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} ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; } strong { font-weight: 500; } em { font-style: italic; } acronym, .tooltip-link { border-bottom: 1px dotted #555555; cursor: help; } acronym:hover, .tooltip-link:hover { color: #7aa1b0; border-bottom-color: #7aa1b0; } img.with-shadow, video.with-shadow { box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); } /* disclosures mixin */ /* content layout */ .layout-content-row { display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 10px; } .layout-content-row:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } * html .layout-content-row { height: 1px; } .layout-content-col { float: left; margin-left: 20px; } .layout-content-col:first-child { margin-left: 0; } .layout-content-col h3, .layout-content-col h4 { margin-top:0; } .layout-content-col.span-1 { width: 40px; } .layout-content-col.span-2 { width: 100px; } .layout-content-col.span-3 { width: 160px; } .layout-content-col.span-4 { width: 220px; } .layout-content-col.span-5 { width: 280px; } .layout-content-col.span-6 { width: 340px; 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margin: 0; } #nav li ul.animate-height-in { -webkit-transition: height 0.25s ease-in; -moz-transition: height 0.25s ease-in; transition: height 0.25s ease-in; } #nav li ul.animate-height-out { -webkit-transition: height 0.25s ease-out; -moz-transition: height 0.25s ease-out; transition: height 0.25s ease-out; } #nav li ul li { padding: 0; } #nav li li li { padding: 0; } #nav li.expanded ul { } #nav li ul > li { padding:0; } #nav li ul > li:last-child { padding-bottom:5px; } #nav li ul.tree-list-children > li:last-child { padding-bottom:0; } #nav li.expanded ul > li { background:#efefef; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03); } #nav li.expanded ul > li li { background:inherit; } #nav li ul.tree-list-children ul { display:block; } .new, .new-child { font-size: .78em; font-weight: bold; color: #ff3d3d; vertical-align:top; white-space:nowrap; } /* content header */ .content-header { height: 30px; margin:20px 0 25px; padding:0 0 10px;} .content-header.just-links { margin-bottom:0; padding-bottom:0;} .content-header h1 { color:#000; 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} .content-footer.next-class a.next-class-link { display:block; float:right; text-transform:uppercase; } /* inner-doc tabs w/ title */ div#title-tabs-wrapper { border-bottom:1px solid #ccc; margin:20px 0 30px; } h1.with-title-tabs { display:inline-block; margin:0 0 -1px 0; padding:0 60px 0 0; border-bottom:1px solid #F9F9F9; } ul#title-tabs { list-style:none; padding:0; height:29px; margin:0; font-size:16px; line-height:26px; display:inline-block; vertical-align:bottom; } ul#title-tabs li { display:block; float:left; margin-right:40px; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; } ul#title-tabs li.selected { border-bottom: 3px solid #93C; } ul#title-tabs li a { color:#333; } ul#title-tabs li a:hover, ul#title-tabs li a:active { color:#93C !important; } /* content body */ @-webkit-keyframes glowheader { from { background-color: #33b5e5; color: #000; border-bottom-color: #000; } to { background-color: transparent; color: #33b5e5; border-bottom-color: #33b5e5; } } @-moz-keyframes glowheader { from { background-color: #33b5e5; color: #000; border-bottom-color: #000; } to { background-color: transparent; color: #33b5e5; border-bottom-color: #33b5e5; } } @keyframes glowheader { from { background-color: #33b5e5; color: #000; border-bottom-color: #000; } to { background-color: transparent; color: #33b5e5; border-bottom-color: #33b5e5; } } h2:target, h3:target { -webkit-animation-name: glowheader; -moz-animation-name: glowheader; animation-name: glowheader; -webkit-animation-duration: 0.7s; -moz-animation-duration: 0.7s; animation-duration: 0.7s; -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out; -moz-animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-timing-function: ease-out; } .design ol h4 { margin-bottom:0; } .design ol { counter-reset: item; } .design ol>li { font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; list-style-type: none; position: relative; } .design ol>li:before { content: counter(item) ". "; counter-increment: item; position: absolute; left: -20px; top: 