" }, #if !OS(DARWIN) { VKEY_PRIOR, 0, "MovePageUp" }, { VKEY_NEXT, 0, "MovePageDown" }, #endif { VKEY_HOME, 0, "MoveToBeginningOfLine" }, { VKEY_HOME, ShiftKey, "MoveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection" }, #if OS(DARWIN) { VKEY_LEFT, CommandKey, "MoveToBeginningOfLine" }, { VKEY_LEFT, CommandKey | ShiftKey, "MoveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection" }, { VKEY_PRIOR, OptionKey, "MovePageUp" }, { VKEY_NEXT, OptionKey, "MovePageDown" }, #endif #if OS(DARWIN) { VKEY_UP, CommandKey, "MoveToBeginningOfDocument" }, { VKEY_UP, CommandKey | ShiftKey, "MoveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection" }, #else { VKEY_HOME, CtrlKey, "MoveToBeginningOfDocument" }, { VKEY_HOME, CtrlKey | ShiftKey, "MoveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection" }, #endif { VKEY_END, 0, "MoveToEndOfLine" }, { VKEY_END, ShiftKey, "MoveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection" }, #if OS(DARWIN) { VKEY_DOWN, CommandKey, "MoveToEndOfDocument" }, { VKEY_DOWN, CommandKey | ShiftKey, "MoveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection" }, #else { VKEY_END, CtrlKey, "MoveToEndOfDocument" }, { VKEY_END, CtrlKey | ShiftKey, "MoveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection" }, #endif #if OS(DARWIN) { VKEY_RIGHT, CommandKey, "MoveToEndOfLine" }, { VKEY_RIGHT, CommandKey | ShiftKey, "MoveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection" }, #endif { VKEY_BACK, 0, "DeleteBackward" }, { VKEY_BACK, ShiftKey, "DeleteBackward" }, { VKEY_DELETE, 0, "DeleteForward" }, #if OS(DARWIN) { VKEY_BACK, OptionKey, "DeleteWordBackward" }, { VKEY_DELETE, OptionKey, "DeleteWordForward" }, #else { VKEY_BACK, CtrlKey, "DeleteWordBackward" }, { VKEY_DELETE, CtrlKey, "DeleteWordForward" }, #endif { 'B', CtrlKey, "ToggleBold" }, { 'I', CtrlKey, "ToggleItalic" }, { 'U', CtrlKey, "ToggleUnderline" }, { VKEY_ESCAPE, 0, "Cancel" }, { VKEY_OEM_PERIOD, CtrlKey, "Cancel" }, { VKEY_TAB, 0, "InsertTab" }, { VKEY_TAB, ShiftKey, "InsertBacktab" }, { VKEY_RETURN, 0, "InsertNewline" }, { VKEY_RETURN, CtrlKey, "InsertNewline" }, { VKEY_RETURN, AltKey, "InsertNewline" }, { VKEY_RETURN, AltKey | ShiftKey, "InsertNewline" }, { VKEY_RETURN, ShiftKey, "InsertLineBreak" }, { VKEY_INSERT, CtrlKey, "Copy" }, { VKEY_INSERT, ShiftKey, "Paste" }, { VKEY_DELETE, ShiftKey, "Cut" }, #if !OS(DARWIN) // On OS X, we pipe these back to the browser, so that it can do menu item // blinking. { 'C', CtrlKey, "Copy" }, { 'V', CtrlKey, "Paste" }, { 'V', CtrlKey | ShiftKey, "PasteAndMatchStyle" }, { 'X', CtrlKey, "Cut" }, { 'A', CtrlKey, "SelectAll" }, { 'Z', CtrlKey, "Undo" }, { 'Z', CtrlKey | ShiftKey, "Redo" }, { 'Y', CtrlKey, "Redo" }, #endif }; static const KeyPressEntry keyPressEntries[] = { { '\t', 0, "InsertTab" }, { '\t', ShiftKey, "InsertBacktab" }, { '\r', 0, "InsertNewline" }, { '\r', CtrlKey, "InsertNewline" }, { '\r', ShiftKey, "InsertLineBreak" }, { '\r', AltKey, "InsertNewline" }, { '\r', AltKey | ShiftKey, "InsertNewline" }, }; const char* EditorClientImpl::interpretKeyEvent(const KeyboardEvent* evt) { const PlatformKeyboardEvent* keyEvent = evt->keyEvent(); if (!keyEvent) return ""; static HashMap<int, const char*>* keyDownCommandsMap = 0; static HashMap<int, const char*>* keyPressCommandsMap = 0; if (!keyDownCommandsMap) { keyDownCommandsMap = new HashMap<int, const char*>; keyPressCommandsMap = new HashMap<int, const char*>; for (unsigned i = 0; i < arraysize(keyDownEntries); i++) { keyDownCommandsMap->set(keyDownEntries[i].modifiers << 16 | keyDownEntries[i].virtualKey, keyDownEntries[i].name); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < arraysize(keyPressEntries); i++) { keyPressCommandsMap->set(keyPressEntries[i].modifiers << 16 | keyPressEntries[i].charCode, keyPressEntries[i].name); } } unsigned modifiers = 0; if (keyEvent->shiftKey()) modifiers |= ShiftKey; if (keyEvent->altKey()) modifiers |= AltKey; if (keyEvent->ctrlKey()) modifiers |= CtrlKey; if (keyEvent->metaKey()) modifiers |= MetaKey; if (keyEvent->type() == PlatformKeyboardEvent::RawKeyDown) { int mapKey = modifiers << 16 | evt->keyCode(); return mapKey ? keyDownCommandsMap->get(mapKey) : 0; } int