C++程序  |  214行  |  5.11 KB

 ***   This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header
 ***   of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to
 ***   call into the kernel available to libc.  It contains only constants,
 ***   structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus,
 ***   contains no copyrightable information.

#include <linux/compiler.h>
#include <linux/types.h>

typedef union sigval {
 int sival_int;
 void __user *sival_ptr;
} sigval_t;

#define __ARCH_SI_PREAMBLE_SIZE (3 * sizeof(int))

#define SI_MAX_SIZE 128
#ifndef SI_PAD_SIZE
#define SI_PAD_SIZE ((SI_MAX_SIZE - __ARCH_SI_PREAMBLE_SIZE) / sizeof(int))

#ifndef __ARCH_SI_UID_T
#define __ARCH_SI_UID_T uid_t

#ifndef __ARCH_SI_BAND_T
#define __ARCH_SI_BAND_T long


typedef struct siginfo {
 int si_signo;
 int si_errno;
 int si_code;

 union {
 int _pad[SI_PAD_SIZE];

 struct {
 pid_t _pid;
 __ARCH_SI_UID_T _uid;
 } _kill;

 struct {
 timer_t _tid;
 int _overrun;
 char _pad[sizeof( __ARCH_SI_UID_T) - sizeof(int)];
 sigval_t _sigval;
 int _sys_private;
 } _timer;

 struct {
 pid_t _pid;
 __ARCH_SI_UID_T _uid;
 sigval_t _sigval;
 } _rt;

 struct {
 pid_t _pid;
 __ARCH_SI_UID_T _uid;
 int _status;
 clock_t _utime;
 clock_t _stime;
 } _sigchld;

 struct {
 void __user *_addr;
 int _trapno;
 } _sigfault;

 struct {
 __ARCH_SI_BAND_T _band;
 int _fd;
 } _sigpoll;
 } _sifields;
} siginfo_t;


#define si_pid _sifields._kill._pid
#define si_uid _sifields._kill._uid
#define si_tid _sifields._timer._tid
#define si_overrun _sifields._timer._overrun
#define si_sys_private _sifields._timer._sys_private
#define si_status _sifields._sigchld._status
#define si_utime _sifields._sigchld._utime
#define si_stime _sifields._sigchld._stime
#define si_value _sifields._rt._sigval
#define si_int _sifields._rt._sigval.sival_int
#define si_ptr _sifields._rt._sigval.sival_ptr
#define si_addr _sifields._sigfault._addr
#define si_trapno _sifields._sigfault._trapno
#define si_band _sifields._sigpoll._band
#define si_fd _sifields._sigpoll._fd

#define __SI_KILL 0
#define __SI_TIMER 0
#define __SI_POLL 0
#define __SI_FAULT 0
#define __SI_CHLD 0
#define __SI_RT 0
#define __SI_MESGQ 0
#define __SI_CODE(T,N) (N)

#define SI_USER 0  
#define SI_KERNEL 0x80  
#define SI_QUEUE -1  
#define SI_TIMER __SI_CODE(__SI_TIMER,-2)  
#define SI_MESGQ __SI_CODE(__SI_MESGQ,-3)  
#define SI_ASYNCIO -4  
#define SI_SIGIO -5  
#define SI_TKILL -6  
#define SI_DETHREAD -7  

#define SI_FROMUSER(siptr) ((siptr)->si_code <= 0)
#define SI_FROMKERNEL(siptr) ((siptr)->si_code > 0)

#define ILL_ILLOPC (__SI_FAULT|1)  
#define ILL_ILLOPN (__SI_FAULT|2)  
#define ILL_ILLADR (__SI_FAULT|3)  
#define ILL_ILLTRP (__SI_FAULT|4)  
#define ILL_PRVOPC (__SI_FAULT|5)  
#define ILL_PRVREG (__SI_FAULT|6)  
#define ILL_COPROC (__SI_FAULT|7)  
#define ILL_BADSTK (__SI_FAULT|8)  
#define NSIGILL 8

#define FPE_INTDIV (__SI_FAULT|1)  
#define FPE_INTOVF (__SI_FAULT|2)  
#define FPE_FLTDIV (__SI_FAULT|3)  
#define FPE_FLTOVF (__SI_FAULT|4)  
#define FPE_FLTUND (__SI_FAULT|5)  
#define FPE_FLTRES (__SI_FAULT|6)  
#define FPE_FLTINV (__SI_FAULT|7)  
#define FPE_FLTSUB (__SI_FAULT|8)  
#define NSIGFPE 8

#define SEGV_MAPERR (__SI_FAULT|1)  
#define SEGV_ACCERR (__SI_FAULT|2)  
#define NSIGSEGV 2

#define BUS_ADRALN (__SI_FAULT|1)  
#define BUS_ADRERR (__SI_FAULT|2)  
#define BUS_OBJERR (__SI_FAULT|3)  
#define NSIGBUS 3

#define TRAP_BRKPT (__SI_FAULT|1)  
#define TRAP_TRACE (__SI_FAULT|2)  
#define NSIGTRAP 2

#define CLD_EXITED (__SI_CHLD|1)  
#define CLD_KILLED (__SI_CHLD|2)  
#define CLD_DUMPED (__SI_CHLD|3)  
#define CLD_TRAPPED (__SI_CHLD|4)  
#define CLD_STOPPED (__SI_CHLD|5)  
#define CLD_CONTINUED (__SI_CHLD|6)  
#define NSIGCHLD 6

#define POLL_IN (__SI_POLL|1)  
#define POLL_OUT (__SI_POLL|2)  
#define POLL_MSG (__SI_POLL|3)  
#define POLL_ERR (__SI_POLL|4)  
#define POLL_PRI (__SI_POLL|5)  
#define POLL_HUP (__SI_POLL|6)  
#define NSIGPOLL 6

#define SIGEV_SIGNAL 0  
#define SIGEV_NONE 1  
#define SIGEV_THREAD 2  
#define SIGEV_THREAD_ID 4  

#define __ARCH_SIGEV_PREAMBLE_SIZE (sizeof(int) * 2 + sizeof(sigval_t))

#define SIGEV_MAX_SIZE 64

typedef struct sigevent {
 sigval_t sigev_value;
 int sigev_signo;
 int sigev_notify;
 union {
 int _pad[SIGEV_PAD_SIZE];
 int _tid;

 struct {
 void (*_function)(sigval_t);
 void *_attribute;
 } _sigev_thread;
 } _sigev_un;
} sigevent_t;

#define sigev_notify_function _sigev_un._sigev_thread._function
#define sigev_notify_attributes _sigev_un._sigev_thread._attribute
#define sigev_notify_thread_id _sigev_un._tid
