/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "LocalizedStrings.h" #include "IntSize.h" #include "NotImplemented.h" #include "WebKit.h" #include "WebKitClient.h" #include "WebLocalizedString.h" #include "WebString.h" #include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h> #include <wtf/text/WTFString.h> using WebKit::WebLocalizedString; using WebKit::WebString; namespace WebCore { static String query(WebLocalizedString::Name name) { return WebKit::webKitClient()->queryLocalizedString(name); } static String query(WebLocalizedString::Name name, const WebString& parameter) { return WebKit::webKitClient()->queryLocalizedString(name, parameter); } static String query(WebLocalizedString::Name name, const WebString& parameter1, const WebString& parameter2) { return WebKit::webKitClient()->queryLocalizedString(name, parameter1, parameter2); } String searchableIndexIntroduction() { return query(WebLocalizedString::SearchableIndexIntroduction); } String submitButtonDefaultLabel() { return query(WebLocalizedString::SubmitButtonDefaultLabel); } String inputElementAltText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::InputElementAltText); } String resetButtonDefaultLabel() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ResetButtonDefaultLabel); } String fileButtonChooseFileLabel() { return query(WebLocalizedString::FileButtonChooseFileLabel); } String defaultDetailsSummaryText() { notImplemented(); return String("Details"); } String fileButtonNoFileSelectedLabel() { return query(WebLocalizedString::FileButtonNoFileSelectedLabel); } String searchMenuNoRecentSearchesText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::SearchMenuNoRecentSearchesText); } String searchMenuRecentSearchesText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::SearchMenuRecentSearchesText); } String searchMenuClearRecentSearchesText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::SearchMenuClearRecentSearchesText); } String AXWebAreaText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::AXWebAreaText); } String AXLinkText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::AXLinkText); } String AXListMarkerText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::AXListMarkerText); } String AXImageMapText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::AXImageMapText); } String AXHeadingText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::AXHeadingText); } String AXDefinitionListTermText() { notImplemented(); return String("term"); } String AXDefinitionListDefinitionText() { notImplemented(); return String("definition"); } String AXButtonActionVerb() { return query(WebLocalizedString::AXButtonActionVerb); } String AXRadioButtonActionVerb() { return query(WebLocalizedString::AXRadioButtonActionVerb); } String AXTextFieldActionVerb() { return query(WebLocalizedString::AXTextFieldActionVerb); } String AXCheckedCheckBoxActionVerb() { return query(WebLocalizedString::AXCheckedCheckBoxActionVerb); } String AXUncheckedCheckBoxActionVerb() { return query(WebLocalizedString::AXUncheckedCheckBoxActionVerb); } String AXLinkActionVerb() { return query(WebLocalizedString::AXLinkActionVerb); } String AXMenuListPopupActionVerb() { return String(); } String AXMenuListActionVerb() { return String(); } String missingPluginText() { notImplemented(); return String("Missing Plug-in"); } String crashedPluginText() { notImplemented(); return String("Plug-in Failure"); } String multipleFileUploadText(unsigned numberOfFiles) { return query(WebLocalizedString::MultipleFileUploadText, String::number(numberOfFiles)); } // Used in FTPDirectoryDocument.cpp String unknownFileSizeText() { return String(); } // The following two functions are not declared in LocalizedStrings.h. // They are used by the menu for the HTML keygen tag. String keygenMenuHighGradeKeySize() { return query(WebLocalizedString::KeygenMenuHighGradeKeySize); } String keygenMenuMediumGradeKeySize() { return query(WebLocalizedString::KeygenMenuMediumGradeKeySize); } // Used in ImageDocument.cpp as the title for pages when that page is an image. String imageTitle(const String& filename, const IntSize& size) { StringBuilder result; result.append(filename); result.append(" ("); result.append(String::number(size.width())); result.append(static_cast<UChar>(0xD7)); // U+00D7 (multiplication sign) result.append(String::number(size.height())); result.append(')'); return result.toString(); } // We don't use these strings, so they return an empty String. We can't just // make them asserts because webcore still calls them. String contextMenuItemTagOpenLinkInNewWindow() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagDownloadLinkToDisk() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagCopyLinkToClipboard() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagOpenImageInNewWindow() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagDownloadImageToDisk() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagCopyImageToClipboard() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagOpenFrameInNewWindow() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagCopy() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagGoBack() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagGoForward() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagStop() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagReload() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagCut() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagPaste() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagNoGuessesFound() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagIgnoreSpelling() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagLearnSpelling() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagSearchWeb() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagLookUpInDictionary(const String&) { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagOpenLink() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagIgnoreGrammar() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagSpellingMenu() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagCheckSpelling() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagCheckSpellingWhileTyping() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagCheckGrammarWithSpelling() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagFontMenu() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagBold() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagItalic() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagUnderline() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagOutline() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagWritingDirectionMenu() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagTextDirectionMenu() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagDefaultDirection() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagLeftToRight() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagRightToLeft() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagInspectElement() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagShowSpellingPanel(bool show) { return String(); } String mediaElementLiveBroadcastStateText() { return String(); } String mediaElementLoadingStateText() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagOpenVideoInNewWindow() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagOpenAudioInNewWindow() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagCopyVideoLinkToClipboard() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagCopyAudioLinkToClipboard() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagToggleMediaControls() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagToggleMediaLoop() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagEnterVideoFullscreen() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagMediaPlay() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagMediaPause() { return String(); } String contextMenuItemTagMediaMute() { return String(); } String localizedMediaControlElementString(const String& /*name*/) { // FIXME: to be fixed. return String(); } String localizedMediaControlElementHelpText(const String& /*name*/) { // FIXME: to be fixed. return String(); } String localizedMediaTimeDescription(float /*time*/) { // FIXME: to be fixed. return String(); } String validationMessageValueMissingText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationValueMissing); } String validationMessageValueMissingForCheckboxText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationValueMissingForCheckbox); } String validationMessageValueMissingForFileText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationValueMissingForFile); } String validationMessageValueMissingForMultipleFileText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationValueMissingForMultipleFile); } String validationMessageValueMissingForRadioText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationValueMissingForRadio); } String validationMessageValueMissingForSelectText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationValueMissingForSelect); } String validationMessageTypeMismatchText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationTypeMismatch); } String validationMessageTypeMismatchForEmailText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationTypeMismatchForEmail); } String validationMessageTypeMismatchForMultipleEmailText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationTypeMismatchForMultipleEmail); } String validationMessageTypeMismatchForURLText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationTypeMismatchForURL); } String validationMessagePatternMismatchText() { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationPatternMismatch); } String validationMessageTooLongText(int valueLength, int maxLength) { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationTooLong, String::number(valueLength), String::number(maxLength)); } String validationMessageRangeUnderflowText(const String& minimum) { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationRangeUnderflow, minimum); } String validationMessageRangeOverflowText(const String& maximum) { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationRangeOverflow, maximum); } String validationMessageStepMismatchText(const String& base, const String& step) { return query(WebLocalizedString::ValidationStepMismatch, base, step); } } // namespace WebCore