mapKey = modifiers << 16 | evt->charCode(); return mapKey ? keyPressCommandsMap->get(mapKey) : 0; } bool EditorClientImpl::handleEditingKeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent* evt) { const PlatformKeyboardEvent* keyEvent = evt->keyEvent(); // do not treat this as text input if it's a system key event if (!keyEvent || keyEvent->isSystemKey()) return false; Frame* frame = evt->target()->toNode()->document()->frame(); if (!frame) return false; String commandName = interpretKeyEvent(evt); Editor::Command command = frame->editor()->command(commandName); if (keyEvent->type() == PlatformKeyboardEvent::RawKeyDown) { // WebKit doesn't have enough information about mode to decide how // commands that just insert text if executed via Editor should be treated, // so we leave it upon WebCore to either handle them immediately // (e.g. Tab that changes focus) or let a keypress event be generated // (e.g. Tab that inserts a Tab character, or Enter). if (command.isTextInsertion() || commandName.isEmpty()) return false; if (command.execute(evt)) { if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->didExecuteCommand(WebString(commandName)); return true; } return false; } if (command.execute(evt)) { if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->didExecuteCommand(WebString(commandName)); return true; } // Here we need to filter key events. // On Gtk/Linux, it emits key events with ASCII text and ctrl on for ctrl-<x>. // In Webkit, EditorClient::handleKeyboardEvent in // WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/EditorClientGtk.cpp drop such events. // On Mac, it emits key events with ASCII text and meta on for Command-<x>. // These key events should not emit text insert event. // Alt key would be used to insert alternative character, so we should let // through. Also note that Ctrl-Alt combination equals to AltGr key which is // also used to insert alternative character. // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=10846 // Windows sets both alt and meta are on when "Alt" key pressed. // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=2215 // Also, we should not rely on an assumption that keyboards don't // send ASCII characters when pressing a control key on Windows, // which may be configured to do it so by user. // See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_Layout // FIXME(ukai): investigate more detail for various keyboard layout. if (evt->keyEvent()->text().length() == 1) { UChar ch = evt->keyEvent()->text()[0U]; // Don't insert null or control characters as they can result in // unexpected behaviour if (ch < ' ') return false; #if !OS(WINDOWS) // Don't insert ASCII character if ctrl w/o alt or meta is on. // On Mac, we should ignore events when meta is on (Command-<x>). if (ch < 0x80) { if (evt->keyEvent()->ctrlKey() && !evt->keyEvent()->altKey()) return false; #if OS(DARWIN) if (evt->keyEvent()->metaKey()) return false; #endif } #endif } if (!frame->editor()->canEdit()) return false; return frame->editor()->insertText(evt->keyEvent()->text(), evt); } void EditorClientImpl::handleKeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent* evt) { if (evt->keyCode() == VKEY_DOWN || evt->keyCode() == VKEY_UP) { ASSERT(evt->target()->toNode()); showFormAutofillForNode(evt->target()->toNode()); } // Give the embedder a chance to handle the keyboard event. if ((m_webView->client() && m_webView->client()->handleCurrentKeyboardEvent()) || handleEditingKeyboardEvent(evt)) evt->setDefaultHandled(); } void EditorClientImpl::handleInputMethodKeydown(KeyboardEvent* keyEvent) { // We handle IME within chrome. } void EditorClientImpl::textFieldDidBeginEditing(Element* element) { HTMLInputElement* inputElement = toHTMLInputElement(element); if (m_webView->autoFillClient() && inputElement) m_webView->autoFillClient()->textFieldDidBeginEditing(WebInputElement(inputElement)); } void EditorClientImpl::textFieldDidEndEditing(Element* element) { HTMLInputElement* inputElement = toHTMLInputElement(element); if (m_webView->autoFillClient() && inputElement) m_webView->autoFillClient()->textFieldDidEndEditing(WebInputElement(inputElement)); // Notification that focus was lost. Be