0; } .design ol li.value-1:before { content: "1. "; } .design ol li.value-2:before { content: "2. "; } .design ol li.value-3:before { content: "3. "; } .design ol li.value-4:before { content: "4. "; } .design ol li.value-5:before { content: "5. "; } .design ol li.value-6:before { content: "6. "; } .design ol li.value-7:before { content: "7. "; } .design ol li.value-8:before { content: "8. "; } .design ol li.value-9:before { content: "9. "; } .design ol li.value-10:before { content: "10. "; } .design .with-callouts ol>li { list-style-position: inside; margin-left: 0; } .design .with-callouts ol>li:before { display: inline; left: -20px; float: left; width: 17px; color: #33b5e5; font-weight: 500; } .design .with-callouts ul>li { list-style-position: outside; } /* special list items */ li.no-bullet { list-style-type: none !important; } li.no-bullet *{ margin:0; } .design li.with-icon { position: relative; margin-left: 20px; min-height: 30px; } .design li.with-icon p { margin-left: 0 !important; } .design li.with-icon:before { position: absolute; left: -40px; top: 0; content: ''; width: 30px; height: 30px; } .design li.with-icon.tablet:before { background-image: url(../images/styles/ico_phone_tablet.png); } .design li.with-icon.web:before { background-image: url(../images/styles/ico_web.png); } .design li.with-icon.action:before { background-image: url(../images/styles/ico_action.png); } .design li.with-icon.use:before { background-image: url(../images/styles/ico_use.png); } /* figures and callouts */ .figure { position: relative; } .figure.pad-below { margin-bottom: 20px; } .figure .figure-callout { position: absolute; color: #fff; font-weight: 500; font-size: 16px; line-height: 23px; text-align: center; background: transparent url(../images/styles/callout.png) no-repeat scroll 50% 50%; padding-right: 2px; width: 30px; height: 29px; z-index: 1000; } .figure .figure-callout.top { top: -9px; } .figure .figure-callout.right { right: -5px; } .figure-caption { margin: 0 10px 20px 0; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; font-style: italic; } /* rows of figures */ .figure-row { font-size: 0; line-height: 0; /* to prevent space between figures */ } .figure-row .figure { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; } .figure-row .figure + .figure { margin-left: 10px; /* reintroduce space between figures */ } /* video containers */ .framed-galaxynexus-land-span-13 { background: transparent url(../images/styles/device_galaxynexus_blank_land_span13.png) no-repeat scroll top left; padding: 42px 122px 62px 126px; overflow: hidden; } .framed-galaxynexus-land-span-13, .framed-galaxynexus-land-span-13 video, .framed-galaxynexus-land-span-13 img { width: 512px; height: 286px; } .framed-galaxynexus-land-span-8{ background: transparent url(../images/styles/device_galaxynexus_blank_land_span8.png) no-repeat scroll top left; padding: 26px 68px 38px 72px; overflow: hidden; } .framed-galaxynexus-land-span-8, .framed-galaxynexus-land-span-8 video, .framed-galaxynexus-land-span-8 img { width: 320px; height: 180px; } .framed-galaxynexus-port-span-9 { background: transparent url(../images/styles/device_galaxynexus_blank_port_span9.png) no-repeat scroll top left; padding: 95px 122px 107px 124px; overflow: hidden; } .framed-galaxynexus-port-span-9, .framed-galaxynexus-port-span-9 video, .framed-galaxynexus-port-span-9 img { width: 274px; height: 488px; } .framed-galaxynexus-port-span-5 { background: transparent url(../images/styles/device_galaxynexus_blank_port_span5.png) no-repeat scroll top left; padding: 75px 31px 76px 33px; overflow: hidden; } .framed-galaxynexus-port-span-5, .framed-galaxynexus-port-span-5 video, .framed-galaxynexus-port-span-5 img { width: 216px; height: 384px; } /* landing page disclosures */ .landing-page-link { text-decoration: none; font-weight: 500; color: #333333; } .landing-page-link:after { content: ''; background: transparent url(../images/styles/disclosure_right.png) no-repeat scroll 50% 50%; width: 10px; height: 10px; display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; } /* tooltips */ .tooltip-box { position: absolute; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9); border-radius: 2px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; color: #fff; padding: 6px 10px; max-width: 250px; z-index: 