/***************************************************************************** ** ** Name: bta_gattc_co.c ** ** Description: This file contains the GATT client call-out ** function implementation for Insight. ** ** Copyright (c) 2010, Broadcom Corp., All Rights Reserved. ** Broadcom Bluetooth Core. Proprietary and confidential. ** *****************************************************************************/ #include "bta_api.h" #if( defined BLE_INCLUDED ) && (BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE) #if( defined BTA_GATT_INCLUDED ) && (BTA_GATT_INCLUDED == TRUE) #include <stdlib.h> #include "gki.h" #include "bd.h" #include "bta_gatts_co.h" /***************************************************************************** ** Local type definitions *****************************************************************************/ #define BTIF_GATTS_MAX_SRV_CHG_CLT_SIZE 50 typedef struct { BOOLEAN enable; UINT8 num_clients; tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG srv_chg[BTIF_GATTS_MAX_SRV_CHG_CLT_SIZE]; } __attribute__((packed)) btif_gatts_srv_chg_cb_t; /***************************************************************************** ** Static variables *****************************************************************************/ static btif_gatts_srv_chg_cb_t btif_gatts_srv_chg_cb; /***************************************************************************** ** Static functions *****************************************************************************/ static void btif_gatts_check_init(void) { btif_gatts_srv_chg_cb_t *p_cb= &btif_gatts_srv_chg_cb; if (!p_cb->enable) { memset(p_cb, 0, sizeof(btif_gatts_srv_chg_cb_t)); p_cb->enable = TRUE; } } static BOOLEAN btif_gatts_srv_chg(tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG_CMD cmd, tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG_REQ *p_req, tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG_RSP *p_rsp) { BOOLEAN status = TRUE; BOOLEAN found = FALSE; UINT8 i, j, idx, last_idx; btif_gatts_srv_chg_cb_t *p_cb = &btif_gatts_srv_chg_cb; btif_gatts_check_init(); switch (cmd) { case BTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG_CMD_ADD_CLIENT: if (p_cb->num_clients < BTIF_GATTS_MAX_SRV_CHG_CLT_SIZE) { memcpy(&p_cb->srv_chg[p_cb->num_clients], &p_req->srv_chg, sizeof(tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG)); p_cb->num_clients++; } else { status = FALSE; } break; case BTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG_CMD_UPDATE_CLIENT: for (i=0; i != p_cb->num_clients; ++i) { if (!memcmp(p_cb->srv_chg[i].bda, p_req->srv_chg.bda, sizeof(BD_ADDR))) { found = TRUE; memcpy(&p_cb->srv_chg[i], &p_req->srv_chg, sizeof(tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG)); break; } } if (!found) status = FALSE; break; case BTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG_CMD_REMOVE_CLIENT: for (i=0; i != p_cb->num_clients; ++i) { if (!memcmp(p_cb->srv_chg[i].bda, p_req->srv_chg.bda, sizeof(BD_ADDR))) { found = TRUE; last_idx = p_cb->num_clients - 1; if (i != last_idx ) { /* Update the array so there is no gap */ for (j=i; j != last_idx; ++j ) { memcpy(&p_cb->srv_chg[j], &p_cb->srv_chg[j+1], sizeof(tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG)); } } /* Reset the last client and update num_clients */ memset(&p_cb->srv_chg[last_idx], 0, sizeof(tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG)); p_cb->num_clients--; break; } } if (!found) status = FALSE; break; case BTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG_CMD_READ_NUM_CLENTS: p_rsp->num_clients = p_cb->num_clients; break; case BTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG_CMD_READ_CLENT: idx = p_req->client_read_index - 1; if (idx < p_cb->num_clients ) memcpy(&p_rsp->srv_chg, &p_cb->srv_chg[idx], sizeof(tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG)); else status = FALSE; break; default: status = FALSE; break; } return status; } /***************************************************************************** ** Externally called functions *****************************************************************************/ void btif_gatts_add_bonded_dev_from_nv(BD_ADDR bda) { btif_gatts_srv_chg_cb_t *p_cb= &btif_gatts_srv_chg_cb; BOOLEAN found = FALSE; UINT8 i; btif_gatts_check_init(); for (i=0; i != p_cb->num_clients; ++i) { if (!memcmp(p_cb->srv_chg[i].bda, bda, sizeof(BD_ADDR))) { found = TRUE; break; } } if (!found) { if (p_cb->num_clients < BTIF_GATTS_MAX_SRV_CHG_CLT_SIZE) { bdcpy(p_cb->srv_chg[p_cb->num_clients].bda, bda); p_cb->srv_chg[p_cb->num_clients].srv_changed = FALSE; p_cb->num_clients++; } } } /***************************************************************************** ** Call-out functions *****************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function bta_gatts_co_update_handle_range ** ** Description This callout function is executed by GATTS when a GATT server ** handle range ios to be added or removed. ** ** Parameter is_add: true is to add a handle range; otherwise is to delete. ** p_hndl_range: handle range. ** ** Returns void. ** *******************************************************************************/ void bta_gatts_co_update_handle_range(BOOLEAN is_add, tBTA_GATTS_HNDL_RANGE *p_hndl_range) { } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function bta_gatts_co_srv_chg ** ** Description This call-out is to read/write/remove service change related ** informaiton. The request consists of the cmd and p_req and the ** response is returned in p_rsp ** ** Parameter cmd - request command ** p_req - request paramters ** p_rsp - response data for the request ** ** Returns TRUE - if the request is processed successfully and ** the response is returned in p_rsp. ** FASLE - if the request can not be processed ** *******************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN bta_gatts_co_srv_chg(tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG_CMD cmd, tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG_REQ *p_req, tBTA_GATTS_SRV_CHG_RSP *p_rsp) { return FALSE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function bta_gatts_co_load_handle_range ** ** Description This callout function is executed by GATTS when a GATT server ** handle range is requested to be loaded from NV. ** ** Parameter ** ** Returns void. ** *******************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN bta_gatts_co_load_handle_range(UINT8 index, tBTA_GATTS_HNDL_RANGE *p_handle_range) { return FALSE; } #endif #endif