careful with this, it's also sent // when the page is being closed. // Cancel any pending DoAutofill call. m_autofillArgs.clear(); m_autofillTimer.stop(); // Hide any showing popup. m_webView->hideAutoFillPopup(); if (!m_webView->client()) return; // The page is getting closed, don't fill the password. // Notify any password-listener of the focus change. if (!inputElement) return; WebFrameImpl* webframe = WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(inputElement->document()->frame()); if (!webframe) return; WebPasswordAutocompleteListener* listener = webframe->getPasswordListener(inputElement); if (!listener) return; listener->didBlurInputElement(inputElement->value()); } void EditorClientImpl::textDidChangeInTextField(Element* element) { ASSERT(element->hasLocalName(HTMLNames::inputTag)); HTMLInputElement* inputElement = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(element); if (m_webView->autoFillClient()) m_webView->autoFillClient()->textFieldDidChange(WebInputElement(inputElement)); // Note that we only show the autofill popup in this case if the caret is at // the end. This matches FireFox and Safari but not IE. autofill(inputElement, false, false, true); } bool EditorClientImpl::showFormAutofillForNode(Node* node) { HTMLInputElement* inputElement = toHTMLInputElement(node); if (inputElement) return autofill(inputElement, true, true, false); return false; } bool EditorClientImpl::autofill(HTMLInputElement* inputElement, bool autofillFormOnly, bool autofillOnEmptyValue, bool requireCaretAtEnd) { // Cancel any pending DoAutofill call. m_autofillArgs.clear(); m_autofillTimer.stop(); // FIXME: Remove the extraneous isEnabledFormControl call below. // Let's try to trigger autofill for that field, if applicable. if (!inputElement->isEnabledFormControl() || !inputElement->isTextField() || inputElement->isPasswordField() || !inputElement->autoComplete() || !inputElement->isEnabledFormControl() || inputElement->isReadOnlyFormControl()) return false; WebString name = WebInputElement(inputElement).nameForAutofill(); if (name.isEmpty()) // If the field has no name, then we won't have values. return false; // Don't attempt to autofill with values that are too large. if (inputElement->value().length() > maximumTextSizeForAutofill) return false; m_autofillArgs = new AutofillArgs(); m_autofillArgs->inputElement = inputElement; m_autofillArgs->autofillFormOnly = autofillFormOnly; m_autofillArgs->autofillOnEmptyValue = autofillOnEmptyValue; m_autofillArgs->requireCaretAtEnd = requireCaretAtEnd; m_autofillArgs->backspaceOrDeletePressed = m_backspaceOrDeletePressed; if (!requireCaretAtEnd) doAutofill(0); else { // We post a task for doing the autofill as the caret position is not set // properly at this point (http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16976) // and we need it to determine whether or not to trigger autofill. m_autofillTimer.startOneShot(0.0); } return true; } void EditorClientImpl::doAutofill(Timer<EditorClientImpl>* timer) { OwnPtr<AutofillArgs> args(m_autofillArgs.release()); HTMLInputElement* inputElement = args->inputElement.get(); const String& value = inputElement->value(); // Enforce autofill_on_empty_value and caret_at_end. bool isCaretAtEnd = true; if (args->requireCaretAtEnd) isCaretAtEnd = inputElement->selectionStart() == inputElement->selectionEnd() && inputElement->selectionEnd() == static_cast<int>(value.length()); if ((!args->autofillOnEmptyValue && value.isEmpty()) || !isCaretAtEnd) { m_webView->hideAutoFillPopup(); return; } // First let's see if there is a password listener for that element. // We won't trigger form autofill in that case, as having both behavior on // a node would be confusing. WebFrameImpl* webframe = WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(inputElement->document()->frame()); if (!webframe) return; WebPasswordAutocompleteListener* listener = webframe->getPasswordListener(inputElement); if (listener) { if (args->autofillFormOnly) return; listener->performInlineAutocomplete(value, args->backspaceOrDeletePressed, true); return; } } void EditorClientImpl::cancelPendingAutofill() { m_autofillArgs.clear(); m_autofillTimer.stop(); } bool