10000; } .tooltip-box.below:after { position: absolute; content: ''; line-height: 0; display: block; top: -10px; left: 5px; border: 5px solid transparent; border-bottom-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9); } /* video note */ .video-instructions { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .video-instructions:before { content: ''; background: transparent url(../images/styles/ico_movie_inline.png) no-repeat scroll top left; display: inline-block; width: 12px; height: 12px; margin-right: 8px; } .video-instructions:after { content: 'Click device screen to replay movie.'; } /* download buttons */ .download-button { display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; text-decoration: none; background-color: #33b5e5; color: #fff !important; font-weight: 500; box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); padding: 6px 12px; border-radius: 2px; } .download-button:hover, .download-button:focus { background-color: #0099cc; color: #fff !important; } .download-button:active { background-color: #006699; } /* UI tables and other things found in Writing style and Settings pattern */ .ui-table { width: 100%; background-color: #282828; color: #fff; border-radius: 2px; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); border-collapse: separate; } .ui-table th, .ui-table td { padding: 5px 10px; background-color: inherit; border:0;} .ui-table thead th { font-weight: bold; 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height:100%; color: #222; font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 0 5px 5px; } #nav-swap .fullscreen { float: right; width: 24px; height: 24px; text-indent: -1000em; padding:0; margin:3px 5px 0; background: url(../images/fullscreen.png) no-repeat -24px 0; } #nav-swap .fullscreen.disabled { background-position: 0 0; } #nav-swap .fullscreen:hover, #nav-swap .fullscreen:focus { cursor:pointer; } /* nav tree */ #side-nav, #devdoc-nav, #swapper, #nav-tree, #tree-list { overflow:hidden; margin-left:0; } #nav-tree ul { list-style:none; padding:0; margin:10px 0; } #nav-tree ul li div { padding:0 0 0 4px; } #side-nav #nav-tree ul li a, #side-nav #nav-tree ul li span.no-children { padding: 0; margin: 0; } #nav-tree .plus { margin: 0 3px 0 0; } #nav-tree ul ul { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 0; } #nav-tree ul li { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 0; white-space: nowrap; } #nav-tree .children_ul { padding:0; margin:0; } #nav-tree .children_ul li div { padding:0 0 0 10px; } #nav-tree .children_ul .children_ul li div { padding:0 0 0 20px; } #nav-tree a.nolink { color: #222; text-decoration: none; } #nav-tree span.label { width: 100%; } #nav-tree { overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: scroll; outline:0; } /* Content */ #doc-col { margin-right:0; } #doc-content-container { margin-left: 291px } #doc-header, #doc-content { padding: 1em 2em; } #doc-header { background: #f7f7f7; } #doc-header h1 { line-height: 0; margin-bottom: 15px; } #api-info-block { float: right; font-weight: bold; } #api-info-block a, #api-info-block a:active, #api-info-block a:visited { color: #222; } #api-info-block a:hover, #api-info-block a:focus { color: #33B5E5; } #api-nav-header { height:19px; /* plus 16px padding = 35; same as #nav li */ font-size:14px; padding: 8px 0; margin: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; background:#e9e9e9; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); /* matches #nav li.expanded */ } #api-nav-title { padding:0 5px; white-space:nowrap; } #api-level-toggle { float:right; padding:0 5px; } #api-level-toggle label { margin:0; vertical-align:top; line-height: 19px; font-size:13px; height: 19px; } #api-level-toggle .select-wrapper { width: 35px; display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; } #api-level-toggle select { border: 0; appearance:none; -moz-appearance:none; -webkit-appearance: none; background: transparent url(../images/arrows-up-down.png) 23px 5px no-repeat; color: #222; height: 19px; line-height: 19px; padding: 0; margin:1px 0 0 0; width:150%; font-size:13px; vertical-align:top; outline:0; } /* Toggle for revision notes and stuff */ div.toggle-content.closed .toggle-content-toggleme { display:none; } #jd-content img.toggle-content-img { margin:0 5px 5px 