Test that changing documentURI has no effects on the url passed into storage events.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Testing sessionStorage
PASS storage.length is 0
Reset storage event list
storageEventList = new Array()
storage.foo = '123'
PASS storageEventList.length is 1
Saving url
document.documentURI = 'abc'
PASS document.documentURI is "abc"
storage.foo = 'xyz'
PASS storageEventList.length is 2
PASS true is true
Testing localStorage
PASS storage.length is 0
Reset storage event list
storageEventList = new Array()
storage.foo = '123'
PASS storageEventList.length is 1
Saving url
document.documentURI = 'abc'
PASS document.documentURI is "abc"
storage.foo = 'xyz'
PASS storageEventList.length is 2
PASS true is true
PASS successfullyParsed is true