<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- * Copyright (C) 2008 Esmertec AG. * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. --> <resources> <!-- NOTE: if you change anything about this array, you must make the corresponding change to the array DEFAULT_SMILEY_RES_IDS in MessageListItem.java and to default_smiley_names below. --> <string-array name="default_smiley_texts" translatable="false"> <item>:-)</item> <!-- 0: Happy --> <item>:-(</item> <!-- 1: Sad --> <item>;-)</item> <!-- 2: Winking --> <item>:-P</item> <!-- 3: Tongue sticking out --> <item>=-O</item> <!-- 4: Surprised --> <item>:-*</item> <!-- 5: Kissing --> <item>:O</item> <!-- 6: Yelling --> <item>B-)</item> <!-- 7: Cool --> <item>:-$</item> <!-- 8: Money mouth --> <item>:-!</item> <!-- 9: Foot in mouth --> <item>:-[</item> <!-- 10: Embarrassed --> <item>O:-)</item> <!-- 11: Angel --> <item>:-\\</item> <!-- 12: Undecided --> <item>:\'(</item> <!-- 13: Crying --> <item>:-X</item> <!-- 14: Lips are sealed --> <item>:-D</item> <!-- 15: Laughing --> <item>o_O</item> <!-- 16: Confused --> <item><3</item> <!-- 17: Heart --> <item>x-(</item> <!-- 18: Mad --> <item>:-/</item> <!-- 19: Smirk --> <item>:-I</item> <!-- 20: Poker face --> </string-array> <!-- NOTE: if you change anything about this array, you must make the corresponding change to the array DEFAULT_SMILEY_RES_IDS in SmileyParser.java and to default_smiley_texts above. --> <string-array name="default_smiley_names"> <item>Happy</item> <!-- 0: :-) --> <item>Sad</item> <!-- 1: :-( --> <item>Winking</item> <!-- 2: ;-) --> <item>Tongue sticking out</item> <!-- 3: :-P --> <item>Surprised</item> <!-- 4: =-O --> <item>Kissing</item> <!-- 5: :-* --> <item>Yelling</item> <!-- 6: :O --> <item>Cool</item> <!-- 7: B-) --> <item>Money mouth</item> <!-- 8: :-$ --> <item>Foot in mouth</item> <!-- 9: :-! --> <item>Embarrassed</item> <!-- 10: :-[ --> <item>Angel</item> <!-- 11: O:-) --> <item>Undecided</item> <!-- 12: :-\\ --> <item>Crying</item> <!-- 13: :\'( --> <item>Lips are sealed</item> <!-- 14: :-X --> <item>Laughing</item> <!-- 15: :-D --> <item>Confused</item> <!-- 16: o_O --> <item>Heart</item> <!-- 17: <3 --> <item>Mad</item> <!-- 18: x-( --> <item>Smirk</item> <!-- 19: :-/ --> <item>Poker face</item> <!-- 20: :-I --> </string-array> <!-- String to match as no subject and filter out as a subject. For example, if the subject string is "no subject", we won't display that. We'll pretend no subject string was delivered. --> <string-array name="empty_subject_strings"> <item>no subject</item> </string-array> </resources>