0; } div.toggle-content p { margin:10px 0 0; } div.toggle-content-toggleme { padding:0 0 0 15px; } /* API LEVEL FILTERED MEMBERS */ .absent, .absent a:link, .absent a:visited, .absent a:hover, .absent * { color:#bbb !important; cursor:default !important; text-decoration:none !important; } #devdoc-nav li.absent.selected, #devdoc-nav li.absent.selected *, #devdoc-nav div.label.absent.selected, #devdoc-nav div.label.absent.selected * { background-color:#eaeaea !important; } .absent h4.jd-details-title, .absent h4.jd-details-title * { background-color:#f6f6f6 !important; } .absent img { opacity: .3; filter: alpha(opacity=30); -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=30)"; } /* JQUERY RESIZABLE STYLES */ .ui-resizable { position: relative; } .ui-resizable-handle { position: absolute; display: none; font-size: 0.1px; z-index:1; } .ui-resizable .ui-resizable-handle { display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid #e4e4e4; } /*body .ui-resizable-disabled .ui-resizable-handle { display: none; } body .ui-resizable-autohide .ui-resizable-handle { display: none; }*/ .ui-resizable-s { cursor: s-resize; height: 10px; width: 100% !important; bottom: -11px; left: 0; border-bottom: solid 1px #ededed; background: #f7f7f7 url("../images/resizable-s2.png") no-repeat scroll center center; } /* .ui-resizable-e { cursor: e-resize; width: 10px; right: 0; top: 0; height: 100%; border-right: solid 1px #ededed;background: #f7f7f7 url("../images/resizable-e2.png") no-repeat scroll center center; } */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightbox */ .lightbox { width: 769px; padding: 1.5em; margin: 0 auto; border: solid 1px #dcdcdc; background: #fff; -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) } .lightbox .header { float: left; width: 720px; margin: -10px 20px 10px 0; } .lightbox .close { float: right; width: 10px; height: 10px; margin: -10px -10px 10px 0; text-indent: -1000em; background: url(../images/close.png) no-repeat 0 0; } .lightbox .close:hover, .lightbox .close:focus { background-position: -10px 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc */ .clearfix:before, .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table } .clearfix:after { clear: both } .clearfix { *zoom: 1 } table.blank th, table.blank td { border: 0; background: none } .caption { margin: 0.5em 0 2em 0; color: #000; font-size: 11.5px; } .nolist { list-style:none; margin-left:0; } #tb .nolist { margin-left:15px; } pre.classic { background-color:transparent; border:none; padding:0; } p.img-caption { margin: -10px 0 20px; font-size:13px; color:#666; } div.figure { float:right; clear:right; margin:10px 0 0 0; padding:0 0 0 20px; /* width must be defined w/ an inline style matching the image width */ } p.table-caption { margin: 0 0 4px 0; font-size:13px; color:#666; } p.code-caption { margin: 0 0 4px 0; font: 13px/1.5 'courier new', courier, monospace; color:#666; } div.note, div.caution, div.warning { margin: 0 0 15px; } p.note, div.note, p.caution, div.caution, p.warning, div.warning { padding: 0 0 0 10px; border-left: 4px solid; } p.note, div.note { border-color: #258AAF; } p.caution, div.caution { border-color: #FF8800; } p.warning, div.warning { border-color: #ff4443; } div.note.design { border-left: 4px solid #33B5E5; } div.note.develop { border-left: 4px solid #F80; } div.note.distribute { border-left: 4px solid #9C0; } .note p, .caution p, .warning p { margin:0 0 5px; } .note p:last-child, .caution p:last-child, .warning p:last-child { margin-bottom:0; } body.about blockquote { display:block; float:right; width:280px; font-size:20px; font-style:italic; line-height:24px; color:#33B5E5; margin:0 0 20px 30px; } div.design-announce p { margin:0 0 10px; } #devdoc-nav a.totop { display:block; top:0; width:inherit; background: transparent url(../images/styles/gototop.png) no-repeat scroll 50% 50%; text-indent:-9999em; } #devdoc-nav a.totop { position:fixed; display:none; } #devdoc-nav a.totop:hover { background-color:#33B5E5; } .content-footer a.totop { text-transform:uppercase; line-height:30px; } .expandable { height:34px; padding-left:20px; position:relative; } .expandable:before { content: ''; background-image: url(../images/styles/disclosure_down.