unit Antlr.Runtime.Collections; (* [The "BSD licence"] Copyright (c) 2008 Erik van Bilsen Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Kunle Odutola All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code MUST RETAIN the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form MUST REPRODUCE the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior WRITTEN permission. 4. Unless explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this work to the copyright owner or licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this license, without any additional terms or conditions. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) interface {$IF CompilerVersion < 20} {$MESSAGE ERROR 'You need Delphi 2009 or higher to use the Antlr runtime'} {$IFEND} uses Generics.Collections, Antlr.Runtime.Tools; type /// <summary> /// An Hashtable-backed dictionary that enumerates Keys and Values in /// insertion order. /// </summary> IHashList<TKey, TValue> = interface(IDictionary<TKey, TValue>) end; /// <summary> /// Stack abstraction that also supports the IList interface /// </summary> IStackList<T> = interface(IList<T>) { Methods } /// <summary> /// Adds an element to the top of the stack list. /// </summary> procedure Push(const Item: T); /// <summary> /// Removes the element at the top of the stack list and returns it. /// </summary> /// <returns>The element at the top of the stack.</returns> function Pop: T; /// <summary> /// Removes the element at the top of the stack list without removing it. /// </summary> /// <returns>The element at the top of the stack.</returns> function Peek: T; end; type THashList<TKey, TValue> = class(TANTLRObject, IHashList<TKey, TValue>) strict private type TPairEnumerator = class(TEnumerator<TPair<TKey, TValue>>) private FHashList: THashList<TKey, TValue>; FOrderList: IList<TKey>; FIndex: Integer; FVersion: Integer; FPair: TPair<TKey, TValue>; function GetCurrent: TPair<TKey, TValue>; protected function DoGetCurrent: TPair<TKey, TValue>; override; function DoMoveNext: Boolean; override; public constructor Create(const AHashList: THashList<TKey, TValue>); function MoveNext: Boolean; property Current: TPair<TKey, TValue> read GetCurrent; end; private FDictionary: IDictionary<TKey, TValue>; FInsertionOrderList: IList<TKey>; FVersion: Integer; protected { IDictionary<TKey, TValue> } function GetItem(const Key: TKey): TValue; procedure SetItem(const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); function GetCount: Integer; procedure Add(const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); procedure Remove(const Key: TKey); procedure Clear; procedure TrimExcess; function TryGetValue(const Key: TKey; out Value: TValue): Boolean; procedure AddOrSetValue(const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); function ContainsKey(const Key: TKey): Boolean; function ContainsValue(const Value: TValue): Boolean; public constructor Create; overload; constructor Create(const ACapacity: Integer); overload; function GetEnumerator: TEnumerator<TPair<TKey, TValue>>; property Items[const Key: TKey]: TValue read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; TStackList<T> = class(TList<T>, IStackList<T>) protected { IStackList<T> } procedure Push(const Item: T); function Pop: T; function Peek: T; end; TCollectionUtils = class public /// <summary> /// Returns a string representation of this IDictionary. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// The string representation is a list of the collection's elements in the order /// they are returned by its enumerator, enclosed in curly brackets ("{}"). /// The separator is a comma followed by a space i.e. ", ". /// </remarks> /// <param name="dict">Dictionary whose string representation will be returned</param> /// <returns>A string representation of the specified dictionary or "null"</returns> class function DictionaryToString(const Dict: IDictionary<Integer, IList<IANTLRInterface>>): String; static; /// <summary> /// Returns a string representation of this IList. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// The string representation is a list of the collection's elements in the order /// they are returned by its enumerator, enclosed in square brackets ("[]"). /// The separator is a comma followed by a space i.e. ", ". /// </remarks> /// <param name="coll">Collection whose string representation will be returned</param> /// <returns>A string representation of the specified collection or "null"</returns> class function ListToString(const Coll: IList<IANTLRInterface>): String; overload; static; class function ListToString(const Coll: IList<String>): String; overload; static; end; implementation uses Classes, SysUtils; { THashList<TKey, TValue> } procedure THashList<TKey, TValue>.Add(const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); begin FDictionary.Add(Key, Value); FInsertionOrderList.Add(Key); Inc(FVersion); end; procedure THashList<TKey, TValue>.AddOrSetValue(const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); begin if