
<p>Pickers provide a simple way to select a single value from a set. In addition to touching the
up/down arrow buttons, it's possible to set the desired value from the keyboard or via a swipe

<div class="layout-content-row">
  <div class="layout-content-col span-6">

    <img src="{@docRoot}design/media/picker_space.png">

  <div class="layout-content-col span-6">

<h4>Space considerations</h4>
<p>Pickers can be used inline on a form, but their relatively large footprint is best suited for
display in a dialog. For inline display, consider using more compact controls such as text fields or


<h2 id="date-time">Date and time pickers</h2>

<p>Android provides these as ready-to-use dialogs. Each picker is a dialog with a set of controls for
entering the parts of the date (month, day, year) or time (hour, minute, AM/PM). Using these in your
app helps ensure that a user's specification of a data or time input is valid and formatted
correctly. The format of a time and date picker adjusts automatically to the locale.</p>

<img src="{@docRoot}design/media/picker_datetime.png">

<div class="note develop">
<p><strong>Developer Guide</strong></p>
  <p>For information about how to create date and time pickers,
  see the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/controls/pickers.html">Pickers</a> API guide.</p>