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: -12px -9px; width: 20px; height: 20px; display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; } } .expandable.expanded:before { background-image: url(../images/styles/disclosure_up.png); } /* ----------------------------------------------- Dialog box for popup messages */ div.dialog { height:0; margin:0 auto; } div.dialog>div { z-index:99; position:fixed; margin:70px 0; width: 391px; height: 200px; background: #F7F7F7; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } /* IE6 can't position fixed */ * html div.dialog div { position:absolute; } div#deprecatedSticker { display:none; z-index:99; position:fixed; right:15px; top:114px; margin:0; padding:1em; background:#FFF; border:1px solid #dddd00; box-shadow:-5px 5px 10px #ccc; -moz-box-shadow:-5px 5px 10px #ccc; -webkit-box-shadow:-5px 5px 10px #ccc; } div#naMessage { display:none; width:555px; height:0; margin:0 auto; } div#naMessage div { z-index:99; width:450px; position:fixed; margin:50px 0; padding:4em 4em 3em; background:#FFF; border:1px solid #999; box-shadow:-10px 10px 40px #888; -moz-box-shadow:-10px 10px 40px #888; -webkit-box-shadow:-10px 10px 40px #888; } /* IE6 can't position fixed */ * html div#naMessage div { position:absolute; } div#naMessage strong { font-size:1.1em; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slideshow Controls & Next/Prev */ .slideshow-next, .slideshow-prev { width: 20px; height: 36px; text-indent: -1000em; } .slideshow-container { margin: 2em 0; } .slideshow-container:before, .slideshow-container:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } a.slideshow-next, a.slideshow-next:visited { float: right; background: url(../images/arrow-right.png) no-repeat 0 0 } a.slideshow-prev, a.slideshow-prev:visited { float: left; background: url(../images/arrow-left.png) no-repeat 0 0 } .slideshow-next:hover, .slideshow-prev:hover, .slideshow-next:focus, .slideshow-prev:focus { background-position: 0 -36px } .slideshow-next:active, .slideshow-prev:active { background-position: 0 -72px } .slideshow-nav { width: 74px; margin: 0 auto; } .slideshow-nav a, .slideshow-nav a:visited { display: inline-block; width: 12px; height: 12px; margin: 0 2px 20px 2px; background: #ccc; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; } .slideshow-nav a:hover, .slideshow-nav a:focus { background: #33B5E5 } .slideshow-nav a:active { background: #1e799a; background: #ebebeb; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 5px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05); -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 5px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05); box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 5px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05); } .slideshow-nav a.active, .slideshow-nav a.active:active, .slideshow-nav a.active:visited { background: #33B5E5 } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabs */ ul.tabs { padding: 0; margin: 2em 0 0 0; } ul.tabs:before, ul.tabs:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } ul.tabs li { list-style-type: none; float: left; } ul.tabs li a, ul.tabs li a:active, ul.tabs li a:visited { display: block; height: 36px; line-height: 36px; padding: 0 15px; margin-right: 2px; color: #222; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 2px; 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-webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px; border: solid 1px #ddd; background: #f7f7f7; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feature Boxes */ .feature-box { width: 291px; height: 200px; position: relative; background: #F7F7F7; } .box-border .top, .box-border .bottom, .box-border .left, .box-border .right { z-index: 100; position: absolute; background-color: #aaa; } .box-border .top, .box-border .bottom { width: 291px; height: 1px; } .dialog .box-border .top, .dialog .box-border .bottom { width:391px; } .box-border .left, .box-border .right { width: 1px; height: 8px; } .box-border .top { top: 0; left: 0 } .box-border .top .left { top: 1px; left: 0 } .box-border .top .right { top: 1px; right: 0 } .box-border .bottom .left { top: -8px; left: 0 } .box-border .bottom { top: 200px; left: 0 } .box-border .bottom .right { top: -8px; right: 0 } .feature-box h4, .dialog h4 { margin: 15px 18px 10px; padding:0; } .feature-box p, .dialog p { margin: 10px 