Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<head i18n-values="dir:textdirection;">
<title>TimelineTrack tests</title>
.timeline-container {
border: 1px solid red;
<script src="/src/base.js"></script>
'use strict';
var TimelineSelection = tracing.TimelineSelection;
var TimelineSliceTrack = tracks.TimelineSliceTrack;
var TimelineSlice = tracing.TimelineSlice;
var TimelineViewport = tracing.TimelineViewport;
function testBasicSlices() {
var testEl = this.addHTMLOutput();
var track = TimelineSliceTrack();
track.heading = 'testBasicSlices';
track.slices = [
new TimelineSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 1),
new TimelineSlice('', 'b', 1, 2.1, {}, 4.8),
new TimelineSlice('', 'b', 1, 7, {}, 0.5),
new TimelineSlice('', 'c', 2, 7.6, {}, 0.4)
track.viewport = new TimelineViewport(testEl);
track.viewport.xSetWorldRange(0, 8.8, track.clientWidth);
function testFindAllObjectsMatchingInSliceTrack() {
var track = TimelineSliceTrack();
track.slices = [
new TimelineSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 1),
new TimelineSlice('', 'b', 1, 2.1, {}, 4.8),
new TimelineSlice('', 'b', 1, 7, {}, 0.5),
new TimelineSlice('', 'c', 2, 7.6, {}, 0.4)
var selection = new TimelineSelection();
new tracing.TimelineTitleFilter('b'), selection);
assertEquals(2, selection.length);
assertEquals(track.slices[1], selection[0].slice);
assertEquals(track.slices[2], selection[1].slice);
function testShrinkingSliceSizes() {
var testEl = this.addHTMLOutput();
var track = TimelineSliceTrack();
track.heading = 'testShrinkingSliceSizes';
var x = 0;
var widths = [10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05];
var slices = [];
for (var i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) {
var s = new TimelineSlice('', 'a', 1, x, {}, widths[i]);
x += s.duration + 0.5;
track.slices = slices;
track.viewport = new TimelineViewport(testEl);
track.viewport.xSetWorldRange(0, 1.1 * x, track.clientWidth);
function testSelectionHitTesting() {
var testEl = this.addHTMLOutput();
var track = new TimelineSliceTrack();
testEl.style.width = '600px';
track.heading = 'testSelectionHitTesting';
track.headingWidth = '100px';
track.slices = [
new TimelineSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 1),
new TimelineSlice('', 'b', 1, 5, {}, 4.8)
var y = track.getBoundingClientRect().top + 5;
var wW = 10;
var vW = track.firstCanvas.getBoundingClientRect().width;
track.viewport = new TimelineViewport(testEl);
track.viewport.xSetWorldRange(0, wW, vW);
var selection = new TimelineSelection();
track.addIntersectingItemsToSelection((1.5/wW)*vW, y, selection);
assertEquals(track.slices[0], selection[0].slice);
var selection = new TimelineSelection();
track.addIntersectingItemsToSelection((2/wW)*vW, y, selection);
assertEquals(0, selection.length);
var selection = new TimelineSelection();
track.addIntersectingItemsToSelection((6.8/wW)*vW, y, selection);
assertEquals(track.slices[1], selection[0].slice);
var selection = new TimelineSelection();
track.addIntersectingItemsToSelection((9.9/wW)*vW, y, selection);
assertEquals(0, selection.length);
/* You'll need visual inspection to test eliding with this one. */
function testElideVisualInspection() {
var optDicts = [{ trackName: 'elideOff', elide: false },
{ trackName: 'elideOn', elide: true }];
for (var dictIndex in optDicts) {
var dict = optDicts[dictIndex];
var testEl = this.addHTMLOutput(dict.trackName);
var track = new TimelineSliceTrack();
if (dict.elide) {
track.SHOULD_ELIDE_TEXT = true;
} else {
track.SHOULD_ELIDE_TEXT = false;
var tooLongTitle = 'Unless eliding this SHOULD NOT BE DISPLAYED. ';
var bigTitle = 'Very big title name that goes on longer ' +
