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 * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef GrInOrderDrawBuffer_DEFINED
#define GrInOrderDrawBuffer_DEFINED

#include "GrDrawTarget.h"
#include "GrAllocPool.h"
#include "GrAllocator.h"
#include "GrClip.h"

class GrGpu;
class GrIndexBufferAllocPool;
class GrVertexBufferAllocPool;

 * GrInOrderDrawBuffer is an implementation of GrDrawTarget that queues up
 * draws for eventual playback into a GrGpu. In theory one draw buffer could
 * playback into another. When index or vertex buffers are used as geometry
 * sources it is the callers the draw buffer only holds references to the
 * buffers. It is the callers responsibility to ensure that the data is still
 * valid when the draw buffer is played back into a GrGpu. Similarly, it is the
 * caller's responsibility to ensure that all referenced textures, buffers,
 * and rendertargets are associated in the GrGpu object that the buffer is
 * played back into. The buffer requires VB and IB pools to store geometry.

class GrInOrderDrawBuffer : public GrDrawTarget {

     * Creates a GrInOrderDrawBuffer
     * @param gpu        the gpu object where this will be played back
     *                   (possible indirectly). GrResources used with the draw
     *                   buffer are created by this gpu object.
     * @param vertexPool pool where vertices for queued draws will be saved when
     *                   the vertex source is either reserved or array.
     * @param indexPool  pool where indices for queued draws will be saved when
     *                   the index source is either reserved or array.
    GrInOrderDrawBuffer(const GrGpu* gpu,
                        GrVertexBufferAllocPool* vertexPool,
                        GrIndexBufferAllocPool* indexPool);

    virtual ~GrInOrderDrawBuffer();

     * Copies the draw state and clip from target to this draw buffer.
     * @param target    the target whose clip and state should be copied.
    void initializeDrawStateAndClip(const GrDrawTarget& target);

     * Provides the buffer with an index buffer that can be used for quad rendering.
     * The buffer may be able to batch consecutive drawRects if this is provided.
     * @param indexBuffer   index buffer with quad indices.
    void setQuadIndexBuffer(const GrIndexBuffer* indexBuffer);

     * Empties the draw buffer of any queued up draws.
    void reset();

     * plays the queued up draws to another target. Does not empty this buffer so
     * that it can be played back multiple times.
     * @param target    the target to receive the playback
    void playback(GrDrawTarget* target);
    // overrides from GrDrawTarget
    virtual void drawRect(const GrRect& rect, 
                          const GrMatrix* matrix = NULL,
                          StageMask stageEnableMask = 0,
                          const GrRect* srcRects[] = NULL,
                          const GrMatrix* srcMatrices[] = NULL);

    virtual bool geometryHints(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
                               int* vertexCount,
                               int* indexCount) const;

    virtual void clear(const GrIRect* rect, GrColor color);


    struct Draw {
        GrPrimitiveType         fPrimitiveType;
        int                     fStartVertex;
        int                     fStartIndex;
        int                     fVertexCount;
        int                     fIndexCount;
        bool                    fStateChanged;
        bool                    fClipChanged;
        GrVertexLayout          fVertexLayout;
        const GrVertexBuffer*   fVertexBuffer;
        const GrIndexBuffer*    fIndexBuffer;

    struct Clear {
        int fBeforeDrawIdx;
        GrIRect fRect;
        GrColor fColor;

    // overrides from GrDrawTarget
    virtual void onDrawIndexed(GrPrimitiveType primitiveType,
                               int startVertex,
                               int startIndex,
                               int vertexCount,
                               int indexCount);
    virtual void onDrawNonIndexed(GrPrimitiveType primitiveType,
                                  int startVertex,
                                  int vertexCount);
    virtual bool onReserveVertexSpace(GrVertexLayout layout, 
                                      int vertexCount,
                                      void** vertices);
    virtual bool onReserveIndexSpace(int indexCount, void** indices);
    virtual void releaseReservedVertexSpace();
    virtual void releaseReservedIndexSpace();
    virtual void onSetVertexSourceToArray(const void* vertexArray,
                                          int vertexCount);
    virtual void onSetIndexSourceToArray(const void* indexArray,
                                         int indexCount);
    virtual void releaseVertexArray();
    virtual void releaseIndexArray();
    virtual void geometrySourceWillPush();
    virtual void geometrySourceWillPop(const GeometrySrcState& restoredState);
    virtual void clipWillBeSet(const GrClip& newClip);

    bool needsNewState() const;
    bool needsNewClip() const;

    void pushState();
    void pushClip();
    enum {
        kDrawPreallocCnt         = 8,
        kStatePreallocCnt        = 8,
        kClipPreallocCnt         = 8,
        kClearPreallocCnt        = 4,
        kGeoPoolStatePreAllocCnt = 4,

    GrSTAllocator<kDrawPreallocCnt, Draw>               fDraws;
    GrSTAllocator<kStatePreallocCnt, SavedDrawState>    fStates;
    GrSTAllocator<kClearPreallocCnt, Clear>             fClears;
    GrSTAllocator<kClipPreallocCnt, GrClip>             fClips;
    bool                            fClipSet;

    GrVertexLayout                  fLastRectVertexLayout;
    const GrIndexBuffer*            fQuadIndexBuffer;
    int                             fMaxQuads;
    int                             fCurrQuad;

    GrVertexBufferAllocPool&        fVertexPool;

    GrIndexBufferAllocPool&         fIndexPool;

    struct GeometryPoolState {
        const GrVertexBuffer*           fPoolVertexBuffer;
        int                             fPoolStartVertex;
        const GrIndexBuffer*            fPoolIndexBuffer;
        int                             fPoolStartIndex;
        // caller may conservatively over reserve vertices / indices.
        // we release unused space back to allocator if possible
        // can only do this if there isn't an intervening pushGeometrySource()
        size_t                          fUsedPoolVertexBytes;
        size_t                          fUsedPoolIndexBytes;
    SkSTArray<kGeoPoolStatePreAllocCnt, GeometryPoolState> fGeoPoolStateStack;

    typedef GrDrawTarget INHERITED;