18px; padding:0; } .feature-box .link, .dialog .link { border-top: 1px solid #dedede; bottom: 0; position: absolute; width: inherit; } .feature-box a, .feature-box h4, .dialog a, .dialog h4 { -webkit-transition: color .4s ease; -moz-transition: color .4s ease; -o-transition: color .4s ease; transition: color .4s ease; } .feature-box:hover { cursor: pointer; } .feature-box:hover .box-border .top, .feature-box:hover .box-border .bottom, .feature-box:hover .left, .feature-box:hover .right { background-color: #33B5E5; } .feature-box:hover h4, .feature-box:hover a { color: #33B5E5; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page-Specific Styles */ .colors { position: relative; float: left; width: 92px; margin: 40px 0 20px; } .colors div { color: #fff; font-size: 11.5px; width: 82px; height: 82px; margin-top:-30px; line-height: 82px; text-align: center; border: solid 5px #fff; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; } /* ########### REFERENCE DOCS ################## */ #packages-nav h2, #classes-nav h2 { font-size:18px; margin:0; padding:0 0 0 4px; } #jd-header { padding: 0 0 5px; margin: 20px 0 10px; font-size:13px; border-bottom:solid 1px #ccc; } #jd-header h1 { margin:0; padding:0; } /* page-top-right container for reference pages (holds links to summary tables) */ #api-info-block { font-size:13px; margin:20px 0 0; padding:0 10px 6px; font-weight:normal; float:right; text-align:right; color:#999; max-width:70%; } #api-info-block div.api-level { font-weight:bold; font-size:inherit; float:none; color:#222; padding:0; margin:0; } /* inheritance table */ .jd-inheritance-table { border-spacing:0; margin:0; padding:0; font-size:13px; background-color:transparent; } .jd-inheritance-table tr td { border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color:transparent; } .jd-inheritance-table .jd-inheritance-space { font-weight:bold; width:1em; } .jd-inheritance-table .jd-inheritance-interface-cell { padding-left: 17px; } .jd-sumtable a { text-decoration:none; } .jd-sumtable a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } /* the link inside a sumtable for "Show All/Hide All" */ .toggle-all { display:block; float:right; font-weight:normal; font-size:0.9em; } /* adjustments for in/direct subclasses tables */ .jd-sumtable.jd-sumtable-subclasses { margin: 1em 0 0 0; max-width:968px; background-color:transparent; font-size:13px; } /* extra space between end of method name and open-paren */ .sympad { margin-right: 2px; } /* right alignment for the return type in sumtable */ .jd-sumtable .jd-typecol { text-align:right; } /* adjustments for the expando table-in-table */ .jd-sumtable-expando { margin:.5em 0; padding:0; } /* a div that holds a short description */ .jd-descrdiv { padding:3px 1em 0 1em; margin:0; border:0; } #jd-content img.jd-expando-trigger-img { padding:0 4px 4px 0; margin:0; } .jd-sumtable-subclasses div#subclasses-direct, .jd-sumtable-subclasses div#subclasses-indirect { margin:0 0 0 13px; } /********* MEMBER REF *************/ .jd-details { /* border:1px solid #669999; padding:4px; */ margin:0 0 1em; } /* API reference: a container for the .tagdata blocks that make up the detailed description */ .jd-details-descr { padding:0; margin:.5em .25em; } /* API reference: a block containing a detailed description, a params table, seealso list, etc */ .jd-tagdata { margin:.5em 1em; } .jd-tagdata p { margin:0 0 1em 1em; } /* API reference: adjustments to the detailed description block */ .jd-tagdescr { margin:.25em 0 .75em 0; } .jd-tagdescr ol, .jd-tagdescr ul { margin:0 2.5em; padding:0; } .jd-tagdescr table, .jd-tagdescr img { margin:.25em 1em; } .jd-tagdescr li { margin:0 0 .25em 0; padding:0; } /* API reference: heading marking the details section for constants, attrs, methods, etc. */ h4.jd-details-title { font-size:1.15em; background-color: #E2E2E2; margin:1.5em 0 .6em; padding:3px 95px 3px 3px; /* room for api-level */ } body.google h4.jd-details-title { background-color: #FFF; padding-top:5px; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; } body.google table.jd-sumtable th { background-color: #FFF; color:#000; } h4.jd-tagtitle { margin:0; } h4 .normal { font-weight:normal; } /* API reference: heading for "Parameters", "See Also", etc., in details sections */ h5.jd-tagtitle { margin:0 0 .25em 