'than you may expect';
track.heading = 'Visual: ' + dict.trackName;
track.slices = [
// title, colorId, start, args, opt_duration
new TimelineSlice('', 'a ' + tooLongTitle + bigTitle, 0, 1, {}, 1),
new TimelineSlice('', bigTitle, 1, 2.1, {}, 4.8),
new TimelineSlice('', 'cccc cccc cccc', 1, 7, {}, 0.5),
new TimelineSlice('', 'd', 2, 7.6, {}, 1.0)
track.viewport = new TimelineViewport(testEl);
track.viewport.xSetWorldRange(0, 9.5, track.clientWidth);
function testElide() {
var testEl = this.addHTMLOutput();
var track = new TimelineSliceTrack();
var bigtitle = 'Super duper long long title ' +
'holy moly when did you get so verbose?';
var smalltitle = 'small';
track.viewport = new TimelineViewport(testEl);
track.heading = 'testElide';
track.slices = [
// title, colorId, start, args, opt_duration
new TimelineSlice('', bigtitle, 0, 1, {}, 1),
new TimelineSlice('', smalltitle, 1, 2, {}, 1)
track.viewport = new TimelineViewport(testEl);
track.viewport.xSetWorldRange(0, 3.3, track.clientWidth);
var stringWidthPair = undefined;
var pixWidth = track.viewport_.xViewVectorToWorld(1);
// Small titles on big slices are not elided.
stringWidthPair = track.elidedTitleCache.get(track, pixWidth, smalltitle,
track.labelWidth(smalltitle), 1);
assertEquals(smalltitle, stringWidthPair.string);
// Keep shrinking the slice until eliding starts.
var elidedWhenSmallEnough = false;
for (var sliceLength = 1; sliceLength >= 0.00001; sliceLength /= 2.0) {
stringWidthPair = track.elidedTitleCache.get(track, pixWidth, smalltitle,
track.labelWidth(smalltitle), sliceLength);
if (stringWidthPair.string.length < smalltitle.length) {
elidedWhenSmallEnough = true;
// Big titles are elided immediately.
var superBigTitle = '';
for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
superBigTitle += bigtitle;
stringWidthPair = track.elidedTitleCache.get(track, pixWidth,
superBigTitle, track.labelWidth(superBigTitle), 1);
assertTrue(stringWidthPair.string.length < superBigTitle.length);
// And elided text ends with ...
var len = stringWidthPair.string.length;
assertEquals('...', stringWidthPair.string.substring(len - 3, len));
function testTimelineSliceTrackAddItemNearToProvidedHit() {
var track = new TimelineSliceTrack();
track.slices = [
new TimelineSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 1),
new TimelineSlice('', 'b', 1, 2.1, {}, 4.8),
new TimelineSlice('', 'b', 1, 7, {}, 0.5),
new TimelineSlice('', 'c', 2, 7.6, {}, 0.4)
var sel = new tracing.TimelineSelection();
new tracing.TimelineTitleFilter('b'), sel);
var ret;
// Select to the right of B.
var selRight = new tracing.TimelineSelection();
ret = track.addItemNearToProvidedHitToSelection(sel[0], 1, selRight);
assertEquals(track.slices[2], selRight[0].slice);
// Select to the right of the 2nd b.
var selRight2 = new tracing.TimelineSelection();
ret = track.addItemNearToProvidedHitToSelection(sel[0], 2, selRight2);
assertEquals(track.slices[3], selRight2[0].slice);
// Select to 2 to the right of the 2nd b.
var selRightOfRight = new tracing.TimelineSelection();
ret = track.addItemNearToProvidedHitToSelection(
selRight[0], 1, selRightOfRight);
assertEquals(track.slices[3], selRightOfRight[0].slice);
// Select to the right of the rightmost slice.
var selNone = new tracing.TimelineSelection();
ret = track.addItemNearToProvidedHitToSelection(
selRightOfRight[0], 1, selNone);
assertEquals(0, selNone.length);
// Select A and then select left.
var sel = new tracing.TimelineSelection();
new tracing.TimelineTitleFilter('a'), sel);
var ret;
selNone = new tracing.TimelineSelection();
ret = track.addItemNearToProvidedHitToSelection(sel[0], -1, selNone);
assertEquals(0, selNone.length);