/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef EGL_CONFIG_H #define EGL_CONFIG_H #include<EGL/egl.h> #include<EGL/eglinternalplatform.h> #define MIN_SWAP_INTERVAL 1 #define MAX_SWAP_INTERVAL 10 class EglConfig { public: bool getConfAttrib(EGLint attrib,EGLint* val) const; bool operator<(const EglConfig& conf) const; bool operator>=(const EglConfig& conf) const; bool compitableWith(const EglConfig& conf) const; //compitability bool choosen(const EglConfig& dummy); EGLint surfaceType(){ return m_surface_type;}; EGLint id(){return m_config_id;}; EGLint nativeId(){return m_native_config_id;}; EGLNativePixelFormatType nativeConfig(){ return m_nativeFormat;} EglConfig(EGLint red_size, EGLint green_size, EGLint blue_size, EGLint alpha_size, EGLenum caveat, EGLint config_id, EGLint depth_size, EGLint frame_buffer_level, EGLint max_pbuffer_width, EGLint max_pbuffer_height, EGLint max_pbuffer_size, EGLBoolean native_renderable, EGLint renderable_type, EGLint native_visual_id, EGLint native_visual_type, EGLint samples_per_pixel, EGLint stencil_size, EGLint surface_type, EGLenum transparent_type, EGLint trans_red_val, EGLint trans_green_val, EGLint trans_blue_val, EGLNativePixelFormatType frmt); EglConfig(const EglConfig& conf); EglConfig(const EglConfig& conf, EGLint config_id, EGLint red_size, EGLint green_size, EGLint blue_size, EGLint alpha_size); private: const EGLint m_buffer_size; const EGLint m_red_size; const EGLint m_green_size; const EGLint m_blue_size; const EGLint m_alpha_size; const EGLBoolean m_bind_to_tex_rgb; const EGLBoolean m_bind_to_tex_rgba; const EGLenum m_caveat; const EGLint m_config_id; const EGLint m_native_config_id; const EGLint m_frame_buffer_level; const EGLint m_depth_size; const EGLint m_max_pbuffer_width; const EGLint m_max_pbuffer_height; const EGLint m_max_pbuffer_size; const EGLint m_max_swap_interval; const EGLint m_min_swap_interval; const EGLBoolean m_native_renderable; const EGLint m_renderable_type; const EGLint m_native_visual_id; const EGLint m_native_visual_type; const EGLint m_sample_buffers_num; const EGLint m_samples_per_pixel; const EGLint m_stencil_size; const EGLint m_surface_type; const EGLenum m_transparent_type; const EGLint m_trans_red_val; const EGLint m_trans_green_val; const EGLint m_trans_blue_val; const EGLenum m_conformant; const EGLNativePixelFormatType m_nativeFormat; }; #endif