0; font-size:1em; } .jd-tagtable { margin:0; background-color:transparent; width:auto; } .jd-tagtable td, .jd-tagtable th { border:none; background-color:#fff; vertical-align:top; font-weight:normal; padding:2px 10px; } .jd-tagtable th { font-style:italic; } /* Inline api level indicator for methods */ div.api-level { font-size:.8em; font-weight:normal; color:#999; float:right; padding:0 8px 0; margin-top:-30px; } table.jd-tagtable td, table.jd-tagtable th { background-color:transparent; } table.jd-tagtable th { color:inherit; } /* SEARCH FILTER */ #search_autocomplete { font-weight:normal; } #search_filtered_wrapper { width: 193px; float: right; } #search_filtered_div { position:absolute; z-index:9999; min-width:171px; /* +padding and border makes this match input width */ padding:5px; border: solid 1px #C5C5C5; background: white; top: 35px; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } ul#search_filtered { min-width:100%; margin:0; list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #search_filtered li{ line-height:1.5em; margin: 0 0 2px; padding: 0; } #search_filtered li a { padding:0 5px; color:#222 !important; } #search_filtered .jd-selected { background-color: #33B5E5; cursor:pointer; } #search_filtered .jd-selected, #search_filtered .jd-selected a { color:#f7f7f7 !important; } .no-display { display: none; } .jd-autocomplete { padding-left: 6px; padding-right: 6px; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; font-size: 0.81em; border: none; margin: 0; line-height: 1.05em; } .show-item { display: table-row; } .hide-item { display: hidden; } /* SEARCH RESULTS */ #leftSearchControl .gsc-twiddle { background-image : none; } #leftSearchControl td, #searchForm td { border: 0px solid #000; padding:0; } #leftSearchControl .gsc-resultsHeader .gsc-title { padding-left : 0px; font-weight : bold; font-size : 13px; color:#006699; display : none; } #leftSearchControl .gsc-resultsHeader div.gsc-results-selector { display : none; } #leftSearchControl .gsc-resultsRoot { padding-top : 6px; } #leftSearchControl div.gs-visibleUrl-long { display : block; color:#006699; } #leftSearchControl .gsc-webResult { padding:0 0 20px 0; } .gsc-webResult div.gs-visibleUrl-short, table.gsc-branding, .gsc-clear-button { display : none; } .gsc-cursor-box .gsc-cursor div.gsc-cursor-page, .gsc-cursor-box .gsc-trailing-more-results a.gsc-trailing-more-results, #leftSearchControl a, #leftSearchControl a b { color:#006699; } .gsc-resultsHeader { display: none; } /* Disable built in search forms */ .gsc-control form.gsc-search-box { display : none; } table.gsc-search-box { margin:6px 0 0 0; border-collapse:collapse; } td.gsc-input { padding:0 2px; width:100%; vertical-align:middle; } input.gsc-input { border:1px solid #BCCDF0; width:99%; padding-left:2px; font-size:.95em; } td.gsc-search-button { text-align: right; padding:0; vertical-align:top; } #searchResults { overflow:hidden; /* because the repositioned page links makes the section think it needs to scroll (it doesn't) */ height:auto; 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position: relative; } .jspPane { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width:auto !important; /* to avoid cut-off api names in reference in horiz scroll */ } .jspVerticalBar { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; width: 4px; height: 100%; background: #f5f5f5; } .jspHorizontalBar { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 4px; background: #f5f5f5; } .jspVerticalBar *, .jspHorizontalBar * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .jspCap { display: block; } .jspVerticalBar .jspCap { height: 4px; } .jspHorizontalBar .jspCap { width: 0; height: 100%; } .jspHorizontalBar .jspCap { float: left; } .jspTrack { position: relative; } .jspDrag { background: #bbb; position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; cursor: pointer; } .jspDrag:hover, .jspDrag:active { border-color: #09c; background-color: #4cadcb; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#5dbcd9), to(#4cadcb)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #5dbcd9, #4cadcb); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #5dbcd9, #4cadcb); 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CSS Hack for IE6 3 pixel bug :( */ * html .jspCorner { margin: 0 -3px 0 0; } /******* end