The source code for the classes in this prebuilt can
be found in the in this directory.

The objects in this prebuilt directory can also be
rebuilt using the source archive hosted at

Specifically, changeset df3fbf80b9ac3efe67a3b1d2713a0de30b6a74d5

NOTE: Lombok.AST was combined with Guava 13.0.1 to match
what is used in the rest of the tools, and Guava was also
removed from the lombok binary (which by default jarjar's it
into the lombok.jar), since it will always be used in a
context where Guava is already ready, so no point in bundling
a private copy.

diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 3575ecf..11570d0 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -231,6 +231,7 @@
                <unjar dest="build/lombok.ast">
                        <path refid="runtime.path" />
+                <delete dir="build/lombok.ast/com/google" />

        <target name="dist" depends="compile, version, unpackLibs" description="Creates distributable.">
@@ -240,7 +241,9 @@
                        <fileset dir="build/lombok.ast" />
                        <fileset dir="." includes="LICENSE" />
                        <fileset dir="." includes="AUTHORS" />
                        <rule pattern="**" result="" />
                        <rule pattern="org.parboiled.**" result="" />
                        <rule pattern="com.zwitserloot.cmdreader.**" result="