EditorClientImpl::doTextFieldCommandFromEvent(Element* element, KeyboardEvent* event) { HTMLInputElement* inputElement = toHTMLInputElement(element); if (m_webView->autoFillClient() && inputElement) { m_webView->autoFillClient()->textFieldDidReceiveKeyDown(WebInputElement(inputElement), WebKeyboardEventBuilder(*event)); } // Remember if backspace was pressed for the autofill. It is not clear how to // find if backspace was pressed from textFieldDidBeginEditing and // textDidChangeInTextField as when these methods are called the value of the // input element already contains the type character. m_backspaceOrDeletePressed = event->keyCode() == VKEY_BACK || event->keyCode() == VKEY_DELETE; // The Mac code appears to use this method as a hook to implement special // keyboard commands specific to Safari's auto-fill implementation. We // just return false to allow the default action. return false; } void EditorClientImpl::textWillBeDeletedInTextField(Element*) { } void EditorClientImpl::textDidChangeInTextArea(Element*) { } void EditorClientImpl::ignoreWordInSpellDocument(const String&) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientImpl::learnWord(const String&) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientImpl::checkSpellingOfString(const UChar* text, int length, int* misspellingLocation, int* misspellingLength) { // SpellCheckWord will write (0, 0) into the output vars, which is what our // caller expects if the word is spelled correctly. int spellLocation = -1; int spellLength = 0; // Check to see if the provided text is spelled correctly. if (isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled() && m_webView->spellCheckClient()) m_webView->spellCheckClient()->spellCheck(WebString(text, length), spellLocation, spellLength, 0); else { spellLocation = 0; spellLength = 0; } // Note: the Mac code checks if the pointers are null before writing to them, // so we do too. if (misspellingLocation) *misspellingLocation = spellLocation; if (misspellingLength) *misspellingLength = spellLength; } void EditorClientImpl::requestCheckingOfString(SpellChecker* sender, int identifier, TextCheckingTypeMask, const String& text) { if (m_webView->spellCheckClient()) m_webView->spellCheckClient()->requestCheckingOfText(text, new WebTextCheckingCompletionImpl(identifier, sender)); } String EditorClientImpl::getAutoCorrectSuggestionForMisspelledWord(const String& misspelledWord) { if (!(isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled() && m_webView->client())) return String(); // Do not autocorrect words with capital letters in it except the // first letter. This will remove cases changing "IMB" to "IBM". for (size_t i = 1; i < misspelledWord.length(); i++) { if (u_isupper(static_cast<UChar32>(misspelledWord[i]))) return String(); } if (m_webView->spellCheckClient()) return m_webView->spellCheckClient()->autoCorrectWord(WebString(misspelledWord)); return String(); } void EditorClientImpl::checkGrammarOfString(const UChar*, int length, WTF::Vector<GrammarDetail>&, int* badGrammarLocation, int* badGrammarLength) { notImplemented(); if (badGrammarLocation) *badGrammarLocation = 0; if (badGrammarLength) *badGrammarLength = 0; } void EditorClientImpl::updateSpellingUIWithGrammarString(const String&, const GrammarDetail& detail) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientImpl::updateSpellingUIWithMisspelledWord(const String& misspelledWord) { if (m_webView->spellCheckClient()) m_webView->spellCheckClient()->updateSpellingUIWithMisspelledWord(WebString(misspelledWord)); } void EditorClientImpl::showSpellingUI(bool show) { if (m_webView->spellCheckClient()) m_webView->spellCheckClient()->showSpellingUI(show); } bool EditorClientImpl::spellingUIIsShowing() { if (m_webView->spellCheckClient()) return m_webView->spellCheckClient()->isShowingSpellingUI(); return false; } void EditorClientImpl::getGuessesForWord(const String& word, const String& context, WTF::Vector<String>& guesses) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientImpl::willSetInputMethodState() { if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->resetInputMethod(); } void EditorClientImpl::setInputMethodState(bool) { } } // namesace WebKit