of jscrollpane *********/ /************ DEVELOP HOMEPAGE ******************/ /* Slideshow */ .slideshow-develop { height: 300px; width: 940px; position: relative; overflow:hidden; } .slideshow-develop .frame { width: 940px; height: 300px; } .slideshow-develop img.play { max-width:350px; max-height:240px; margin:20px 0 0 90px; -webkit-transform: perspective(800px ) rotateY( 35deg ); box-shadow: -16px 20px 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); -moz-box-shadow: -16px 20px 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); -webkit-box-shadow: -16px 20px 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } .slideshow-develop img.play.no-shadow { box-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; } .slideshow-develop img.play.no-transform { -webkit-transform: none; } .slideshow-develop a.slideshow-next { background: url(../images/arrow-right-develop.png); } .slideshow-develop a.slideshow-prev { background: url(../images/arrow-left-develop.png); } .slideshow-develop .content-right { float: left; 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margin:10px 0 0 30px; } .feed .feed-container .feed-frame li { list-style: none; margin: 20px 0 20px 0; width: 460px; height:93px; } .feed .feed-container .feed-frame li.playlist { height:auto; } .feed .feed-container .feed-frame li.playlist a { height:93px; display:block; } .feed .feed-container .feed-frame li.more { height:20px; margin:10px 0 5px 5px; } .feed .feed-container .feed-frame li.more a { height:inherit; } .feed .feed-container .feed-frame li.playlist-video { list-style: none; margin: 0; width: 460px; height:55px; font-size:12px; } .feed .feed-container .feed-frame li.playlist-video a { height:45px; padding:5px; } .feed .feed-container .feed-frame li.playlist-video h5 { font-size:12px; line-height:13px; margin:0; } .feed .feed-container .feed-frame li.playlist-video p { margin:5px 0 0; line-height:15px; } .feed-container .feed-frame div.feed-image { float: left; border: 1px solid #999; margin:0 20px 0 0; width:122px; height:92px; background:url('../images/blog-default.png') no-repeat 0 0; 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float: left; margin-top: 30px; } .distribute-features { margin: 0; } .distribute-features ul { margin: 0; } .distribute-features ul li { list-style: none; float: left; border-top: 1px solid #9C0; width: 220px; margin-right: 50px; } .distribute-features ul li.last { margin-right: 0px; } /************ DEVELOP TOPIC CONTAINERS ************/ .landing-banner, .landing-docs { margin:20px 0 0; } .landing-banner div:first-child, .landing-docs div:first-child, .landing-docs .col-12 { margin-left:0; min-height:280px; } .landing-banner div:last-child, .landing-docs div:last-child, .landing-docs .col-12 { margin-right:0; } .landing-banner h1 { margin-top:0; } .landing-docs { clear:left; overflow:hidden; } .landing-docs h3 { font-size:14px; line-height:21px; color:#555; text-transform:uppercase; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; margin:0 0 20px; } .landing-docs a { color:#333 !important; } .landing-docs a:hover, .landing-docs a:hover * { color:#7AA1B0 !important } .landing-docs .normal-links a { color:#258aaf !important; } .plusone { float:right; } /************* HOME/LANDING PAGE *****************/ .slideshow-home { height: 500px; width: 940px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; position: relative; margin: 0; } .slideshow-home .frame { width: 940px; height: 500px; } .slideshow-home .content-left { float: left; text-align: center; vertical-align: center; margin: 0 0 0 35px; } .slideshow-home .content-right { margin: 80px 0 0 0; } .slideshow-home .content-right p { margin-bottom: 10px; } .slideshow-home .content-right p:last-child { margin-top: 15px; } .slideshow-home .content-right h1 { padding:0; } .slideshow-home .item { height: 500px; width: 940px; } .home-sections { padding: 30px 20px 20px; margin: 20px 0; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #F6F6F6,#F9F9F9); } .home-sections ul { margin: 0; } .home-sections ul li { float: left; display: block; list-style: none; width: 170px; height: 35px; border: 1px solid #ccc; background: white; margin-right: 10px; border-radius: 1px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px; 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