FDictionary.ContainsKey(Key) then SetItem(Key, Value) else Add(Key, Value); end; procedure THashList<TKey, TValue>.Clear; begin FDictionary.Clear; FInsertionOrderList.Clear; Inc(FVersion); end; function THashList<TKey, TValue>.ContainsKey(const Key: TKey): Boolean; begin Result := FDictionary.ContainsKey(Key); end; function THashList<TKey, TValue>.ContainsValue(const Value: TValue): Boolean; begin Result := FDictionary.ContainsValue(Value); end; constructor THashList<TKey, TValue>.Create; begin Create(-1); end; constructor THashList<TKey, TValue>.Create(const ACapacity: Integer); begin inherited Create; if (ACapacity < 0) then begin FDictionary := TDictionary<TKey, TValue>.Create; FInsertionOrderList := TList<TKey>.Create; end else begin FDictionary := TDictionary<TKey, TValue>.Create(ACapacity); FInsertionOrderList := TList<TKey>.Create; FInsertionOrderList.Capacity := ACapacity; end; end; function THashList<TKey, TValue>.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := FDictionary.Count; end; function THashList<TKey, TValue>.GetEnumerator: TEnumerator<TPair<TKey, TValue>>; begin Result := TPairEnumerator.Create(Self); end; function THashList<TKey, TValue>.GetItem(const Key: TKey): TValue; begin Result := FDictionary[Key]; end; procedure THashList<TKey, TValue>.Remove(const Key: TKey); begin FDictionary.Remove(Key); FInsertionOrderList.Remove(Key); Inc(FVersion); end; procedure THashList<TKey, TValue>.SetItem(const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); var IsNewEntry: Boolean; begin IsNewEntry := (not FDictionary.ContainsKey(Key)); FDictionary[Key] := Value; if (IsNewEntry) then FInsertionOrderList.Add(Key); Inc(FVersion); end; procedure THashList<TKey, TValue>.TrimExcess; begin FDictionary.TrimExcess; FInsertionOrderList.Capacity := FDictionary.Count; end; function THashList<TKey, TValue>.TryGetValue(const Key: TKey; out Value: TValue): Boolean; begin Result := FDictionary.TryGetValue(Key,Value); end; { THashList<TKey, TValue>.TPairEnumerator } constructor THashList<TKey, TValue>.TPairEnumerator.Create( const AHashList: THashList<TKey, TValue>); begin inherited Create; FHashList := AHashList; FVersion := FHashList.FVersion; FOrderList := FHashList.FInsertionOrderList; end; function THashList<TKey, TValue>.TPairEnumerator.DoGetCurrent: TPair<TKey, TValue>; begin Result := GetCurrent; end; function THashList<TKey, TValue>.TPairEnumerator.DoMoveNext: Boolean; begin Result := MoveNext; end; function THashList<TKey, TValue>.TPairEnumerator.GetCurrent: TPair<TKey, TValue>; begin Result := FPair; end; function THashList<TKey, TValue>.TPairEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean; begin if (FVersion <> FHashList.FVersion) then raise EInvalidOperation.Create('Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.'); if (FIndex < FOrderList.Count) then begin FPair.Key := FOrderList[FIndex]; FPair.Value := FHashList[FPair.Key]; Inc(FIndex); Result := True; end else begin FPair.Key := Default(TKey); FPair.Value := Default(TValue); Result := False; end; end; { TStackList<T> } function TStackList<T>.Peek: T; begin Result := GetItem(GetCount - 1); end; function TStackList<T>.Pop: T; var I: Integer; begin I := GetCount - 1; Result := GetItem(I); Delete(I); end; procedure TStackList<T>.Push(const Item: T); begin Add(Item); end; { TCollectionUtils } class function TCollectionUtils.DictionaryToString( const Dict: IDictionary<Integer, IList<IANTLRInterface>>): String; var SB: TStringBuilder; I: Integer; E: TPair<Integer, IList<IANTLRInterface>>; begin SB := TStringBuilder.Create; try if Assigned(Dict) then begin SB.Append('{'); I := 0; for E in Dict do begin if (I > 0) then SB.Append(', '); SB.AppendFormat('%d=%s', [E.Key, ListToString(E.Value)]); Inc(I); end; SB.Append('}'); end else SB.Insert(0, 'null'); Result := SB.ToString; finally SB.Free; end; end; class function TCollectionUtils.ListToString( const Coll: IList<IANTLRInterface>): String; var SB: TStringBuilder; I: Integer; Element: IANTLRInterface; Dict: IDictionary<Integer, IList<IANTLRInterface>>; List: IList<IANTLRInterface>; begin SB := TStringBuilder.Create; try if (Coll <> nil) then begin SB.Append('['); for I := 0 to Coll.Count - 1 do begin if (I > 0) then SB.Append(', '); Element := Coll[I]; if (Element = nil) then SB.Append('null') else if Supports(Element, IDictionary<Integer, IList<IANTLRInterface>>, Dict) then SB.Append(DictionaryToString(Dict)) else if Supports(Element, IList<IANTLRInterface>, List) then SB.Append(ListToString(List)) else SB.Append(Element.ToString); end; SB.Append(']'); end else SB.Insert(0, 'null'); Result := SB.ToString; finally SB.Free; end; end; class function TCollectionUtils.ListToString(const Coll: IList<String>): String; var SB: TStringBuilder; I: Integer; begin SB := TStringBuilder.Create; try if (Coll <> nil) then begin SB.Append('['); for I := 0 to Coll.Count - 1 do begin if (I > 0) then SB.Append(', '); SB.Append(Coll[I]); end; SB.Append(']'); end else SB.Insert(0, 'null'); Result := SB.ToString; finally SB.Free; end; end; end.